HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-04-2222s North urt, ironff""o?roN/P,RMrr SpringfieLd, ?regon 97477 Buildt ng DLttision ddA -Aaat'ZO-D / An " RESIDEI'.,lAL"SPFINGFIELD Job Locaticn: Aeaessots Map #?oz lot # subdioision: L CAddtessIPhone: 1-1C Deacribe l,lork: Additicn -U t- tt Neu VaLue -r--1" cJn tccql Date of Geneyal L Sodla,y sa-ter capped at propertV Lire Septic tank Vaqed and. filled tith gra;;el Pinal - lt1ten abcue itene ave ectaLeted azid ahen Tqlolr,tion is eatplete bt stutic-tute natted oui ptatrises cleaned, up. !!crnes Blocking od, Set-up Pltnbing eonnectio-ns -- sarte? ad uatet ElectrLcal Cqlnection - Blockittg, set-uD od. plunbing connectione mst be qprcted befote requeetlng elec*-rical insVeelior- Aecessor; Buiding tcreh.es 1 ^t^) skittin4, deeksPittal - After etc. are carp Page 1 of 2 Constmtcticn Lender IotE Ci,ty Desigr,ated Job itunbet Ie Pta J /? It ie the respoaoibi-Lity o!_tttc permit hotl,a to eee tlut aLL inapeceioil @e nad,e at lhe ptopet tine, that each addzeee o)s v2nae7i2try.-tly stree_t, and tlut the-penrtt-col, ia L,ccated at the froi of the p"ope"ty.*iuildin4 Nuici.ol appro"*ed pLot slall yemain on ilE tunlding Site'at Ltt' ttis." PRocEDqPq F1R. IYSPECIICN I9,0.7EST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) stdte your City designtted job nmbet,, job aCiress, type of inspeclicnre4uested ad,.ahen gou uiLL be ready fo-r iwpection, contrdctors oi 1oers 1arc-ctn pru|e rurrnb;.' a"qr*ii, tele;iZa blefcre'z:00 dn't1-LL be nade the sante Cca, "equeets made after 7:00 on viLL be nade the nezt wrking dag. Ir Si?E INSPEC?ICN: ?o be rmde afta escdl)cticn, but prtot tc set up of forne. ANDERSLAB PLAMBING, ELECTRIC,IL 1 \ECH||IICAL: ?o be nade before eanuffiE-6uez,eci. F1)?IN} & E)ANDA?fCN: ?o be na.Ce @eiltrencG ar,;Zscaated and forns ate erected, but ptlot topouring ccnczeta. UNDtrRGPOUIID PL\WEIIIG, SE'fiP,,'N.A?ER, DRAIIIAGE: To be rm,C.e prior to fil-Litq trenches. UIIDEPPL12R PLUI'EIIIG & LLECEANICAL : To be nade pniot to insxallation of floor insulction or decking. P0ST AND BEAM: ?o be nade prtor tuinstaLlaticn of floor ittsulation or decking. ROUGH PLA(BIIIC, ELEC?RICAL 3 :{ECH. ANICAL: No uork is to be eo.*et,edw:til these inspeclior:s haue been narie arui qproo'ed. EIPEPTAF: P't4or to pi,ceirq fasingmatertals and. before frantng inspeb-tioz. PRA.I.!flIG: ltust be req-uested aftet apptotsal of rough plwr,bing, electr-i-a.L & nechanieal. ALI roofing bractng 8 chiwtegs, ete. rruet be e.ontpleted. llo uctk ie to be con- .. cealed until this inspeetian |us'been nod,e anC approved. INSULA?ION/VAPOR BARRITR I}ISFECTION : ?o be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn ad. requited uqor batiets @e in pl,ace bat before ory Lath, Wpsun bcoC on tnLL cooeying is applied, od befcz,e oty insulation ,Js concealed. DRYITALL INSPEC?I0N: Ic be nade -.. aften aLL dryuall is tn p7,aa2, but pr-ior to cng taVi.rg. [!AS1NRI: Steel Locatipa, bond beans, gzouting or uetticals in ateotd,otce tith U,B,C. Seetion 241 5,. ,IOODSTOW: anpleted, After i.r*tallation is CURB & APPRCACH AP.oON: After fotnsa.e ez,eedTuqffi tu bouz-tngeon:rete. SID1HALK & DPLWAY: Poy aLL eotz-ct,ete@ u stz,eet rught-of-tzy, to be nal.e after ali- ecea- oating eatElete & font uork & sub- base materiaL in place. EINAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL \IECHAN|CAL FINAL ELECTRICAL IENCE: I{len cotnplate -- boui.Ce gates or iloildble sectians through P.U.E. ALL project con&itions, such as tlte installation of street trees, ccnpletion of tiereqtired Landscapir.g, atc.' taat be satisfied before the BUfLDING FiltAL can be requested. ?INAL tsAILDING: The Einal Building Inspection mot be requested dfter the ?iral PlunbirqElectrieal, ord lfiecharical fnspecti,ons -hare been nade and'approuei. *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST:1ENT rO 9E M4DE !.? NO C1ST TO Cr?y o M Px^rrir*. / -L-0.1* LoIe) t0,ab 4o t0 4c ,94 Ta-lat ,itrs UC Date A.nter: L teipt # ,3 tr1A7 tont?dcxors I Ad.dtess Liso- Plunbina r 2 c P JoB No fJO37,SOLAP ACCESS REQ..L-CO Bedtoons Lot Sq. Etg. % cf Lot Cooerage # of StorLes ?otal 1eight Topogrughg _ Intericr _ Cormer _ Panhand.Le _ Cul-de-sae Aceess. ileat DT House Lot Faces - -- Fees -- This pernnt is grcnted on the es?resa cotdition tlat the said-constnctionslnll, in aLL re;Dects, eonfcmt to the Srdirw:.ce eCoDteC by the City of Spz*t-ngfield, includ.lng the Soning Crdinance, r,egulating the ccnsilucticn and. use of buildirqs, otd na:1 be susoeruied or reuckei at cny tine upan uic- Lation of aty prcuisions of said ardirances. VaLue TOTAL VALAT ?ee: ntM Fvc x J Srgzed 3.D.C. 7.5 c Euilding Pemrit Total Cltaryes State Building Volue & Permit Plumbing Permit llo pereon shall conetract, install, alter ot eltange anu lea cr ecisting plunbing or dtainage sAotqr in alole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal posseesor of a oalid plunbetts License, esceDt thit e pe"son nag do plmbing uork to Wope?tA uhich is otnted, Leased or operated by the dppli- cant. I.iIAEUL Pistutes Resid.enti^a.L (1 bath) Seler Plnbing Petnit State Electricol Permit l,Ihe?e State La,t requires tlldt the electr.Jcal uork be done bg qt Electrical Cant?dctor, the eleelrLcal portion of thie permit slu.Ll not be ualiL untilthe lobel lns been aigned by the Electyical Cont"dcto". Penrit lo oo EEE I I 0a ()0 Nan/Estend. Cireuits Setoice State i?3t4 FEE CIIARCE llcodstooe Mechqnicol Permit Eeiwtst HooC Vent Pa1 PennLt fssttance Meclwnieel Pennt -- EIICRCACILUET]T -- Sean"r'Ltg Deposit Storeoe l,laintenance Pesnl,t Agbcut Si.danalk Mobile ilorne TATAL Ai'lOUNf DUE: *$ !. PLan Esanane? f HAW CAREFALLy ZXAAINED tie cornpleted qplication for petmit, end Calereby certify that aLL infotmation hereoi is ttue anC coruect, anC ffurtket cettify that ory atd aLL aork pez,formed slall be done in aeeor-danee,"rith the Otdinances of the C[tg of Springfield, and the Lans of theState of Aregon per+-aining to the b)ork Cescribed herein, oLC lha.t NO 1CCA- PANCY aill b_e na.Ce of afy strwctuta tithout permisaioa of the Bui.l,ding AL-tision. I further certifE that only conttacto?s o"d. e:-,rplcyees who e'e in co,.pliance aibh CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie project H^ nae< /r< - Date r(L ITEM ;rlctol h)ttttee P?U'S Total Chan,oes Stdto- Fence