HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-04-13-(na7 SPRTNGFIELO -- RESIDENTIA"L .. COI,IBITiATION / A.PPLICATION PERMIT tl::'-,: )f:1.:-;latC:LiU 5q< tta2?v qlt ea2ts? SPRI::CFTELD, ORSCO:I 97477 Euildit4 Divisiot ?26-57 53 #8,rc 6, 20 N 3.4 to,4o Aridt ese t Na*eLsru*- *Y.t-b88fl7n Lts-ile-' L1t*j1:,::. t_l Deecribe l{ork Install Solar Resources, Intt1. Mark Domestic Sol-ar Hot Water SYsten - :,IV Ronod.a7. -h*-Authd?ihed t:iti Accv"t A,ld,ress sclt'o?.trdctot's ilane Job Locction: gbdiuision: lebt#!.aaessots l!4o ll Page 1 of 2 GcneraT, C !!-Q.o-Iar ne so-ur.cSp- Jeq---PO.-Be:< 1 0881-3e-zl2_*-3L8L, _ A88-e4J9 _ 20 -t62LB__ _3.1 -83__*a 88-3385 lleetrri,al- l.!eciteiceL Const"uation Letdet REQUIRED INSPECTIONS !t is the responsibiuty of the pemit halder to see th:t a].L iespections are nrade at the proPet ti"Ber that each address is r'eadable frcn the "t""oi. and thit the Pernit card is loeated at the fuont of the proPerty * .411 nanholes and cfeanouts are tc be adJust3c at no cost to the clty SITE I}ISPECTICII:;ci-ilE fo:nr. FTNAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRIC.{L To be nEde after prior to set uP of Prior to placing facing and before f:raaing insPec- Must be requested after of rough plunbing, electri- iIOoDSToVES: After instaJl.ation .ffi-prerea. " CURB s APPR0ACii APP.O!I: After forras a:'e erected bt''t Prlor to P.urrng conct'ete. SIDEWALK E lr3i'!'Ei{4!: i'or' a.l.} con- Fpavinf uithj.n str'ei;j right- of-way, tE be l:ade after all exca- vating ccurplete 6 forrn work 6 sub- base materiel in Place. OTIER INSPECTIONS: may be :reqtr:1red a-;;;ffi"--ffii! B'r i r_d -{ lrg Ca,i P . to be indicateC in ;Ia::s or bY ilo- tice fron Building fnsPector. FIREPLACEIffirffi tioo. FMMING: ;p-p"o"-a1 UNDERGRCUND PLI.'MBING, SEHER, TATSR' BtltLCg, To be n:ade Prior to fil- Iing trenches. INTDERFLOOR PLUI.IBING t MECHANICAL: --:-::-rtT.f:l'iET -.+! u !E rrEse /l rv. gc rrrs ..4. ,1o L f e.. e- ulrDnsLAB PLUHBTIIG, ELECTRIgAL 6 HECHAUICAL: To be raade before any i'6i:illifo""rea. F0OTIIIG t FCUI{DATION: To be made *ter trenetres a:e e::cavated a:rd forras are erected, but Pnicr to pouring concaete. floor insulalicn or decking. PoST 6 BEAH: To be nade prior to G&a-iE;I-"n of fleor insutation or Cecki.ng. ROUCH PLUHBING, ELECTP.ICAL 6 MECH- AUcflL: Ilo eork is to be covered Gi'if-these inspections have been nradc and apPreved. cal. 6 mechan.ical. A11 rocfing' bracing t ch5.rtneys, etc' rust be completed. No work is to be eon- cealed until this insPection has been rnade and aPProved. INSULATION/VAPOR 9ARRIER INSPECTION : to le nra,ie ar-ter a].L insulatioo an<i required vapor barniers are in place but before any lath' gyPsun board or naLl covering is applied, and be!-orel-1 ar:y insulation is conceal:,d. I I l-i DRYIIAI,L INSPECTICN:;5f!ffi@.s To be made ia place' but prior to .iny taPing. I{ASoNRY: Steef, Iocation' bond 6ffi"r.t'.rt5ng o'r verrira-l s l'.t! aecordance rith U.8.C. Sectiou 2415. A11 project eonditions, such as the installation of st?6et trees' contPletion of the ".qri".i landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be reguested' FIIIAL BUILDIIIGT lhe Final Buitding Inspeetion rrust be requested a:ter" the Final Plurnbing Electrical, and Mechanj.cal Inspeetions have been made aed apprcved' lto occupancy of the premises c:n be made until the Eiaal Building Inspection has been nrade anC apiroved, and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS EEElt ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DM- SICN ATD PCSTED O}I THE PRE}IISES. 726-3769 (rec:rder)state your City designated jobPROCEDURE F'0R INSPECTION REqUFST: CaIl iFer, iob adc:'ess' type or inspection requested and when you wilJ' bc reedy for inspec- Requests received before 7:00 a.r!.ticn, Contractors or Ownens nane and phone nu:nbers. wilf be rade the san:e day, requests rnade sfter 7:c0 dav' youR crry DESTGNATED JoB NUMBER rs: HT}TAL MECHAIITCI.L a.ra. nil-l be rude the next norking bt)t Atjil.frofio tr ItIP:ge 2 JOB )II.]}IEER.REFERE}ICE IITI,IBERS L-COG ,! OCCLIPANCY GROUP TYPE/ CONSTRI]CTION BEDROO}1SZCNE :toc: SaUVe )a --!,' i.'cte" ileater Lot Square !ta. :i oJ' Lot Cooeredi of lbrtes:ctdl Eeigh! lcPograh4 Lor, laces Df ilottse Edst Sdrth 14es t Setbacks 0thzr Lot Type fnterior Corqet -qo, ?!a, t.,zin Sq- Ftg. Catage Aceessory Sq. Ftg. Ca.r?o"t 5,74 tlaL.te ?OIAL CEARCES lio.!EE 'dANGL15-00 5^00 _',laten Setuice 5a)e? 500 .20 BAILDTNG VA,LW/PERUTT This permit is gro*ed on the ee"€sa c.di:lon tllztthe said eonstzuct;.on slaZl, in ali ?ee=ect-., eonfctr io the Mina:ees atiopted by the Ci;y oi Spz-Jnglield,incluciing the Zoning 2tdinolce" reVtlating ='re ccn-structaon and. uae of b.tildtngs, oti tcry be asVzrd.ed or- ilnoked a! @aJ ti.tne upon tlolattcn bi *ri gnc,:i- eione of eaid Crdinoees. PZqt Cheek lee Date Paid Receiot # Pi',TfuBil]G PEr.I,'EI No petaon s'hdlZ constn&t, irtBtT.LL, aller ct chrztgeqy _neu ot_ erJsting plmbing or dtalttage sga;at ii uhole or in pat, _unleaa such petsat: ia :he legal Fnaaestort of a talid plwtbet,s Lieerae, ezcett tlat d, person nay ic plwnbing wotk to pre?eri-! uiach iEoatad, Leased ou opetated by the qlicant. SW?qT.AL State Sutehotge T1TAL CEARCES ELEryRTCAL PEPTE! o? llhe?e State La.r reqtitee tlut the eiec*ical aor.k be done bg an Elect*ical Crnt"acto", t|.e eieetyjcal oot-tion cf thid per*it elsll not be ua|td znti'u the la-bel |u.s been sig:ned bg the Zlectticcl Ccnfueto". The llec.trieql Safety La,t does rrpt requ-:"e . re?sonto obtain a License ae qt electvieia ad./cy blec-trtcal antraclc? to make ot electr;.eal ins;:Llaticn f p1qe?q ahich is c,fied by hinaei;' or a tr,tbet ofkis ittnedicce larilA uhieh is not ittedded j* sale, Lease c" "ont. co-st?Ltction SUSTqAL ?ATAL MECEAilTC.4L PfrTTIT Hood Vent Fot l,lood ElICROACH|,IEJI? Seatr)ty PLot Eaottt-tet Date ilainenance I EAW CAREPULLY SXAMINED the eontpleted applicatioa fot penrLt, ard, doh.ereby cefiify that aLL infornatioi hereott- is tmte otd, coiect,'ora fflotnez, certifg that ozy arul all tnrk penfcrdted shall be Cone in accot-danee atih the rMitwtces of tle citg of springfield, attd the Lane of theStdte of O?egon pe?taining tc the tlcll.k deseribel, herein, @d that lIO OC-CWANCI rill. be rrudd of e1A Btprctt/?e tittout penrissicn of the tsuildingD.i,tision. I f,trther eertt fg tha,t only contracto?s od. enployees ulo ar-ein catpliance ttth oRs 201.-0Ss aiLL ba uaed on this prcject.- A!'OUlIT D!!E SLAedALk llectrieal l,abel 10"40 .HAT,IOUIIT DUE plan shz.Ll tenein on the Euilding at aLL , . :..i .',:-'i -_.'-.:-:i:ir.--.:: .7-.j+.--.:': F"lztunes ,rlo Vrtl, rvAfrr:-/ rrB vAC lttc' Aux RE9i"ft(rert t- ts t- i5aq?c1 t-tNE (<e:fftrz ?w&t')6) (ocUeCrCA TFIACKrr,{s I-IEAD Prtet'. (pufcoL r4ltru€e $ou,qrtsraQ&ef'+rL fLou) rr4cTEr?- FLC,}T' t Cou >€'\t3c€. "l-AAl<. SfNSoe- Di FF, <oNi-laoL .?tJe *tt l GrcLuA^, I?m SfEEL COrl- , f ,"/llv\g ?.i*rP iE*r*,RGttt}l*6 5& *sE 5{PdL;. E.W5 rAco t+ a O6 € ?r.i pt rtu- LiSr aF Pnars tl/tAR-E- ff (cLL6Lfc"l- *aoOt;lE N At O { 2* L0 <ruqrt fiNL I I I I I 7 z # tuvi) E}(PArdS}cA\ finir- 'f *pur"utnr. {."eAeCf&A RETUrziJLINE !b?'s,tn us5 At*{/4 txt a*1 I LA gnc",;Ze\ r:€ 6efsrl) - See.i}t f FEln?cTZA{?4.€ - /4 r1? iab t- *.fttJ*ut :** n * { vt,t'rT9 - t-'|cA itmP$brti u.4t-ue{*AEQ ,e.) 465bqB€f( PrP€. *z* soucnu cSLLEcrBfL A4oOucc coLD ruqrLYa ltor vvAr6.ra lt*l r$uf fE^lPmr^J6 VALt'E 7i REt-tsF VALrJE (E.r-*-t,.i(3) fiusiTAr& G45 (jA A-gr. '*.rAfElL hE4-fEft 'D{xisLE wAtL HeYlr E:Xc,iA^JC"6)A i:cl€- C6#JeNre^r€ oAJL/ uriiE9> Cfrea-!,.gs rr}*rb:O *e*r?s - loa\u ?/r lhe.,Lr€t Vac-vt (n*t-'e,aeq) ,{.+ f" 9, . Pfr.e:,5L,ll€. ab7/tr t/AltrE{$,r/.ed - r.r..tg$-) -5.d,ilb - Cr!e<14- tlAltti ( fiAc+tae\ /,Jj}tqd:,iJ!>E*f €r,i3ln&J 1,-Vp fitFF. (%t"'*'oL Bee'te€ cAtE .rALLte -77t,uu r'{14.1 o'\ 8frb42€ Crl*t* {Ar-ti5, q/no*i (cg^t. (L.,arr'l. &e.c;*?E, G4.te {ALU*S *O,tu}t5t?t rEp*rut) j.lAtfj-r| / fgn?. f*L#o L. utf c*,tLzt* eal t ^t rlttj ),/dl. t/u /".u -?'f i7V1s t4 aa L ca#:sa N al*6 AlZfildfLe7< , './t " t-ttn*tAn6at e f? t1fR. /?it7|ra ucd il1lig 5;P. 5{nt 5oA'3 al t g C <:v f P*'4 rE ,' {'ft ^t 65 , S ttO sfL, 471 . @ iz-aw r-t€Tvz (vA/ztc'i5 srfFtl€nt) F tu vv r.Z€ri, i c tzfl { u.4 A) c L5 - en' "*i g r uPql@ts} k B is 4 ,t * ,t g ALr6-ra!,JA& i9 Fozo fC tle O;,tt-D/€ 7o lC)C-* Ppeiec.ntx ia B€teto gCr*rESi- N- Pftov;o.i:!) Re<(,{Z O€t Fttt- 1 V,4L S.rLCn il - Ci*Se 0 Ltr,P Sr5ren4 ()i5rr{.r$;;tt) &7,' LPO Soina {?.83;c"r,2 (E ///4a tuttt4c/UE1f/€ d6t:W:-,{,/Z€ , dofg: I t{c,afH-5sut"r"l fftAqttriG S1pl-ni 2, T"J>ouj)+E rft&l'r(- 5y€ren" r'fi6D ---*-**-*fu' ?o FeeP. Gt-{cot* tYlYl*- FtZ E{.}:NG Itv,r';- ( "r) 33 4a *)&c, {}'lL '3y "62 ='€ill€ : nlilr"E *t&6-ocLl I \ rA5[ Z-GAuv. /+" Bour. A(LLE- A Utl t/\. fiA,ft'y'€ ALt)$ . | /z' A nt bve lao^i 2 xL{ PArs-ilrarrreo ry-ceurtrr- <-- (Lcorr*G + s,l6l1)oAt &1/ Cqfrrz-- on- €TrLucN /L,An- U\rtent BUff- 5rL ICOAJ f Au,- PArtrS' Qnutl, ort- Au'Jzla lN d rra . CPD SouAo- Oe>oufcc*i -fyPlCAr- flcOp Az\Orlnly . Nore i Fenvne<!@ BrtACrrrtO { ueG S 7/+ " Entr 21Dotv) Lov.r Otl ri- uf To + j \ s c6 ,, D Ar6o,/t= ql Leb s l/ r" Iftut*, SDLUc-Nl-ft- fuo&ue leoN a:trll Fn^,r Cftoss 'Of/dlr( lr.4,KwC- i^ I I i