HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-04-13! Hcmes connectians -- aa)er od. uatet Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-ut and plwnbing connections rntst be apprc"^ei before z,equesting eleetrLcal inspec'-io:t '0q- decks, otd set-up etc. are conpleled DEM?Lilr)It 0R :.10wt Sanitaty seeer capped at PtoPerfui Lit:e Septic tank p,tped cnd fil,Led tttth gra;tel Final - h\ten abcue itens are eonpleted and uhen Cenolitior is contplete o! strac- tuye maued artd. pz'emLses cleaneC up. APPLICAT 225 North Sth StYeet 'ip""iXiti,Lld'| o'."son e7 47 7 Bui.Lding Dissiston ,JN/PERIII IT A\I D.SER TJ 7 26-37 53 L'' sPHtNcFtEL-,: Job Local;icn: Tas Lot # Assessone MaP # Subdittision: Amer: Addt'ess: zip: City: DeserlbeS Litl-) OCul,$Date of APPL ication il\llot.k:d.la--,tOtAdlition RenoCeL Gener ontr Plumb chanica ecCr ElecSrr l:c 1an Page 1 of 2 Date: It ie the respofleibility of the permLt hoder Bt?eet, and that the-Permit eard. ia ' D.iticiort approxed plan slc.Ll remain tlnt all inapecti,ons oe nad,e at the Ei?ope" tine, that each addreas is readabie at the ftottt of tle WoPeEtY. Bualdi?tg Site at aLL tines. 26-3769 (recorder) state youz' Citg Cesignated job ntmber',iob aLltess' tYPe of insPec=i,cn inspeetion,Contractcrs oY AsneYs nctne and phone number P.equests receit:ed befcre 7:00 an to aee T,ocated on thefran*Bui the PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTIOIi\ R1qUEST:CALL 7I nequest;A-A-Aennou uiLL be ready for uiLL be nade the sone dag, requests made after 7:00 an tiLL be nade the 3)i,**qr sl?You" citA Desigr,ated Job Renirerl Tnso eett)cns SI?E INSPEC?I1I!: ?o be made after encA;ion,Et prior tc set up of fotme. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & MECH4-ilICAL: To be made befoz,e any wrk is eooeved. & FOIJNDATfCN: Io be rnaCe aTe and. forns are erected, but ptiot, to Wul"ing ccnctet€. TNSULATION /VAPOR BARRTER IILSPIC?ION : ?o be rnaCe aftet' aLL insulaticn and required uapor bawie?s @e in Placebut before ory lath, Wpsum baarC or tnLL coueting is applied, and before otg insulation is concealed. UNDSRGROUTID PLUMBING. SIWEP,, W.4TER, P84!!4tL: To be maCe prLon to fil- @-trenches. 11 uaoenptooR pLu.ErNG & r.tEcnANrcAL:tlof flooz. ineulction or decking. POS! AND BEAM: To be made priot, toTiiii|Tif,i{of floor insulation or deeking. ROUGH PLT]IBITIG, ELECTRTCAL & MECH: ANICAL: No aork is to be coteyed ffiiL these inspeetions hanse been nade and approueC. DRWALL fNSPECAf)N: ?c be nade aftet, aLL dtyuall is in place, but prior to any tapinS. MAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouti,ng ot, oerticals in aeeordorce tith U.B.C. Section 24L 5. W00DS?0'/E: After installatton is atnpleted. CUFo L 4ePqoACH APP)N: After fonnse,e e?ectAEinio" to pouri.ng con=rete. SfDEWALK & DRI"EWAY: For aLL cqn-ctZ;Vat @Affin street right- of-uny, to be maCe after aL?. esca- r.tating canplete & fotn wrk & sub- base natez"Lal in plnce.FTP.EPLACE:mat;i;G Pz.Lot, to plccirq and before franin4 facing inspee-tion. FRA.I|IIIG: l4ust be requested aftet appz,oual of rough plwr,bing, electr.i-cal & neclnnical. ALL roofizq bracittg E chtnmcys, ete. rrust be eornpleted. Ilo ucz,k is to be eon- . cealed until this inspection lns'been nade anC appto,-ed. !ENCE: gates h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe oz, nooable sectians through FTilAL PLUI4BING PINAL I|ECIIANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL P.U.E ALL project conditions, such ae the installation of styeet trees, ecnpletion of the required Landsccpitg, etc,' rmtst be satisfied befote the BUILDLNC FhIAL can be requested. n FL-NAL B|TLDTNG: The Einal Build.irry rnspection mtet be t,equested cften the .?inal Plmbing \_,/ Eleetrical, and Necharical fnspections hqtte been made ard'approteC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST!{Eil| IO BE \LADE AT tto CCST TO Cr?y lr-\ o\jf, l V T tr tr tr ht Sq. rtg. 7. Cr Lat Caoenaqe # of Stcries ?otal Height Topography SOLAR ACCESS RE a- GT LOT ?WE _ Interior _ Co?nez, _ Panhandle _ CUl-de-sac L-coG* Beit,oons: I HAW CAREEULLy EXLAINED tle cornpleted appli-cation for pennit, aad do hereby certify that aLL information het'eon is trae and. eorz'ect, cnC I furtker certify that any ard aLL t)ork perfor.ned stnll be do-:ze in accot'- dance ,"rtth the oz,dinenees of the City of Spz"Lngfield, and the Lat;e of the State of 1r'egcn pertainino to the uork Cescribcd herein, cnd t?nt No ICCU' P/.NC( ;tL bZ *2n of any" strueture uithout permisaion of, the Suitding Di- oision. I further eertiiy that only contractorl ad' enplcyees aho are in eonpliance utth CRS 70L.055 uiLL be used on thia proieet JOB NO. AccessPL.House Lot Faces - tvoyth East South IIEI|FN?x VaLue ?OTAL VALUE s.D,C. L.5 x * Building Pemnt State Date Paid: ?otal CVnrges Reeeipt #: Signed: NO.FEE CHARCE Resil.ential (1 bath) Plumbing permit Ng Pez'son shall consbuet, install, alter ot chanqe -ana net) ct, eristingql^*ry "" drainage "A:t? in alnie or in paz,t, "unles"s such peo'ion is the :1?:i.11":.1?lo: of a ualid pT,unbet,s Licensb, etcept tt".at a pZr"on nas dopLlmblng do?k to prope?ty uhich is ovned, Leased ot, operated by the ippli_eant. Seuer Plunbing Penrit State Surehange * Electricol Permit Were State Lan requires tlnt the eleetrical aoz,k be done bg an Electz'ical Contractot,, the electrLeal pottion of thh permit shall not be taliC untilthe label lns been signed by the Electtical Conttactot,. . oD IIotal Na,s/totend Circuits Sezttice NC EEE CfIARCE { Mecharnicol Permit llcodstoite Vent Pan blwnst HooC ETU, S PermLt fssuance Meclnnical Perrrit -- ENCROACH\4ENT -- 9ec"trttu Deposit Storage Maintenance Petmit \JTotaL Charaes ffr Clttbeut ( Sideualk .7 !ence Electtical Iabel ufttgu xw," !o;\ 5.ls TOTAL AI4AUNT DUE: *qbn,?D Finen Ccr.ace Carvort Accessoru (t\,cp