HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-02-07Ur : I Er uss ONLYf;aP e coNsr**isvftritilH APP!r-catl Perrut { [tl^ro CoPics o! !]ans 1 Two CoPies of PioE THIS BLOCK.PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT.tr T )lechanica'l Checkli st !P1Lrmbinc Ch€Cl"rrs' Plan Check l-nIo Sheet P l-ans nlnCusr-ria1 ! r rnri. U ,ffiesia"'-'tiai I--1 comrnercial P sed s+,ing r.ruwsx and do hor('t'/ rrl rt: ifi trhrt al1 irr of Lan.r Collrt: on hal ;d +-l). l,ai!! of tlle Bui if ex'.mPt tl)e on this Proiec a,)n i11 t-rue and of rtr(: S! rl:c ICirrg Di'ri sion c()rr('at 3r)d I flrrl:l .,: ,-,r,"f irr l 'rr l 'ri lrin I furtl\'l! ( { r'-i f i.otr il not''d i;; ' \ I rOR PERMIT, CARE FULLY EXA.I"IINED TIIE COMPLETDD APPL done NO OCCUPANCY rformed s Boa and shatl be in accordancc tt U" ..dt of any s and effect as in comPliance wi.th l"-L, slde' B. P Lhe ord itlar':r()9 arr"trtt wi thout-thL- perni!ision ?cI.055, Lhat will bc usad basis for t . I HAI,/E cxem!t RErlD AND certifY to the tha t hereon, and Lhat any and a Il" sork Pe'i.tul", and that req,l j r':'l Ll' OPS ,i16 nRs ll) t ' 055 / work descri'bed rd is in ful enployees who are I force the Builder' req istration with that onlY subcontractors fr -'^''t" APPLlCATION THOROUGHLY *L-H il, :.,, . -. " . '- :': lArl l.i slGliituFr E ASC Zona C illlrrmum sc-ulacks: -L' frcnl NlaMf ( Ll print) Ccmments r tition f Parce I - . r(/rnterlor v Date: Date: ,"H3,Y T ,"^, /5'P0€ 2- tr PLANN ING ZONING: t'Parcel Si €r _d4 fl rr,oooPr,aru: ! nunar,ADD RESSING: SP.N ITATION: s' r' # Insf,allation Spec ifications Coments: In flood hazard area?(-" f| v's' see attaciled shee! E Date: {iRLD cooR-DrNAl'L 11 I,ineal Feet of Drairrfield riorr F-ecord lssued? f vtt I N" Maxlmunr Depth of TrelichesGal ]on Tank 2 /Il / I^JATER SUPP],Y te, V Use PLANS EXAMINATI Type Cofiunents: CCNSTRUCTION Group AUTHORI ZED W $-=-----.--,/5A?g Fixed Fee,/ Unit Cost BY THIS PERITIT Ploodplain Fee Subsurface Fees Building Fee Sewer/Storm Drain/Water l7 nrr*ring Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge ) $iililr 70 $ $ $ ) s/7 TOTAL FEE FEES PAID BY VALUATION $ By: Date: PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDINC OFFICIAL,/DESIG}IT;E (;,:T OliS 4 LANE COUNTY DEPART!'IENT OF PLANNING & COI'LIUNrTY DEVEITIPMHNT / L25 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, SBE REVERSE FoR INST,ECTToN INFoRMAT]oN 9140L SETEACKS-AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, ANDIOR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOI^JED BY LAI^I. WHEN READY FoR INSPECTIoN CALL 687-4065. A MTNTMUM 0F AT LEAST 24 HoUR ADVANCE NoTICE FoR INSPECTIoN REQU GIVEN. Have the following information ready:...Permit number, job address, type of inspection, when it wilyour name and phone number, and any spacial ditectiols to site.. EST MUST BE'I be ready, BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED IIISPECTIONS t) )_) F0UNDATI0N INSPECTI0N: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation ffiob..hlhereconGretefromacentralmixin9p.Iant(commonlytermed,,transitmixed,')istobeused, materials need not be on the Job I0N: To be made after all ift--s lab or under-f1oor bui lding service equiPment, c SLAB lary equipment items are subfl oor. in place -but before any concre te i s potrrederanci Ing acces ES or floor shea th'ing i ns tal'led, including the p 3) 4) FRAMING & IN5SLATISN INSpECTI0I!!: To be made after the roof, al1 framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place and sandventl'ui.-io*pt.t.andal.i.o,gn6j..tricaland[1umbingareapproved.A11 wall'iirsuiation and vapor barrier are in place' LATH AND/0R GYPSUM B0ARD II!s],ECTIoN: To be made after a]1 lathing and gypsum board,.inter.ior and exterior, is in place ."["ti."-syp',*oou"ajoinisand-iastenerSaretapedandfinished. 5)FINAL INSP ECTION To be made after the building is complete and before OccUpancy AppRgvAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the-building-or stru-cture.beyond the point indicated in each success.ive.inspect.ion-wiinout first obtainins-ii."upp.oval of.tte-oriraing official- Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shal'l have been made oi 6acrr successive step-in-tlre i6nstruction as inditited by each of the inspections requi red. NSTE: A11 building permits require inspections for the vrork authorized, such as but not limited to: A B BL0CK WALL: To be made after re'inforcing is in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. This'inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There-will be no approval until the-plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. W00D ST0VE: To be made after completion of masonry (tf applicable) and when installation is comolete. Installat.ion shatl be in accordance with.an approved nat'ionally recogn'ized testrng agency and the manu- facturerf s instaUalion instructions ; An inspection is required after the mobjle home is connected to_an.approved sewer or septic setback requirements, b'lockinS, footing connection, t"ie{owns, skirting, and p1umbing . (l) Foot.ings and piers to comply with State foundation requirenients for mobile homes or as recommended: I by the manufacturer(Z) 6t,Uil" home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management letter.(3) l4obiie home tiedowns, when required, and skirtinq shall be installed and ready for inspection '.,i. w.ithin at least 30 diys .it".'o..rpun.v. Tiedowis and skirting shall be installed per enclosure' D. sldIMMlNG p00L: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool 'i s installed. AppRo\,ED PLANS MUST BE 0N THE JoB StTt AT ALL TIMES DURI.IIG fi0BKiNG H0URS. THrS PERMIT l.lILL EXPIRE IF l',loRK DoES NoT BEGIN r,rrTHrN r80 DAys, 0R rF r^r.RK rs suspENDED on "nsANo0iro"io.l-uqBi^:trnu iio onvs' susPENSl.N on nrvocnrtoN MAY .ccuR IF THIS PERMIT I^IAS ISSUED NN iHE"iliSi( Oi"iIIiOIIFiiiT OP' ENNONSOUS INFORMATION' ANYONE PROCEEDiNG PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ITILL DO SO AT HIS OlllN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEI'IAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS , (l) Permits shall.be effective for one year from the date of issuance' ,.h. I.(a}uponcompletingtheconstruction.forwhichapermithasbeenissuedtheperm.itho]dershal.lnotifythe ::nitffi:.,?i,i'::iHrlilii;tii::lilil**li:u:iil,,Ir6l*:l';!,i$ii'ix*::'lH ::::':ffilil"lii,,*, such rutes, *,. o.pa.tr.nt-shall ir;;;".";;;iiiicate ti'lt;i;i;;;otv to'nptetion to the permit hol construction'oo.i hot comply witn'iucr,.ri"r' ttre oeparti;;;t;;ii irotitv.the oermit holder and s satisractorv ion'pr'tion berore i""i^g tt''-"'iiti'll:;r:li:+li-t'lti::':;t"htii;;t':l: lfll"i:i:ractorv completion -iifi[ t"titsonaute time constitutes a vrol c. r,l0BILE H0r'4E system for: connecti ons Setbacks - Subsurface Sewaqe Disposal From: Interior ProPertY Iines iJo. ot road right-of-waY euitaing foundation ttlttt, other water sources !+FrrB Dra'i nf i e'ld 10' '10'10' l0' 'l 00'5' 50 lane county6l!'-- CHECKTIST PTUMBING /MECHANICAT APPLI CA}{T INFORtr4ATION : or rm-ase 1n PLUMBI lng SS 1p MEGIANICAL Address I rvo n s"rr s Firm Cont. OSR# Cont. OSR# Address X Noflserr PLi]MBING OFFICIAI USE ONLY Appli.. / Permit -8 Type of Fixture Nunber of Each Fee On Each Total Sink I $ s.oo l,avatory 5. 00 Tub (with or without shower)5. 00 Showcr, sepal'ate I 5. 00 Water Closet t e ,5. 00 s .00 Disposer I >age grinder)5. 00 5. 00 -er 5.0t Floor Drain 5.00 Sewer--Ist 50ft.15 .00 100 ft.10. 00 Water Service--1st 100 ft.15. 00 each additional 100 ft.10. 00 Rain Drain--1st 100 ft.15.00 each additional. 100 ft.10. 00 a Was te Connec 5 .00-ei ector)5.00 e Sewer 10.00 1 SUB-TOTAI (l4inimum $10. 00) TOTAL FEE MEO{ANICAL Type of Equipment l'lumber of Each Fee on Each Total Mechanical Permit Base Fee $ ro. oo Eurnace up to 100,000 BTU/H $ 6.oo Furnace over 100.000 BTU/H 7 .50 Clothes Dryer Vent 3. 00 Bathroom Ventilation Fan 6 hrct 3. 00 Range Hood with Nlechanical Exhaust 4.50 Wood Stove 6. 00Air Conditioner 0n1y 6. 00 Heat Punp o. 0t) Floor Furnace 6.00 Gas Piping System 1 to 4 Outlets Per Outlet 50 Other (specify) STIB-TOTAL TOTAI FEE nfer 0ther hne ccunty .ANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS t^lILL BE REJECTED! @ filr Z.e € Car/3 MTEQTETT- 79af bicta ttU E NER lfubt;Eo q< ??rryITTY-STATE ZIP CODE C ITY STATE ZIP CODE z)-o O.fY Im 7P2-o*lffiffi HOME TELEPHONE # z PRoPERTY ADDRESS L Srlag ( IF DIFFERENT Spg 3 rvl^ee a PAFIEEL NUMBEFT (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation (REQUTRED INFORI4ATr0N )or from tax sta tement) fntl 4ro. lc.(&.2;r4r,vo<br t ttoct< C,.17 _D )-? TOI^INSHIP RANGE SECTION dLs.W ZON I NG MINSH.IP MNGE SEETMN W ZON I NG MWNSEIP MNGE SEETIOU ffi zoN-rxr-- ACRESTOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 4 SUBDIVISI0N (if applicable)4(.nfurr*{r;,4 BLOCK b 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) Orl/,,/t/E I 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ZONE/LAND USE: ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** NUMBER DATE -ln <t't { BY: - DATE:TIME IN:_ OUT:--- I + 4,4q8- MAILING ADDREST