HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-05-04" RESIDENTIAL" 22s llorth rrr rro""APPLicATr0N/PERIur SprLngfield, 2regan 97477 Building Diuision ona ,- --r 40-o / ao SPRIn{GFIELD /h*[),il. /5. D /). o 60 .(, (?^iob Loeaticn: Aesesso"c :4dp # Subdi.o.Js;-cn: A-,/-zanmer: 4A- r Da--.4ddtess Dl.m c city: DescrJbe llork -/to"d/il,* noiun *fu ODate of AppL -r3icattcn 5-4 RanoCel AditessConxra.cxors GeneraL ELectytccl l,leehar.ical ffi iet!)Lr?i))t 0R ):c'/!) Sanitwl seaer eapped zt pz,cpetQ Lire Septtc tank p:,t::ped ard. fiLLeC aith gra:;el linal - i,hen abcue 'Jtens ate ccnolecei tnC xizen TencLition is con=Lele oy s:-;:- tuye naueC qri =tc.:;'.ses clear.ei tt. !.!obiLe tsLocking ad. Set-up Plwnbing cannecrions -- sater od, aaner Electr.Jcal Ccnnection - Blcckin4, set-ut and, pltunbing eontzections r.ist be apprcu-ei before ?equestang e7-ectz-ical inscectiol Accessc,.,g tsulZitrg Einal - /,fter, :crckes, skirting, decl-s, etc. @e ccnplzlzd. Dalt 1 at' a Consln .!!cn_!"-k!_ Iout Cifu Desigra.ted Job Nunber fs iltsuLAr:aN /YAPOR tsA.RRrXR IISI! tloil : To be naCe after aLL insuleticn c.d requ'lred oqor boriels @e in olace but before oty La.th, Wpsunl bcqyC cr unLZ coueying is cpplied, ard. before oty insulatian is concealed. DRIVA.LL IiISP1C!IC)I: Tc be traCe aiter aLL aryuall is in place, buc prior to azry taping. IUSC!!!: Steel Location, borui beans, gzauting or tertieals in accotclotce uith U,ts,C. Section 241 5. 'iC)DS?C;,E: After i,nstallatton,)s cclroLetad. I-t is the respotzsibility of ,the penrLt holder to see that aL7- inspecCons @e r,ad.e at lhe lroper tlne, tkat aach,zidress is z.eadabl.eiron ti@ si?eet, anC thac the pernit card ie Lccateci at the fzvnt of tl,e -,tooertu.,Zuiliirg V),,ticior. qpz.oteci :Lbn sirll remain on t'ce Buii<i-.rb Sr:" Zx aLL' tr.^es.' ?!?1ClDUPg-Po\ IysPtc?rcit -EiQ7|EST:CALL726-3769(tecotCer) stdte Aou" City Cesigneted job nuizber, iob aiitess, type of .lnsDec=icn tequested ari uhen iyou -uiLL be tead4 !o_2. inspectron, Contractars oi Asners rane Lrd pTone nrrtber. .g.equests rece.t,:Zd befcTe- 7:C0 an'-ILL be nade the sane Ccg, ?equests mcde aftez, T:00 an vi.LL be nnCe the nast -sorking'dag. t s te55- U)ID!PSL;3 ?':J:,BI:IG. 4LEC:3IC,I: 1 i.lECiii.iliCAl: lo be natie beloro- ang cT7rn l:Jqr?aar^il. *cA;noa but ?o be rmde aJ'ter pr"icr to set up of naie arl. to ,ta?!R, forns. PCCTi:]C 1 ?OU\]DAT:CN: ?O bE;f'tet ""z,":rlcGs ate ,icanated. forna ote ero-c=ei, tuz tr.tcrpour)rg ecnc?et€,. u !! piR G ?C Uit p liw ci G,stEL conc?ete. SIDIW{LK d DRI',TiAlt: 7oz, aLL con- A;;A@"1-;CE; street right- of-,;cA, tc be naCe after aL!- etce- uating canolete & forn,aork & sub- base naterial in place. l-l rvrr.qsacop ?LU:sr:tG MlCrlA.trCAL:tt@oi fToor .!,neulcxioa or decking. I I DRAIIIAG|: io be na.7e prioz, to fil-Lir4 crer:ekee. ?9SJL|Up 3EA!,!: To be rcCe prJor tofiiliGf,iof f7,oor irsuT)tion ot Ceeking. FAT.IC:] ?:'T,!E::]G. !:E::PICA' 1 :,!EC:]- ).:liC).:: ;lo 'sori,. ls :c ce couered. 'attiL ;i:eae ir"sceetiors have been noie crd. cgprct;el. F!1!?LA:iZ: Pz4or lo plcciro izc-Jngmcxeriai,s and. before frofir4 inspec- FF-4-!MC: itust be reo.uested afler aporou,;L cf rct;gh plwrbing, electr)-cal d neci"a,nieal. AL! rooiirq bracdng I chinmcys, ete. nusc be . cornpleted. ilo ucrk is to be con- - cecled until this insoeeticn l.,ae'been nade cnC aporcteC. CUP.B & A?PRCACH AP.'!N: a,e er.eex;Z-fr7i4 After fornsto pctz-Jt4 -:ltad.h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe or rnouable sections through ALL pz,ojecx ca.dl;ions, sueh as the insxallaxicn cf street ,tees, :c:pletlon cf i:;e required *r4"sqting, etc., ttust be satisJ'ied bel'cre the ilftDf:ic FMAL ecn be reqaestei. ?IilAL BUILDII\C: Tne Final EutLding Insoection tast be- requested :iter the lital Plunbing llectrical, orC Mechart ccl ins?ectuans naoc been nede atd, aporoued. 'ALL I|ATHCLZS AltD CLZi.il1UTS i,tUST BE .|CCES1rtsLi, .{Dii,Si.'E:i! rA 3Z :.L1iE .1.! ::0 ::ST 7C Ci:y D tt , ,1 . uum pLuillr:ic l. et;mr i,ECitAtrcAL I nlet ELzclercAi { I 2-aa 9 we c1. t vt. 1 cf Lct Camage ! of Stoies ?otal leight topogqhg SOLAR ,.'CESS REQ.- LCT TY?! _ b-terior _ Cor*et _ Panhard.Le CuL-cie-sac Reeeipt #: Sigred: Mechqnicol Permit PentrLt fssu.orce Mechanical Permit State Total CTayqes f HAW CA-REEULLy XXAI4I\IED the eonpleted eoplication for permit, cnti d.a hereby certify that aLL itfontation hetecn is trae arl. ecrrect, anC I fw,+.her cet,tiiy that any crd. aLL uork periocned shall be done it, accct,- danee oith the Ardinences of the City of Springfield, anC ;he La;s o! th.e State of aregcn peri:ainina to th.e aork Cesq'ibeC heretn, a"l. !)u,. l0 1CCA- Pl.llCLtiLL be nade of dnA sxructu?e uithout permissiott of the Suilding Di- uision. I frttther certtfl ti,.et o:tlg ccntnacto"s a.,C e:tplcgees uh.o cre tn co'npliance u'r.th CRS 707.055 uiLL be used. cn this project ..f= L-co c lee?aons: /L5JOB NO Lot iaces - eat Dt f{ouse A,:cess Range ilaoastoxe -- Fzes -- x Yalue -nfiaa .raf tt? (S.D.C. 1.5 .c Building Vqlue & Permit This pernrrt is granted on the esp"ess eondition tlat the said-conscrtction s\all, in all rescects, eonfcr.n to the }r&i,twnce adopteC by he C:-t! of Sprtngfielti, ineluiing ;h,e Zoning Crdinance, regulctitlg the ccns,/.Lctict czti use of butld.ings, and nau bt susperuieC or re"sckei at cr.! t'-ne :i2cn uic' Latlon of .mg prctsisions of saii Crdinenees, 1uilding ?ertrt To+.aL Changea !iz;utes Resi.dett;-aL ( 1 bath) Seue" Plumbing Permit No pez,eon slull constptct, ins!al1., alter or change anA nea cr esis;ing plwnbina cr drainage systen in uhoLe or in pott, unless sueh person is the Legal passessor of e ualid plutnber's Licen$e, e.cept t|",at a person na'g do plmbing aotk to p"ope?ty uhich is orsned, Leased or opercted by the appli- cant. Plunbing Pernrlt €tate Su,cl'.arge Na,t/Eztend. Circuits Semtice Electricol Permit Were State Lan requites tha.t the elecd"eal uorkbe done by an Eleetrical Contractor, the electrLcal portion of thi6 permit sltall not be ualiC until the Label ius been sigzted by the ELecfi,ical Contraclot,, :!i:4 ,-!: t D?l bhast Hoo,i. Vent ?ot Tcotistote cz o,k) tr t o a -- I:tc,..cAC:::.:::t! - - DzcceitSec.an) SiCa,:alk ICTAL Ai.lOU]rc DUE: *lt (eo Mobile ilcne 4 7- 3c Sto?aae l4aintmcnce ET.ecttrcal Label /7