HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-11-08..RESIDENTIAL..Ucce.:, SPllIhlGFIELD- 225 North ,r, Uronff""O' SprLngfield" Oregon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 ,N/PERILIT Date: l.lechan Su Elec t r c 1ao It, ia the reeponoibility of tla permit holder to oee that all inopections ate nade at the p"opev tine, that eaeh adr'reas is neaCabie fian the atreet, and, that the permit catd ie Located at the frcnt of tlte propetty.*BuiUing Nuicion approxed plan ehcll remain on tle Building Sitc at aLL- times. PROCSDUIE FOR INSPEC?ION R9QUIS! :CALL 7 Remti,nai Tn *nonft'.en e 26-3769 (reeorder) state Aour Citg Cesignated job ntonber, iob a&irese, tgpe inspection, Contractors or A,ners nane and plane rutnbet. Requeetl teceit;ec aftet 7:00 on rytll be rnade the nest wrking day. Ia* City Desi.gr,ated Job Nutnbet' Is of inspeelicn befcre 7:00 c:tie@eadyfon t'i17, be nade the eone day, requeets made Job Location:cAaseaaore Map #t#Tai Subdirision: lhone: \oub\o-ufidq- \$.N\ DescrLbe l,lot k: &B'c[o\o ValueDate of App Wr* n Additicn RenoCel oo Lnnftov, General to Z,-51d Plumbin ectricaE Page 1 of 2 ff wo9ncnouv D PLUMBg9, JtwEB2_ w!!8,t3 lirq trenchee, UNDERFLOOR PLUI\DING & MECHANICAL: oy floor ineulation or decking. POS? AND BEAU: ?o be made prLor tofri€dtatffo| floot, insulation or deeking. RAUGH PLAUBINC. ELECIRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uotk ie to be coueredunttl these inspections ltaue been nade and. approoed.. ffAonA_! Ap?Bg4e!_ApruN: After fornsly' d,eiiAdW@o" to pouri;q contrete. llzEfl€us pruuaruc, ErEcrn MECHANICAL: ?o be made befot:e anywk ie eouered. FOOTING & F1UNDATICN: Io be trude;n;ffiG at e-escarsated and forns are erected, but prior to pou'tng ccncrete. INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER INSPECTION : Io be rnade aftet, aLL insulaticn and rcquired oapor baniera ore in place but before ory lath, gyplutn boatC or rnLL cooering is applied, and. before ay inaulation is concealed, DRYWALL INSPECII0N: Tc be nadeM-dt&irnTTte in plnce, but prior to ang tapirtg. I,\ASONRI: Steel Location, bond @gruutittg or oerti,caLs in accotdotce Ll|th U.B.C. Sectton 241 5, W1ODSTOVE: After installation ie atnpleted. : Pot aLL can- etreet fight- of-uny, to nade after all ecea- oating canplete & for-n wrk & sub- base naterial in place. DEMOLTTIO!! OR I,.iOVED 'LDIiICS Sanilary ea.ter eapped et cropertg line Septic totk pur,ped and ftLled tith gra;sel Fi.nal - l{hen abcue itens zre ccmpleted and uhen d.ertclr,ti.on ia cotplete or atzuc- ture mooed utd ptemises cleaneC up. Itcnes old Set-up Plunbing connectiane -- sider ud. uatet Electrical Conn :.,on - Aloeking, set-up plwnbing e .' .tions t:ust be approted before requeetua electrt:aL inspectiott ButLding - After pcrckes, sk'-r,ting, decks, etc. are cornpleted. SI?E INSPECTION: ercd"atTo";6; forne. FTREPLACE:ndt;frfi; ?o be rmde afterprior tc set up of Pvior to plceirg and before franing facing Lnspec-tion. PRA!!!,!9: ttust be requested after approoal of rough plwrbing, electti-cal & neclwnical. AIL roofing bracing & ehi.nmcye, etc. rrust be . cotnpleted. No uotk ie to be cott- , eealed unti,L thia i,nspectLon lae'been nade anC approtted. W .Ir\-!a-) ALL project conditiona, such as the i,nstallation of slreet tt,ees, conpletior'. of the nequired Landseaping, ete., mtet be eatisfied before the BUfLDING FINAL ean be requeated. a,\ FINAL B(JILDIN7: The Final Builditzg fnspection mtst be requeated. aftet, the i-inal Plunbing \J Electrical, dnd Meelunical fnspeetions lraoc been nade atd approued. !!!!E:gates P, U. E. hhen conplete -- ProuiCe or mouable sectians thnough PTilAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIETII TO BE I,tlDE A? NO CCST ?O CT:' $\ tr u 8.,,bco- vcge z <-a \ ^*L, Zone JOB NO.SO LAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO BeCtoons Building Volue & Permit This perqrit ia granted on the eept eas cond-i.tion that the said constvaction |iitt', a aLL r"espeeti,-';r;i;;'to the 7rdinance adop-ted Liv the citv o.f ipif"g1i."U, inctitd,ing' the 2oning Cydinanc-e, negulatlng the ccnstracticn ,hd ""nL of -buildi.ngs,- and may be suspended or reuokeC at cn, tine upon oic' lation of alty pt'cttisions of said 0t'dinances. Se SQ. FTC Value TOTAL VALUE !lea Access xI?EI'I S.D.C. 1.5 x Df Ilouse Lot Faces - Sigted: Recaipt i Date Paid: PLanEuilding Permit Iotal Clargea State L1r rwE _ Inter.ior _ Corner _ Panhand'Le CUL-de-sac Iot Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lot Ccoenc:ge I of Stortes Total Height Topogtophy Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll consttuet, inelall'- alter- or elange-cny nelt-c? eristing - ;1t;;b;i or irainage syslaz in u|ole or in part, unles.s euch peteon is the i"git p"o"t"tron of a rrLlid plur*nr's Lic-ensb' etgept that a Pe"son nay qo ptimU;irg uork to propenty ittot i" omed, Leased or operated by the appli- eant. r LL CHARCENO. Satti Seuer M Residential (1 bath) Plutnbrng Pernit 9tate Electricol Permit llhe.,e State Lau requires tl",a.t the electrical uork be done by -an Eleotrical Cont"actor,, the elictt'ical portion of this pernit slnll not be oaliC until the Label lws been signed by the Eleetrical Contraeto?' I Pettnit Iotal Setu"' u)\!l CIIARCENCFEE I State Mechq nicol Permit Exharct Hood Ilcodstooe Vent Pan Perm[t fssuanee Meehan:ical Permit -- TIICROACHMENT -- Seeurita Deposit Storage l.laintenanee Pendt Cvtbcu! )Sida,talk Electnical La.bel t5€4c -Mobile llome r5\l\I.[.nnca 'l 5.'r n uacePLal't ErcJnlner I HAW CAREFULLy EXAIIINED the eompleted applieati.on fo-t'pennit' artd do h";;L; ";i7lrv-tnZ;-olt-tnfo' otibn hereoi-is true attl eortect' and r Troli"nn centiiy that any ard aLL uo.t'k pe-rforned slnll be dote in aceot-'iir"i'*tn th|" ordinenc;t-o1 ine city bf 'Springfield, -attd the La'ts of the fr:;;;;7- ;";io"- pi"i"r:itis io the aoik cesb,ibbd henein' end tlut N0 )ccu- pl.Ncy uiLL be nace or i),u" uti"Liire uithout permission of the au.!tdl.y- l-ii.sion. I further ietilil that otly eon-t?actors and anplcyeea uho are Ln "inplian e uith oRS ?0L.-0:55 uiLL be- ueed on this pt'oiect ?otaL 't'1'tAt, AtlOullT DLI: I r\\ot Date, a- tTEM lJal: on Cb\e.^N) Total Chat'aes gurehnroe T'as Lot ll S "tob Locaticn: Assessors llaP # Subdiuision Phone (Address: Otmer: Date of Applieation City Descr"Lbe htot'l< Additicn U-,4-"0t,t\\iDuI -1 nn oa"t VaLue !tobi Recei,ll.. RESIDT^ITIAL..SPHTNGFIELD APP L I CAT I t,,' / PE RlL I T 225 North |th Street Springfield, oregon 97477 Building Diutsion 7 26-37 53 ^ C- Date oar(eIl l drs,l sc Ct:neral P lurnb ing anical ca1Li 1,ec E r c lilt'Ele<: t t'Srrperv n OR !,:OVEDDEI,lOLI? Sanitary seser eapped et pt'operty Lite Septic tank punped attd filled uith gra:sel tinal - l{hen abctse itens ate canpleted and uhen Cetnolition is cotnplete or sttac' ture nooed ard prertri,ses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-uP Plunbing eonnectione '- a€1te? artl uater Ccmnection - Blocking, set-ut connections m;st be aPPrcued ting eleelrical insPection Final - After pcrches, skit'ting, decks' etc. ate conpleted. and plwnbtng before requea Acceseotfi Building Page 1 of 'J It ie the J'non the stAuilding t holdet' to see that aLL inspections at"e nade at the p"oper tine, that eceh addtees is neacab"e LL renain on the Buildinll Si.te atcatd is Located at the front of Lhe propenty aLL tines, LL 726-3769 (recot'dev') s|'ate your City Cesi'grated iob nmber,, i'ob aCdress, tYPe of insPeclicn for inspection,Contractc?t; or Otmers nctne and plone nwnbet,. Requests receixed befcre 7:00 ci ncde aftet' 7:00 on urLLL be rrude the neat 'xYking daY Ioun City Desigra.ted Job Nwnbet'1", PlloctDUPE FoR INSPEC?LO\\ RgQltlS!:C A eodY :",iLL be nade the sane dcy, requests DA4 SI?E INSPEC'!I1N: 'lo be made after e*cav"tlon, b"t Prioy tc set uP of fonns. ELECTRICAL any INSI,ILAI'tON/VAI'(1,? BARR tER IIISPECIION : required uapor bat'riers are in iTlace bui before'any Labh, gypszn boarC or tnLL couering is applied, and before ay insulation ts concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTI)N: Tc be nade Vfte" aTT-A'vu"tTts in place' but pt'ior to anY taPing. I,}ASINRY: Steel location, bond 6Zfrilgrouting ot' oerticals in accotdance tith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. CURB & APPRoAL'tt AP!?QN: Aftex' forns=r -ave erecbed but Prior to PourLng conc?ete. SIDEHALK & DRI\'EI'|AY: For all con- c""t; pa1r6Grfr; street right- of-tea-, to be maCe aften al'!- erca- oating conPlete & forn uork & sub- base naterial in Place- L: To e s -1 u:sogncnouto ptuuttuc. ssrFn. w.tr!l' I I onllanct: To be mace prllotl to !LL- Lir4 trenchee. l-l uaomruooa prut.nnc q tnc4-4-tttc,att ^| | ro be nade prior bo Lnsto.LLatlon oJ floor insulation or decking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade Prior to fiiliTTilGTof floor insulation or decking. ROUCH PLUtlBtttC. F.,E|TR!?AL .e, ptqcH= ANrcAL:- N;n;n.-i"' to bc cou*ened GliL thes" inspectiorts hatte been made and approueT. FIP,EPLACE: Ptiot, to plceirg facing trnterials and before fratning inspec- tion. FRAI,IINC: t"tust be requeated aften approuil of rough plwnbing, eleetrt- cal & neelanical. ALL t'ooftflg braeirry E chinmeys, etc. tntst be conrpleted. !1o ucrk is to be con- cealed until this inspection lae been made anC approxed. FOOIING & FOUNDATICN: ?o be naCe ifier-TFfrGi are excatated and forns are erected, but Prior to pouring ccncrete. FINAL PLUMBTUG FINAL MECIIANICAI, FIIIAL ELECTRICAI, IENCE: hrhen eonPlete -- ProuiCe jitii or motsable sections tht'ough Dilp ALL pno,1,.:ct condtti.ons, t;tck as blrc "install-ation of street t11e-7., conPletion.of the reEtinecl Lantl$rntping, at"., ,nrst be satisfied before the BUfLDINC FINAL can be requested' .\INAL BUI;,DINC: Thtt l.ina'L Building fnspection mtst be requeeted after the Final Plwnbing t1""i"1i"t,- ai4 uecharical Inspectlions hqua been nade ard appTooed' *At,r, ilANItct,ES AND cmANour,:: !!u:T Rri Acctt'!;sTlLn, AD.tusrltEvl ro BE I'\ADE ttr N0 c1sr r0 cr?y T-l SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO d Zone:Cr.'l /Const BeCt,ooms Lot Faces - tlrtcks P. L.Ilouse Carage llatet lteatptNorthRange F,las t l'irepLace South Woodstoxe LOT TYPE _ Intericr _ Corner _ PanharuTle CuL-de-sac JOB NO Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf lot Cooerage # of Stories Iotal Height Topogtaphy llest -- Feas -- Building Vqlue & Permit This petmit is qranted on the express condttion that the said eonstyuctionsfutll, in aLL respects, confcnn to the Ordinance edopted 6iy the City ofSpt,inofield, i.naluding the Zonitrg Crdinanee, r.egulct.irtgl the ccnstructicn anrl use of lruiltlin11r;, antl may be suspended. or reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of atul f)rcoi,sions of said Ordinances. . FTG TOTAL VALUE Signed: I?EM x Value A *S.D.C. 1.5 t Building PermLt ?otal Clnrgee Stnte Date Paid PLan Plumbing Permit No pet,eon:tlnll corzsttact, i.nstal!, alter or clnnge dn!1 neD cn eristing plunbi.ng or drainaoe slJlten in uhole or in part, unless such person is the Legal posaeasor of a ualid plwnbet,'s License, ercept that a person may do pltnbing uork to property ahtch is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. NO,FEE CIURGE * tianita Seuer ITEM lirtw,es Residential (1 bath) Plwnbing Pernit State 1 ITEIII NO.CHARCT: \s oc) N a,t / Ext end C ir c,tti t s I 1"5 00 Ienpo"arA Setuice Electricol Permit Were SLate l,rnt requit es tl",at the electyi-cal uork be rlone by an Electrteal Contractot,, the electtical portion of this permit shal.L not be ualiC untilthe tabel lus been signe<l by the Electrical Contractar. I Permit oo * State Total CIIARCEI?gM NC FEE Mechonicol Permrt llcodstooe Vent Fan khanet HooC PermLt fssuance Mechanical Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sectrity Deposit Stot'agcz Maintenance Permit Cut bcut Sida,talk !ettcp, Electnical Label l,lobile Hone ,IO']'AL AMOUNT DUE: * Reeeipt ll P Lan Eacrrtirzer UALE f HAVE CAREFULLy EXAMINED the eonpleted application fon petmit, and do hereby certify tltat aLL information hereon is true anC. correct, artC I furthet certily that ang ard aLL uotk perfor:ned slnll be done in aecor- dnnce ttth the Ordinances of the City of Spr"Lngfield, and. the Lass of the State of oregcn pertainina to the wrk Cescribed herern, and tLnt N0 )CcU- PANCY uill be rmde of ang st?uetule uithout petmisaion of tle Building Di--oision. f further certifil thet o:zly contractore and enplcyees uho are i,n eonplianee Dith oRS 701.055 r,si.Ll be used on thia project Signe,d Date llctan State Iotal Clnroc-s Total Cltanqes