HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-08-20llcnes 0R !.:oveDDEI.lOLIT- Sanilaty seuer capped at propet'ty Line Septic tank p"ntped and filled trith gra:tel Final - l{hen aborte itetns are ccnpleted and uhen dqnolition ie eonplete or struc- ture norted ard prenieee cleaneC up. Job tocaticn: Tas lot HAaseasore Map il svbdiuision: A.mer: Phone:Address: city Desct ibe i'ot'k: ldditicn RemoCel ValueDate of App t--l eru-c ..REsIDENTIAL..tll APPLICAT- rV/PER\,|IT 225 North |th Street Springfield' 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIELD-ffE [,,* Date: General P lumb ing I.lechan al ccEr c lil t][lec I rS rr lre rvart; Reouine.rl la SI?E INSPEC?ION: ?o be nade aften V I ."""rr"ii-on.-b"t prtor tc set up ofu 1rro".frq DC",y PlO UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELEC"IRICAL & IECH{\IICAL: To be nade befone anY GtTi-iooered. l-y) poornc & FOUNDATT)N: To be rmde 14) ;fb e;-tt ;nctr;;;;;icatated attd fotms are erected, but Pniot to pouring ccncrete. UNDSRGROUI7 PL|IMD INC-, SStlER. .H.|r!!- DRAIIIAGE: To be ffide PrLor to !LL- Tfi-f,frnchee. urlpERFLooR PLUJ'IBING 4 ME..|!NIC,AL: -To be nade prior to instaLLatlon oI floon insul.ation ot decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nnde Priot to ffiiffiffiof floor insulation ot deekittg. ffilT-these inspectione haoe been nade aru| aPproved. FI\?E!11!!:E: Pnior to plccirg facing ^ci;;l;C and before froning indpec- tion. FRAIIINC: l'tust be requeated aftet @ffit of nough plwr,bing, electri- cal & neclanical. AL'|, roofittg bracing E chinmcye, etc. mtat be completed. No wrk ie to be con- cecTqd until thio inspection lae 'been nade anC appnoued. TNSULATION/VAPOR IiARRTE? I!BP.!CTI0N,: lo be rnde after all insulaticn ad rcqu'lred oapor bawiers are in place bui belore any Lath, gypsutn boarC or tnLL cor.tering is applied, and befote ay inaulation i.s concealed. DRYILALL INSPECTION: lc be nade @idT6i,ntTts tn ptace, but prton to cnY taPittg. I4ASlNRY: Steel Location, bond ffijgrouting or oet'ticals in accondorce tith U.B.c. section 24L 5. VOODSTOVE: Aften inatallati-on i'e ampleted. CURB A APPRCACH APRON: Aftet formsd"r,""tA6t p;1"" to pouning coterete. SIDEHALX & DR|VEWI'Y: For aLL con- creteffiA;ffi street night- of-txy-, to be rnade aften aLL eoca- uafinb completc & forn wrk & sub' base nnterial in Place. Blocking attd. Set-uP Pltntbing connections '- sclter ad ualer Electrical Ccmnection' Blocking, eet-ut . and olwtbinq connectiona rrust be app?cu'ea befire requ-eeting eleclrtcal inspecliott Acceason'; BuilCittg Pinal - After etc. are comP pct ehee, eki.rting, decks, leted. FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECIIANICAL FINAL ELECIRICAL PENCE: When eonPlate -- PrortiCejffi or nansable sections through P.U,E. nLL proiebt conditione, such aa the i.netal-Lation of atreet t11e_1-, coneletion-of the required Landsccping,'Zt"-.,-irt tn ,oti"1iid b"filre the B7ILDING FIfAL can be requested' FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Buildtttg Inapection mtet be requected after the Final Plwnbing E L: "; ;7 r;;;1;-' orrd u e ot-ri, o it t i " p e " tl; o n o i 4o o b e en nad e atd - app t oo e d' ,AT,T, L,IANIrcT,8S AIID CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTilT:W TO BE I'IADE AT NO COST TO CIIY Pagte 1 of I ( rt fl l tr tr T @ JOB NO.SOLAR A'CESS REQ.-G+ z L-CO Bedroons lat Faces - Access.IlouseP.L th t Iot Sq. Ftg. % cf lot Cotset'age- IOT ?YPE _ Interior _ Co"ner _ Panlnndle - Cul-de-sac Total P,eiqht TopograPhY ! of Stories -- Fees -- Va. FTG X \D TOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 1.5 t 3 Date Paul: Receipt ll: Sigted: Building Vqlue & Permit This permit is granted on the etpress cond.iLion that the said'consttacLton s;-ll, in all respects,- ioiJo'*'to the ordinance adopteC biy the c.i'ty ,1f"ip"i"iftifi, ;notia'i."g'the'zoning crdinanc.e, regulcti,rtg the ccttstr-'rcttctt and use of buiLdittgs, ""i,ry An" suepende'{ or r-euokeC at aty t'Jne upon uic- |ation of ony prcrtisiona of aaid otdirances' Duilding Permit Total Clnnges State NO,FEE Fi.atures Residenti,al (1 bath) SeuerSani Plumbing Perrnit No peraon slull construct, inatal!',- alter or cltange ,cny ned.c" existing ilr^ttli or drainage ,y"1"" i" 'lntie or in part' inlees such person is the Legal poaeessor of " ulliZ pi'*'Lnn'i Li",nn"Z, eecept tlut a pe:'son nag do ptmbing uork to propnlti'"iiii-i' o""'nd, Leased ot'operated by the a1;pli- cant. Pltnbing Perni.t State ],[EM tlas/ktend Circuits Seruice eA 6,.4 oa Electricol Permit I{herestateLa,lrequit,eettattheelectricaluorkbedonebyanElectrical contractor, the electr\Zot pZrl,Lon of this -permit shall rot be ualiC wttil tie tabel iae been ai-gned by the Electrical Contractor' Total * rcr CIIARCE Eellaot ilood. Vent F@t I,lcodstooe , Mechqnicql Permit Permit fssuance Meehanical Pefidt Secitt"i Permit dtrbcut Sida,taLk ELee uobile Honre f ilAVE CAREFULLy EXAIIINED S'!12 ssnpleLed appltcation fo-r permit' and dc i"';;;; ;;;7;fy-ih";-"1t- i"f..*tibn hereoi ie true and correct' an^t I 'fr-n;L"nn- "'urtliiy that org ird all wrk penfotned etall be dane in dcsor'- il);;U* thZ" ord,inantc".r-oy ihn city bf -springfield, .ad th-e La;s of tha rt:;t'";|-;,;;;;"-b;;;,i;aiq-io the uotrk Teecribbd hereln, cnd ttnt No occ";- PANcv tlitl be nnde of ii'i" ,tr".iir) uitt'o"t petmission of the suitdLno l.i.' oision. I further certiiy that otly contractors oid enplcyees utio ate L;i L^p1,1"*L'ri.tt, ons lil.b';s utLL be- uaed on this proiecL ZY-za L{- Total ,IOTAT, AMOUNT DUE:./72.77 4 (\ Date -- ENCROACHMENT -- Storaae Mai-ntemree !nn3o- t