HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-06-09@ CO}IPLETE TIIIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AI'JD PRINT. a (\l :i: :- I a i. ,Lr s I i:::_Y Ap:rIicrt.j.o Pernit ! !rro Copics of Plans f Tro Coo j c:s of Plor P1,ans Iltcchanica] CncckLrst I I,l umbj nc Ciiec):I j-st ^ftftf=dry- I)1an Checii lnfo Sheet I.kUi'u--lr u.,lr r.v )' E4esidentiat [-l cor.uncrcia] f r:Cus t ri a1 LlFubItc 5 Vi,LUr Proposed Exi sting ;Lilii: LiiI i,Li -i TI]LL; trn I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXA-I.II certify that any and all TilE COMPLETED APPLICATIOI,I FOR PERMIT, and do hcrctry ,rcrt-ifi. thot all inforFation he!4rn i,i true n work performed. shall be done in accordaDce with the Ordirrrtccs of Lane Coulrt.y and tl)e La?s of thr. S!Jl- Z fu,,", I conrr"c:or !;gort a'rd I f urtlr,, I Orr:.f)n I,cr Lainin., to the work described herein, and that.NO OCCUPANCY vill be made of any structur. without the pernission of the Buildir)g Division. I furthar c(rtif) Lhat regisLration vith the Builder's Board is in full force and effcct as required by ORS 701,055, that if exempt the basis for.ixcnf'tion is not.:d hereon, and th3t only subcontractors and enployees who are in compliance sith ORS 701.055 will be used on this Project. I HArrE READ AllD CllECruD THIS THOROUGITLY Rrsge euto L, ZtS*6'.- NAME (I)Ieasc print) tr PLANNING ZONING:Zone Parcel ,rru€6'XfrB' ,",' \5'Q(lt--'l'lir)rmum sctbacks, c", f.'o.,. .QN t",E- Part-it.ion f, side Parcef I interior "'4 'X3,a,aluii:.---rL}' Z kAiic' As f tpP tr FLOODPLAIN:In ,flooC hazard area?ff"" '[ ves RURAL ADDRESSING: cRrD cooRnrr,Arr: SANITATION:rlfiQaz rnstalLatiorr Record rssued? [ Yu" ! Ho !1ax1mun Depth see attacired sheeE. E Date: Date:D x B. P Insae]lation Gal 1on Tank Lineal Feet' of DrainfieLd o{TSpecifications: Come n ts Date:g PLANS EXAMINATION:rrn" 5 l,/ , Group---JL\--- use t-AT<?rrrT- Corments 7.-( scription CO}ISTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PER}IIT Floodplain Fee $ Subsurface Fees S Building Fee S Sgwer/Storm Drain,/l'Iater $ funrumbing Fixtures s Mechanical S Plans Check Fee S State Surcharge S Fixed Unit4 . Fee/,"&-v7-=- -ry$-52-Z TOTAL FEE FEES PAID BY: TOTAL VALUATION $ Date: PER,MIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL,/DESIGNEE 456 LANE COUNTY DEPAP.T!,1ENT OF PLA}iIIING & COM}IUNITY DEVEIOPMENT,/ I25 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE' SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION s ^i- DATE GENE, OREGON 97 "1 I > CONSTE "CTION/PLACEN,IENI . : PERM Ir V\4 QrP /r-z ilu By: @ I!j. -ii-ll, L;I .' ;):;:-'i COI\IPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE I]LACI( I}JI( Ai']D PRINT. SltlP Api,licatio I,ernit t [] f '*"o Co!-,rcs of I)l ans d !';'ur,, Cc;rr t::: cf l,ioi pla:rs f] ::c-'r-'i:a:, I c:r I Cireckir s t: ! l'J ur:iri:-r,' ili',i'c):Iist L'I I IIAV' CAREFULLY EXAM I,lan Ch(lcir In:o Sheet 7"lt l.I fJ t:.cusrrial Ll , uDI,-c I Proposed I rzi s"-ing zzz TllE cOMpLETEo APPLICAI'ION t'(rt PnRHtT, and do hcri:trT , crLifi, that all infornitron lrer4rn t:i lrr!: ,1 '.trLtFt LLL, on ,[d I furt certlfy that any and all york pcrforrcd. shall be dono ln acqordance vith thi: orditrancctr of Lane County and thc l,axs of th(: stll to the work dcscribed herein, and that'ilo OCCUPA:iCY vll1 be made o! any structure uithout. thc pcrnission of the Building Divisi t Orettrn l.qrtairin t I furth4r c(frtil' thlt registration yith the Buildcr,s Board is in full force and eff.rct as required by o8-s 701.055, that if cxempt the basis for exent'tion i.i not.id hereon, and thsf only subcontrac[ols and enployecs uho are in cor,pfiance uith oRs ?OI.O55 wj.11 be usad on this projcct. t HAr,rE READ AlrD CllECfxD Tl{Is ii.j^ t.Q'.t.t7 .-,a{a(,DbWH,a,ahr{:i.;li Os cutl L, d<xr"t'td 6.- 7-trk fl conirac'-or . D. re I igcntNAlr.ti: (please pri.nt) D PLANNING ZONING 2 zone 4.&o ^J,"r., "ido .F) Ct.-t. *-i- ' i.nteri.or -'dIlinimum bctbacks, CL, ftbn ""r"rt ,rr"€6 tXE3' ,.,, \5'e(E*' W--{ tr PLOODPLAIN: ,RURAL ADDRESSING: GRID c00RDlN^'rii rn fto*'hazard'uru"r fr no ! ves Da see attached sheet. Date E).ltr d SAIIITATION: s. r. I r /{oa I Date nstallatiorr Record Issu".d? [ tur I f.:; llaximw Depth ol Tle Date: lnsta 11 atlon Specifications r Gal lon Tank Lineal feet. of Drainficld g PLANS EXAMINATION: ryPe 5 V , "'o*--$-- Commerits: ( scription Pixed Unit , 4, Fce/"w CONSTRUCTION .AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Floodplain Fee $ Subsurface Fees $ Building Fee $ Sj'*erlstorm Drain,/ttatcr $ Vfu&"unrbins t'ixtuies $ Flechanical $ Plans Check Fee $ State Surcharge S TOTAL TTEE $ FEES FN.ID EY: Bl": *-v7'#-'' I L .{56 I $]:lj REVNR.Hf:;.TN$Pfl CTION INT'OBJ,IATION D.qTI .-rl lF' coNSt-',ucTioN/P[_ACEIvIE] , PEI?N{ iT v\q e,*-L.\ Y (r pf.csidcn t- i a1 fl connercial TltoRol)GilLY.t ParrrEton fi Parcel { - - /{2 f CorNIrents, u""_ fAT(tr7fLT ,r-\ LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD OhJNER'S NAME P HONE ER Di NS SIC E PERMiT NUMBERSITE ADDRESS NG/ Approved N Correcti on E LE E T D i sapproved_Da te 7- 27-_84.nsp ector CONCRETE SLAB / UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTIONApproved Correction__Disapproved Date I nspector UNDER SLAB / PLUMBING GROUNDl,jORK INSPECTIONApproved Correcti on D'i sapproved Date I nspector ROUGH PLUI'1BING INSPECTIONApproved Correction Di sapproved_Da te I nspector FRAMiNG iNSP Approved 2 INS Approved TION Correcti on---.Di sapp roved Da te N N Correcti on Di sapproved Date I nspector I ns pec tor Li1^/e th-/ tl re++ U LATHT GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION Approved _ Correction Disapproved _ Date I nspector FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTIONApproved Correct'ion- Disapproved Date I nspector FINAL bIASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Approved Correctjon Djsapproved Date Inspector INAL INSPE T N BUILD Approved B LEH Correction i sapp roved Wlnspector--e E CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Approved TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCYDate--_---Inspector-- Form C74-197 Correcti on Di sapproved I 7/// r'-/{-.'7 / RI E /3 I IA -22 Job Locat,Lon Pernlt # Permlt /i Perml t# 7 //4 ruz J Pernlt # Permlt Pernlt /3r< For 92v2 2a Subdivision tot a Islot Plan For For For For For Block l<--.-- ro6------* ) I /, It I I I o \t'ca/ ' ?2 ,,/"elat/ nl ] \ $ \-i c74-L50 Vlcinlty Map N ._- I I I I I lane county HOTID StIP APPLrcATron + ?E f____-?_& __ LOcATlon .A_8-ln ._U!1'!_A ___l42Af_ U[t\ti_ou_ _!, _R\SSEE_u_w .___ NAME ,-8 r.t_. _\'JtLL _ _ l4AJ ADDRESS sPKuf,o F-Le-!=D --t - OK-- l1r7,lr1r1 The above application is being held for the fol'lowing reasons O NEED sKeTcH frt^ooe.er-nu) o t ts xtsr tN(2 HousE SHo,.^r11.y6 AN5 poo3. {- r-r.r}NDo\L) OPeNlN6S ON \aALt- ADtRceUT- To NErt-l Prcorose} cA3,FcXS, AL5o lt.rDlcNTe Rootr 6t;Le AND ilLe OF Z:.YTeRroK OPer*rr$GS FKaiA Tflos6 6oolA$ A5 weLL As U SA6e crc7chcV, Beotroou er<) 3F CoNuEuTror.lAu F RAA^ED ooF (trre) ls U6€p \^rrTH Jr.cr RArveR.s oP?osr uG Ne R\Dr e / Ce\r-reR. R.ATE p \^ttLL SeAK AT /6 + FeeT F Ka^^ eAU w Auu) BE cAv 5e T R€ I5 lrt rl" u'/cetr-rpG T a,lt trULtu96 0Ne R 1' -tustDe oF E xlSTlr.rc s PA lJ o F ?.Xb FAFI6 R.' FT€R5 \.,$ t L L HAv€ TO Be 7oY1 tro R Yo uR rtDDlrraPAu z.t/Fo\oF yruE6(ercu J_ JVLt gZ DAT-E-7 BRAceD trFol't 6xtsr tN(= '''e'rALt- z ?reAs6 veKrF\,l T,tr HrP RAFr€R/Rtvce To Be t0+ F€eT oRl ^5 s*lav..t$ oN YovK PRAwiuG t 687-4061 PHONE HOU RS This appiication wi1 be hetd unti1^ 4{/6AIT If the information required above has not been furnished by that date your app'lication will be cancelled. RETURN'THIS SLIP t,lITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. BUILDING & SANITATION / PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th Avenue / Public Service Bui'lding / Eugene, 0regon 97401 / (503)687-4051 nvjlLaLlr sY APPoTNTMENT 0 Axt G @ i ;. : .C, (t .CcrG n t I t i'.r:r'? i.:- +!:1 i:i r:'$tt l"t i'i i i,:. i.r.l -t i i'i i..t-rlrt