HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1986-09-19Phoe b R q2 0/ ).. RESIDE :IAL.. APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield" Oregon 97477 Building Ditsision 6A^ -a--/ao-c/bJ "tob Locaticn: Aesessors l'!ap fl SPRINGFIEI.D 'ccel?t a iLqfied: '(-N Baz aA1 lc.x lat il Stbdioision: A,nen: Adtiress Ciet: lir-1 'k, 4 Adtiiticn jenetcl:. Date of Aco Descy,f,be h'ork: Value ?{oo, \ 1 ,,"'-tro ,o,"r'lf -rL ,t--;*: ^-1 Jonstructicn Leruier : is the. responsibility of tie Derm:ut hoiien to see that aL! inspections ate nade at the pto?er tine, that ecch ii-ess is redaZ'-; 'rom the ax?eet, an-C tltct the oerzrtt carci is Lceated at the front of tt'e orooertg1uilci:'4 ilui:iot e2Vro"'ed plan si:=Ll rencin o:; ti,e Builizry S:-ic ci aLL'.tines.- 'tc::r':?i FoP I:tsPimil PZ?a'\ST.'CALL726-3769(tecoyder) stdte you" Citg desigr-zted.:iob nw-icer, jab cdbess, tVle oi':,r:scec=icn :orci;ca ar.c uienyou ili be reari'g fcr insccccion, Cont?aexc?s c! Cr-tners rwne cti plane n;,ttbcr, :lequests tecei;e: ce;cte 7:t9 ;' iil be nede uhe sane dcy, r'eouesxs ncde cfxet 7:00 entiLL be rnaie che nczx:sor<inc --;. lcur City Desiar,a.ted iob Nwnbet' Is Kb ob 7/ .aino1 T7s^a--i-a7s ) "="a,Exd b"x priar xc set up of lctne._1 UiID!.?SLA? PLU:.BI:IC. !LZ::PIC,',L Ar-I i,2ar.:.,,r4;-: /O De maAe OeJOre cny DO?X LS CADa?ed,. 1 roc:.r:;c , Fiu::D,iTrc:t: lo be tmCe ) daa" cyerc"es a"e acauated and iorm.i are e?ecxea, bux p?ioP to pourira ccncreza. +t\.rtr .rlar. /rr, D^= , ! rDr-: f ,tqaa,^aT^., . rcouired oapor burie?s @e in p1aee b'L$ befo?e oty ldih, g!?sun bcarC or tnLL couering is qplied, anl before oty irlsu-taxion is concealed. t DRY\|ALL IilSP1ClfON: Tc be made -..'...'.:. a1'tcr aLL ctyuall is in p'lace' but prio! to cnA taping. MAS1\|P!: Steel iocation, bond Gidilgrouting or verticals in aecorci.otce Lrith U.B.C. Section 2415. W)ODSTO,,E: After install.ation is cctnpleted. Sanitatl seset ecppei =t prootr;g Lir-e Sepiic tank pzpea at'd. filled uith graiei lincl _ ttqzet cbcue itens ate asnlexei ard titen ienclttior: is conale=e o? st?ii2' tute nooei qri prztrLses cleanei u>. a u!:rJRG92,-'::, pLU:.pil:c. -qjr,E?. r,rr5.?,)n=Lirg trenchee.l l U!:D!?FLOC? !'1,U,'3 E:G E i,:EC!] A::ICAL : To be maae oricv co installation of floor insulction or cieckino. PCS! AllD EEA!.I: To be nade p"io" to insxallaticn of floon insu Lation or FIIIAL PLU!.IBII]C FTilAL I4ECHA:IICAL FITIAL EL,CTSICAL deekittS. a pot'iil PLIJ\:?I::5. ELtrlirc/.! 3 iECH-lhrc;.irffi - uzxil these insoeetior:s 'naue been naie arui aoororsled. 1 $:*tlSEi Pnto, to plceir4 facing -i ^";*li; aruj bcfore'fro,tinlg inspei- tior. 1 lP4!I_!_i: t4ust be requested after ) @J of rough plunbing, electri- cal & necianieal. ALL roofia braeittg t, chinmeys, ete. trrst be . conpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- . cecled until thi.s inspection las' 'been made anC apptoaed. CURB & APPRCACI| APP.)N: Aftet forms ae ereeteC but prior to pourLng conc"ete. SIDEWALX & DRf\El'l/.!: Fol. al.L eon- e"etenA*1g Ginfi si?eet right- of-tey, to be maCe after aLL e.re.a- vatinq canplete & fora r'tot'k & sub- base nzcterial in plz:e. ?EI\CE: hhen conplete -- Prooil'e_. gates or notsable sectians through P. U.E. ALL pro,jeet conditions, such as the i.nstallation of sireeX trees, conoletion.oi t'ne iiq"l;rla-i*:sccping, Ltc., mtst be aatisfied bciire the BuILDri;c FIIIAL can be requestcd' FIilAL BI)fLDING: The Final Building fnspection rrust be requesteC c.ftet the Finzl Plw:bing itei.trical, otC Neciur:ical Tnspectlons'il'.te been nad'e arui ayproueC' l l l l Blocking otd. Set-tP Plunbing eonnectians -- la)e? d ucter Electrical Ccmnection - Blockir:2' sei-u= atd plunbing conneetions r;st Le apprcte: beforc requestzng eT,ecirf.cal inspe c=io- Aeeeseory- Buizciry Pitttl - Aftcr pcrches, skirting' decl<.s, etc. a"e canpleled. Pzle 1 o! 2.ALL I.'AI:I]CLES AND CLEANOWS IIUS? BE ACCESSTBL', ADJUfi1!!::II ?O BE T.IADE I.? I:O CIST TO CTY JJ-oF-' -l 0Oc u !, t)*oQ[$L? /SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-t-co c* :at Sq. Ftg. i cf Lct Ccueract i of StorLes :otal P.eight lopogrcphy Grota _ Interiot _ Coraer _ Panhandle _ CUl-de-sac t.. :1eat kancc IL Haoc:.atote [pt Faees - Setboekr, P. L.House Laraoc Accessllo"tit Eas t South lle st ?r:.r Building Volue & permit ?his _permLt is granted ott the eLT?ess eond.ition ttnt the said eonsttuetionslull' in all resoeets, confcrm'to the ord.irnnce adopte,i t11 tni- c;.ty o7splinefiel-d, ineluding' th-e zoning- cri;;;;;, regulcting the ecnstructicndna use of buildittgs, otd m-ay b.e_ suspertd.ed ot, reuokeC -ot "_y t;.ne upon vic-Lation of any prcuisions of Laid Ordinances. - n a 1 < - lDcLue TOTAL VALIJE Euiliino Permit ?otcl Charges Date Paid: Reccipt #: Stqtei: esiettial (i bctk) Seaer Plu:bir: Perf,it Sutci:eyae Plumbing permit Nq ?ersoi ilniz consbuet' instal!, ar,ter or eiunge Gny neD cr e:istircplwbit",4 ot' <irainaae systen in uhole or in par;, unless "u"a ,n"Zoi,"ii" "tn!n?:!.!o-""""1r1 of o uZtid pzr iii;" l;.;n"n, e$ceDt tt^c.t c ;e?scn nay icpLunDlng uo?k to p?ooepty uhieiz is oumeci, Leased or operaxec- b,g ti.e;>ri;_cant. Cr:tces Electricol Permit hrne?e state Las z'eouit'e.s ticat the electrical uork be done b,1 cn ilec--yietzconc?ae.o?, tne elee=rical.pcrtion c7-tair'"o*r.t si1cLl t;ax ie u:;ri ut:=jitite -r.abeL has been oigmea cy tAe zilrii-"2 i,on.rccta?. :;/Z:teni Ciretttts eal Stcte od store Pen|Lt issuenee Itecha,nictl pemrit l}>ft/iechqnicol permit x I I I -- Lt't'; j.t 1 aJt rttral :-titu Deeoeit Tctal Cncnoes .beztt lesaZk 'e 1 7 PLan LZONLNE? r HAW ,ARSFULLy lxLrrNED the comoleted aoorieation for pen:t-J:, cnd dchereby eertify that aLL l_.f._*Zt,ii"-;;;";;t Ls trlue anc eorreez, anC. rfurthen eertifn- that any "i^"yz i31i-pZi.,j..r_"a shall be dor"-';. aaeor_riance :,ritlt the oyiiinancis of the city 'of si*;"ifiJi, ;r,n'l;; Lc;s of theState of O?egcn pcrxainino io the "o"lr.-2""LrrAcd hcrein, cr.d :i:at t;C CCC,j_Pr'ilcy DirL be nsde os an! st?uetu"e uithout permission of the Suitdtnc Di-uision. r furthen cLrt-if;; that ,"1y-;;:;;;;cto,s a;d ezptcyees uho o,.b ineotpliance Dith oRS ?01.b'ss aill be"usld.-o) ri.,i" projeet ?-z- a OC)5 .AL A,|OUiI? DIJ!:'5 oo * Date Bed.toxs: -.:,i--, -, Valuc ir. 'i;ast HooC ile Hane X SPRINGFIELTT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Offi.t tf Stgb"tttffiand Economic Devetopment September 9, 1986 Re s i dent 1442 Water Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Resident: Your property at 1442 Water Street is in violation of the Springfie]d City Codeand/or Ordjnances. Rather than issuing a citation or taking immeOiate legiiact'ion, it is the City's standard practice to inform citizens of the violition and request that 'it be corrected within a reasonable time. The attached form spec'ifjes the violation, the corrections necessary in order to comply with the applicable Code/0rdinance and the date by which your correctiveaction must be completed. The City appreciates your anticipated courtesy and cooperation. If you have anyquestions regarding thjs letter, the v'iolation or the required correction, please contact the Springfield Planning and Development Department (726-3753). In the event that you have not taken corrective actjon by September 19, 1986, th'is matter will be referred to the City Attorney's 0ffice for further action. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Si nc re1y, Sal 1y John Envi ronmental inspector cc: Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney 225 North Sth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753 C'i ty of Springf i e1d Office of Community & Economic Development Planning & Development Department 225 North 5th Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 DATE: LOCATI ON : September 9, 1986 1442 Water Street SPECIFIC VI0LATION: Section 32.070 of the Springfield Development Code.... Please refer to the attached copy and also a copy of Sect'ion 16.090 - fence standards. REQUIRED CORRECTION: The fence on your property at the above referenced location must be modified to meet these standards. DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: September 19, 1986. Ten (10) days from the date of this letter or INSPECT0R: Ralph Shaw cc: Raymond F. Norris, P0 Box 548, Creswell, Oregon, 97426 #46 i ilililllNItED sfrEls Pt -.AlsEmflcE oFFClltrBUEilESS ) PENALTY FOR PRIVATE usE, l3@ RETURNrc .t. DEPART BLIC WORKS / inthe onI LD OR N 97477*,*>---**'*--.---*- il cls \t F-(n q, s){)N3 tr F \-*-,- ---.**-- --.*--nL-/ ,SENDEB: :ompl.te rterDs 1, 2,3 aod 4. Lc @6q, AL &a ?l) U{J o ./-a C, 3ma, 6um c,z, motr! 'ut To'spaceonthe prevenr this card ,r\- being rcturnod ro v. ,u Comu It portm6t€r for fe€s and eheck box(€s)tor sevicc(t) rcqu€ited. r. (Snow to whom. dato and address or detivery. 2 E Restricteo i)eliv€rv 3 Artacle Addr€ssod to 1?e:.i4S-nf : lq!+;z- LJNe-r S1-'' , g p f ld J C'", ct-t '1-t ) !"- YVpeolService ERegstered J rnsuredl{.Certified rl cODU Expres ll,lair Al-ways oltain_stgnature ot addressee or agenr andDATE DELIVERED. Article Number P ,tls ? ttD a, 5 x 6 x 'jT'1. ., Addressee's