HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-07-15b-3ss " RtSllJEN llAL" z2s North s*t, streeaPPLrcATr,N lPERI'ffr Springfield, 2regon 974?? Building Diuision 7 26-s7 53 Job locaticn: Aesessons Map fl 4335a SPFINGFIEI.D 70 l(q/ Sttbditision: Otmer: Addtess:a Add.iticn Icz Int # Phone: Desez.Lbe ilotk: lI,/q>>' lrrjs€ t..Le Eone Date of AppL icaticn GeneraL A/i ,r^r l Sisned.: <--L-- ' L i--l Value coo 14echo:icaL r^t i8 the responaibi-Lily of -tle petmit ho'tder to see tlwt aLL inspeetions ee nade at the propet tine, that ecch cddreas is readn^ieinon the atreet, and, titat the penrrut eatd. ie Located at the fzwttt of the woperdl I *Buiuing Dtuicion apraeci pTzn shc.Ll remain on the Bunlding site bt aLL' tirni." P.l?ocEDUPl Fo4 IySPECII1N IE=QryST;CALL 726-3769 (teeoydet) state your Citg Cesignated. job nw;ber, job aCiress, tyae of irzspee=icnreQuested ari,uhen Eou uiLL be ready fot inspection, cont?dctor" ol, oumers nane"cnd pttoie /anb;.' -enq"iii" teLeil'ed. bZycre'Z:00 c,tL-LLL be made the sane dag' "equesta made aftet ?:00 on vyill be nade the nest tmtkilg doy. You" City Desigr,ated Job Nwnbet Is: INSULATION/VAPOR BASSTER IIISPECTION : ?o be made aftez, aLL insulaticn e.d. required oapor bavie?s @e in plaee but befote any Lath, Wpswt bcarC ot tnLL cooering is applied, and. before oty irauT.a.tion is concealed. DRWALL INSPECII)N: ?c be nade aftet, aLL dryuall is in pl,ace, but prior to any taping. WSONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oetticals in aceoz,d"orce tLth U.B.C. Seetion Sadtcy sa,ter capped at propertg lix,e -l Septic totk p;,r,ped atd fi,Lled trtth gra;sel i IFinal - t{hen abcue itans ee ecnpleted and uhen Caolition is earplete,ot at"uc- tuz,e mooed otd. prenrLses clazteC up. /_ ( POoTfNc E POUNDArfCN: To be tp.Ce af t e r tt enche s- az, e-e-c c a at e d attd forms ate erected, but prior to pour.tng ccnerete. |IIIAL PLUMBING FIIAL ArcHAWCAL PINAL ELEC?RICAL o -- SIIE INSPZC?ION: To be natie after ) acaudl;;ffi prtor tc set ip of - 1orns. -1 ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRICAL & I WCHI]IICAL: ?o be made befot,e anu uo?k Le eoDe?"d. l !.|OWD BUILDI|ICS - uNDgRcpouuD zLUMDTNG. sswp. w.ATER.J Lirq treneizes. -1 uao*ruooR pLUlErNG & TnECHANTIAL: I floot insulati.on or decking. 1 posr nt;i aitu: ?o be nade prLor to --l 6;t;TT;ion of ftoor irculLtion ot, deckinE. -_I ROIJGH PLUEIIIC, ELECTPTCAL & I4ECH- I1- - .uz:til these itapectiqns hatse beet; nad.e and approued.. I rrp.tptacli wLo, to plccir7 fceingI mcterials and before franirq inspeL-tion. 1 plDtfnct Must be t,equested after ) dpptoual of rough plunbing, electni-cal & meclwni.eal. AL! toofirq .' btacing E chilrmeys, etc. tlltst beicotnpleted. Ilo tyctk is to be eon- ....u.cecled until this inspeetion lae .:been nade anC approoed. WOODSTOVE: 6nrpT;t;A. After install-a.tion is 2r1 l lI l CURB & APPROACH APPON: After formsee erecteC but prior to pourtng eoterete. SIDEI\ALK & DR|IEWAI: Fot aLL eon- crete paing utthin sb,eet fight-gfaxy, to be maCe after aLL e*ca- oating canplete & fotn uork & sttb- base material in plaee. IENCE: h*ten conplate -- ProuiCe gates on nooable eections through P.U,E b 1ru- ALL projeet conditions, such as the installation of st"eet trees, eonoletion of tie tequired landsccpir-l, ctc., rmtst be eatisfied before the BULLDIN? FINAL can be naquested. n PT,NAL BUTLDIN;: The Pinal Bui.td,ing Inepection nast be tequested after the Fin-zl PlunbirtS \J Electrical, od, l,lechanical Inspections lave been made ard approued. Le Hcnes Pltnbing eonneetions -- sa,:u)e! otd uater I EleetricaZ Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-up and. plwnbing eonneetions trust be apprcxed before requesting eleelrlcal inspectio;,t Aecessory BuitCing Pi.ttal - After pcrekes, slirting, decks, etc. ate canpleted. Blocking od. Set-up Page 7 of 2IALL MANHCLES AND CIEANOWS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSAIEII? ?O BE uL4DE /-? NO CCST TO Cr?y o PLwbiru a; t tr JOB NO. Permtt Cvrban! Sida,talk l,lobile Eone TuIAL lWOUNT DUE:. Setoice -. EIICROACHMENT -. TotaL SULAK AUUEDJ KEV.- * Reeeipt #: PLdt f EAW CAREFULLY EXA),INED the eotttpleted application fot permtt, ar1d. do hereby cettifV that aLL infornation het,eon is true and. eorreet, cnC f furthet, certify that any ard aLL Dork pe?fo?,ned slnll be done it accor- danee trtth the 2rdinances of the City of Spr"ingfield, and the La,;s of the State of 0regon pe?taining to the Dotk Cescr.ibcd herein, md that lt) OCCU- PANCY uiLL be rmCe of dny sttuctu?e ttthout petmission of the Building DL-tLsion. I further certif'g that otly conttacto"s ad. enplcgees dho @:e in canpliance uith ORS 707.055 uiLL be used on thie ptoject uaae L-CO G^ lieat Aceess. LCT ?IL> _ fnter.tot _ Cotne? _ Panluttd.Le Cal-de-sac [.ot Faces - Zone:Bectroc*.:1s Iot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lct Cooerage I of Sbrtes ?otal Hetght TopogaPhY rTzt't x TOTAL VALUE oeS.D.C. 7.5 t Building Volue & Permit This permit is gtanted on the eupress condition that the sd.id eonsttactiol shall-, in aLL rZspeets, eonform io the Ordirnnce adopted by the City of Spz'tngfield, inchding the Zoning CYdinanee, regalating the ccnsttucticn otd. use of buildings, otd mey be euspended ot reuokeC at drV tine upon oic- Tation of dtA ptcoisione of aaid 2rdinances. ra Building Penrrt ?otal Clwrgea Stdte Sigted NO.FFF CHARGE Fi.ztutes Resid.ential (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Permit No petson shall consfu.uet, instal!, alter or change anA ned cr ettsting plunbing or drainage sAstat in uhole or in part, unless such person ts tle Legal poseessor of a oalid phtmber's License, eacept tlat a pe"son naA dopltnbing uork to Wope?ty uhieh is otmed, Leased ot opetated by the qppli.- eant. * State ITEI.I CiIARGE Neu/Ectetd Cireuits tl\1e?e State La,s nequitea tlbt the electz,ical uork be done by'im Eleetrical Cont?aeto", the electyLcal portion of this permit shall rot be oalil untilthe Label hae beerl sigted by the Electrical Contracto?. Total Electricql Permit NC.FEE E*l@/at HooC Vent F@t to;te oo Per'mit fssuorce Iteclunical Permtt - 2{, 4 Mechonicol Permit q1 .II- DJ5 t Date -- Fees -- NEM 'lletes, Plunbing Pet,1lit ?ctal Oanaes ITlM hz'nace YIUTS