HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-03-01I SPRINGFTELD- Recetpt t.. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICA' *JN/PERMIT 225 North |th Street Spt"Lngfteld' 1regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 tv(t/) ANS }"{UST BE B SiTE i0T ijfil;: lrr [[,lC[D Y:3-{ i il n:'ii::;ii]] CF H !;,1'.]:.) i . i ii;ir/i l,"il.liiTE 1..,-r C. iti3 i bl P lurnb ing l(f( ,Job Locaticn: Assessorc llap # Subdhsision: iq Tc*nrtld ///,Uu- IOtmer: Phone: ,tdditicn [- -) o",oun,. !'lobile IIone q -l-[ Val-ueDate of Applica f7 Describe Nct) d1)w l,i 1:i!!t: t' '' ,5I 0l/ /n fr Addyess City: Date: resra General Snr ec tr caI l,Iechanica I S uperv i EIect t' r 1 ( !:lll It ia the responsibility of the permit hoder to aee that aLL inspections ate nade at lhe ptoper tine, thdt ecch cddress is readab'-e fron the ott,eet, anC that the permit ca?d is Located at the frcnt of the property.*Zuilding Diuisiot appro,*ed plan shcll remain on the Building SiL; at all tines. PIIOCEDUPE FoR INSPECTICIT R!Q!!!!:CALL 726-3769 (recot'det,) state your City desigrnted iob nunbet,job aCdtess, type Requeets v'eceixedrequested ard uhen i;ou utLL be ready for'-iLL be nade the sone Ccy, requests mcde inspcc tion, Contractcrs ct' Asners ncne cnd phone nwnber. aftet ?:00 on uvill be rnCe the nert :,nrktng day of inspec:icti befcre 7:00 'rt Iout, City Desigr,ated Job ilunber fs Efo/(rc Reati.ro,4 Tnsnaafi,ans lf,V rcorruG t F)UND.ITICN: ?o be mace l\) ;fte"'tr;An;s are ercauated and forns ate erected, but prior to pouz-tng ccncret€. rN UND|RGROU]ID PLUMEINC, SXWEP. W.|TER) DRAII|AQE: To be naCe prior to fil-T@-li6n.hes. UIIDERFLOOR PLIJI,IB IN C & I,IECII ANI CAL :I SI?E INSPEC?ION: ?o be nwde after ercauation, but pricn tc set up of forns. ANDERSLAB PLL'MBINC. ELECTRICAL & MECHINICAL: ?o be nade before cnyffi-li-ioueted. id b-e-nad-prlot n t"stallation of floor insulction or decking. POS! AND BEAl,l: To be nade prior to Tidlilill-Tof floor insulation ot' decking. 89UCI1 PL,U!,!Bru|C. E|.E?U?\CAL & ilECH: ANICAL: No uork is to be couet'ed ffiVTthese inspectiotis haue- been nade qnd appr.otsed. FIPEPLACE: h,ior to plccirq facingncterials ard befot,e fratning inspec- ti.on. FRAI|INC: ltust be requested aften apptooal of rough plwnbi.ng, eLectni- cal & nechanical. AL|. r,oofing braeing E ehimeys, etc. rrust be conrpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cecled unttl this inspection lws been rnade anC appno-"-ed. FITIAL PLUMBIIIC FINAL MECHANICAT, FIt:lAL ELECTRICAL INSI]LAI']()N/VAPOR BARRIER II\SPECTION : ?o be naCe after aLL insulaticn and requir.ed uapor bort,iers are in place but before any Lath, gApsun bcarC ot' tnLL couering is applied, and before ay insulation is eoncealed. DRY\IALL INSPECTI0!,1: ?c be nade after aLL dtyuall is in place' but prior to cny taping. MASONR!: Steel Location, bond dffiilgz'outing ot' oevtticals in accordance vith U.B.C. 9ection ,11 \ I,IOODSTOVE: ecmpTetA. After installation ie BUILDI;1CS Sanitaty seuer capped at pt'operty Line Septic tank pnped and filled uith gtatel Final - l*ten abcoe itens are canpleted and uhen Cenolition is cotplete o? st!-q3- tute nooed otd. p*emiees cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Sat-ttp Plunbing conneetione -- aa)el ud uater Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-us and plwnbing connections rn;st be apptcted before requesting electrical inspec)iott Accessory Bui.Hnng CURB & APPROACII APPONat;-;;At;I6t p;1." concrete. '1IDEIIAL,K & DRIt'lEl'lAL: Fot' aLL eon- crete pauirq uithin et?eet ilght- af-txA, to be maCe after aL!. erca- oating canplete & fotn unrk & sub- base material in plaee. After fornsto por*,ing Pi,ral sktrting, decks,r\\.o Gb IENCE: hthen conplate -- ProoiCe g;t;; or norsable sections through D I' F ALL pro;ject aondtt.ions, such as the i.nstallation of stteet trees, cot-tpletion-of the required Lanrlsccpircg, ebc,, rntst be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL ean be requested- ilNAL BUILDINC: The Final Building fnepeition mtet be requested after the Pinal Plunbing Electrical, anC Mecharical Inspections hate been nade ard approtteC. Page 1 of 2 Er ,AI , I.IANHCI,ES AND CLIIANOUT7 I!I]:T BE ACCESSIBLE, AD,IUS?IITIIt TO BE I'IADE A? NO CCST ?O CIYY etc. are o n 2 L-co dsoLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO. Bedt oona: Lot Faces - Access.P. L.llouse th Lot Sq. Ftg. z of Lot Caserage # of Storiee Total Height ?opography LC? TYPE ' Intet'ict Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac -- Fees -- A VaITEM TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x Fee Date Paid -15 Building Volue & Permit Thispemrl.tisgrantedontheecplesaconditiontlatthesaid.constnlctionslnll, in aZt ,especti'- confor*io the h'dinance adopted liy the C:ty 2f iwi"brtita,- ,:.).liai"g' tiz'\Lil"g c"dtnanc-e, regulatins the ccnsttucticn ancl use of buildi,gs,'";;i^;, Le"eualfndetl o* rZookeCit cny time upon oic- Lation of any prctsisions of said Ot'dtnances' Euilding PenrrLt ?otal Clntgea State cllAlt(;t['1,;1.;l FlEtJtuo Residenti-al (1 bath) SeuenSani d3 @ €o @ Plumbing Perrnit No Del,eon shall eonsttwet, instal!, alter ot elange -cny neD-c? ecisti.ng -'"irirt'li"r.'7"ii""2-'"i"t*, in uloie or in pant, inleas sueh person is the i;;;i"';"";;,;;;-;V; illii p|,-t"r's Lic-ensZ, es3ept ttut ,a pet'son na's (o. ptio,,tl.irg uork to p*op.ity-it;'ch ie oumed, leased ot operated by the appli'- cant. Plwnbing Pernit State 9*change Nau/Eoterd Cit'cuits Setnsiee CD €o Electricol Permit wet,e state La requires that the electtical oork be ilone by-an Eleotrical Ciitiooton, the el)etrLcal'ii"tio" of thi.s -perm& sfall not be taliC until the Label -has been signed Ay the Electrlcal Contracio"' u State ?otal NC Etp bha$t HooC Vent Fdn Hcodstoise Mechonicol Permit Penmit Issu:mee Mechanicel Pet'mit -- ENCROACHMENT -. Pernit Asbcut 55 Mobile Home #: \ IHAWCAREFULLyLXAMINEDthecotrpletedappli'cattonfo-r'pemnit'anddoi"';;L; ;;:"'rft- **i itt-;n\orunat-ilon het'eii is true atd cotrect' and r i"nliL" eerti"Ty that any o)d oLL u2r'k pelf-or'ned slall be done in aceor'- 'iince vith thL" ordinancls o7 ihe city of bpringfield, .atd the Lass of the il,;1; A- 6"|gcn- pertaini.ng io the ,,toik C.sboibcd herein, cnd. tlat N0 occu- pl.Ncy tyLtl be nade o1'i"'y" "t""Liire ,,ttthout pernrtssion of the sulldinO !1'ttision. I futthen e-erti.ly tlat otly con-tractora ozd atrplcyeea Dho are Ln conptnance i't.tt ons 7u.bss uiLL be- uaed on thie proiect IotaL - TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *G\$ 1s * i CIIARCE Itnntoa F?ll I S Total Clarges State Storaqe l*a;-nt annn?e Sideualk lcznce Ele-ctnical Inbel A5 CD l'r sr-oc\rsnerP ffi I i,/rv-ht"/ /