HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1964-07-08CITY OF SPRINGF!ELD p\ To the 0ccupant of: 3712 Vt lnia Street Spr I ng e , 0regon DEPARThENT 0regon N g'r.ig.g Yours truly, Robert T" Al lenDlrector of Bul lding 6 Zoning BU I LD! i{G Spt'ingfield City Ordlnance No. 1623, Sectlon I requlres that all persons maln_talnlng plumblng wlttrin one hundred and twenty (tzoi} i""t'or any publicsewer lateral must connect to sald sewer lateial. At the date of.this notice, we find that no connectlon for the aboveaddress has been made to the newly accept;d-i.*", lateral serving yourarea. You ai'e hereby glven flfteen (15) days from the date of this noticeto obtain a sewer tap permit and to "onn""t to-irr* sewer. ln the event that yorr a'e not.the property owncr, prease notrfythis office, either by ihon. or rnaiJr.girr;;;; the name and address ofthe present ovrner. (Fhone: tt+O-lAi4)J"-"r -' Furthermore, If you have secured.a sewer perrnit prlor to receipt ofthis notice, please disregand this onder. Dated Julv 8 , 1964 RTA: vp