HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-08-01l3cz3 0I.. KEJIL \I I iAL" 22 s N oy.th rrr rronnor"t' cArro* /PERI[rr Springfteld, ?regon 97477 Building Ditsiston 7 26-37 53 -e SPFIINGFIELD Date: t- I Plwtbi.ng ELeetrical I4echanieaL rt ia the tesponsibi-lity of -tte perwtt hod* to aee that aL|, inspectiow ue nade at the pyope" tine, that eaeh .ddrees is readahi.el-:r,:-t!r at?ee.t' and. tltat the-p*ntt_catd, ie Located at the frcni of the piopertg. - *Building Noicion appro"*ed pLan svnll remain on the ail.tat"lg- iile at aLL times. :P:l'7lcEDUPE,Fo+tysptc REQWST:CALL726-3799(reeot'd.ep) state you" city designa-ted job nrm,ber, job aciress, type of inepec=i.cn i.3r"i|W"rdyfofiGpi-ction,coiiraelii"-o"a^rnersrclneandp7nnenambel,.P,equestsreceited'befcle7:00a:,'&LLL be made the sane dcg, teq,ests made after ?:00 @n uyLLL be mad.e the neot wriiSi)y. Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Nutnber fs Eqosls Ia Int #22Job Locaticn: Subdiuision: Aesessot,s Map # Otmer: Addness:Phone: S zip:ci d S?bre- ts \1'al't--' Desct4be l,loz,k: fi '{ao. a c t-t ValueDate of App Lieaticn Additicn RenoCel I '-t-'^'g-/-s/ GeneraL SITE II'ISPEC?ION: To be made after eccantation, but pr.tar tc set up of foztns. llypERSLAB pLUMBrNc. ELECTRICAL & MECllr.llrCAL: ?o be made befot,e anywrk is cotsered. TNSULATTON,/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPECTION :?obe@ required oapor berie?a @e in place but before ory lath, Wpsutn bcayC ortnLL coueying is applied, ard beforeoty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPEC?I1N: Ic be made aftez, aLL dtyuall is in plaee, but prior to any taping. MAS1NR!: Steel Location, bond beans, g,routing or oerticals in accondryree Dith U.B.C. Section OR ):CW) BUILDI;ICS Scnitary seuet, eapped .t prope"rr- Lite Hcmes Septic tutk Varped and filled tith gra;sel Final - ly'hqn abctse i.tens dre ccrnoleted and uhen Cenclition is eonplete br sfuuc-ture noued atd, ptenrLses cleared up. POO?ING & FOUNDATICN:To be nade FilIAL PLUAAING PINAL I4ECITANICAL EINAL ELECTRICAL CARB & APPRCACH APPON:d,e er,.ctAEtniA concrete After fornsto pouting SfDEWALK & DRf,,ryHAy: For aLL con- er'-ete paoing aithin etteet fight-of-txA, to be made after aLL ecca-vating canplete & form tnrk & sub- base natertal in place. aft er trencEei-at'iZccau ated and. forrns ote erected, but prior to pouz*Lng ccnc?et.. U.NDE|CR)uND PLUMBTN D.IAIIIAGE: ?o be maCe prLor to fil-Lirq trenches. UNDEPFL9OR PLUT.EI'\;IG & MECHANTCAL: '1o be nad.e prior to installation offloor insul,ation or decking. PPST 4t!-D B_EA\|: To be made prior toLnetaLLatian of floon irpulation otdecking. I R)UGH pLaBrrlc, ELEC?RTCAL & ttECH_ANICAL: Nffiuntil these inspeet.iot:s hnue beennade and cpptott-ed. FIPEPI,.AQI: Pr.Lor to placirg facingnaterials and. before franing Zn"pnl_tion- FRA||ING: t4ust be nequeeted afterapprooal 9f rough plwrbing, eiectri_caL & mechanicaL. AL! toofingbtaeing &_ ehinmeys, etc. rrust beeonpLeted. llo ucrk is to be con_..-cealed unti,L this inspection lns'been made anC approueZ. After installation is BLocking od. Set-up Plwnbing eonnections -- sate! od. aater Electz,ical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-uo and. plwnbing eonnections rrust be apprc,-Zibefore requesting electrical inspee:ion Aecescory BuilCing Fital - After pcrekes, skirtin'g, d.ecks,etc. a"e eonpleted. IENCE: hthen conplete -- prouiCe gates or notsable sectians through P.U.E. ALL project eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of stt,eet trees, conpletion of tietequined Landscepirg, ete., rmtst be satisfied befot,e the BUTL|iNA FrNAL can be t,equested. FINAL BUTLDING: The Final Building, rnspection rnet be requested. after the Final plumbingElectrical, and, Meclnnical Inspect-ior, 'laun bnn ^oin- id;pp;;"d. r _l Page 1 of 2 *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S IIUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTI,IEIII TO BE I.I4DE A? IIO CCST TO CTTY / Lrl 2415. filooosro,n:L4 empT;T;A. I tr T Zone: PLan bram.ne? I HAW CAREFULLI EXAI,IINED the contpleted application fo? pernit, and do hereby certify tlwt aLL infonnatibn hereoi is tnue attd eot, ect, and f furthler certiiy that any ard. aLL donk pe"fom-ed alnll be dane in aecor- 'dance vLth thL- Ordinenc-es of the city of Sp,ingfield, and the La:,;s of the* state of 2regon pe?taining to the ttork cescribed herein, and tlnt N0 )cca- PANcy tlLL bb ra'de of ang structtne uithout permiseion of the Building Di- tision. f further eez,tifs- thct otlg cont?aetors ad enplcyees dho dre in eonpliance Dith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie proiect t: \v Beiroons Access t DT House Range Lot Faces - Laee toue !!eat Soureesbt Sq. ltg. 7 of Lot Casenage_ LCT TWE _ fnterior _ Cornet, _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac # of StorLes ?otal lleight Topogrcphy -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This per'mLt is gtanted on the eq)ress cond.ition tlut the said.eonstraction slull, in all r.espects, conform to the }rdLrnnce adopted by the City of Springfield, incl,uding the Zoning Czdinance, regulating the ccnsttucticn otd use of buildirqs, and may be suspend.ed or rersokeC at cnA tine upon oic- Lation of dn! prcoisions of said ordinances. Value TOTAL VALUE Date Paid: ITEM x Signed S.D.C. 1.5 x Euildi.ng PermLt Total Clungee State Plumbing Permit No pe"eon shall construct, instal!., alter or ehonge dnA ned cr eristing plttrbirq or drainage sAsta'n in ulnle oz' in patt, unless such person is the Legal pbssessor of a ualid plunber"s License, escePt that a pe?son nag do pltmbing aork to propertA uhich is otmed' Leased or operated by the appli- cant. N0.FEE CHARGEITEM llctet Fistt*es Resid.ential (1 bath) Scni Seuer Plumbing Penrtt State Electricql Permit Where State Lan reqtires th.at the electrical uot'k be done by an Eleetrieal Contraetor, the electrLeal pottion of thi.s permit sltall not be oali.C until the label lws been signed by the Electu'ical Contractot'. Nas/Estend Citcuits Set uice State ?otal Vent Edt FEE CIIARCEITEMNC, Vcodstole Mechqnicol Permit bTunet HooC PTU, Petmtt fssuance Mechanieal Permit -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Sec"rity Deposit Storaqe Maintenartee Penrit ClEbcu! Sideualk lence Eleetrical Label Mobile Hotne !. TOTAL AT,IOUNT DUE: * u l5,too