HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1996-11-21Qu\523 ffi TEfS AGREEHEI{T is entered in betveen the City of Springfihereinafter ca1Ied City, and the Applicant. ! CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COHHUNTTY SERVTCES DTVISIOII BUILDII'IG SAFETY AUTEORTZATION TO PROCEED AGREEHENT to eId this day of by and poration of the State,-6T oregon, , hereinafter ca1Ied rmi t r develo pment Springfield, ,19 a c VHEREAS, the applicant has appliDivision for issuance of certain ed the City Community Services Buildingto ons t c fimprovements to be located at 0regon or uithin the City,s Ur Assessor's t{ap and Tax Lot nunber e County UEEREAS' _the applicant has asked the City to authorize the Applicant toinmediately coranence developnent inprovernents vithout a compietea plan reviev orsubsequent aPproval as required by the Springfield Building Safety CodeAdministrative Code section 303(a). FIRFASr- the Applicant has submitted to .the City a completed perrnit application,] (three) sets of construction dravings, specificationi, and bther dail requiredfor the City to complete the necessary plair reviev of the proposed developmentimprovement. LTHEREAS, the intended development inprovenent is of a nature that requires noother reviev approval from other State or local agencies and is .*.rpt from thecriteria established by the Building Safety Division, attached as gxiribit A ofthis Agreement HEEREAS, the City has not revieved or approved the submitted materials for thedevelopment improvement, the City is theiefore unable to confirm at this timevhether-the pernit applicatic:r submitted vi11 be approved, and vhether therequired construction permits can be issued. UEEREAS, the applicant has requested the City to provide expedited authorizationto proceed vith-certain phases of construction prior to the completion of theCity's reviev of the permit application. VHEREAS, the City's fee for the administrative services rendered in providingexpedited authorization is 9150.00. NOiJ' THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and.of the mutualpromises contained herein, the City authorizes immediate commencement of thedevelopment improvement specified in the permit application subject to thefolloving terms and conditions: I Authorization Page 2. to Proceed Agreement 1. City agrees that the Applicant may immediately commence vith the development improvements set forth in the permit application. city'sauthorization to proceed is conditioned hovever- upon Applicant's agreementthat the project vilI be constructed as set forth in the attached submitteddrauings and specifications, exce pt as may be modified by City, and viI1 comply vith all applicable lavs artd ordinances.calt's in-oediate commence.Eent of construct on is at lican tts own r no assurance t vements aore requl cons truct on pertr ts ter 2. City agrees to reviev Applicant's. permit application in the normal revieu process and to thereafter: a) issue Applicant the appropriate construction permits; or b) advise Applicant of deficiencies in the proposed construction vhich must be remedied before pernits can be issuedl or c) advise Applicant of any statutes, ordinances or code provisions vitht'hich Applicant Eust comply vith before City can issue the pernit. 3. Applicant agrees that if City finds Applicant's pernit application and submitted naterials inadequate or deficient in any Eanner including but notlinited to' the application or the proposed construction do not comply vithall applicable statutes, ordinances or code provislons, Applicant vi1lexpeditiously cure the deficiencies so that the City may issue the reguiredpernits. Should Applicant fail to expeditiously correct subnitted naterials,or should comection prove impossible, City may in it,s discretion, take anyor all of the folloving actions: a) stop all further construction of the proin the Springfield Building Safety Code Adn sEcrroN 201 (d) ect in the nanner prescribednistrative Code (BSCAC), j ,1 b) order disconnection of serving utilities in a manner as prescribed'in BSCAC, SECTIoN 201 (f) c) issue a N0TfCE -!.1.) O?JE3, for renoval of a1'l such vcr!: in a nanner as prescribed in BSCAC, SECTI0N 204. ABATEHEM Of UNSAFE, SUBSTAI.IDARD 08, DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, STRUCTTRES 0R BUILDING SERVICE EQUIPHENI. Upon receipt of such notice, Applicant shalI immediately remove the vork specified in the Notice and Order. 4. Appl-icant agrees, if the issuance of the permit is denied: a) to remove, at the Applicant's sole cost and expense, all completed construction or improvements; and b) to restore the site or structure to it's pre-agreement condition and free of all hazards t or coBstruc on Authorization to Page 3- Proceed Agreement es that until Applicant,s permit application is ap proved,not to proceed b eyond the of authorization a pproved 5. Applicant agre construction vi11by the City,s Bui di -0f f icial. Applicalr, s of Authorization Ls ooint'PJlnt 6. Applicant agrees that allaccessible and exposed for iOfficial nor City shal1 be 1replacenent of any naterial ns ia ne ork performed under this agreement sha1I bepection purposes and that neither the Buildingble for the expense entailed in the remoral oicessary to allov inspection. erminates bef,ore a build permit is issued.te on ZO-a 1 ' Applicant agrees that any or al1'deficiencies icientified during thenecessary inspections vi11 be promptly renedied, at Applicant:s sole costand expense before-proceeding irlth'any further construttion. Applicant alsoagrees that these inspections do not ieplace the required plan ieviev nor dothey imply any approval of the submittei materials.' 8' Applicant agrees that no vork sha1l be done on any part of the buildingor structure beyonl !h. point in<iicated in each ru""Lr.ire inspectionvithout first oLt.ining if," ,pproval of the Building 0fficial. Such approvalsha11-be given only afier an inspection has been made of each successivestep in the construction as intiicated on the attached Exhibit B. 9 - Notvithstandi ng any orher provisions of this Agreement, this AgreementshaI1 .terninate upon issuance of a building pernit or thirty (30) days fromthe date of this Agreemen the proj t, vhichever first occurs. Applicant understandsthat all vork on ect shal1 innediat e1y cease vithout any notice fromthe City if thiThis agreeneDt s Agreement t,shall ternina 10' Applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold city harmless frora anyand all costs (including attorney fees), liability or i"r"g". "i ""v-ti"f "tnature vhatsoever, for personal injury-and properiy damage"arisihg trom theApplicant's early co..encement of "orrltr,r.tion-and-the v6rk undertaken orcompleted. 11. The terms of this Agreement sha11 extend to and be binding upon theparties hereto and ti,eir heirs, successors and assigns. 72- rf any suit, action or other proceeding, or an appeal therefrom, isinstituted to obtain, establish, enforce, 5r.o*pe1 iny right or obiigationresulting from this Agreement, the pr.'tr"iling p"ity snatf Ee entitled torecover from the adverse Party, in addition io costs and disbursements, suchadditional sums as the courts, both trial and apperlate, ray judge +reasonable attorney fees. Authorization to Proceed Agreement Page 4. BEFORE STGNING TEIS AGREEHENT, PLEASE READ AND I.JNDERSTAND THE HEANING OF EACH PARAGRAPH OF THIS AGREEHENT. IT AFFECTS YoUR INTEREST! IN THE PRo?ERTY AND, IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT, IT PLACES YOU PERSONALLY AT RISK AND TIIE SUBJECT PROPERTYAT RISK OF FORECLOST'RE FOR COSTS AND EXPENSES INCI.'RRED BY THE CTTY TN ENFORCING THE TERHS OF TETS AGREEHENT. TN THE EVE}{T TSAT YOU DO NOT I.'NDERSTAND ANY TER}.IS OR CONDITTONS OF THTS AGREEMENT, PLEASE SEEK ANY LEGAL OR OUTSIDE OPINIONS YOU HAY.DESTRE. CITY APPLICANT City of S fieldL By:Con t rac tor Building Official Business Name Address CC Registration * I^AND./PROPERTT OVNER (s) I/VE EAVE READ TEE ABO\TE AUTEORTZATTON TO PROCEED AGREEHEM. TlUE I.'NDERSTAND SEAT TT EXPRESSES AND TEE RESPONSTBTLTTTES IT PLACES UPON US AS THE LAND/PROPERTY OITNERS. T/gE AGREE TO BE BOI'ND BY ALL TERHS AND CONDTTIONS OF TEE AGREEHENT. Name Address ' EE\i;Ei','I:. 3, ,4.ir;;:CVE) TC FCrF:i,.'i Tils F ,\14ht&erf -fn* 2396C {r'o l(-z/ -76 r lLqc-^ t-\f:-ff t\ .( 111 i:iiC:: a:F Cii\' .^.TTOI1:':EY l-t".' .- : !.'.::1:i:-'=:::i-D Iii:. 4a*1 Purpose The purpose of this agreement occur prior to obtaining plan Services Division. EEIBTT A is to allov 'certain development irnprovements to reviev approval from the Springfield Community Scope The use of this agreement shalI be l-imited to certain one and t'*o-familydvellings not complex in nature as determined by the Building 0fficial and minor alterations or mo<iifications to existing commercial and industrialbuil<iings vhich are of a non-structural'type and do not adversely affect anystructural member of the building or any part of the building having firere-<istant construction. One and tvo-faraily dvelling plarrs for structures that are complex in nature that have been prepared by an oregon licensed architect or engineei and accompaniedby a letter of reviev prepared by said architect or engineer, stating thit the submitted material is in compliance vith the One and Tvo-Family Du'e11ingSpecialty code, nay be considered eligibre for. this agreement. The folloving iteas include but are not limited to certain conditions of development identified as ineligible for this agreetrent: a) development requiring site approval vhich has not been obtained; b) nev development located on land vith over six-percent slope; c) lots having expansive (clay) soil; d) development located vithin flood hazard areas; e) development located vithin vetland areas; f) pole buildings or other sueh type of structure that is not of conventional cons truction. EXHTBIT B RequireE Iaspectious Site - To be made after excavation, but prior to setting forms Footing - After trenches are excavated Foundation - After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement Underfloor Pluobiug - Prior to filling trench Uaderfloor Mechaaical - Prior to insulation or decking Post & BeaE - Prior to floor insulation or decking Underfloor Iusulation - Prior to decking Sauitary sewer - Prior to filling trench storn Sewer - Prior to filling trench Water Lioe - Prior to filling trench 1 To reguest an inspection, you must caLL 726-3769. Thie is a 24 hour recording. AIl inspections reguested before 7:OO a.m. will be mag!-e the same working day, Inspections requeated after 7:OO a.m. will be made thE following work day. X Temporary Electric -- *-x .-- )< X ,: x+ X