HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1983-08-176"-,'-tfuf 6 lV oo ia o o 'lo L8 .c/ o I..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATIAN/PERILIT 225 llorth |th Street SpringfielC, Cregon 97177 Buildin4 Diuiston 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFTELD l nlo Date:8-t7-83 ?qg Uidii;Fiob bcaticn: Aesesoore :'!q I ?as Lot # Subditisicn: Ij;ner: 7{6 - Go qoAddtess:PTone: Drrta of ^ppti*ri.n B- l7 - ?3 )edcribe htork: Value W,,, -ar* zip: €l vz ACCiticn RentoCeL Con'-rec--org Lisc. t EnoneAckbess 77Ta^; - 4<vvt-t-zt-,GenetaL L Di!.:1Li?rc:t 0R ;.:cv=) SuiiJ::ics ia?! ssJe" eq-oeC ct propettl Lite Septie totk p'tryed arui fille<! uith gra.'zi - ithett cbcue i'.ens ate ecnoleted. and uhen Cer.tlttion is eomple'"e o? s'.i'r3- tute naool, a"t pz,enises cLeanted up. l.!ob,JLe ilcnes tsLocking old Set-up PLwbing conneccicns -- sane? od. actet Electriccl Ccnr.ectaan - Blockirq, se'i-u, and plunbing co-nrections m;st be cpprcu'ei be f or e reque s t'Jr-g eL ectr"J cel ir-si; ec = tc:: Accessor; Bui!.i7ttg ?inzl - Aftat:crekes, skirting, Cec?-s, etc. de ccn-oie:ad. )-.-- 1 at' j --1. . v) e Conalt cticn_!end2!_ FTj.IAL P!,A:,BIIC PT;IAL ;.!E'.IA:IICAL ?7.tAf j-=a6?-.- ..Lt^u -r-e-.1avdL :; io alte respons'ibili;y of the pefid: ioller to see lho,t aL! inspectiorls @e nade at the ptopet tine , tlzct acch .s,l-esa o)s reciabie ;ron the stteet, cnC that the ?afiit cod, ia Lxated at the fzvtt of the Wope"t7.'1uiHir4 tl.ticio:'r cppror;eti ptor shc.Ll reaain on tie tunLdnn7 :are at zLL'times.- ?POCIDUPE FaR i;lSPZCilCll R1aLEST:CALL726-3769(recorCer) state your City Cesigt,tted job rum,ber, job aC&ess, type of inspee!,)cn reo'uestcd q:<i u.i.en'gou wiLL be ready for ir"spcecion, Contrdetcts cr A,ne:s nane ard phone nunbcr. Pequesxl yeceixeci befcrz 7:0C ,=tiZL be nacie the sanze Cag, "equests nade aftet ?:00 an viLL be naCe the ncet'"wkitq daE. Iots City Desigr,ated Job Nunbet Is:B3 I 7 6s Si?9 I:lS?3C!ICll: ?o be naCe afler ezca)at)on, but Vrict tc se! u? of fcrns. afiDt.2.si;3 ?!L'!.ts ;:tc, !LE1:P :c,i! t ,EClllt:lICAL: io be natie beiore cny ttor,k :.s coreted. ?g)TI:iG 1 ?CaxDAtIC:l: ?o be taCe Mffii;; re-rscaated arl fcrms are erecied, but p..Jor -"o pourirq ccnc?e;€. r iilSULAlTOil /I/A.PC? EARRIIR IIISPICTIAil : ?o be nade af=er aLL insulaticn cvi required uqor ber-Je?s @e ia plaee trt befcre eg kth, gVpturi baarC or tnLL couering ts cpplied, otd. before oty insulation is concealed. DRY,IALL MSPlliCll: lc be r.ade -.. aften aLL cr1:ali is in plaee, but pr'ior to cng capin4. IUSQN!: Steel Locatlon, bond W$outing or oerticals in dacordotce vlth U.ts.C. Secti.on 241 S, I 7 rtcitcic':::e plt'y=:tc. si'n:, t.t:s:. '- LPA:JAGE: lo be ra;.e pr-or =c iil-Lirq '-rencize. V uacepy,-ccR !,r-iJ:gtr:G t :tECgAtlIC;L:tt@of floor lnsulcxio-n or deckir.g. l--'l pos: .t,vo 3Et!,t: y6 i2s raie pr|cr to, i Giiffioi 11oor .Jtsul.a:ict cn Cecking. I- Rct-tci: ?:'"'3!:!c. !:3::P:::: 1 ;!icl-ii - tr.='-i. :i.esa lrstec:.)c-x,s i'::se ceer. naie =d. :..!rr-ea. i I Fl?!?LACl: b:oP '.o ?Lcc'-.4 -'cr!,ry, I Ai"uG eui beiore -fr*t"S'.:neo"L- tior. 7 iP-u:::ic: !a$. be rec-.eeted aflerr) @cu-ai; cf rcugh plt*,bing, e'iecxri-cal I necianical. ALt rco7'ing brae':.ttg I ch*mcys, ete. ..J,ic be eonoLe-.ed. !!o .sctk is to be ccn- - cecled uncil ihis insoectic-n has 'been no,7.e ani appto"^ed. II .] TC1DSTC'/t::7==After ittstallation is CLIRB ! A?PRCAC,T] .1.??.ON: ee erectei but prior After fonsto pcar)ng concrete. SfDSwALi{. & SRIlTiL!: Eor all cott-.t'et; p@ffi street nght- of-uct!, to be naie after aLZ ecca- odting cattolele I iom wrk & sub- inse natero)al tn pl.aee. ?tNC!: hrhen conolate -- fuouiCe gates o? aooable sectians th-rough P. U. E. ALL pro;ect condi:ions, such as che i.nstallation of street crees, ec le-"ion cl tie required Landscqirg, etc, , tust be satisfieC before ,i".e SA|LDI\:C II.IIAL ccn be teqaesteC. ?IYAL AUILDIYC: The Fina! Euilding fnsoeotion :rust be requested. citer :h.e linc.L ?Lunbing lleccrical, aC lleclunicci insoecticns itque been na<ie and aporolteC. 'ALL:.lA:litcLts AND 1LEANCUIS:tUS! 3E ).CJ1S,I3L!, ADiL'S|:!3:E !0 39:.:.tD! !.! !:0::5T ?C ar?y ),, tyJ t-t l l lll JOB NO.11 b3soLAR. jcEss R EQ.- Plubtng Perri.t 9tate Plumbing Perrnit Ng ?erean siu-ll construet, inslal!, alter ot change c.nA r.eu cr ecisting p-Lmb-ing or dtainage sVstqt in ahole or in patt, tnlesi such person is'the Le-gal.possessor of a oalid plwtber,s Licensb, eicept ttat a pZ:son r.ay <iopltarbing uork to p"ope?t! ihich ts outed, LeZsed o'r, ooeratei Ly l*" aipli-cott. Electricol Permit llhere state Lan requites that the electrtcal uork be cane by an sleetz,icalContruetor, the eleclrtcal portion of this petnit slta,Ll not- be ual.iC untilthe Label lws been signed by the Electr.Jcal- Contracto?, L-COG+ Receipt #: State r f4 Fw? _ Iniericr _ Cornet _ Potharuile CUL-de-sac /Corst :ieat 3eiroor-s Access lireo tn 2r iouse Cratc: Lot Fdces -bt Sq. Fti. 7 cf Lct Caoerage # of Stories ?otal leight lopogrynl Building Vqlue & Permit ?his gentrtt is gtanted on the eq"ess condition tlut the said constmtctionslwli, in a-ll:espects, conicrn to the crdinarce zCoctei'c,1 the :ii| ofSpz*ingiielC, tnchitng lhe Zoning Cydinatce, regulc=ir.c ;hb ccnstrtcticn snd. use o1- bu.-L<iings, and nau be sueoeruied. or relsckei at cn! tane urcn uic-Lation of any prcuiaions of saiC OtCirances. -qc. 116 aat4r rr^f tt? '/a ;{0. S.D.C. 1. S c Building Perait ?otal Cha:ges Resid.e>rtial (1 bath) Sanitatg Seuer ,Icte" &,,'<,r--T o-g /Ooo / o'o r't qL) / D VD .!.1 :a: -LAYAL O'LC?Oe8 Res. Sa. fto fras/Eetend Ciretits Ianpc"anJ Sem:ice .^1, I aativ?v .7C. F\tr-zce 3!U'S Ez|@st HooC Vent k, llcodstc;;e /!l^.,n!ia.^-It oo Mechonicol Permit Petnrit fssu.ance ilechanieel Peym|t -- i:tcP2AcitilE:t? -- PLan .7ie/'ffie- st?uctw2 permissioa c1' ;he 3ui|ding D:.-any th-at o:tly o;qLayees xhc cre in on thts project Q/ 7 P.4ttc:t 'ltll nk\ rl Sec"tr)t! Deaosit lAcintencrze Pe*tt Cutbc"t! Side,:aLk :3?AL A,IOUI? DUE:*Jg qo t Mobiie ilone SiEneci ut th CRS o 1.055 uiLL be Zozs; r?zv -2LeC=ILCCL L;DeL EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO. 1317 N. 18th LOT BOOK SERVICE Springfield, OR97477 741.1981 NONE i nterest. i nterest. i nterest. i nterest. ELT-30 14 * JANUARY ]3, 1984 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 225 NORTH 5TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ATTN: DON ROGERS t,Je have searched our Tract Indices as to the property described: Lot 12' Block 13, EMERALD HEIGHTS ADDITI0N T0 SPRINGFIELD, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 14, Lane County 0regon Plat Records, in Lane County, 0regon. and as of January 5, 1984, at B:00 o'clocke d.rn. ! I\ CATHY RAMSAY z-\ P\^ ''\\' ' E we atso rind the roltowirg EI.ntLSdfru"SS.!the effective date hereof: t^e\\S r'\--ewithin ten years prior to Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Cathy Ramsay, Grantor, to Western Pioneer Title Company, Trustee, for the benefitof Phyllis E. Wells, Beneficiary, dated July 26,7979, recorded July 30, 1979, Reel 1011, Reception No. 7944880,Official Records of Lane county, 0regon, given to secure payment of a Note for $12,000.00. We have also searched our General Index for judgments and state and federaltax liens against the above-named grantees and find the following: We also find the following unpaid taxes and city f iens: Taxes, Seria'l No. 17 03 35 22 11400, Code 19-00, Account No. 309615, asfol lows: 1983-84, I 982-83, I 98 1-82, 1980-8 1 , 254 279 425 , unpaid,, unpaid, , unpaid, $ $ $ $ .91 .52 .96 p'lus p'l us pl us pl us C R'f< 375.27, unpaid, We find that the last deed of record runs to: ELT-30 14 PAGE 2 This is not a title report, since no examination has been made of the title to the above described property. Our search for apparent incumbrances was limited to our Tract Indices, and therefore above listings do not include additional matters which might have been disclosed by an examination of the record title. The liability in connection with this Lot Book Service is expressly limited to the sum paid therefore, and the issuing company willnot otherwise be responsible for errors and omissions therein. The charge for this service will not include supplemental reports. E VERGREE N TITLE CO. BY: NWI/4 NWU4 Sec.35 T17S. R.3WWM. LAI{E COUNTY r'.rOO' S.. tao, 17 Ol 25 I I JI 170335?2 SPRINGFIELD rolf ,.ilr. raa I Cl.rY.,.'r a.r. l,.a r. t.r,.. Ot 0 t C l. aa!,rai !.lr rrra. rO' II \ t- Jt ti-F(/l ul J t ST RE Tr E trj t.llet- t-u uJ &.t-a(,l \ 1 \ o\ 1t ,,,.t*miilg uJ ? Cf Ja i rl STREET liIt 700 !____ o I I o: t t700 o ! I 5800 8 STREET ". STREET r2500 re700 tt 7 H I i o- o',o 2 :(,STREET i 1 \ .T rosoo \t 7)) TJ* e UJt-4 7 l-a Fo ,tE, t! \)) 2 \i F STREET t aaB ' -- titt @STREET1 - I 4' 2100 i I 2800 t .oo 13600 r5500 rooo 2 ,,1 r0 6 r3. OO a 00 29000or28 ( r rO0 r200 \ h \\ 700l.I F I _9 _t !t ? t1 t\ tI t. 'I ;......+4' .loo r47@ URBANA SIXTH ADD raor,49 roo 92m 9loo 6600 rooo 7roo9.oO \ a r-1 r-] Iop 17 05 !5 2 ! ,-J I I r900 r3300 r2500 390 2 6roo 5too tooo 7900 ,loo 7 600 8600 9@O il 500 lr3@ tl too 9 800 tor@ r0 f,oo| 2SO 6 400 roo SPRT]\lGFIELE' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works CERTIFIED LETTER February L0, 1984 l'ls. Kathy Ramsey 665 City View Springfield, 0regon 97 477 Dear Ms. Ramsey: The Springfield Bui'lding Code Administrative Code requires that, in ordeto remain val'id, construction work authorized by it must begin within 18 date of purchase of the permit. If work is suspended or abandoned durin construction for a period exceeding 180 days, the permit will automatica rf 0dgtllv or a permit ays from the he course of expi re. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be purchased for one half thefee required for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been made'in the origina'l plans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder antjcipates the need for more timeto begin construction work, the Superintendent of Build'ing may choose to grant a one time extension of the perm'it not to exceed 180 days upon receipt from the permit holderof a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard to construction activity associated with your permit. Please adv'ise thjs office of your intentions with regard to the permit by ten (10) days from the date of this letter" Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at726-3659. Si nc e3 e'ly, Li Hopper Building Safety Division attachment th 225 North 5th Street o Springfield, Oregon 97 477 o 503/726-3753 JOB ADDRESS: 848 Wa Street JOB #:831.963 LAST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: Ausust 23.983 NO iNSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERMIT: &L_VALID: However, you permit will exp ire on Februarv 23. 198 4 If you wish to request an extension of your permit, p'lease notify thisoffice in writing prior to the above mentioned date. EXPIRED: Your permit expired on If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be appl ied for. *If the "expired" box, above is checked and we do not hear from * ( ten i0) days from the date of this lette will clearour files of all related information wjth regard to the permit. th you byr), we SPRINGFIELD CMT OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works Ms. Cathy Ramsay 665 City View Springfield, 0regon 97477 1 885- 1 985 Spring{ield Centennial year April 10, 1985 Dear Ms. Ramsay: Ttrank you for your recent letter and continued concern for the visual appearance, health and safety of Springfield. In response to. the required sewer capping procedure at 848 Water Street (our records and permits show the address as 848 Water Street; your letter states 458 Water Street, but I believe we are referring to-Ef,-e same property), these proceduiE are not generally expensive. As is required with aLl demolished structures that have been connected to the sanitary sewer, the private sewer lateral nust be capped at the property line in order to satisfy health and safety requirements. Ttris is a natter of Locating the private sewer lateral where it enters the property, exposing the lateral, cutting off the lateral at this point and capping it. Caps made specifically for this purpose are available and usually cost under $1S.OO. It is not necessary to dig up any of the sewer lines either on your property or in the street. We apologize for any confusion or Lack of communication which nay have led you to believe that the required sewer capping is cost prohibitive. Please 1et us know when you will be able to conplete the capping or if you have further questions about the procedure, please contact myself or Denny Bordeaux, the City Plumbing Inspector, at the Public Works Depart- ment,726-3753. Sincerely , O.--.>' cc David J. Puent Acting Superintendent of Building Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney Denny Bordeaux, Plunbing Inspector Sally Johnson, Environmental Inspector Mike Kelly, Director of Public Works DJP/1h 225 North Sth Street o Sprinsfield, Oreqon 97477 o 503/726-3753 lDlE IPA lQ rt- /t\t lE N lt |DlF lplulBltll rf, WOlplKs MIKE KELLY )rue ://r LU#n - D) YoO StsGGtSt ol ./ru/s { Scu-s ,k3 t}rbcnil Alt- /ouLD R) tT 'ND //rct n /ttt,l /VbrtoAy ,7-b ErnnsnYs loucn /97 ph'Lrsk; U-)kLt/tDt/- )J t e)Jt April 4, 1985 City of Sprirgfield Public hbrks Department 225 N. 5th. Springfield, or 97477 To Whom it may concerns Over the period of the last 15 years, we have pr:rchased severalproperties in the Spr:irgfield area. Irtrst had rental units thatyielded barely erough rent to cover the maintenance on theproperties, and to keep property taxes current. We had strict property maintenance contracts with all of our tenent-s, and tookpride in the appearance of ttre properties ttrat we owned. Property: 175 "S" St., Springfield Fact: When purchased it contained I rental duplex and 1 rentaltrailer. Both units had been on the property for many years. The remairder of ttre property was a horse pasture with a gnall barn, and was on a yearly lease. Problem: The City of Sprirgfield forced removal of ttre trailer rental, saying that it was rpt zoned for that use. this resulted in ttreloss of $150 per month. ltre fact that the unit was permitted to remain there for years previously, and was even allor.rcd to have a permenant bedroom attached to t}e side, was ignored. We were tlen forced to pay property taxes on the ur:it for 6 months past the time of the removal. IProblem: ttre City of Springfield rncrraed the pasture in June r*ri1e ttre tenent had his horse off ttre property so that ttre grass courdget a head start on growttr for the summer months. Ttre weather turned very hot, the pasture dried up and inmediately came back in with a very heavy infestation of bnsy, renderirgit unusabre. we lost the pasture 1ease, and the $25 per month. Problem: We demolished the tro houses on the corner of nS, and 2nd, as neighborhood kids had entered them ard totally demolished the interiors just before we pr-rrchased t}e property. Ttre houuses could not be lived in ard hrere a hazard. 'Rsnovar costs rirerewell over $1000. We rrere then forced to pay city and county taxes for an additional 9 months on the trrrc houses, witJr thevalue being stated as beirg in o<cess of $40.000. Problem: Neighbors have now moved many vehicles onto ttre property sites WITHOIIT OUR PERIIISSION, and ue have no rpney to fight the legaI problems to force them to vacate our property. Ttrecity, r*ro did rrot approve of our maintained use of the property, does not seem to have any objection to norrmaintained use. Where the rental trailer was sitting, with a fenced and rpwed laum and garden, there is now parked 3 snowmobiles, 2 utility a trailers, I rrooden strd, I jeep, 1 W, 1 vacation trailer house, I pickrp, and I metal rack. Ttre neighbors across the street also have anotler similar mess, drich includes jacked- up cars and piles of debris. The entire area has deteriorated badly since the time we had to remove the rental. Apparently the code in Sprirgfield only acts against inccrne properties. Fact: Had roe been permitted to save our rental unit, roe uould have continued to have the property maintained, and the taxes unuld be current instead of being three years deliquent. Property: 458 Water Street , Springfield Fact: Purchased as a rental dwelling, we rented and mainLained theunit until we felt that it no'lorger was livable. We then tookaction to rernove the house and shed in the back of the property since both were constantly beirg entered, and the property was beginnirg to be used as a dunping site. We considered it to be a hazard. Our problems with ttre city started l*ren we asked forthe required permit to rernove the structure. (It appears that ttre city upuld rather we had left the structure standing even though it was unsightly and unsafe). Due to a severe econqnic problem and injuries, rrre roere forced to take much longer ttrananticipated to complete t}te job. Problem: Ttre City of Springfield is now denranding expensive sewercut-off procedures, for ntrich we have no money. We are verywilling to seal off the sewer opening at ground levelr andfuI1y understard the necessity for doing so. Ground tests show ttrat ttle line itself is intact and is not leaking. Right now our most serious economic need is to come up witLr, ttre money for the delinquent taxes by }tovember. The property iscurrently not r.lorth the amount of money owed against it, and to have to invest mcre money into diggirg up the sewer just because we made an effort to clean up ttre property seems unfair. Question: ltry have we been singled out to be harrassed by ttre city? Our properties are constantly being singled out as targeLs while properties around us go ur:rmaintained. An example is the 16 and 17 hundred block of "Q" street. These are readilyvisible properties frorn the highwayr oD a well traveled businessstreet. Yet they pose visual ard health or safety problans wtrich have gone untouched for all dre years that we have been harrassed on our properties that we have been endevouring to maintain. We are gradually catching up on financial problems that uaere bror:ght about by ttre economic depression that hit Sprirgfield. We have many repairs, bancroft debts, and back taxes ttrat r,re are gradually payingoff. The bancroft debt was the nnst important obligation on our list, and your own records will show that we have made major gains inthat area. We are noh, current in the payments of that obligation for the first time in many, many nrcnths. Ihe next priority on our list must be the taxes wtrich are delinquent. We have no choice but to makethat number one on our 1ist. Because of that necessity, and thedesire to keep bancroft payments current from now on, we simply cannot make other major expensive repairs to properties at this time. That means that rde cannot dig up the sewer lines at eitier water st,or at 860 Kel1y St. We hope to be able to make these repairs within the next year if the economy does not take a turn for the worse again, but at the present time it is impossible. Sincerely, Cathy Ramsay SPRINGFIELD CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works 1 885- 1 985 Spring{ield Centennial year March 18,1985 CERTIFIED LETTER Ms. Cathy Ramsay 665 City View Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Demolition Permit #831963 Dear Ms. Ramsay: A recent inspection of the property located at 848 Water Street, Springfield, Oregon has fotmd that the debris and used naterials which existed as a result of the demolition of the structure on the property have been removed as re- quired by Section 202 of the Springfield Housing Code. Thank you for your attention to this matter. However, the structure was connected to the sanitary sewer, but the sewer has not yet been capped at the property line as'required by Section I-11 of the Pltrmbing Specialty Code (copy attached). In order to prevent storrn water from entering the sanitary sewer and/or sewage fron flot+ing onto the property, it is important that the sewer be capped rv-ithin the next thirty days. A fol- low up inspection will be conducted after the thirty day time period has expired. As soon as you have capped the sewer, the demolition can be approved and the permit finaled. Please direct inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3753. cerely, .6.16*r Plumbing Inspector cc: Joe Leahy, Assistant City AttorneY sJ/1h attachments 225 North Sth Street . Sprinsfield, Oreqon 97477 o 503/726-3753 F\r\ No. OI,g. o v t) 6J rlF Ee 5qEU tsg zulc t-Zl! F-r4 0. ftlo ---- { t o. FI !,cc ) =5or-Flrta(, EEo (t ulF Fo cturFz:) IA ul C)>)G.ulo- o aa crloztrlo E A o 6o 5 i mnEnfl@RANDUnf,CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO: FROM: SUBJ ECT: January 10, 1985 City Manager's 0ffice Bujlding Safety Division Informat'ion on Demolition at 848 Water Street Attached are two compliance letters wh'ich have been sent to Cathy Ramsay, owner of the property at the above referenced address. We anticipate that this case may be brought to your attention. We've had difficulty with getting the property owner to voluntari'ly remove debris remaining from the demoljtion of a substandard house on this property. Qur usual abatement procedure js to issue one compljance letter and, if that elic'its no response, to refer the case to the City Attorney's 0ffice. In reality, this case has been referred to the City Attorney's 0ffice; how- ever instead of that office's usual compliance letter, 1egal staff recom- mended the attached letter first be sent from our office. If you require further informat'ion or clarification, please let us know. .') Sal I y Johnsoh Environmental Inspector attachments SJ/I h SPRINGFIELD CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department o{ Public Works 1 885- 1 985 Sprinqlield Centennial year January 7, 1984 Ms. Cathy Ramsay 665 City View Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Ms. Ramsay: As part of our annual review of pending files, the premises at 848 Water Strlet were inspected. The results of our inspection arb as follows: 1. The 1ot sti1I contains substantial amounts of debris and building materials. 2. Part of the chinney remains standing. 3. The sanitary sewer has not yet been capped at the property line. Our chronological file indicates the following: 1. A denolition permit was issued in August of 1983. 2. The house was demolished in March/ApriL, 1984. 3. 0n April 23, 1984, you were sent a letter from this office (copy attaahed), requesting renoval of the debris fron the property and a capping of the sanitarY sewer. 4. 0n April 28, 1984, you responded to that letter in part informing us as follows: rrWhen the weather dries so the backhoe doesntt disappear and when we have $200.00 to pay for it we will finish the job". Based on the assurances that you gave us on April 28, 1984, we turned our attention to other code violations existing in the City of Springfield. A recent inspection of the property indicates that there has not been any work done on the property since the April 28, 1984 date. 225 North Sth Street o Sprinsfield, Oreson 97477 o 503/726'3705 Ms. Cathy Ramsay 848 Water Street January 7, 1984 Page 2. For purposes of our file, please inform us of those steps you have taken to solve this problem since April 28, 1984, and please give us a date as to when all debris, including the chimney will be removed from the property and the sanitary sewer will be capped. Sincerely, Sa11y Johns on Environmental Inspector Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney Steve Burkett, City Manager attachments SJ:JLllh cc [v/0 Dnf,E AmIDUnn CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO December 6, 1984 Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney FROM:Sally Johnson, Environmental Inspectolr SUBJECT: Non-Compliance With The Following Cases: 1. Corner of North 71st and 72nd Streets, Walter A. Drews, Jr., violation of 14.09 A., Zoning Code and classified as an attract ive nuisance as defined in the Housing Code. Your letter of 0ctober 19, 1984 advised compliance with our August 21, 1984 letter which required removal of the mobile home by November 8, 1984. A subsequent inspection found that the mobile hone is still at the above referenced location. 825 South 28th Street, AAA Auto Wreckers, Schley Lynch, violation of 504- @Lynchcontinua11ya11owsthefencesurroundinghis Auto Wrecking yard to deteriorate and partially collapse. He also al1ows used auto parts to remain outside the fence. You have sent three previous letters to Mr. Lynch - in 1979, 1983, the nost recent in February 1984 (attached) . 3. 6380 Main Street Resident, violation of Section 1,4.08, Zoning Code rela- ve to slgns assoc iated with Home Occupations. A sign larger than the allowed 1l square foot maximum size advertising rrMushroom Buyerfr exists on the property. In an October 29, 1984 letter, I explained to the resi- dent that the sign would either have to be: 1.) reduced in size to a rnaxi- rnum of 1l square feet and placed on the walI of the building or 2.) based on the nature of business associated with a rrmushroom buyer" and its compliaace or lack thereof with Home Occupation provisions, the sign rnay have to be totally removed. A recent inspection found the original over- sized sign remaining with no response from the resident. Please send a letter from your office. 1290 North 37th Street, Resident, violation of 14.04 8.1, Zoning Code. An @fromthisofficerequiredtheresidenttoremoVe chickens and ducks from this property. That lettelc was recently returned narked unclained and the chicks and ducks remain. Please send a letter from your office. 214 North 55th Street, Resident, violation of Section 5-1-1 (3) (d) of the @randbui1dingmateria1sareStoIedinpub1icview. Several conpliance letters have been sent from this office with no response from the resident. As you requested, enclosed is the file on 848 Water Street, Cathy Ramsay, declared a public nuisance, Section 401 (b) - Housing Code. 2 4 5 6 '1 \- 1 2 3 4 5 MEMO TO: Joe Leahy Non-Compliance December 6, L984 Page 2. Copies of all applicable correspondence are attached. The following cases have complied after receiving letters from your office: 7337 Laura Street 6731 Thurston Road North 20th Street and Marcola Road (pierce property) 560 South 72st Street 540 North 21st Street Sally Johnson Environmental fnspector attachments sJ/1h AflENfl@RANDUMfi CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO: FROM: SUBJECT: June 27, 1984 Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorpey Sally Johnson , 'Y/Environmental Inspector Non-Compliance l.lith The Following Cases 1)I Laura Street c - severa no view at the above complied with ourvehicles. PIease Resident, violation of 5-1-1 (3)(j), Cityperable vehicles are being stored in public referenced address. The iesident has nottime deadline to remove or screen the send a letter from your office. 2') Copies of applicable correspondence are attached. Sal ly Johns Environmental Inspector SJ/I h attac hnent 848 water street-, cathy Ramsay, vio'lation of 401, Housing@s took out a demorition permit-in August of1983. The house was finalty demolished ih uarirrznprii,-igg+.The lot still has debris and part of ilre chimney ii still--standing. The sanitary sewer has not yet been capped at thegroperty .l ing. Upon receiving our compl iance 'lettbr (attached), Mrs. Ramsay returned it wilh a message ofdesiring !o_complete the project in her own good-time. Because, I feel we have a potential]y "touch!" situationhere, I would appreciate ybur handli-ng of this matter withygyl gwn particular expertise and rustic charm. A June 13,1984 inspection found that more of the debris has beenremoved, but some still exists along with the partial chimneyand the uncapped sewer. iq SPRI]\lGFIELf,D CTry OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works April 23, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Ms. Cathy Ramsay 665 City View Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Denolition Permit #831965 A recent observation of the property at 848 Water Street, Springfield, Oregon, has found it to be in violation of Section 401 of the City Housing Code relative to nuis- ances. Our records'indicate that you are the owner of said property. As a result of partial demo1ition of a structure, debris and used materials exist on the property. These conditions constitute a potential public health and safety hazard. In addition, if the structure was connected to the sanitary sewer, the sewer mrst be capped off ai the property line to prevent storm water from entering the sanitary sewer and/ii. sewage from'flowing onto the property. If the structure was connected to a'septic tank, the sludge mtst be renoved fron the tank by a person holding a sewage disposal service license. Ttre tank nust be filled with clean bar-nrn gravel or other approved material. After aL1 debris is removed from the property and the sewer is capped or the septic tank pumped and filled, as the case may be, an inspection will be conducted by this officb. You nay request an inspection by calling our Inspection Line 726-3769, These requirenents shall be satisfied within 30 days fron the date of this letter (May 23, 1984). If these requirenents are not satisfied by the above date, the matter riifi pronptty be referred to the Cityts 1ega1 staff for resolution. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3753- Sincerel v Roy Bordeaux Building/Plunbing Inspector cc Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney v wlfuruoLrh.{ -tlrll t{ot",e' p+ our ob") qf,sls sJ/lh 225 North 5th Street o SPRINGFIELD CruY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works April 23, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Ms. Cathy Ramsay 665 City View Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Demolition Permit #831963 A recent observation of the property at 848 Water Street, Springfield, Oregon, has found it to be in violation of Section 40L of the City Housing Code relative to nuis- ances. Our records indicate that you are the owner of said property. As a result of partial demolition of a structure, debris and used materials exist on the property. These conditions constitute a potential public health and safety hazard. In addition, if the structure was connected to the sanitary sewer, the sewer rust be capped off at the property Line to prevent storm water frorn entering the sanitary sewer and/or sewage from flowing onto the property. If the structure was connected to a septic tank, the sludge must be removed from the tank by a person holding a sewage disposal service license. The tank nust be fi11ed with clean bar-run gravel or other approved material. After all debris is removed from the property and the sewer is capped or the septic tank pumped and fi11ed, as the case may be, an inspection will be conducted by this office. You may request an inspection by calling our Inspection Line 726-3769. These requirements shall be satisfied within 30 days from the date of this letter (May 23, 1984). If these requirements are not satisfied by the above date, the matter wiLl promptly be referred to the Cityrs legal staff for resolution. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3753. Sincerel Y, Roy Bordeaux Building/Plumbing Inspector cc Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney sJ/lh 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 O 503/726-3753 JOB ADDRESS: 8 48 Water StTeet JOB #:851965 LAST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHE R: Augurt 23, 1983 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERMIT: 1L_VALID: However, you permit will exp i re on February 23, 1984 If you wish to request an extension of your permit, please notjfy th'isoffice 'in writing prior to the above mentioned date. EXPIRED: Your permit expired on If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be appl ied for. *If the "exp'ired" box,a bove * ten is checked and we do not hear from you by 10) days from the date of this letter), we ) (w'iTT cl ear our files of all related information with regard to the permit. hru is /racaa/,n7 ln #X 7" /,frv'o' ':f#:"3t -'7n2, JA /ll s*.b"/ ,rl7d/a I an/ lh 7u an/ q),/,'C/aa-y ilru a/?-*/, /;//€ ,-/ #;/naz ua* fr /at7;/a* frzu r4/ a 3 .g F E Add your address in the "RETURN TO" space on reverse. (coitslrlT PoSTTASTER FOR FEES) r. The following service is requested (check one). E tho* to whom and date delivered f] Snow to whom, date, and address of delivery.. a. E Resrntc"rpD DELIVERY (The twrictd deliwry lee is charyed in addition to the rcum tueipt fee) TOTAL -0----0 --4 Ms. Kathy Ramsey 665 City View SpringfieId.. Oregon '. AETICLE AOORESSEO TO: 97 477 Enecsmno fl msun:of]urrreo l-l coo flupness rm- ( TYPE OF SERVICE:ARTICLE NU&TBER 329969769 (Alraye obtaln algnature ol addre$ee or agent) Authorized agent above. :'i : i Addressee TEB L+ A AODH€SSESg om! !mo E l- l r. UI{AELETO OEUVEREECAITSe ;, ftom ro -{ 6 E- SE}IOER Prht, lrr | - - belorY. l': ,. :,. E ; Pl"4 6' f PENALTVFOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE,33OO UNITED STATES POSTAL oFFlclAL EUslllEss RETURN TO ? (Name of Sender) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 NORIH Sth $TREET SPRINGFIELD,9747a (City, State, and ZIP Code) Rrqu.tted" t !b ts = eE E]u o SEHDEI: Complete ltems t, 2, 3, and 4. Add your address ln tho "REtURil T0" spirco 0n r6verse. (c0itsutT PoSTHASTER FoR FEES) 1. Iha lollowlng soMce ls requastod (chock 0n0). ffi Snow m mom and dato dettuerod E Show to whom, dato, and addross of &lhr0ry .. (Tll€ ,Eilncod d.}it,,y b B chaqd it &ltao h tl,, retun tsf,lpl le.) r0TAr I e. E ResrnrcreD DftrvEny... I 3 3, ARI]CLE AOORESSED IO: VIs. Cathy Ramsay 565 City View en*j naf i a1 .1 firannn o'7 A '7'7 1I TY?E-G3-EBV|CS' Enresreneo EIcEnnneo Oo<pRess ulrr- flnsunEo Dcoo -- -o ARN&E ilU]II8ER 329960373 (A&rayr obhln slgmturs d rddrosoe or leoil) ag€nt the adcls doscrlbad tr I navo Ecohrod SIGI{AIURE 6. A0DRtSSEE'S ApoRESS gnty il tf{/ucsted) .rfbsruARK ytl!xufrsuarso'i(iol 7. UNABTE TO DETIVER BECAUSE:7a. EMIIOYEE,S tiltTlAts a e ,m c,zamo E!{ t igEItEGo3 a llllllUNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE oFFtctAL SUSINESII SENDER rlrSf,RUCflONS Ilhi mt orm, lddml, ld A? Gqh h lll lFrC. Ddcr. a Gmtr n ar 1. 2. I rd I ott tlr rtllra.. At*t b toil d mhL i tpe. DT[ilt,cilurbt dfr b !.Gf C rrll|..r Edurr ntch "Rdurn [Gdil nlqlr.bd". rdFoC b nuo!.r. RTBRN ? PE}IALTY FOR PRN'ATE usE, t300 g IYY drytspHfTQEFIELD 225 NORTH ET