HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1982-02-03SP]lINGF!ELD CMY OF SPRINGFIELD February 3, l99z Mr. Brian Shafer Lane County Housing Authority 172 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97407 RE: Housing Report for 1145 Water Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Shafer: _I'T_ryfiting ln regard to the preliminary inspection conducteC by the SpringfieldBuilding Division to the proposed work to be performed on the dwelling.locitedat the above referenced address. The enclosed items shall not be construed as a complete list of Housing Code vio-iations, but rather as a supplementa'l list to your existing report detiiling difi-ciencies and corrective actions necessary. These items stratt be inc'luded ai partof the original report and corrective action shall be necessary for obtaining.sub-stantial ggmpliance to the Uniform Housing Code (U.H.C.) as adgRted by the City of Spri ngfi el d. STRUCT URAL AND FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 1) The rise of every step in a stain,ray shall not be greater than B inches nor less than 9 inches in run. The greatest riser height or tread run withina flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/B inch. u.H.c.801 2)The windouts between the carport and drrelling unit shall be of a fixed type sash and g'lazing that will not allow those windows to be openable. U.H.C. 1oo1 (i ) ELECTRICAL SAFETY 1) The electrical serivce, service equipment and the wiring system shall be re-wiried in accordance with the instructions of your report. U.H.C. 701 (b) Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 725-3753. S i ncerel y, Dave Puent Building Inspector DPll s 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon97477 a 503/726-3753 ]llIFqFllIT Department of Public Works AOORESS OF PFOPEBTY INSPECTED BLDG NC.STREET 114it oampwood T6rmiles Beetlos . Other Wood Oeslroying lrsectg GONFINENT PEST CONTROL SEE DIAGRAM BELOW irutera"e"n rert,iteo YT:J CODE tr' !,Dl.t CATE OF INSPECTION t A LICENSED PEST CONTROL OPHRATOFI IS AN EXPERT IN HIS FiELD" ANY OUESTIONS ilELF.TIVE TO THIS REPORT SI-IOULD BE REFENRED TO HIM. OTHER R ,':ri.r'1' .ii.,j.r'ui['io]-cl Eugene, OR 9740I 484-1911 TYPE OF LOAN: FED V.A" t l tNsPEcrtoNoRoEBEDBy(NAME ANoADoRESS) Lr> I ;r 1't>t'1--rri'l SELLER'S NAME ANO ADDRESS SUYEF'S NAME AND ADDRESS INSPECTED BY,-yan-Otrfr*e, LICENSE NO. 1 Ctrtgrnal Roport iX Suppl6msntal RoPort I I Numbor otPages 1 DIAGRAM AND EXPLANATION OF FINDINGS ltnis report is limited to structure or structures shown on diagram.) CONFI0ENT PEST CONTROL assumes no respoflsibiiity lo. damagss or rnlestation lhal cannot be detected wilhoul excavation or opening tlmbsr, wallg, parlitions ot other concsalsd areas. This roport lncludes only buildrngs, (shown approxrmatoly lo scale) on the diagram. ll outllnes condllions relative to wood d€stroylng lngscts and organlsms ln tho basemenl and/or below the lirsl lloor lev6l ESTIMATE DOES NOT INCLUDE PAINTING * NOT RESPONSIBI..E FON CEACKS THAT MAY DEVELOP, FHA i]CONVENTIONAL t] NOTICE: tloT|cE: SEE DIAGBAM BELOW sl:u,:,ral Da'nagc_fry H " Slruct!rar Damage lnse( I Eirlh U/(rcJ Ccnlacl vfi c.mEl €[( --. Excess iv€ Molsturs SEE DiAGRAM BELOW CD- Cellulose Oebrl! tA-lnaccessibie Aroas t- tl..- FuilhBr lnspoclions R6commendodCarp0nt€r Anls Fungus Growth Trealable 1. SUBSTBUCTUBE AREA (soil conditions, accessitlil!ty. etc.) 2. FOUNDATION (type. relalion to grade, etc.) 3. PORCHES {steps, patios) LYEIrLlll-o_N, 5, PLUMBING LEAKS 6. OTHER o- I orrer - See back concrctrl wood i , other C See back adequate inadequate . See back . See back [,] See back YES CODE S- z- B_ c- L€FT_ t-/ir- 5,Ia[. 4C f ct) F'r rt FT l: Fou'n> Diagram:o$,*\rv-It 7r/ * Jv Dlw ,2, C/P - ?oF' C&Aqcso lc;rd+ gr.rr -a ?y 7 \( r. ctcl.(.,tn&{rcr'rsDl Thls lnspection report is an estirnate only. ln lhe event that upon subsequent examination any lurther damage is tound that results ln addl' tional costs, said costs will be stated in writing prior to the completion of pest eradication, and/or wood destroying organisms repairs. I hereby certity this inspection was made ln a thorough manner and is true and correct insofar A00EPTED BY: " ' sisnod: m'&5 [** as was ible to determine. lnspector 9I4!!4EEJ IAIUSALEEgLQqNIW (Wood-Destroylng Pssts or Organisms) This rs an inspeclion repr:rt cnly - not a Nolice of Conrpletion. CITY ,lt'i --r- .(- *-b.-- {IECOMMENDED CORRECTIOI,.j I Substructure Area: Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate subterranean termite infestation. Chemically treat substructure area to elirninate powder-post beetle infestation. Chemically treat substructure area to elimrnate dampwood termite infestation. Chemically treat entire structure to eliminate carpenter ant infestation./ Chemically treat substructure area to control dry rot f ungus. lnstall approximately --*-- ol 3/q" round river rock to eliminate standing water. lnstall a complete vapor barrier covering the entire substructure area. Excavate substructure area to provide proper access and clearance.t Replace approximately 3{ lir-real feet of damaged mudsill and headerr Replace approximately / 3G d& feet of dama[ed exterior sidinE. J s.^A s i<l'.* q Replace approximately -=_- lineal feet of damaged support Oeam. / ) Reolace aooroximatelv damaoed ioist ends.q' lnstall / removable crawl hole cover(s). Replace damaged pier posts. lnstall concrete pier blocks Flenrove all scattered wood debris. lnstall crawl hole well(s) lnstall substructure area drain. ll Foundallon: lnstall approxirnately - lineal feet of concrete block foundation. Lower exterior grade level to correct earth-wood contacts. Shorten wood siding to correct earth-wood contacts.lnstall feet of non-wood skirting. lll Porches: lnstall approximately -- feet of metal flashing to correct earth-wood contacts. Replace damaged wood porch flooring and ioists. lV Ventllatlon:'? lnstall 5' additional screened vents. Replace damaged vent frames.lnstall vent wells. V Plumblng Leaks: Have a qualified plumber check and repair drain or water pipe leaks. Replace damaged underlayment f looring. Replace bathroom floor covering. Replace shower tile. Vl Other:g . (Fl) Further inspection recommended in all damaged areas where damage to wall plate, stud ends, sub siding, etc. indicated on diagram, possible --l-.- (lA) Make all inaccessible areas accessible by Notes: (not included in bid or rec.) r n,({.i ttr na o'CC(SS r.o !r.r-rq.- JOB AD Ol,{NER ADDRESS DRESS ,h n-? e, ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT DAIE / -o LCZ PHoNE 34J354-y *TESIAI{HR={€GUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION --ilousr*e OCCUPANCY COMPLAINT <. A, a)nru, i irr'l'i.lliil' I i;.li,l,.r. i li t-! Lola Morgan ownerts name owner s name I 145 Wafer Street proper t, ,dress Def iciencies & Cc>r'r,r:c l_ i ,,,,: A, 1_ r , ;i EXTERIOR: Re uired Itenrs Have strucrure inspected by a licen.sed pcst report shal1 be included in clicntrs Rehabof the report. r'.f Remove existing roofro code with 240 Ib 7 47 -543 t Springfield, 0R 97477 ci t.y r,,t' t.;rf ge L ar{)a Control Contractor: Contractorrs l-ile. Comply wirh recommendations : t, ti , ' ' i ') r,rt r,: March 30, l9BI IITII{tr * *** I rt * II I r } r r r } r. I yIrII}It(}tItftII coverings. Repair a1t damaged roof sheathing.seal dorvn 3-tab conrposit ion shingles. Re-flash Re-roof where needed. is uneven/sagging, by Pest Control shall be required / Front and rear porclr roofs are dccay danuigctl.provide adequate weather protection. RemJvc approved) , weathc,r protect i.on structurt, , i,,. 4 Ttre existing eave lines shor.r prep for exIcrrior: puinr. v' tl The existing concrete foundation is crackedpoor drainage, etc. ContracIor to r(,porl_ on problem; minimally repairing a1[ cracks. ,o SIructurally unsound, and do notexisting roofs, provide, (pre- r)ew roof s, canopies, etc. signs of dccay damage. Rcplace all damaged materiats, in p1 aces, indicaring possible settling,contlition, suggesting remedies for The floor in the Northeast corncr of housr,, (kitclre.n, utility)indicating roc or overspan,e<l structurlrl rnt,.rtlers. rnspectioncontractor, (See Exterior // r), Eo clilrify; measures f o correctEo 1eve1 up f 1oors, el iminate saggirrq/urrcvunne ss . 7 InsEal.l new continuous guLters, ancl dovrusl>outs as Eo street..neccssary t.o adequately drain I{ith.roof stripped for reroofing, insulat.e uppcr story ceilings. providebarrier toward hcated spacc o, ii.'c,""r,,ry. Provirio ircldicjonal ventilationarea to correspond to City and U.ll .C. Ilt,{lu j.rc,rncnts . InsEall a continuous vapor barrier over gradr' in unheal-c.<l crawl space.all water pipes in crarvl spilco. l.'rrrnislrf in.staIl undcrf Ioor insulaEionR-19 value with vapor barrier toward heated spacc. Repair damaged/missing siding. caulk, sc,a1, we;rt6erstrip to correct air infil-tration problems throughout. I{c'-glaz:irr1i ol all windows itrall be required. - sxteriorwa11 sidinS, window sasltcs/f rarne'.s, iurtl ;rl 1 trinr slr,.rll bc prcpcd, prirned, andpainEed. v 9 a vapor for rafter Insulate to an tz 10, 7 ll. Repair or replacc'danu.r1;ccl glu;rirrg irnrl wirrdow' room, batir, upsrairs bedrooms). RcJllrir"all storm windows or combo st or-rn/l;cr(,L,ll w intlowr; franr<,r;/saslrcs where necessary, (living op(,rirl)1t, windows. Install eitherIor l2 windows. .// 12, Both f ront and security poor. stripped, and / 13. Check wirh City ,oi' liprirrl;f it,lrl 'r; i,l:rr.irrt,,.rirr,, responsibiliries for poor dr';r in;r1,,,7i brrck.,rlr ;rt EXTERIOR: 0ptional. .l.Lt,rrrs 2 rear exterior doors itr(, <l..rnr;r|,t,ri , sil l.s rottt,d, Ehermatly andReplace both cloors witlr prr'-lrung exLerior vrith jambr'si11, weather-new }ocksets keye.d al ike. l)r'pt. or rl r ivcway l'ublic Works Dcpt. Regarding drainage ditch/culverc. Attached carport roof shal l bc rt.riurlaccrl to providc Repair sIighELy settled driveway. Add tr,,r.rrvr,I, rc-pao weather k, rrrrd narrow; protect ion. re-grade . consider expanding3. The existing service walk, wh ile in 11ooil r-crpa ir, is Eo a minimal 30" width. 4 Plumb a hosr: bibb fo rlorrtlr, (i..irprrr'I ) lrorr:,t, r'.xIr,r'ior.. Wire an ext(trior slf,-rty Iitc i-ixtuli(, oirr,r' lr',r l< porr:lr sl-cps.il $r&M 5 'I tB, Lola Morgan Page 2 INTERIOR: GENIiR;\L:Itc.qu ired 1 tr.nrs The present electrical service is inadcr;uatc in size, and replace with a 200 AllP breaker box arrd ncls service 1ine. systeB to Code; all outlets and switctres to be opc:rative; system components Eo be rcmovoci. Vl.dangerous; remove and Update electrical all abandoned electrical 7 4Ro'c'uu/ 1ot? ,h::,'i:/,o. The existing gas fired central heatcr siiali be inspecte:d, and serviced as neces-sary. Heating ConEractor's report slirl l bc irrclucitd jn cl ient rs Rehab. f i1e. A11 accessible heating, (supply), ciur:ts sirall bc insulated. Ttre furnace flue sha11 be inspected, serviced, seirl clcl , secrrrc.d, or rcplaced as directed byqualified Heating Contracror. CIient indicat.es a water pressure drop ruhcn nroreapplied. Qualified Plumbing Contr,rr.toi- ro ir(:c(,ss Rehab file fo indicate correctivc ncasures. s ing,1e appl iance load problem, rcporE in clientts adj acent requ ired ; coverings, t irarr t lrc, t/ l' ,/3 r'4 KITCHEN:Required Items There is indication of waLi.r clamagr' Io basc cabiuet, f 1oor, and wal1ro kitctren sink. rf possible, rcp;lirs to base cabinet base shalr beotherwise, replace with new cabirrr,L to nratch. I(ep;rir floor an,C wallunderlayment, and rotted strucl-ura I rnc,rlrirt,r-s. V 2. Rernove exisiing chipped/r.uor-n double stainless sEeeI sink, faucet seE, traps and dra.i lr. s i nl<, I eak.i rrg L r;r 1> arrrl d ra in ; replace with newncw feed 1ines, shurt-off valves and double handledI'lunrbcr to r:orr(.ct (,xisfing drainage problem. KITCHEN: Optional Items Cql'lgo l. Install an exhaust fan/range hoo<J clr,rcteri Io outsir]e. Install new cabineEs, (approx l/+'-0" I ineirr l>;.tsg an6 6 r-.0r linear uppers), to match,with hard\^lare. Tirese addir ional cabint,Is wil l cor:rect a subsrantial lack ofadequate storage. 2 Replace exisEing damaged countertop with(minimuur), backsplash. Install additional, (urinimum 2), duplex top working area. Install one, (mininrum) , G.Ir.1 . typt, corrvlnicnct' of vanif y. InstaIl a combo ,rxlraus L 1.;rn/lrt,aL ini,, mounted switch. Vc,nt cxhausr Io ()nt.si<1t,. coverirrl3s, tr-irn, :rs n('(.(.ssitry: prep, primer, and new p1,as t i c larninated top with 6,' , convenir:nce outlets adjacent to counter- irer,r virryl sireet 5;oods; dol1ar allowanceIabor rrot ro exceed 18.00/sq. yd. out lct ;rcl-i acent to working surface larrrp fixturl. controlled by wa11 '4'Un4! Qu'c€ dQ*t t1O 3. Ref inish existing upper and lower r.:abineLs. llcpl ace hardware as necessary. 4 Replace existing worn floor coverintr,, witlr f or materials, underlaynrenL, installirL ion Repair all wa11 and ccilingpainr wirh cnanrcl. 5 v2 BAT[11t001.1: Rc quired Itcurs The existing tub/shower combo is iir iroor conci it ion. Ilernove combo and tub surround.Repair all structurally unsound, dry-roLtori, damal;ed floor and wa11 structuralmembers. Install a ncw tub .surrouird, t'ub/strowcr witlr f ixIures and water proofeddoors, correct present tub drair-rage pr:obr'1ms. Remove existing 1oosc, Ieaking toilct; rcpllrr:i, r,,,irlr a n{.,w +/.i..g,3*-€,.r,Ha.p type toilet,feed and va1ve, and f l.ush meclranisn. r'3 Repair/replace roi tcd bath wintlow s:lslr ;rn<l f rrrrue . ./ 4 Remove existing clripped pt-rorIy sc,,rrIr:cl vauity basin. I{cplacr: witir new single basinlav and 2-handled fattctrt set. Present poor dr;rinirgc problems sha11 be coirect by new trap; dlairr line shall ltc itrsptct.cci ancl clc;rnr.rcl [-ry pluurbing contractor. /5 /t Lola Morgan Page 3 tsATHROOI"I: 0ptiorral Itcrurs lae /I Rernove existing bubbled, unsanirary floor covc,ring. sheet goods; do1lar allowance including u*dcrl,ynrent,of 18.00/sq. yd. Rcplace with new vinyl virr-vl, and inst;rllation *cq,t/2 Repair wa11 and ceiling surfaccs a.s enamel), al l suri aces and t.rim, ttt'r'tit'rl. I'rt,p, r-rpclcrr:o;rL, and painE, (with {t0 '/ 3. The present privacy door is a pockt:I ri<.ror': cl<.rr-rr is poor:1y f itEed, Erack isunstable. Repair/replace existing door and iiardware to correct. UTILITY AREA: Requirecl Ircms t/l br'' 2 Install minimum of Ewo conditions. duplex convenience outlcts Lo correct i*adequate existing v'3 InsEall a ceiling mounted liglrt fixture conLrolleci by wa11 rnounted switch. The,existing water heater locatccl in kjtclrcn, is old and inadequatefamily needs. Replace existir-rg water iieater ancl fccd/1oaci 1ines.install pan wirh cxrerior drain, insul.rrr. trri:l< arrci plunrbing f.ines. in s ize for Upgrade Eo Code flcQ ,' I {la&, * 2 UTILITY AREA:Optional Ilerms Replace existing damagedT'worn floor cov(.ring. l)ol. lar allowance for replaeementincluding covering, under:laynrcrrt , anci ins Llr I liir ion labor of lB .00/sq. ya. Repair, patch, texture as nec'dccl wirll anci cr:iliirgceiling, and trim surf,aces. surfaces. Frep, painl wa11, LIVING ROOM:Optional Items frn additional duplex conygni"nr:e outtets. ftR tr l. Install 2. Repair, 3. Replace labor of DINING AREA: l. SheeErock existing exposed franringstairway. Tape , texture t o nratch , 2. Repair wall and ceili"ng surfaces as DINING AREA: Optional ILonrs Insta11 v' 2. Install patchr prep, and paint aL1 wa1.l i,ind cr:i1.ing.surfaces., and trim. exisring worn floor 18.00/sq. yd. Required Items covering,. Dr;l lar: zrl. lovrance f or rcplacement including dining and hallway/ rr*r,dc.d. Prr:p and paint all surfaces and trim. ?e4 l. Install additional duplcx convcnilncr, ouL IcLs. L Replace existing Ii-oor covering wiLh ucw; clol lar al lr,rwance rnateriats installedof 18.00/sq.yd. Rrqui rcd i Lcms of purtition wal1 between prcp, and pain[. tt- I v3 a hand rail for stairs to upsririr-.s llcrlrooms. a product of cornbustiorr, (.srrroltr. rlr,tr'cLor), in a product of combustion, (srnokc rleIcctor), irr s [;rir a]:ea. lra l lway ad j acent to mas terInstal I bedroom. I 4. Replace rotLed winclow sash/framr: aL lrrr;trl ol. st;rirs. HALLWAY AND STAIRLTAY: Optional ltenrs Hallway: replace existing f loor coverirrSi wi tlr new; Stairway: resurface/refinish existirlg woocl rist: r:; ro 18.00/sq.yd. do11ar atrlowance of 18.00/sq.yd, anci treads; allowance Eo hold Repair danuged sireetrock walls. 1't-'xLtrrc, prcl), pain{- wal.1 ancl ceiling surfaces, all trim.MA ,/' 2 HALLWAY AND STAIRS: r' l. r' 2. / 3. !. Lola Morgan Page 4 MASTER BEDROO}I:Required Iterns Replace water damaged sirectrock on cci I in1; autl SouLlr w.a11. Rcpair other waltsurface as necessary. Texturer prep, arrd paint all surfaces and trim. MASTER BEDROOM: Optional Irenis l. Beplace existing f loor covering with ncw; <iollar allowance of I8.00/sq.yd. UPSTAIRS BEDROOI"IS:Requ ired I t-enrs 4. Walt mounted electric heaters are inopcrative. Re.pair/replace as necessary. Repair/replace rotted and damaged windows in each bedroom. Replace existing tlater damaged shcet rock w;r11 covc,r:ing on South exterior wall ofSouth facing bedroom. Repair all other wall and ceiling damage. prep, prime, andpaint all surfaces and trim. There is presently no privacy door to South bedroom; hang a door, include newhardware and passage set. UPPER BEDROOMS: 0 pt ional I tems Replace existing floor covering, (or, of 18.00/sq.yd. resrrrf;rce wooci f loors). Do1lar allowance L/ ka r'2 Refinish all wa11 and ceiling, trim surfac:cs wittr new paint, I ? a I I