HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-08-13*. .- i:--j4+*jr.N*.i _J+ L *-._ .. RESlDt|{TIA[..Pccejpt {z:2_ 22s North sth streeaPPLrcA?roN/P,illnSpringfield, 7regon gZ4?Z Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFIF' F Ias lot #@ /DCzZ-- lob Locaticn: Aesessore Map #02- Svbdioision Asnen: Addtess: ci Additicn RenoCeL Date of Aoo Licaticn 8- CeneraL l,lechar:icaL It) .u)r,1 I lt Deseribe [t,otk: Value -/J,"{- S,J 5ail v r sianed: L_tZ_ Date: X -/ 3 -RZ Er.ona rPhone:S7 Cong!ruehon__L?nde!_ I-t i8 the tespontibi-Lila of -xle penrtt hot-det to aee that atl inspeetions ee nad.e at the p?ope? tine, that eceh .,i,tress is vsa)rh';2-f.y.-* street, anc tiut the_oinrtt_e.arci ia. Located at.thi 7""""'L7 li., p;;";;:'-t9uiUing Ditticiotz appro,*ed pLan siull temain on tlte a"Lial"L' sit. o" eLL tines. ';CA LL 726-3769 (yecordet) state uou?City desiarlated job runber, job aii.ress, type of insoec=icnoereariyfor insoecxion, Contraeccz.s or Asners nc:ne cnd Ditone ni.utber. Requesxs receixeri befcre 7:00 c:iLbenade the sone cicg,reeuesxs nade cftet Z:00 on z,rLLL be nade Xne nast roykLng aa'i a!24 Ulien lou Iour City Desigr.ated Job Nutnber fs:€70570lSIrc ItlS?!C:f)I: lo be maae afterezcaation, but priar tc set up of j (tlletpsuz prurcn;c, uycrptc;r a ) l.ECil;.:;:C;L: To- De nacie beiore cny uo?K LS COOe?ed. \ yc-orrtc t pouxn,trrclt: ro be mace' I altet crenches are escauateci and. forms are erected, but p"io" to poutir,g ccnerete.l l l l l l UND,RGPOU:]D PLUI,IEINC, SEWEP. W,ATER. DRAIIII.C!: To be naie priot to fil-Lir4 trenches. UIIDEPF::'?. PLU:31:]G 8 IIEC!]ATICAL: To be naae prior to installation of floor insulction or ciecking. P)ST AllD E!Al.'l: ?o be nade priot, to 1 1 --LCn of floor. insulatior, ot: deckitg. ROUC;J ?LU:tsIi]C. ELECTRICAL 8 IIECH- AIIICAL: iic ioyk is to be co,*ered .ffi||-these irupections haoe been naie arxi aoprotei. FfPEPLACE: Ptior to plceirq fccingmaterials and before fz,aning inspee- ti.on. ?RA-MtlC: l4ust be nequested after @rovai, of rough plttrbing, electri- cal & necianical. AL! t'oofing bractng E ehinmeys, ete. trust be ; contpleted, lto ucrk is to be eon- . cealed until this inspection has 'been maie anC approted. IIISULI.?IOII /VAPOR BARRIER ilISPTCTIOI] : 7o be nade after aLL insulaticn o".d. requl red oapor bayiers @e in piaee but befcre ory Lath, Wpsun bcayC or rnLL couering is applied, antd before oty insuZation is concealed. DRYI,IALL filSP!trfoN: Tc be made aftet, aLL drguall is in plaee, but prior to any taping. IUS1NR!: Steel Loeation, bond beons, grouting or verticcLs in accotdotce LtLth U.B.C. Section 241.5. W00DSTO'/E: After installation is 4 t;c^pT;;;A. ' '/vr)> ,,) CURB & APPRCACI] APPON: eeZiZitea ui prrot, to conc?ete. After forms SIDEWALI( & DRITEWAY: Eor aLL eon- "r " t;i^rlrrgnffiA s t?e et right- of-wy, to be naCe after aLL ecea- oatinq cdnplete & forn uot'k & sub- base materLal in place. DE!.|3LITIO|] OR :.:OV!t Sanitarg seser capped =t Wopert! Line Septie tank p:,itped ald filled vith gra:.tel Final - I{hen obcue itazs are cctaleted and uhen Cenclitiot:. is eorwlete b, "'"-rt-ture moued od pretrLses cleanei up. Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- saie? od. uaiet Eleetriccl Ccnnection - Blocking, aet-uD and plunbing eonneetions nr;st be appnct;ei befot,e ?equestrng eleclz-Lcal inspeclio:t Aceessot-; BuiliirwVz*Vaq*,rya> Eiral - After pcrcl^.es, skirting, decl<s' etc. d?e eonpleted. potu,ing l l l l PN]AL PLU!,IBIIIG FIIIAL MECHA\IICAL ?INAL ELEE?RICAL IENCE: hhen comPlete -- ProoiCe gates on mooable sections through P.U.E. ALL project eonditione, such aa the ins+.allation of street trees, eonoletion-of tie ,nquirnd. Landsccpizg, Ztc., mtet be eatisfied befone tLe BUfLDIilG FINAL can be tequested' ilNAL BU1LDINC: \he Finai Build,ing Inepeetion mrct be requesteC cftet the Finat PlunbinX Electrical, od Mectunical Inspecttons ltattc been made atd approoed. .ALL IIAIIHCLES AND CLEA.NOWS T,IUST BE ACEES'IBLE, AhIUfiltZilI TO BE ilNDE lIT I:O C1ST TO CPY Pe?e 7 of 2 14.,,ourr, ,oo" I \r1 @ L-CO G+ 1A_,70 SOLAR AC^ESS REQ.-JOB NO E,c-tl'cor.s/Cor.st Lot Sq. Ftg. i cf Lct Cote?agl ! of storLes Total Height iopographY r!!; ! qecessc"2 Intericr Co"nef Panlaltd'Le Cul,-de-sac itatu:c LAC'" -- F, Building Vcrlue & Permit This pernrit is granted. on the eryfess eond.ition th,at the said-construetion "iitt', ;, all rZspecti,- ioi,Jor. to the Crdirance tdopted by the City of sp*tr 1i.nd, lnotlud"ng'til'zo'nlng Crdt'na-nc.c, regulcti.ttg t)te ccnctrtci;'cn and use of build.Lrtgs" arrd ,r1, be" suspended or reuokeC at cny t'-ne upon uic- Lation of 6n! ptcoisions of said )rdinances' 6Amaf ft^f ltE)i,-AL I-"LUL <))-Vffi/rTiS.D.C. 7.5 z _ 1 :..- Duiltiing PertrLt State Iotal Clanges Plumbing Permit No pepson slnll construct, instali, al.ter oy ci,,an?e ana neD -cr e:isting piunbing or cirainage systen in.ahole or in part, unless sueh gerson i.s the'Leqal p'osses"o, o7" a u'alid plttnber's Lieense, elcect tizat a .Pe"son na'1 do. olunbiig uork to prope?ty uhich is ounei, Leased or opetateti by the appli- cant. w lesiianti.a.L ( 1 bctit) Se;uer D1 .,-'^-'n - D^r' - c+-+ - <.,n^i---."{z Source[.ot Faees - Setbcek ieat ,Jctcr lci:a:1Accessilau6,'Caraac ilo?cn lns f Hoodatot^4Sot:th He st L'aiucc^ Fml x 542.* Q1.50 aa PLan Cheek Fee:/--.5c_,"* "".* *-F t1_2f Receipt #: B-G f?,41/2."f /*- 2D.*I I ./s7' 'e€-20.- 3-,{a ?v-,{o I /<.* /;e 50.* /-;a 3/-,tD Eiectricol Permit i{he"e State Las reauiz,es *,hat the electrical uotk be done by en Slectrical Contreezc?, the electr:-ccl oottion of this Dervilx sitcll not be .*alii until the |-abeL h.es beet cignei by the Electrical Contrcctot. ': -. /u-a ^-S F-' -^,-' +n ,a+xpg Scroiee C+-+^ C,,n^i"---- L Petnit CliL.C:IVlechonicol Permitt-q :.ziunst HooC lea1t F@1 ''codstote amlt Tatal Cna iiesaLk :bile Hsne Perit Issutnee l'lec?nnicel Perrtt -- Li'vijAL11,.)Lll't -- S-lz-a= - r HAw CARSFULLy lxA]qrNED the eornpleted aoclicaxion for petmit, cnd dchereby eertify that aLL info:,nati'on hereoi'is ttue oi .2r"r.", o,,t tfutther .certify that any ard aLL ttot:k perfozned shall be dote 'i, o."on-dance trLth the Ordinances of the City of SpringfielC, anl th: Lc;s of thcstate of oregcn pertainino to thc uork iescribcd herein., cnc ;itat l:c ccc|- PlNC.y uitl be na,le of any' sttuctul,e uithout petmission b7 tir" Build.ina Di-tision. f furxher certifil tittt otly cont"actops ar.:d. ezpicyees aho are inconpLranee Dith cRS ?0J.7ss uiLL be used on this projec't 175 a .26 a-? -.;r .n:iii;' iut: .#4eo..zo /- ) -v z) I la)