HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1996-03-19CITY OF ONEGON SPRINGFIELD 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPIICATION CITY OF SPRINGFTEI.D COMMT'NITY SERVICES DIVTSION BUILDING SAFETY Page 1 ilob Nuniber: 960240 Office: fnspection Line: 726 -37 59 726 - 37 69 Location of Proposed Work: 2515 WALNUT RIDGE ST Assessors tvtap #: L70323Q0 Tax Lot #: Lot: 34 Block: Subdivision: 01003 RfVER GLEN Owner: FIIrIIRE B HOUES Address: 3593 RIVER POINTE DR Describe Work: S.F. RESIDENCE Phone #: 485-31,76 citylstate/zj-p: EUGENE, OR NEW GeneraL: Plumbing: Mechanical: Electrical-: Contractor FUTURE B HOMES 0036499 3593 River Pointe Dr Eugene OR 9740 CUSTOM PLUMBING 0081994 3248 Kentwood Dr Eugene OR 97401-000 ROLFS HEAT]NG 01-02455 PO Box 65 Dexter OR 974310000 BOB FISHER ELEC 0096275 180 Kingsbury Ave Eugene OR 9740400 ConEt. Contractor #Expires os /a8 / e6 os/06/e6 Lo/04/e6 01-/2s/e6 Phone 485-3L7 5 485 -a146 7 4L- OO02 689-7973 QUAD AREA: 2RNW # OF UNITS: 1 CONSTR. TYPE: VN SECONDARY HEAT: FP INSUL PATH: P1 -- OFFICE USE -- LAND USE: 1111 ZONING CODE: LDR # OF BDRMS: 4 WATER HEATER: E SQ FOOTAGE: 2590 # OF BLDGS: 1 OCCY GROUP: R3 HEAT SOURCE: FE RANGE: E To requeet an inepection, cal-l the 24 hour recording aE 726-3769. A11 inspect,ions requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. --- REQUTRED TNSPECTTONS --- FOOTING - After trenches are excavated. FOITNDATION - After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. ITNDERFIJOOR PLIIIIBING - Prior to insulation or decking. ITNDERFITOOR MECIIAI{ICAL - Prior to insul-aEion or decking. POST AI{D BEA}I - Prior to fl-oor insulation or decking. INSULATTON - Floor; prior to decking Wa11/Cei11ng; Prior to cover STORITI SEWER LINE - Prior to filling trench. SNiIITARY SEWER LINE - Prior to filling trench. WATER LINE - Prior to fill-ing trench. ROUGH PLIIMBfNG - Prior to cover. ROUGH MECIIAI'IICAL - Prior to cover. ROUGH ELECTRICAL - Prior to cover. ELECTRICAL SERVICE - Must be approved to obtain permanent power. FRAITIING - Prior to cover. INSULATION - Floor; prior to decking Wall/Ceiling; Prior to cover DRYWALL - Prior to taping. SIDEWALK - After excavation is complete, forms and sub-base material in p1ace. CURBCUT - After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete. FINAL PLITITIBING - When all plumbing work is complete. FINAL MECIIAI{ICAL - When afl mechanical work is complete. FINAL ELECTRICAL - When all electrica] work is complete. FINAL BUILDING - When all required inspections have been approved and the building is complete. SPRINGFIELD Job Number: 950240 CITY OF SPruNGFIEI"O, ONEGON Page 2 Lot Faces: W Topography: 2 SoLar Approved: Y House Garage Lot Sq. Ft.: 7000 TotaL Height: 27 Lot, Type: INTERIOR Setbacks SWE 934 l_8 Lot Coverage: 22.2 Z Setbk From NPL: 22 N 15 Item Main Garage Total- Value Building Permit Fee Surcharge/admin --- BUII,DTNG PERITTIT --- Square Feet x 2073 547 $/Square Feet 64 .66 L6.27 VaIue 134, 040.00 8 , 4L2 .0O 1,42 ,452 . OO 529.75 42.38 TOTAT FEE (A)572.13 --- SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT C}TARGE (SDC) (B) 2 ,458 .L4 Systems Development Charge is due on all undevel-oped properties within the City limits and the Citys Urban Growth Boundry which are being improved. --- PLI'MBING PERMIT Item ResidentiaL Bath(s) Plumbing Permit Surcharge/admin TOTAI. CHARGE 3 Fee 1,92 .50 1,92 .50 15.41 207.9L(c) --- MECIIA}iITCAL PERMIT .-- Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan Wood Stove / InserL /Fireplace Unit Dryer Vent Mechanical- Permit fssuance surcharge/edmin TOTAL PERMIT 4 6 4 1,2 15 3 00 50 00 00 00 40.50 10.00 3.25 (D)53.75 --- MISCELLA}IEOUS PERMITS --- Surcharge/aamin Sidewalk Curb Cut ELECTRICAL PERMIT WILLAMALANE SDC PLAN REVIEW FEE TOTAL MISCELLAIiIEOUS PERMITS 0 13 156 1,000 344 00 50 60 6O 00 34 1, 535 . 10(E) '/r*a'?z (Excluding Electrical) unlesE otsherwise noted --- TOTAI. A}TOI'NT DUE --- (A, B, C, D, and E combined)#rffi+- SPIIINGFTELE! .fob Number: 950240 CITY OF ONEGON Page 3 --- BUILDING VAIJUE, PLA.IV CHECK A}ID BUILDING PERITIIT --- This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction sha1L, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Development Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation of any provisions of said ordinances. Received By: Plans Reviewed By: DON MOORE Building Site Reviewed By: LISA HOPPER Date: 03/1,9/95 --- ADDITIONAT CO}TMENTS --- PATH 1; NO OCCUPANCE UNTIL INFRASTRUCTURE ACCEPTED BY C]TY NO SANITARY CONNECTION UNTIL SEWER ACCEPTED BY C]TY DRIVEWAY REQUIRED TO BE PAVED 2 STREET TREES REQUIRED By eignaEure, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and af1 work performed shal1 be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY wiII be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. f further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORs 701-.055 will be used on this project. f further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. 7 Dats --- VALIDATION --- Receipt Number Date Paid =o25> Amount Received , ?326,2 > Received By r2*'7r SPRINGF!ELO Page 1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOP}TENT CITARGE (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF SPilNGFIELT', ONEGON Name or Company: FIIIURE B HOMES LocaLion.. 25]-5 WALNUT RIDGE ST Developement Tlpe: R Building Size: Job No.: 960240 Lot Size Sq Ft 1. STORM DR.AINAGE Impervious Sq Ft 2. SATiIITARY SEWER - CITY Number Of PFUs (see Page 2) 3. TR,AI{SPORTATION Number Of Units 1X 2]-84 X 0.210 Per Sq Ft = )2.X 43.43 Per PFU = s442.3L $4s8.54 $998.89 i442.3L s44L.2s $o.oo $44t.2s $2,341.09 $117 . 0s Transportation Total 4. SA.I'IITARY SEWER - DIWMC Number Of PFUs 23 5. AD}IINISTR,ATIVE FEES Base Charge (Subtotal- Above) Trip Rate 1.010 x x Per PFU + 18.750 + Cost Per Trip 437.93 x x MWMC Admin Fee 10.00 MWMC CREDIT If Applicable (see Page 2) TOTAL - MWMC SDC SUBTOTAL - (Add Items 1, 2, 3 & 4) x 0.50 TOTAL SDC Reviewed By: TROY MCALLISTER Date: 02/26/96 $2,458.L4 I I CITY OF ONEGON SPRINGFIELD Job Number: 960240 Page 2 FIXTI'RE TINIT CALCULATION TABLE Fixture Type Number of New Fi-xture Unit Eguivalent Fixture unr_Es Bathtub Drinking Fountain Floor Drain Interceptors For crease/Oi1/Solids/rUc Inteceptors For Sand/Auto Wash/Etc Laundry Tub/Clotheswasher Clotheswasher - 3 Or More Receptor For Refrigerator/Water St.ation/etc Receptor for Commercial Sink/Dishwasher/Etc Shower, Single Stall Shower, Gang Sink, Bar, Commercial, Residential Kitchen UrinaI , Stal-1/Wal-1 Wash Basin/LavaLory, Single Water Closet, Public Instal-lation Water Closet, Private Misceflaneous TOTAL FIXTURE I'NITS =23 CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: Based on assessed value. If improvements occured after annexation date, credits are calculated separately (calcufations are by $1000) Year Annexed: Credit For Parcel Or Land Only If Applicable: 0 X 0.00 = 0.00 ImprovemenL (if after annexation date): 0 X 0.00 = 0.00 CREDTT TOTAL = $0.00 (If land val-ue is multiplied by 1 then the parcel/land credit is not accurate.) 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 3 0 2 1 2 3 5 a 6 1 3 2 2 2 1 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z 0 a 0 3 0 1,2 0 !Sl'lIrr.:r-t€Lf) P U B LI C Il'O']KS D EPA RT M E N T 4 I )A i//V/.','/ / iz1 / /t lN t: l\t G I I'l E t: I i I lV(,- l-)/ l4S/C)/V h4AtNlEl,,lANCE ADh4tNtStRAttON/t-NGtNEEtltNG ({tO3) 726'3753 fAX (t03) 7?6 3689 htAtNil:NANCE (s03) 726 3751 rAX (503) 726.3621 Qir,225 Flf Il I Sl tit :;t4]tNcilt:LD. OtI !) APPLICATIqN FOR A SECQND DRIVEWAY / OVERWIDTII DRIVE1ryAY ooru, '''/zsfg't, At,PLtcAN r (PROPERry OWr{EIt)B U,-*.^^, . ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR DRIVEWAY PERI,4 tS I,'J APPLICANTS TEI-EPI1ONE NUMB +8 [)lease skelclr lhe proposed driv'eway. lnclurJe tlre follorving applicable ilerns: trouse or building. proJrose<t drivervay, existing driveway, atrd slreet nanres. lnctude dirnensions and measurerrrenls lo glopetly lines. road interseclions and Llordering driveways. (See ailaclrrnent for an exanrple.)k+Wo AI-L APPUCAIIONS OUTSIDE TI.IE CII'Y TJMIIS OF SPNINCFIELD lIIAT NRE WITIIIN TIIE URBAN Gnoy/]ll uout'tD^ti]' ,lEQUttiE A L/1|,JE c()u,,J].y pt:trMtt. Nole: 'l-he Cily of Springfield will not granl a second drivervay permit on an Arlerial or Collcclor Slreet. 1. Properly lyJre: Single Fanrily Resitlence Duplex Otlre Z. tt,e proposcd driveway will take access ltonr wlrich slteet \,J f 3. f ho clisl;rrrce trottl llre edge of _ [ OO_ rcct. @"\>r.i.dlIi^{. Ilreeo'crr*dliveway wlll glve t Ini;:11::,'i:'' tiffl;:y,."n' ro rhe sarase' ca(porr' retrce' warr' or otrrer' (where the vehicre is 6. \Mll the l,ropbsed par.kirrg / slorage area create a.vision obslruction lo artjacerrt proprly ilriveways or' lo any vr.lricular nrovernenl on a putrlic slreet? (See vision cleataltce atlaclurlent) N0 Appticarr( hnreSy agrees lo irrstall Ure requesterl rlriveway to Cily of Springfield stanrlarrJs. Ttre applicalrt lurtlrer agrees lo lrave 6- of concrete in Ure sidewalk area (atljacent toihe driveway). a.d to pave 0te area behin<t the back edge ol tlre sitJev,alk, or drivelrzy a,)ron, with a rrrirrimtrrn deptlt of 3- asptraltic cottcrete or 6- o( portland cenren( colclete. T[e arca belrirrd the si<Jetalk strall be pavett a lllitlinurn of 18 leeL The applic:rrrl agrees tlrat if lre/slre <Joes not pave tlre area belrirtd Ute sirler,lalk witlrirl 30 rlays of cutting Ule curb oJx?rriilg. Ure Cily of SJtringfiekl lras Ure autlrorily to close tlre drivelray acccss by teltlov-al of Ule curb cut. l\ll incurre<l costs slrall bc assurne<J by Ure applicarrt arrd i{ unpaitl, said cost sltall becorne a l'ren of tlre propedy' Wren lhis apJrlicaliorr is approved by the City, lhe appticant rnusl obtain a curbcuUdriveway perlnil frorn tlte Public Worl s Depatlrnetrt. Engineering Division. gseeU!tt@,slritt'se a. on an irnproved slreet (exisling curb): slo.o0 plus S.l5 per lineal foot of cutb cut' b. On an uninrproved streel (,ro curb): S12'00 c. on currerrtly unimproved slreets that are under construction: S12.00 llrc drivervay lo llto neatesl cotrtet (rrteasutacl lo llro culb telurn) is access lo: garage- catpott.- side yatd*O(lrer DAI'E ( L,RE ,,ROPERI'T OWI{ER'S SIGI'IAI URE APPROVED BY IRA 9.1 ATTACI ll'41:l"lT: Msion Cleatance. Exarnple #1 TE VE/',tORAFFIC DIVISI or.l 4 DATE:BUlLDll.lc PE RI'4lT I'lO.:_- I s o I s >2VSrf6:iv105 "o-,oz .g-,8 8I ul (ootIo ul ooI (s6 lf,t -_J o -toN :=<- ui =0- ,oooL a.Cc,al,l tl )1v1.,1ldl5 Jo ;lNl-] n B itu d 30 o F 0- Iotl H:6 , sllst{o I I::: I I ({ r*trWa I I I I LL ekH<ur\)V ST .9-,il W RLUu"T RID Gt\ oR I I I I I I I I I il.s-,vl ? E>"vgrfE >flog ,o-.oz ,,9-,tz 8I UJ 6r) s (o6 o u-l ()o so6() I II o _to C{2 <- ,NOL A.CZ,CI"I N )i-lvl./fal16 Jr' INI-I j{ oo tq lll '3D t o I E b otr <. 0- H36 I u tf o otlrl I -il\-' .s-,?l 1, LL_. ut uJ<tLr\)V ag ,q-,il Vpr> P BEH--sh E WnLN r'T R tO qL Dg I I I ll I t -c,fY OF SPRIilGFIELC' 0n BAcKFLou PREVENTToN DBVICB-lElyIr APPLICATIoN CITY OT SPRINGTIBLD BUILDINC SATETY' DIVISION 225 FIFTH STREET iFnnrCrusLD oR 97477 OFFICE: 726-3759 INSPBCTIOII urnut 726-3769 -----,---;- a IJOB LOCATION: ASSESSORS MAP il: AX LOT *; A/tu>O OIINER:r rt e H PTIONE S: ADDRESS: CITY:Eugene STATE: Oregon ZIP:97 408 BACKFLOV PERHIT IS $15'00 + $'75 (STAT0 SURCHAITGE) + $'45 (AD}{IN' FEB) = $16'20 CONTRACTOR:H unter I rrl-qation &Lands cap rng PHOND II: " q7 LR'7, {/*, BYSIGNINGTTIISPERHIT/APILI'9I,*.N'IAGRBB-To.CALLFoRAN.INSPBCTI'oNoNcBTuB B^cKFLou pR'v'Nri;'r.i"'usviL-E-rnr d;ir i*iir,i-r,uo..u'r'i"ir iisinln-n.R rNSPEcrr.N (726_376e). , nilo iiiin-tiilrr nii"rinon'ri^iiou ,i",0 turi-Innnrrzlpp,,rcArr'N rs ADDRESS: CITY: -v"rreta CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION II: CORRECT. STATE: oreg..n ZIP 11372 IrI,XPIRBS: FOR OFFICE USB DATB OF APPLICATION: RECEIPT {I:26)o ISSUED BY:(.- 7L .loB {t:4aa z /a $F?.'+l Zo TOTAL AUOUNT COLLECTED: a 485-317 6 ,, "qq ?D 1 g ?5-a?1 ) Permits are non-transferable and expireif vork is not started vithin 180 daysof issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALI.ATION OT.ILY Electrical Contractor Address Ci ty Phone Supervisor License Number Expiratj.on Date Constr Contr. Number Expiration Date Signature of Supervising Electrician 0vners Name Address The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not i.ntended for safe, lease or rent. 0vners Signature: DA citv@yn""" 1/AS*7G OVNER INSTALTATION 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home. or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder $ 8s.00 '$ 1s.00 s 40.00 B. Services or FeedersInstallation, Alterationsor Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps - 401 amps to 600 amps - 601 amps to 1000 amps- Over 1000 amps/voIts - Reconnect Only s s0.00 s 60.00 $100. 00 s130.00 s300.00 $ 40.00 C Temporary Services or FeedersInstallation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps''or less L- S201 amps to 400 amps - Sover 40L to 600 amps - SOver 600 amps or 1000-voTEs se D- Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit S 35.00 Each Addi tionalCircuit or vith Serviceor Feeder Permit $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service,/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/0utline Lighting- Limi ted Energy/Res -Limi ted Energy/Comm SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 3Z Administrative Fee TOTAL @ S IhIGFIELO EI.E TRICAL PERI{IT APPLICATION Job Nunber COHPT^ETE FEE SCEEDTILE BELOIT Nev Residential-Sj.ng1e or Mul-ti-Family per dvelling unit. Servi.ce Included: I tems Cos t oo . ,''..\,'!) -f, Zo7- 'g/fi, 225 FIFTB STREET SPRINGFTELD, OREGON 9 TNSPECf,ION REQUEST: OFPICE: 726-3759 1 LOCATION OF LEGAL DESCRTPTION/7e3 z-T ON 3 A Sum aEove 40.00 55.00 80.00 e uBu 4* s 40.00 s 40.00 s 20.00 s 36.00 5 6 RECEIVED ?- >o 225 North Irifth Street Springfie1d, Oregon 97477 rENCB T'IiRHIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD I}UILDING SAFIiTY DIVISION SPllII\lGFIELO 0ffice: INSPECTION LINE: 726-3759 726-3769 2 5ls hI-I*-* ftI"*O-.;.^;Job Location: -FAssessors Map #: / 2qA7^27-aA* Tax Lot *: O1lner: Future B Homes Address: 3593 River Pointe Dr.Plrone #: 485-317 6 Zip:97 408Ci ty:Eugene Value of Fence: fi. State; Oregon l{0t>,Fence Permit is $5.00 Elite Fence Co.Con trac tor/Ins taller : Address1407 Carmel-phone #: 342-6274 Ci ty : Eugene State:Oregon Zipz 97 401 Construction Contractors Registration * ' 79695 ires: 3/.t lqlExp By signing this permit/application, I agree to call for an inspection once my fetrce lras been constructed (726-3169). I also stated that all information on this application/permit is correct and that I vas provided vith the Springfield DevelopmenL cotle requiremerrts for fence standards. S natu Date FOR OF'}'ICB USE Date of Application:JOB *: Receipt lt 2^o ?a G Issued By: To tal /rmoun t CoIIec ted | < @ Checked for llelinrluencies:-- Checked for [listorical Status: The.lollowing.project as or.lbmlttsd hes tho following zonlng, and does not requiro epmi{ic lsnd use S PAThl(iFtELO 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home- or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder 200 amps''or }es 201 amps to 400 Over 401 to 600 Over 600 amps o i.. t 5k\, approval. SPRTNGFTELD, OREGoN 97 477 INSPECTION REOUEST: 726-3169 oFFICE: 726-3759 Arjthorlzod Signature_3.@BELOII PERUIT CA Ci ty Job Nurnber Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Famj.ly per dvelling unit. Service fncluded: I tems Cos t Zon Dide 1 Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTAILATTON ONLY Electrical Contractor BOB FISHER Address lBo KTNesRTTRy \Itr\TITE' Ci ty E'TTT:I'\Ttr Phone 689-73 Supervisor License Number 39755 Exp iration Date tn-l-gR Constr Contr. Number 96275 Exp iration Date Signature of Supervising Electrician 0vners Name Address Ci ty Phone OVNER IN ALTATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: DATE: _t_h s5 ld A B C s 1s.00 s 40.00 Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps _601 arnps to 1000 amps_ Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation s s0.00 $ 60.00 s100. 00 s130.00 s300.00 s 40.00 s s $ S Sum s 8s.00 40.00 55. O0 80.00 ee rBr aEOve- not included) 40.00 40.00 20.00 36.00 s amps ampsr 1000-7oTts D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel one circuit $ 35'oo Each Addi tional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit $ 2.O0 E 5 Miscellaneous ( Service/feeder -Each installation i Pump or irrigation _ $ Sign/Outline Lighting_ $ t imited Energy/Res - $ Limi ted Energy/Comm S SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 52 State Surcharge 32 Administrative Fee TOTALDr:'/.pT\IFl-l R t a, Willamalane Park & Recreation District Job.No. q\ilAt) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET NAME:PHONE: ADDRESS:STATE:ZIP: LOCATION OF P POSED BUILDING SITE: Street Address: Plat Name:Tax Lot Number 1. DEVELOPMENT TYPE (Check appropriate dwelling(s). SDC calculations and dwelling t ype definitions are on the back.) A. Single-Family Detached I\ Single Family home Manufactured home not in a park NO. OF UNTTS I X $1,000 per unit = $ B. Single-Family Attached NO. OF UNITS X $924 per unit $ \03 C. Multi-Familv Aoartment NO. OF UNITS X $692 per unit $ D. Manufactured Home Park NO. OF UNITS X $699 Per unit WILLAMALANE SDC 2. SDC CREDIT (il applicable) SDC-payer must furnish proof of \Mllamalane Credit approval. See SDC Credit Worksheet. 3. TOTAL WILLAMALANE NET SDC ASSESSED (if SDC reduced for Credit) $ $\CDD,OD $ d) Developme Se City of Springfield epaftment Date $ \ d