HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1992-05-29SPR!NGFIELO LO0n llON ()l t'FiOPO:itrD WOItK ASSESSOTIS MAP:--- 11 D'L3+-+ BLOCK:LOT: Zfr, :dlto tl;v'llu-0"= ?zoaa SUBDIVISION: Springtield, Oreg:n 97 4 17 RESIDENI'IAL PEBMIT APPLICATION lns pection:;: /26'3769 Of lrce: 72t);3i!>9 JOt] NUMBER. 225 Fifth Street U*gitri " *PHONE oY-STATE: 7'll -724- *-*T \v zrp, Q747 Y -CITY: ADDRESS: - OWNER: NEW-----REMoDELADDITIoNDEMoLISHoTHEFI ')DESCRIBF, WOFIK: GENERAL: _ PI-t'MBING: MECI{ANICAI ELECTRICAL: PHONEEXPI RESADDRESS TnhlG6"I Z-IZ !@ ?g1j8l.r+h-affi-4zm aW- CONTRAC'TOI1'S NAMF- CONST. CONTRACTOR # FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE: -# OF BDRMS: - -- SECONDARY HEAT: SOUARE FOOTAGE: -.-WAI'ER HEATER: , OF STORIF:; _ OFFICE USE - LAND USE: _ RANGE: CONSTR. TYPEr HEAT SOURCE: # OF IJNITS: -- .- QUAD ARFN, , OF BLDCS OCCY GR()Ut': - -- Rough Electrical - Prior to t_l tl Site lnspection - To be tnade af ler r-'xcavation, but Prior to setting {orms. Underslab Plumbing/ Electrical / Meclrarrical - Prior to cover. Footing - Afler trenches are excavated. Masonry - Stecl locatior), bond beanrs, grouting. Fourrd;rtion - A(ter forms are erecte(l l)ut Prior to concrete place rttunt. Underground Plunrbing - Prior to lillirrg trench. Underlloor Plumbing/ Mechanical - Prior. to insulalion or decking. Posl and Beam - Prior to floor insulatron or decking' Floor lnsulation - Prior to dec kitt1.1. Sanitary Sewer - Prior to f illing trenclt. Storm Sewer - Prior to filling t ren (l lr. Water Line - Prior to filling t renc tl. Rough Plumbing - Prior tcr cover. cover. Electrical Service - Must be approved to obtain Pernlanent electrlcal Power. Fireplace - Prior to facing materlals ancl {ramlng lnsP. Framing - Prior to cover. WalllCeiling lnsulation - Prior to cover. Final Electrical - Wherr all electrical work is corll[)lete. Final Mechanical - Wltcn all mechanical work is cotnPletc. Final Building - Wl'ren all required insPections have bt-ltrt approved ancl buil<!irrg is completed. Other -- l-l Drywall - Prior to taping l-l wood Stove - After installation lnsert - After flrePlace approval and installation of unit. Curbcut & ApProach - After forms are ereoted but Prior to placement of concrete. Sidewalk & DrivewaY - After excavation is comPlete, forms and sub-base rllaterial in Place. Fence - When comPleted Streel Trees - When all required trees are Planted. MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS Blocking and Set'UP - When all blocking is complete. Plumbing Connections - Wlrcn home has been connected to water and sewer. Electrical Connection - Wlrc'n blocking, set'uP, ancl Plumbing inspections have becrl approvcd and the home is conn(rcted to the service panel. Final - After all requirecl inspectlons are aPProved atrcl porches, skirting, decks, an(l venting have been installed. rAx Lor Olf-V) To request an inspection, you rnust call 726-376g. Thls ls a24 l'tour recording. All inspections requested before 7:o0 a.m. will tre m,de the sarrre working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day' REOUIRED INSPECTIONS f-l remporarv Erectric E Hrr"r,l Mechanicar - Prior to f] 5il;lr?l:Tj?,? ;#ffi?"il: tl E fl [] D n E r r fl tf tl tl E Lot faces Lot stl. ftg. Lot covetage TopographY Total height Lot Type . -- lnterior -- Corner - Panhandle --- - Cul-de-sac ACKS PL.HSE GNR 4qc_ E S IHE, F'IIOPOSED WORI( IN THE YIISTORICAL DISTRICT, Ot] ON I HE HISTOFIICAL BEGISTER? -.-ll ycs, tlris application m(,1;l l)e signed an(l apl)roved bY the Historical Coorrjin;.rtor prior to permit issuance. APPROVE D: BUTLDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT Tl-ris perrnit is grantecl on thr: oxpres:i corrditiorr llrirt the said construc:tion sl-t:lll, irr all rcslrccts, cotrform to llrr) ()Idinance ;rrJoptecJ by the City ot Sprin<l(ield, int;ltttling the [)eveloptrlerlt Co<le, rc(lulatirrcl the t:onstructiotl atrd tlsc of buildings;, and nray bc st.ts1'()rlded or rr:voketl at.rny tilne upon violation of arry lrrovil;iorrs ot said or<lirr"tttr)es. ['lan Ch<':ck Fce: - DatePlans Rt:viewed By Date Paid Rccei pl Number:-- 11c<;eived By: VALUE (A) BUILDING PERMIT fotal Value Building Pertnit Fee St:rte Surcharge Total Fee SO. FT. X $/SO. FT.ITEM Mairr Gat;t11e C;rrport Systems Developmerrt Charge is due on all lrrl(leveloped properties within the City linrits which are beirr-c; improved' SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ITEM Fixtures Residential Bath(s) S.rnitary Scwer Water Storm Sewer Mol.rile Home FEE (c) NO FT. FT. FT. PLUMBING PERMIT Plurnbing Permit State Surcharge Tot;rl Charge Wood Stovc/ lnsert/Fircplace Unit t6 -60 (D) No D t6.6b Vcnt Fan vtl/ Mochanical Permit lssuance State Surcharge Total Permit Jg-Qo- -1 F; MECHANICAL PERMIT Frr lrrace [-vll'rust l lo()(, Drvcr Vent L*"* By signature, I state ;rn<J agrer:, that I havc caref trlly examined the completed application and do lrereby ccrtify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I f trrthcr certily that any and all work l)erformcd shall be done irr accordance with the Ordinances of the City of S1-lrinlyfielcl,;rrrtl lhc Laws of the State of Oreoon pertaining to the wotl< rlcscribcd lrcrein, ancl tltat NO OCCLJPANCY will be nr;rrlc of any structurc without perrnissicrrt of the tluilcjinO S;,;fr11y Division. I further certify that orrly contractors and emlrloyees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be tt:;ecJ on lhis prolect. I f urther agree to ensure that all required in:,1.roclions are requested at the proper tinrc, that eztch addre:i-, is rcaclatrle f rom the street, that the permit car(l is localer! at the f ront y, ;rnd the approved set of plan:' will rernain I tirn Signatu Date - of the propert dorr the site ruct MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State lssuance Stat{r Surcharge Sidr:walk -- -- ft Curbc;ut , --- ft Dcrnolition Slale Surcharge Total Mis<;cllaneous Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding clectrical) (4, tl, C, D, anrJ E Combinecl) VALIDATION: ,EcETPT.NUMBER gTqL- DArE PA|D --rj-2-1:11- -AMouNr RECETvED - U.-14 HECEIVED AV - A;V.--^*-r---^ 7 6.16 N S '25,7r,__--_- CITY OF OREGON SPRINGFIELD afr,DEV E LO PM EN T S ERVICES DE PART M ENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-s75s FAX (50s) 726 s6B9 March 2L,1994 Roy Johnson P.O. Box 715 Creswell, OR 97426 4 t Dear Mr. Johnson: The Springfield Buitding Code Administrative Code requires that, for a permit to remain valid, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the perrnit. If work is suspended or abandoned during the course of construction for a period exceeding 180 days, the permit will automatically expire. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a project has not .*...d.d o.r" y.u., a permit to start or resume work may be purchased for one half the fee required for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been made in the original plans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for more time to begin construction work, the Community Services Manager may choose to grant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt from the permit holder of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard to construction activity associated with your permit. Please advise this office of your intentions rvith regard to the permit by ten (10) days from the date of this letter' Please direct inquiries to me at 726-3664 Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:00 a'm' - 5:00 p.m. Sincerely Deanna Buckem Community Services SecretarY b\ ,+ s'u attachment A/-;c,*--*k^*/Y*' Roy Johnson P.O. Box 715 Creswell, OR 97426 JOB ADDRESS: 3710 Virginia Street a LAST ACTMTY DATE: February 22' L993 INSPECTION RECORDED: Framing OTHER: JOB # 920510 Your permit expired on August 22, L993' If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be applied for' If we do not hear from you by March 31, Lgg4 (ten (10) days from date of letter)' we will clear our files of all related information with regard to the permit' r.o0-yf' JoB N0. alo5to CITY OF STTIINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPML i CHARGE WORKSHEET , , (col'lt'IERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL) €oYNAI'IE OR COI,IPANY: b1 ro Vt ec=r tb. *a.t?bL bt+o \+ooLOCATION: OEVTLOPI'IENT TYPE: tfovra k*L DW BUILDING SiZE:2gt6l ^ 7o*no ,'?.oNlb LOT SIZ i. STORM DRAINAGE IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT.?-4 t t- (See Reverse For Runoff Coefficients I Z. SANITARY SEWER-CITY NO. OF PFU'S Ib X 538.55 PER PFU (See Reverse To Oetermine Total PFU'S) 3 TRANSPORTATION NO OF UNITS X TRIP RATE X COST PER TRIP X l. oo5 X 5388-6I x'-- x $388-61 L Kip Burd ck X .- x s38s-61 ?ffittac6menffi-Eeteraine Trip Rates) --t'r'--: "- si.lgrornl- (ADD ITEI'ls 1,2, & 3) sQ. Ft. x $0.186 PER SQ- FT- f Actual ImPerv. Are +412 a Is Unknown) s \9V "ra? 4 ADI'IINISTRATIVE FEES 'BASE. CHARGE (SUBT0TAL A80VE) X .05 1u8 TOTAL.CITY SDC S IG\O63 5. SANITARY SEI.IER.MI.IMC NO. 0F PFU,S lb x 513.25 PER PFU .+ S!0 Hl'll'tc AIHIN' FEE (Use PFU Total From Item 2 Above) r'll.tMc CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) qe s z+g53 TOTAL-MWMC SDC s lo 4o nob1 SDC Coordinator ')-' TOTAI SDCS(bLINZ \ s *ryo FIXTURE UNtT CA.LCULAT'1N TABLE: For ren'rodels. calculale only the NET i;"'ritional lixlures) FIKTURE TYPE Bathtub...-.-. Drinking Fountain-"""""""""""" Floor Drain----.--.---:...""" intetceptots For Grease/Oil/Solids/Etc"-'-"""" "' in,"r""prot" For Sand/Auto Wash/Elc"""'-"" """ Laund ry Tub/Oothesirrasher""" Gothes,vasher - 3 Or More"""""' Mobile Home Park Trap (1 Per Trailer)""'- Receptor For RefrlgeratorflVater Station/Erc'-'-" H"""i o, For Commercial Sink/Dishwasher/Etc': Number ol Nernr Firrures.X tlnit Equivalslll = Fixlure Units (hlOTE NUMBEF OF .- UNIT FIXTURE Showec Gang'.""-"' 51n( Bar. Commerclal U rinal. Stall/Wall---- Wash Basin/La\ratory. Single'--"'- Water Oose! Public lnstallation' Water Closet, Prtvate---- Miscellaneous:. CREDIT calcrdafie credtts Credit for Parcel or Land Only lf Apflicable tmprorrement (f after annercation date) l- .L 4- 2,t u x s .b1 vltl /Head 2 1 2 3 6 2 6 6 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 --_--:- ? +- '?- 2- <r to Shower. Single Qrrll 6 4 TOTALHXruRE UNTTS j CALCUT-ATTON TAB' r: Based on.assess€d vdue rf.rmprorernerts occurred after annexation date in'taue' lo (Rate X Assessed Vatue)x s- CREDIT TOTAL = $ Value)toTt-(Rate X Assessed Year Annocd Rate Per 51.000 Ass'essed ValueYear Annociid Rate perSI.OOO Value 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 s1.69 1.35 1-15 0.92 0.59 o-23 1979 or before 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984' sz66 z& 253 247 Ll9 ZM RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR STORM DRAINAGE ,{ Residential- Commerc'el.--.-.--. - --.---- - -- "'-"'-' lndustrial--..- G overnm ental -. -.- - - -. -.. "" 0.4 0.9 0.45 0.5 IMPERVIOUSARF^=TOTALLoTSIZEXRUNoFFCOEFFICIENT OREGCITY OF SI'IIINGFIGLO t di! 225 FIFTE STREET SPRINGFIELD, oREGoN 9747 INSPECTION REQUBSTz 726 0FFICE: 726-3759 1 Permits are non-tr ab expi reelf vork is not starte vithin 180 daysof issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. z CONTRA(f,OR INSTALI.ATION OM,Y Electrical Contractor Heritage Elect Address 855 West 24th Avenue cit Euqene Phone 344-1500 Supervisor License Ntimber 945S Expiration Date t}lt/ Constr Contr. Number 63137 EI.ACTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION City Job Number SCEEDUI.A BELOV . Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. s 1s.00 s 40.00 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps _ 401 amps to 600 amps _ 601 amps to 1000 amps_ Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Oniy s s0.00 s 60.00 s100.00 s130. 00 $300.00 $ 40.00 rvice Included:Items Cost Sum 000 sq.ft. or less $ 85.00 ch additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanuf'd Hone or -Modular Dwelling A Service or Feeder d, Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: A$ &e B & €S ExP c. D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Pane} Temporary Services or Feeders Instal}ation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less S 40.00 201 amps to 400 amps $ 55.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see ilBx above Signature of Supervising Blectrician a r/5-s Ovners Add s Ci ty ne OIINER INSTALI,ATION The installation is being made on property I ovn which is not intended for sa1e, Iease or rent. 0vners Signature: DATE: RECEIPT iration Date 12127 / one circuit -l- S 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit $ 2.00 E. Misceflaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Ptrmp or irrigation Sign/Outline Ligh t ing- Limited Energy/Res - Limited Energy/Comm STETOTAL OP ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL s40 s40 s20 s36 00 00 00 00 5 PGCEI\IED q) Ihe fhe ,a