HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-01-15#g..RESIDENTIAL.. APPil( TON/PERIITT 225 North |th Street Sprlngfield" 1r,egon 97477 BuiL&Lng Diuision 7 26-s7 53 SPHI'{GFTET.D uo Q7), I Lt I Cc-- fi 0^ Date: I-t ie the tesponaibi_LilA of _the pe?tit hoden to see tlnt all inspectiotls ate nade at the pyope! tine, thdt each address is froor the street, ard that the pamtt eard, ie Located at the front of the-WopertA.*Buildirry Dioicion app"w^ed pLan shclL yemain on tLp Bunlding Site'at aLL' tufnes.- PNOCEDUPE FOR TNSPECTION RIqWSTICALL 7 requested and uhen ylou uiLL be neady fot,liLL be made the sane day, r,equests mcde Constnction Lendet Remtt'-n o.l T* qn na*t' nv o 26-3769 (yecordet') state yout, City designated job ntolbet,, inspection,Conty,aetars or A,mers rwne end plane mtnber,. aftet 7:0a @t dLL be rnade the next uotkirq dag. Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs:A 20 q?J.tr I job aCdress, type Pequests reeeixed teaCahle of inspecti.cn befcre 7:00 an Job Loeaticn: ry0 aa qAasesaota Map #Taz Lot # svbdiolsion: Otmer: tr6Addz,ess:Pl",one:7 /5//7 Eoo a VaLue5-r tDate of App Lieaticn Mobi Additian RemoCeL ELectricaL L Scnitotg seuer eappted at properfii Lir:e Septic tank p;nped and filLed rrith graoel Pinal - Vhen abotte itens are eanpLeted and uhen d.anolition is eonpletei o! st?uc- ture mooed atd. g,emLses cleaneC up.( Ecmes Blocking otd Set-up PLunbi.ng connections -- aetute? and. ttater I Electri.cal Connection - Blocking, set-up anl. plunbing connections rn;st be apprct;ed before nequesting electyical inspectiol Aeeeseory Building Page 7 of 2 SI?E TNSPECTION:e,;au;ion,-ffi Io be nade aftez, pr.iar tc set up of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELEC?RICAL & WCHAIIICAL: To be nade befoz,e ang .tlotk is cotlez:ed. POOffNc & F)UNDATICN: To be naCe @A-ttetlcG; are ercaoated attd fortns ate erected, but prior to pour"Lng ccncrete. UND1RGROUIID PLUMBTNG. SEWR, W.A?ER, DRAIIIAGE: To be made priot, to fil-lirg trenchee, UI|DERFLOOR PLAIEING & ILECITANTCAL : o7 flooz, insul,ation or decking, P1S! AND BEAM: To be nade prLor to ffitilTdtiiof floot, insulation ot decking. R)UGH PLlll,lBIl:lC. ELEC?RfCAL & \IECE:_ ANfCAL: No uoyk is to be co,^ez,ed .ffilT-these inspeetions haue beer, made cnd. apptotteC. FIPEPLACE: PrLor to plaeirq facingmaterials and before franing inspec- tion. FR/U.|!NG: I4ust be requested aftet @nfrat of rough pl;nbi.ng, e1ectui-cal & mechanical. AL! toofiztg bracLng & chinmeys, ete. rrust be , eontpleted. Ito ucrk is to be con- ..cealed until this inspeetion lwe?been nade anC apptotsed. TNSULATT)N/VAaOR BARRTER iltspFcfi)N : To be made aftez, aLL insulaticn qnd required oapoz. borie?s @e in plaee but before any Lath, Wpsutn boatC or ull, cooeting i,s applied, and before otg insulation i-s concealed. DRIIIALL fNSPECTf)N: Ic be nade aftet, aLL dtyuall is in pla.ce, but ptior to any taping. MASONRL Steel Location, bond beons, gz,outittg ot, uerticals in accordarce tLth A.B.C. Section Aftez, installation is ccnp 1r> CURB & APPRCACH APPION: ------i_@e erectex. but prLo" 'After fornsto pouring conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRf'.EWAI: For aLL con- "r.ete pA@Effi etreet x,ight- of-uay, to be made after aLL erca- oatlng conplete & for"n dot'k & sltb- base naterial in place. !E!!!: When complete -- ProuiCe gates or mouable sections tht'ough P.U.E. FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL project conditions, such as requiz'ed Landsceping, etc., tmtst the installation of styeet trees, corp Letion of tie be sati,sfied before the BUILDING FfNAL can be requested. PINAL BUfLDIN1: Ihe Final Building fnspection rrust be z,equested aftet the Fittal Plumbing \J Electnical, and Mechanieal rnspections llaue been nade and approoed. *ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEANOATS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIENT T0 BE MADE /.7 NO C1Sr r0 cflv \, I \'t 'U t A /l .n//-* /1J0Dd LYaU // Lz-(att Pinal - After pcrckes, skirting, decks, etc. ane c.cmpleted. JOB NO.SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-coc Lot Faees - Df House Ca?age Access North East l Eiz.eplace South l Wood.stoxe West il BeC-rooms: SourcesLOT TWE \- _ Interiot Corrle? Panhandle C\L-de-sac Int Sq. ttg. % of Lot Cotserage # of Stories Total Eeight Topography -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permlt is gz.anted on the esp?ess condition tlnt the said consttaetion slnll-, in aZL rbspects, confonn io the Ordirnnce adopted fiiy the City of Springfield, ino!.uding the Zoning CydTnance, regulating the ccnstructicn otl. use of buildtngs, cnd may be suspended or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of dnA prcoisions of said 1rdirnnces. TOTAL VALUE - ITEM ElU x Va S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Permit ?otal Clangea State Reeeipt #: n-+- D-.'S . Check Fee: Plumbing Perrnit No person sTnLL constm,tet, install, alter or clnnge anA tptn cr esisting plwnbing or drainage systan in ahole or in part, unless such per.son is tle Legal possessot of a ualid plumber's License, escept that a pe?son mag do plunbing uork to prope?tA ufutch is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. N0.FEE CEARGE * Ei.otures Residentia.L (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Perwit State Electricql Permit Wtpv,e State Lan tequiz,es tltat the electrieal uork be done by im Eleettieal Cont?acto", the eleetrLcal portion of this permit slnll not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrtcal Contractor. L * NC flqF CHARCE oo * Mechqnicol Permit _aL Neu,/Eoterd Circuits Sez,uice State ?otal Ilcodstoue Vent Ean tulwnat HooC ,S PermLt fssuance Meclwnicel Petmit Seetu'tty Deposit Storage Maintenqnce Perwi,t Curbcut - Penee Electtical label Mobile Horne TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *ls, f HAW CAREFULLY EXAI4INED the cornpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL informati,on hereon is trnte and, ebz,rect, attd. I futther certify that ang ard aLL uork perforned slnll be done in accot- dance trith the 1rdinanees of the City of Spningfield, attd the Laaa of the State of 1regon pertaining to the wyk Cesq,ibed herein, clt^d tlnt N0 )CCA- PI,NCY tiLL be rad.e of any st?ucture uithout pernission of the Building DL-uision. I further cettify that only contractors otd anplcgees uho arb in eonpliance uith ORS 707.055 ui.LL be used on tlris ptoject *c? uate DateSigned * PLan Eaaniner Sldeud Lk #a APPLICATION/PERILIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 .. RESI^ENTIAL..SPFINGFTELD-.- Job Locaticn: ea 0Assessote Map #Ic,n, Iot # Subdioision: 0umer: ad&.ess: Q [2 7z/7-/s/Ph,one Date of appriootto, R-2 t'8 ?Value Desct4be /l .h/"-0,Additicn RemoCel Page 1 of 2 u6& t\\lq\1 Date:*{ GeneraL Plwnbhg ELectrical ldechat:ical Conafuuction_Lender_ It ia the rceponeibility of the pertrit holdet to aee that aLL iaapeettotts ee nade at the ptoper tine, that eaeh cddress is neaCabie front tle at?eet, ard tlwt the penrtt eotd is Loeated at the front of the prooettu.*Building Diuiciot appto"*ed plan shcl,L remain on tle Building Site'at aLL'tihes.- PRocEDUpq poR. INS?E1II)N BgqWST;CALL 726-3769 (yeeordez,) state you? City desigrated job ntmber, job aCdress, type of inspec=icn requested a,nd. ahen ilou uiLL be readg for iropeetion, Contracta?s o! A,rners ncne and plane nwnber. P.equests reeeixed befcre ?:00 an'*'iZL be nade the sone dag, r,eEtests mcde aft* ?:00 on ttill be nnde the nest aorki$ dt Romt,natr fn<naa*tana@g' r'equeEuo ^@e qJ rour ci,ty Desigr.ated Job Nunbet, ,". "' 8?cq '7a SITE INSPEC?ION:ezcd;Eon;E;?o be rmde after pt tot, tc set up of forns UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRTCAL & WCH!-IIICAL: To be made before ang utork is eotset,ed, F)OTLNG & F)UNDATTCN: To be tm.Ce;f;et'ttenctes are acauated and. forns ate erected, but prior to pouring ccnctet€. llpE8g?QaliD PLUMBIIG, 1lsWP, r/tArER, DRAIIIAGE: To be made prioz, to fil- @-i-renehee. ANDEP,FLOOR PLUIETNG & MECITANTCAL:Io be nad.e prioz, to installation of floor insulction or decking, POS? AND BEAA: To be made priot, toffiil@f,ilof floor insulation or decking. ROUCH PLUIBIIIG. ELECTRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uot'k is to be couez,edffilt-these inspections haue been made arzd approtsed.. TNSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?ION : Io be made aftet, aLL insulaticn a"d. required oapor bavie"s @e in p'la.ce but before any Lath, Wpslm baatC or tnLL cooering is appli-ed, ard. befote oty insulation i.s concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECTT)N: Tc be madeafiel'dT@l.s in place, but ptiot, to anA taping. MASONRY: Steel Loeation, bond beans, gz,outing or De"ticals in accordotee Llrth U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOI,/E: ccntpT;T;A. After installation is OR Sanitary seuet eapped et p?ope"w- Lir:e Septic totk pttrped a,-d filled trith gra:;zl Final - l{hen abcue itens ave ectnpleted and uhen dernclition is canplete o! stlac- ture moued otd. prewLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd, Set-up Plutnbing connections -- aaie! otd. uatet Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and plwnbing eonneetions m;st be apprct;ed before requesting eleclyLca'|, inspectiot Accessory BuilCing I I CURB & APPROACH A,PP,ONe,e;"ectATrV;lo".: After fornsto pouring Priot' to plccirq and before froning concyete. SLDEWALK & DRfIEWAY: For aLL con- crete paing uithin street right- of-teA, to be made after aLL etca- oating canplete & fotn vtotk & sttb- base nntertal in place.facing inspee- pirnl _ ,tfter etc. ote contpt pcrches, skirting, decks, FRAI.'!I\IG: l,tust be requested aftey approoal of rough plunbing, electni- cal & neclwnical, ALL roofittg bractng & ehitrmeys, etc. rntst be contpleted. !1o uo!,k is to be con- , cecled until this i,nspeetion \as'been ma.de anC approtted. FTPEPLACE:,rrat;ia; tion. ETilAL PLUMBIIIG PINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL !!!!l: h4ten eonplete -- ProuiCe gates o? motsable eections through P.U.E. Nas/.abwo sll _ ALL pt'oject conditions, such as the i.nstaLlation of street trees, conoletion of the requined Landsccping, etc., tmtst be satisfied befote the BULLDINC FIIIAL can be requested. n FLNAL BUTLDTNG: The Final Buitd.ing rnspection must be requested. aftet, the lilal Plwnbing \_,/ Electz,ieal, anC Mechanieal fnspeetions haue been made atd approueC. *ALL !|ANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST\\EII! T0 BE I'IADE t1.T NO CCS? f0 Cny tr tr Po'!,; JOB NO 12 ""LAR AccEss REe.-r--co C DT IIouse Caraqe North East ll Fireplace South |l Woodstoxe West ll Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Caseraga # of Stories Iotal Eeight Iopography Beiroons: Lot Faces - Zone: Sout cesLOT TWE \'/ _ Inteticr Corne? Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pernrLt is granted on the efpress cond.ition tlnt the sd.id eonstyactionslnLl, in aLL z,bspects, eonform to the Or&trance edopted 5iy the CitA of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulcting the ccnsttucticn and. use of buildings, ord may be suspended or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- La.tion of cnA prcuisiona of said Oydinances. TO?AL VALUE ITEM x * S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Pe"mLt lotal Fh.rgea State Date Paid: Signed: Reeeipt #: FEE * ITEM Eistl*es Resil.enti,al (1 bath) Sa,ler Plwrbing Pernit Electricol Permit Whete State Lan requiz,es tlnt the electrical uotk be dane by att Eleetti.eal Contractot,, the electrical portion of this permit sha.Ll not be oalil until the Label has been signed bg the Electtical Contractor. *Total Ileu/Ertend Circuits Seriee Lt1 NC FEE CAARCE Mechqnicol Permit n[-\S ..,o 5.oo Vent Fot Erhanet HooC ts Permit fssudtce Meclnnicel Per.nrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- lecurity Deposit Storage Maintertaree Permit Cvrbcut Sideutalk Fence Electrical Label Mobile Hotne TOTAL AMOUN? DUE: *OO\s I HAW CAREFULLI EXAMINED t?e cornpleted application for pernit, and do hereby eez,tify that aLL information heyeon is ttue and. eorrect, aml I further eertify that any ard. aLL uork perforned slnll be ilone in aceor- dance trith the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the La:,;s of the* State of 0r,egcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, and tlnt NO OCCU- PI.NCY ttill be nwd.e of any structuxe without pernission of the Building Di.-oision. f further eertifE that only conttacto"s and enplcyees uho are in eonpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projeet Signed Date )2-2r-/7 PLan Eroniner Ilatct Tctal Charoes State Sutch,arge Plumbing Perrnit No peyson slnll constmtct, install, alter ot ehange anA nea cr eristing plutnbing or dtainage syetan in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessot of a ualid plutnberts License, escept that a pelson mag do plwnbing uork to prope?tA uhich i-s ouned, Leased or opetated by the appli- cant. ?otal C'ltaraes Date