HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-09-05..RESIDE APPT,ICA'. NTIAL N/PERI4IT SPFIIFIGFIEL-D-+ t4v05 225 North Sth Stteet "tri+"gfi"Ld, .or.egon 97477 BuLLdin4 Di'ulston 7 26-37 53 Date 1 res Tan, Lot ll 0 U7 L,lob Locati-cn: Aasessota l'laP fl Subdioision: A)ner /?I'lionr:lnla-- s ,7y M8 zip h'ork l)rl Slr Val.ue L 0/r Date of App Licatian fr OI Adrir,':;;;: edditian RenoCel (lcne ral I'l r.rnrbi.ng nical Ulec L r 1 c 1i:l nElec l- t:efwSrr Pcge 1 of 2 It ia the responaibility of the permit ho-M-et' to see that aLL inspec-tions are nade at the Jron the stne'et, and. th-at the permit,e-atd ie Located "t .th.q ft'o1t of Llie- -pro.perty''r's;idi7s-b::;i;i"; "pp,ioina ptZi cn-:tl yemain on th; Bulldinp itL.' ot ,rLL Lincs. pnoCEDIJRE FOR INSqEC?\1N RIQUEST:CALL726-3769(recordet,) state your City designa-ted iob eadyfot,inspection,Cotltt,actorscra,ne.:.sttc,llecndF;Lnne ;tiil be nade the sdne day, r,equests'iade afiet, ?:00 on uiLL be made tke ncet:,sorki.rq dng, Your Ciby Desiguted Job Nutnber Is time, that ecch cddress is reeTabie ', job aCitess, tljpe of inspectioi P.equests Yecei-ted befcte 7:00 at DW proper : nloibel' nunbct,, l?eatt i,n e,4 Tn sn ae t1'.ans --1,Ltlg1!i9!!p trwqttg,_slyE!,_-aury,,J 1; Lirq trenchee. l1 uaomrLllR pLut,:Rn'lc & MECHANTGAL:t t Tobin@o1 floor insulation or decking. PO:;T AND BE4!4: ?o be made pnior toTi|TiTTilf,ffof floor insul).tion ot decking. ROLIGI| PLUIVBIAG, ELECTRICAL 8 I,IECH-mrcAf,:ffi until these inspeai;iors haue been nade arui appnoueC. FIPEPL,ACE: Prior bo plccirg facingmaterials and. bcfore frotting inspeL-tion. L'RAllf NC: Iufust be recuesl:ed aften appnouat of rough pli^birg, itnitnl.-cal 8 nechanieal. ALL roofing bracing 8 chinmcys, ebe. mtst becotnpletcd. lto uork is to be con- cealed until this inspection lwe been made anC approued. SITE INSPEC?ION: To be made after eacaoatton, but pz.iot, tc set up of forme. AIDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHA|IICAL: To be nade before any uotk is cooered. POOTINC & FOUNDATnCN: To be rm.Ce a f t e r -iifrG{iiiZc c ats ate d and. forms are ereeted" but prior to pouring ecncrete. FTilAL PLUI,,IBING EINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL TNSULATION/VAPOR EARRIIiR IIl[;PICTION : Io be made after aLL insulaticn atd requ|red uapor botriers ote in place but before any Lat;h, gypswn boarC or tnLL cooertng is appli.ed, and before aty insulation is conaealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be nade after aLL dryuall is in plaee, but prior to any taping. MASON!?I: Steel Location, bondEidilgrouting or uertica'l.s in accotdance utLth U.B.C, Section 241 5, After installation is CURB & APPR)ACH AP!?)N: After formsa"e e;At;Z'6;tnii to pourins conerete. STDEWALK & DRLt'EllAf: For aLL con- crete palrfi Dl$rn street r.ight- of-txy, to be made aftet, aLL erca- Oatitxq eomplete & fotn tsork & eub- base rm.tetial in place. Blocktng and Set-;tp Pltonbing eonneetions -- scue! anC uater Eleetrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-u: and plunbing connections rn;st be apprctei beforc requesting electrical inspeelio;: Aeeessory BuilCitg Final - After etc. an,e comp pcrckes, skir.ting, decks, Let.ed. s;l;;htherz co;nyl,:Le -- l'touille- or mouable sectiotts through P.U.E *ALL I4AN4CLES AND C|'|IANOUTS MU::T BE ACCESSIBLIi, AD,IUSTIIENT TO BE ttAI)E /1.? NO C1ST TO CI?y ALL proiect condit;ions, such qs bhe installation of s!;reet trees, aonpletion of tnerequired Landsecping, etc,, tmtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL ean be requested. ?fNAL BUILDINC: Ihe FinaL Building Inspectiott mtst be requested after the Pinal PlunbingElecl;r,ical, anC Mechanical fnspections luoe been nad.e and'approoeC. DEIIOLTTIA]! OR |,:OVED BUILDI\ICS Sanilary seaer eapped et property Line Septic tank pu:'ped and filled uith gralal ?inal - hlten abcoe itens are eanplete,i and uhen Cernclition is cornplete oz' stru.3- tuye noued and pt,enises eleaneC up. Hcrnes _j /': \ w r JO8 NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ._L-coc*;lone: Lot Faces - Ct ot" BecboomeLot Sq. Ftg, % cf lot Ccuerage LC? ?YPE # of Stotles ?ota',!, Height Topographg fnterior Cot ner Panhand.le CUL-de-sac P.L ltectt Access - th lace tou-et I?EI.I -- Fees -- X Value Building Volue & permit This -permit ts gnanted on th-e erpress condition that the said. eonstructionslnll ' in all resnects, conforn t;o ilrc ordlnonoe- iiorr"i ti"ilrZ"'ctty ofsptingfieZd." tnclud.ing'the Zoning cr:;;";;;;,, negulating the ccnstmtcticnan,l .use o-f buildtngs," and m-ay b"-" ";;;;";;; or t,etsokeC at cny tine upon uic_laLion of any ptt,cuisions of Laid ondlinancis. TOTAL VALUI s.D.c. 1.5 r e Euilding Petnrit ltee: State Date Total Chntges # Signed: t1'ELt NO T LT,CIIAR(;E Firtta,es Plumbing Perrnit ResidztntiaL (1 bath)Ng person sluzll _constmot, install,, alter or elnnge any nel cr existingp,Lun\ing or drainage slJste-n in uhole ot in part, unless such person is thelegal possessor of a oalid plwnber,s License, eocept that a pet"son may do pltnnbing uork to propertA uhich is ouned, Leased oz, operated by the appli- cqnt. Sani Seuen Plwnbing Pernit State Surckarge 1 * Electricol Permit hrhere State Laa requires tkat the electrieal uork be done bg an Slectrieal Contractor, the elicttical portion of this pemntt shall not be oaliC until the 'Label lws been signed by the Electrical Cont"dctor. CITARCE Neu/Esterd Cir.cuits Setwice State Total ,D0 , DO CIlARCENCI aL IFwr"ace Mechqnicol Permit tclmnst HooC ['lcodstoise Vent Fan Pewrrit Issuance Mec?nnictl Pennit -- ENCROACITMEN'I -. Securttu Deposit Stordge Mrz'inberwnce Permit C\rbcu SideutaLk Fence ET.ectrical Label Mobile llone t llAvli CAfttFllLt,Y EXAMINF:D tlrc contpleted appliaatittn !b-t'permit' and do iii).ti .erlttfa that aLL information hereoi^ia true and co,tect' and I i"r,tiln iln"tlfy that any ord oLL uqk pe^r'f-otned slnll be done in aceot'- ian o- ,,rtth th"e" Ordinai'cls of the City of bpringfield, .and the Laus of the Stat. of o,egcn pet'taining to the uoVk describcd herein' end tTnt No )CCU- pl.Itcy DitL be rnade o1- ii,y" tt u",tuy,e uithout permission of the Suilding D.i-- uision. f furthet c-ertill1 that only con-tr'actors and enplcyees ulzo are Ln coipli-anae"rltl, ons ?01.-055 utLL be- used on this projeet PLan Excmt.ner Taie -- TotaL 'i)'lAt Al'l)ultT DUI|: *15/7{S'i.r yne-d Date r?gt4 Reeeipt ll.. RESIDENTIAL.. /PERILIT nade aftet' ' set up of SPFIINGFIEI-D APPLICATl 225 North Sth Street SprLngfteld, Oregon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-s7 5s l,l ,7 lY /l,t* Date: It ia tha fnorn the a*Building reeponcibi_lity oi tle penrtt lold.ertt,ee.t,. and that the pitrrit cayd iat -ulDion apptoved plan slcZt penain e front of theing Sitr at aZ -prope?tyL tlnes. ?A"*"'-'iZl be nade the ed,e diy, ,;A;;;;';"1; to see that al'!-inspectiona at,e nade at the pyopet tine, that ecch address is t,eadableLocated at thon the Butld 26-3769 ('tecorder) state yout, City designated job rurnben res , job aC.<il,.ess, tgpe Requeste recei"^ed sruz tnsptc:ron, etcavatton, but Io be pr.iot, tc inspec tion, Contractor.s or A,mei,s ttctne and phone numbet.aftez.7:00 on urtll be nade the next tnnking day Iout, City Desigo.,ated Job lhnbet, fa: (-) cs 0ry after aLfotms D trenches FTUAL PLUMBIIIC FIIIAL MECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL PO_QTINC e F?UNDATICIT\: To be naCea-Jcer trenches are eseauated and. lorns. arc erected., but ptiot, toWut*ing ccncrete. ?o DEYttAt,L=!NS=pter!7N: ?c be nadealtev aLL dtyuall is in place, DUD prllor to any taping. UASONR!: Stee| location, bond,beatns, gnouting or uerticals inaccotdance brtth A.B.C. Section2415. HOODSTOVI: After installation iearnpZeted. c-!88_e AppRgACH App,ON: After formsare ePe:ttc.l ltut pt,ior to pouringconc?ete. SIDEUAL( q. nRfVEU.4!: Fon aLL con_ct^ete pau[ruj uithin stneet night_of:Ya, to le nade aften atl Zr)a_Datlng cornqlgte & forn unrk & sub-Mse matertaZ in place. ?ENCE: tlhen conplate -_ pTooiCegate6 or nouabZe sections tnnignP. U. E, Pr= lin rn\anq tA-c'c,c-! stoe € \ n Spe<tt6rq AIL p,ojecb aond..tt,to4s,.such aa the instal,tation of street tnn"",Torolf,iorirr"-requined Landscapins, eto., ,ist-iJ "'"iizrt"a b"f;;"-;i;';u;;;;;, F,NAL ean be nequested [iyi,i!:i::* ,#fr"X::i,,r,:l*ilr",;,xz;lr";#",:"i" "tr2:o;i:j,?:tter the Finat ptwnbins PosJ 4!L4EU: - ?o be nade pr*ion toLrnaeaLLalian of fZoor tnsulation onaecklng. until these inspecttons haoe beernade q.rul approued. FI:?EPITAQ-E: prior to ptacirg faeinqnateriats anr) before j";i;g i;;;';Z_ FRA||INC: ttusb be requested aften :^{i^ii:dr;3\1,:'1fr',..",zizzia- ,_:!:r,ry E chinmeys, ete. tiast" beeompLe-ted. llo ucnk ie to be eon_cecled u-ntil this inspection iii,"been nade anC apprcrteld.. Job Locaticn: Aasessore Map I Tc,t Lot # Subdilision: Phone Otmer: Address: zip: Describe i,ot l<: 00b .00 tr ors ci 7 Date of App Lieaticn Y'*l-t Value Plurnb ing Additian General l'Iechanica 1 t \bld Sfnx- ,";-'u^A5WrYlr EJ,ec E r S upe 1n Elec tr:clan BU I,OR Sanitary aeuet capped at property Lire Septic tank pwnped and fitled uith gra;sel Final-- l{h-en aboue itena ate ccnpleted.and uhen |qtolition is eonplete'o" iln"_tuye noued and, ptenises etZaneC ip.--'-- Le ttcmes I Blocking and Set-up Plunbing connectione __ a€I,re? and, uatet, ElectricaZ Connection _ Blooktng, eet_utand plwnbing eonnectione ,*"t b-"'ooir".Il,:Dejor.c nequeeting eleclrtcal inspeZ':ion Accessory- Buildnng Piral - After.pcnckes, skipting, d.ecks,etc. ate c,znpleted. Pt,te 1 of J '1At,r, MAI\HCf,ES AND CLI!.ANOUT:,- til)ST BE ACC[:S,,STBLE, AD,IUS?IIEII? ?O I]E TI.4I}E .4? IIO CIST ?O CrY of inspeclicn befcre 7:00 ct W L-co cr Bedrooms: Zone: SOLAR ACCESS REQ,-JOB NO. Lot Faces - Se Iloue eP. L.% cf Lot Cooeraqe Total Height TopograPhY LOT TYPE _ Interior Corner Panhartdle CuL-de-sac Iot Sq. Ftg VaxFTGTTEM TOTAL VALUE s.D.c, 1.5 c Date Paid: Signed: Building Volue & Permit I ThispernLtisgranbedontheetpresscond.itiontlntthes'ztd'eonsLrucLionstnll, in atl respecti,"';";;';Z;;i;"lin-b''it''-"ce edopted biv bhe cLtv of springfield, ineluding''-il'2o'l''g crd:'nanc-e' regulat'irtg .bhe c11strut-l!-":.r^ and use of bui.Ldtrus,'o,'d-*iy be" eusp.ended on reuokeC at ctrA b;'me upon DLc- iil.i" oi any prcuTsions of eaid 1rdirnnces' Bui.Ldtng PermLt Total Chargee State CHARGEN0.FEE Fi.rtwes Resi.dential (1 bath) SedefSatti, Plumbing Permit . shall consttact, inetaLl" alter ot' cpn7e.,anu rul cr ezisting "i'T,Li""iZ";;::!?::';iliZl;"::",,:'';1;:,"";"1"":oi.?iz:;';;'1"',2"-Ti""[;ni1i1r",,'niTr'1';;;2"'izl'7"o"op'notedbvtheappli- Ptunbing Permit State No person pLwnbing Legal Pos pLmbing cant. NailErtertd Circuits Sensice Total LELeetri-cadn LtiunbeoaL CIIARCENCITgM lkl@tst Hood. Vent Fa I,tcodstoite o PermitMecho nicol llechanice L Penrit PermLt Issucnce Pernit Cvt'bcut Sida;alk Mobile Hone ReeeiPt fl: Date PLatt THAwaAREFUT,LI.EIAMTNEDtP'1ryLn!.n-1^.y:ii'1*"JtrJ:.#Zi".mi:- rizzzlf iiliii{ li -1"r,;T z"' :ait i/;,Zq*2,{;:'" 2? ; n "'danee '"YLth the )rdt',trifiL",,J,n,,oz,ki"#yi;';1"xr#,:,\,fr"_"i*""zxri:Jz'"W,f,;2",,i; ',iiifi "."-if \\?1::'tr"0;:7;'rr'3if ;L',;',2X"";i7;""p,,iiniteanPliance dith CRs TotaL n q uf- T7TAL AMlUNT DllE: *\b,O Date ')c1 FgE I