HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1979-01-03t A PE PUBLIC WORKS CIltr T C)F SPF,I\TGFTEI-]f SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 January 3, 7g7g 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 Mr. Luke Moore 955 Ke11y Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Re: Fire Damage Report Dear Mr. Moore: Pursuant to a fire in the structure located at g2z lvater street on December 16,1978, an inspection^was made by the Building nivision of the city of springfieldon Decembet 21,, 'J.g7B. Our inspection revealed structural damage was sustained to the rear bedroom andrafters in the kitchen area. The electrical system was destroyed throughout the house due to the intense heatgenerated by the fire. The cabinets and finished surface of the wa11s in the rear bedroon, bath, kitchenand living room were destroyed. Before the Building Division will issue a building permit for repairs a drawingnust be subnitted for approval. It must be noted tiat the ceiling heights arenot in compliance with applicable codes. A minimum of 7 feet 6 inches must bemaintained in all habitable rooms The restroom must be provided with ventilation facilities. Complete rewiring will be required. Should the repairs exceed 50 percent of the value of the house then the entirehouse must be brought up to ai1 existing code requirements. should you have 3iI tl9:tions please feel free to contact the springfield Build-ing Division at 726-5Z5| Sincerely, Dan Smith Building Inspector DS/ 1J t0o*4,*z- 6,%ru,:.:--+ ?ss -%u %a*lC--- **a j/Aa<'T,4? 6* ?XZ ?,tru- Wz.aia ) O-a* -e#a*ur Jfl/rc dda ,&tdmfu,-&1/r?Y Z&ffiffi O4?, !@A a_& *-aza.*41 € ',r(u* -* -, ,* *M )lMA ./)jar,I-tu ft-.re rya&uLrte a il, J4,, -rzm%fuH4 1&u.-!2" .*z& tu -&-62.{-&, ruz;a.Ma;r-efr'- zWaZ-rc2,<- %-**f /.t *a*"-.-;Z-*A -k 4W y_@il.L,*+w 5e { .lL Ut* ,4r"rrr/ ttA dd4. dlf **-*tu4 tu/7J b' il^_ .h----- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON' ,/ Public Works BUILDING DEPARTI"IENT PW-1I Inspector rs Mbmo .TOB AD]]R ESS 7 a-/dz/,o //D^rE ./A - A /-7 ( TO / one 47 -422t lNSPECTOR /,L-t .-a .,^ZdaH,^ l't'i /-.e- 'E r..Arl; t4 4c4a.''t -*"i-tz.-* H A /j+r9 #) d+'u4/ lt *-"Ar 21* ,.J / "fu 7/7-72A ,,r'7Ab* 7/S7 7q7 /,4 1 a1 fqerooo 6.3oo oa) /". 7zdfu e3@y fl*-{,&,l2' Date REOUEST FOR INSPECTION Springfield Builcling Department PW 16 Time _ Type of lnspection Time Desired Owner Contractor Proiect Address Remarks INSPECTOR'S REPORT Not Approved Remarks Date 8y 7F riRIi Dil:\GI1 :1.1,,'i',OIi'.t 0ir ETECTRICAL }iiI:4AIID DAl]i:1t -/("-ai FRO}i: TO: SUDJIlC'I: Firc Dci:arcmelrE Ruild i ng Dcpart-n)cnl- Structtrral Da:,ia1;c to Btrildi'rrg Address or locatlol of lruildi.ng qt u) rh- S/ Name of olrllcr ful*rr^ -tl Typc of btrilding (Dr'rc11 i.ng, Estlnatcd value of building EetLlaLetl los:; to builditig Datc of firrt It- LocaLiotr of dantagc in bui'lditrg e, l','i.'f c:ltou&c, ctc.) 0 Tp*"1, T.t i, Ii>.tc'rior, InLcr ior, e tc. ) Strtrctura1t'leakrrels$asarcsu1toffj.rc v (Uurir rilf tct:s , i)earns , J r:is ts , e tc. ) t) E1 cc Lri.cal tlazrri:'l L t\ I ( (t"liriug, Otrtlets' cfc.) S i i,,ned lv