HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-06-03z.eeei tt .. RESIDE. -TIAL.. 22 5 NOrth StI, SiTONIPPLI CAT ION /PERT/IIT Spr"Lngfield, )regon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-37 53 SPFI^lGFTELD il4 e Date:-t ;CALL 726-3769 (z,ecotder) state your City desigrated job nunber, job aCizess, type of inspeelicnbe readg for inspection, Conttactc?s or Ormeys tunne cnd plnne rutnbet. P.equests tecei"*ed befcre 7:00 clL be nade the sane day"requests made after ?:00 on uyill be nade the nest uoz,kirg dail r: is lhe reeponribi-Lily .of -the penrit lto-|4et to aee tlnt at| inapectiotts ate nad,e at the pro?e! tine, that ecch ail,lnees is reaCnhief.yl-tlp at?eet' and tlnt the-pez,nit catd. ie Located at the fzoni of tlte property.*Euilding D.iuiciot approxed pl.an svnll remain on the t"l.lai"lg- site at aLL tines. Conetne*ton Lender aou ss-a4 6Reoui-nerl fnsocaticns /225: , I -.SuhJob Locaticn: Assessore Map #Tcs Lot #aa S:ubdittision: b/a*<'/) _/-Phone: /) a-),L )5Antet Addyess <r2 tf r-*t(1(_lt((-//77CitAouy:/av Deec?ibe Woyk: t tbDD q)trad"J,fu*- -]2, Nir'd',n*i"0 Lo-'r"q,Additian Date of Value L ,-/b - bdh) €a/,{a",I(3,0-drqm GeneraL ELectpicaL Pece 7 of 2 TNSULATION /VAPOR B.4RRTER IIISPEC?ION :rot@ z.equired uapor berie?s @e in place but before org l,ath, gypsum bcayC ortnLL cooez,ing is applied, and before OR :.:OWD BU Sanitary saser cappted at g,opertg Line Septic totk p;nnped ard fi.Lled tith gz,atel ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRTCAL & WCH4\IICAL: To be made befoie anyaork is eooered, fr1 ryofUG & FOUNDATTIN: ro be naCel^ I ;p6-Aerrct;;-at;-eceaoated ai fonns are erected, but pr.iot, to poutLng ccncrete. r UttOEACnOUtlO pr,UAilWC, SgWEp, w.qrcn,'/)Lirq trenehee. M umenrr,ooR pLUI\EruG & MECIIANrGAL:trl of floor insulation or decking. ffi Posr nno amu: To be nade prtot toV-) TGidtitGn oy ftoot irauT)tion ot deeking. ROUCH PLI]IEIIIG. ELECYRICAL & MECE- ANTCAL: No uork is to be couet,edutil these inspections lntse beq, nad.e atd. approueC. EIPEPL,-ACE: Prior to placirg facingmatez,iaLs and before franing inepeb-tion. ERA.I.|fNG: ttust be requested afterapptooal of rough plttnbing, electyi-cal E meclnnical. ALL roofing bracing & chinmeus, etc. mtst be . cornpleted. llo uork ie to be con- ' cealed until this i.nspectLon lus'been nade anC apptooed. K ,E SI?E INSPEC?TON: eeca[ation, but Io be nwde afterpr"iot tc set up of tr FTUAL PLUMBTTIG FTNAL ASCHANTCAL PIIIAL ELECTRICAL ay insulation is concealed. -Jn DRYWALL INSPECII)N: Tc be nade|A|;frAZn@Tie in ptace, - but prior to ang taping.- Final - l{hen abcue itens are cqnoleted and uhen Cemolition is canplete Z, "tuor-ture nooed and. g,etnLses cleaneC up. IIIAS0NRY: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oerticals in aceotdotce trLth A.B.C. Section 24L 5.e Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plwnbing connections -- aane? od. uatet Pi.nal - Aften pcrches, skirting, decks,etc. ate eornpleted. WOODS?OVE: After installation is ccrnpLeted. CURB & APPRCACIT APP.O!: After forneee eyecteC but prior to pourirq conet ete. SfDEWALK & DRflWAy: For all con- a,ete paoing ttthin stteet r.tght-of-teA, to be nade aftet aLL erca- oating canplete & forn wrk & sub- base tm.terial in place. Electrical Connection - Bloeking, eet-up and. plurnbing eonnections nast be apprctbd befote tequeeting electrLcal ins;teetio;t Accessory Buildittg PENCE: I{hen conplate -- fuottiCegates or nooable eectione through P.U.E. ALL p.roiect conditions, such as the installation of s+a,eet ttees, conpletion of tietequired Landseapittg' etc.' mtat be satisfied. before tne guii,iii:c ilpAt iil-* requested. 1V\ PrNAL BUrLDrNrr" .!? Final Build.ing. rnepection nuat be requested aftet, the Final plunbing \C/ Eleetr.tcal, *ra unot*rt."it iiipi.,tl,tro 'tarrn i""iiZa-n- ira apploued. ,I *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEAIIOUTS TLUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?IIEIII TO BE I,L4DE I.T NO CCST TO CTY Iour Cifu Desi.gr,ated Job Nunbez, fs: forrna. r u zone: Z. *JOB NO soLAR :CESS REQ.-L-CO Bedtoans Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooerage_ LCT TWE _ fntericr _ Cormer _ Panhanlle CUL-de-sac # of Stories lotal Eeight, ?opogrcphy Df House Lot Facea - -- Eees -- NEM . FTG x VaLue Building Vqlue & Permit This penrrit is granted on the erp"ess eondition tlut the satd-eonstntction slrall, in all respects, eonform to the otdirnnce adopted biy the city of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinanee, regulating the ecnsttucticn qnd. use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed ot, retsokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of aTtA prcoisions of said fu,dinances. ?oo f- y'larryr.a* 4Uu 5ft8*27 k Vqry freycw Fa_ /, /*P#r-€. frrP*rr.u Dua 57ov.-' Pa.-{,*-. f, TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 x Butldi.ng Pettrit .*'. oo State Date Paid:5-/b * ?s 'Z {. ?otal Clwrges *Signed: N0.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit Residenti-a.L (1 bath)No pe?son slall construet, instaL!, alter or clunge anA neD cz' ezisting plmbing or drainage systan in uhole or in pott, unlees such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plunberts Lieense, escept that a Pe?son nag do pltnbing uork to propertA uhich is ormed, Leased or operated by the apPli- eant. Sani Seuer lba OO Plumbing Pernit qc State Electricol Permit Where State Lan requires that the eleetrieal uork be ilone by an Electr-ical Contractor,, the electrtcal portion of thi6 permit slla,LL not be oalil until the Label lns been signed by the Electrieal Contracto". ?otal a 4ro €o * Na,t/Eotend Citcuits Sensice ITiM NC.FEE CILARCE Ftnnece E?U'S khanat HooC vent F@t / - 3. A tJ /-/.P ?"P /f,. oollcodstoitel/ , ,,6-t5 Per'mit Issuanee Meelwnical Pernrtt Mechqnicol Permit * -. ENCROACHWNT -- Seeuritu Deposit Storage Mainternnee Perniit Carbeut Silasalk Pence Eleetrieal Label 28 € 7 B .?a Mobile Horne f 67. f,O SOtrees !!eat -6'z-Ef I HAw CAREEULLY ELAMIIIED tte cornpleted application for pernit' and. do hereby cetttfy that aLL infonnation hereon is tnte artd cotrect, attd f fw,tket' certifg that any ard aLL uonk perforned sltall be done in accot'- danee trith the 0rdinances of the city of Spr"ingfield" and, the Lae of the* State of 1regon pertaining to the wtk Cescvibed herein, end. tlnt No )ccu- PANCI t'/il,L be rade of anA structu"e urtthout perniseion of the Bui.lding N- oision. I furthen certify that only cont?actors ad anplcyees uho ate in conpliance uith )RS 70L.05s uiLL be used on this project TO?AL AMOUNT DUE: *d ?f,u.ze Signed Date ("; ( ( ( ( e Received For: F.P-7Q, oo C ( ( C t L t/>8.76R7?6' oo a a 4s -P.t 22 .?o a (Gr ?rflzA6 (- L Amount Received 8Y t AUTHORIZEO a TURE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Clty Hall Sprlngfield, Orcgon Depfftmont ol Publlc Workr OFFICIAL RECEIPT No. B A47 gz Flec'd From 9//AwD eaa,""" l?Z,f k{/ta4 Sf , +42b