HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1976-09-132rtr6* 76 NOTE: CONSTRUCTION MOBILE HOME PLAN REVIEW NO PERMIT I^ __; BE ISSUED TNTIL THIS APPLICAT APPLICATION FOR: PERMIT /I HAS BEEN APPROVED CHAI'IGE OF OCCUPANCY* \uro al s rJ tr C1 J-7rFOWNER Name Address\r l( CONTRACTOR . REG. /l Name Address Tax Lot City Code o.s Tuzp Section Subdivision 5+ ACCESS TO PROPERTY (Road Name) Existing Slructures on ProPertY: Property Location - Address/Directlons lce Use SEWAGE D ection //1Site Insp WATER SI,]PPLY: Well FEES: Bldg. Plumbing 3Z Surcharge I'raste DisP. Plao Revlew Moblle Home TOTAL Septlc Tank Type Other ExisEing W46cK roperty Acr Sewage Connection FURNISHED of e Recelved Feet Valuation Water Connection FACILITY PERMIT Date Lot Sprlng or New system Requlred W of Conmunity or Publlc Systen Name PLUMBING: Installed by Owner PLIJMBfNG #ot CASH L \S 7E Drainfleld Maxlmum Use Classiflcaof constructior, -4V/ croup l-lF J Fire e Disposal System ty 1ic ures Other Bldg Setbacks - from Center Front 4<- side rnt of Road Rieht of IJav: . 5'- siae'rxrcrrot 45' I"A}IE COI'NTY OF E}WIRONMENTAL },IANAGEMENT K-/ DATE:DATE: 7 cs5-r2 Tract n Owner LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR:PERI\4IT NO CONSTRUCTION [ ] I\,IOBILE HOIVIE [ ] PLAN REVIEW [ ] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] CITY ZIP CODENAN/E ADD R ESS PHONE D Contractor NAIVIE O.S. Reg. + Tw Subd ivision Lot Access to Property (Road Name) Range-- Section t3. ha* ADD R ESS CITY ZIP CODE Census Tract PHONE Code B lock Acreage Width Depth Existing Structures on Property: Directions to Property - Address STRUCTUR E (# BEDROOIVIS)SO. FT VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC [ ] SEPTICTANK [ ] OTHER [ ] PLUIVIBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER[]OTHER[] NATVI tr BUILDING PLUIVIB ING 3% SURCHABGE MOBILE HOME WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW TOTAL WATER SUPPLY: PBOPOSED I ] EXISTING t ] PUB LIC COMMUNITY . NATVIE PRIVATE WELL OTHER SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS IVIIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: GALS.- IVIIN. DRAINFIE LD LIN. FT MAX. TRENCH DEPT I NCH ES STAY 1OO'FROIV] ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION G ROUP FIRE ZONE USE CLASSIF SETBACKS FT. FROIVI CTR. OF rM FRONT SIDE EXT FT. FROTVI PBOP. LINE: SIDE INT. REAR - ZONE AUTHOBIZED SIGNATURES ISSUANCE DATE BLDG. PERI\4IT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX _ PINK PLUMBING - CANABY BUILOING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, D.E.Q. standards for subsurlace sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy belore being occupied. (See Details on Reverse Side) POST THIS PERMIT ON MA!N BLDG. AT SITE LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIEONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUBTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 BurLoine srrE EvALUATtoN 'Kntrofr-no . 2/66 T/- suBo I v. ! 03 s Z4 tAx Lor_ JN:LoT: /S BLOCK .a.-4- d }LBUTtDtNG PERHtT APPL !cAr ( ) srrE lNsPEcTloN PLANNING DIVISION -7b APPL I CANT DATE Zoning 0rdinance Cornpl iance:Zone Not Appl ic6rble CKID B 6. Setbacks No Yesr)o()0()a()Q () () rI 2 3 4 5 Reoui red Accessguitaing Site (Area, width, Frontage) 0ther (see conments) () () () () () Subdivision 0rdinance Compl iance Setbacks from inter or nes: Side Rear CO}'tMENTS: Front S"ide-€xteri ING: YES( ) N0(APPL I CAT ION#)PLANNING DIVISION ACTION P Plans Submitted Soil Stabil ity (footings) Flood Plain 0ther (see comnents)cx,o av Not App! rcq!-!-q Yes 7 8 9 0 No CI() () () () ilri 8() () COHI.{ENTS: b,ATER POLUTION CONTROL Not Appl icable I l. l{eets Department of Envi ronmental ---f)Qual ity Standards. 12. Otft"r it"" "or*ents) ( ) YesNo CI () () tr CKID BY: DATE COHHENTS: TO APPLICANT: Your Building / Site lnsPecti Q) can be approved.( ) Cannot be apProved at thi Questions and further inf COUNTY PLANNING OIVISION" on: xtu s time as indicated on item N0. ormation on items I through 6 contact the LANE- Questions and further information on items 7 through l2 contact the COUNTY BU D NG AND SAN ITA 0N Dlvlsl0N. ( ) },ill be held in this ce unt you can reso lve the p above. c55-28 Your buildin pnoue. 597_4oG5 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DlVlsl0N PHONE: 687-4185 ems indicat ed. ls being returned. ermit lication f e is b 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION I BurLoinc str VALUAT I ON ( ) BUtLDtNG PERMIT APPLIcATIoN N0"- ( ) srrE INSPECTIoN T- SUBDIVI R S TAX LOT JN LOT:BL0CK:_ APPL I CANT DATE CKID BY: Setbacks frun c/l of road: Front Side Exterior Setbacks from interior lines: Side Rear COHI{ENTS: Not Aool i cabl e " --T -( )() tase) ( )() No Yesr) n- 6.I. Zoning Ordinance Cornpl iance: Zon, 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compl iance 3. Required Access 4. Building Site (Area, Width, Fron 5. 0ther (see conments) () () () () () () () () PLA]'[,ilNG DlVlSlorAeTl0N P Plans Submitted Soi I Stabi I ity (footings) Flood Plain 0ther (see conrnents) YE-ffTNo(EFPTTTAT ION#T Not Aool i cabl e -rr() No Yesr) T.I() () () () () () () () 7 8 9 0 CKID BY: DATE COMMENTS: I,,ATER POLUT ION CONTROL Not Appl icable I l. l{eets Department of Envi ronmental Qual i ty Standards. 12. 0ther (see cornments) No Yesr) Tf . DATE COHHENTS: ( () ()() ) CKID BY: TO APPL!CANT: Your Building / Site lnsPection:( ) Can be aPProved. " 8::Hi.:: :15';ft^:: iliil: ( ) ls being returned.( ) your bui lding permit-aapl ica.J.i9n-EHVT me as indicated on item N0. tion on items I through 6 contact the LANE- Qu estions and further inform ation on item-il NE COUNTY BUILD!NG AND SANITATION DIVISION. ( ) Will be held in this ce until you can reso ve the pr above. fee is bein ONME u 135 Sixth Avenue Eas t Eugene 0regon 97401 pHoue | 697_4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DtVlSl0N PH0NE: 682-4186 c55-28 - ems i nd i cated. PLANNING DIVISION r'lLl BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION D contact .D.U IL U 1. .. T. .,i .q, *; i. Ar ,t ,l '{ I t I 30o t N,.? 1.. : ,.t nt r+l + r'c *$ i. "r.il. tt,,t!, : , i'{' , .-+ t . .r{ ; ;di' ',1{ : : I t: a :i,. ,-l .i. i .{. I ',., t. '?/,;. i1 ' .. t. ..1. :' t 1.,! .i'' { rLANE COUNTY PERMIT FOP PERI\,11T NO CONSTRUCTION [ ] IVIOBILE HOIVIE [ ] PLAN REVIEW [ ] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] n Owner NAN4E ADD R ESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE n Contractor NAIVIE ADD R ESS C ITY ZIP CODE O.S. Reg. + Twp-Range-Section-TaxLot-Code-CensusTract Subdivision Lot B lock Acreage - Width DepthAccess to Property (Road Name) PHONE Existing Structures on Property: Directions to Property - Address STRUCTUR E (# BED ROOIVIS)SO. FT VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC [ ] SEPTICTANK [ ] OTHER [ ] PLUTVIBI NG INSTALLED BY: OWNERI] OTHER[] NAIVI E- BUILDING PLUIVIB ING 3% SURCHARGE- IVIOBILE HOIVIE WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW TOTAL WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED [ ] EXISTING I ] CONSTRUCTION PERMlTS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS IVIIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY GALS.N4IN, DRAINFI ELD- LIN. FT IVIAX. TRENCH DEPT I NCH ES STAY 1OO' FROIVI ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION G ROUP FIRE ZON E USE CLASSIF SETBACKS FT. FHOIVI CTR. OF rAV FRONT SIDE EXT FT. FROIVI PROP. LINE SIDE INT REAR ZON E AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES ISSUANCE DATE BLDG. PEBMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX _ PINK PLU[/1BING _ CANABY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION _ GOLDENROD IMPORTANT Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, D.E.Q. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on Beverse Side) (POST TH!S PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIFONMENTAL MANAGEi/4ENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EASI 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ] PUB LIC ] COVIT\4UNITY - NAIVIE: ] PR IVATE WE L L ] OTHER-SPECIFY: SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUND/ORK Ap pnov E o REua ax s D DrsappRovro D Dare I nspecton GAS PIPING GROUND/ORK Ap pnov r o Reua Rx s Dare I Hspecron ROUGH PLUMBING AppRov r o Reua Rx s D oorrT--21tI SAPPROVED Inspe ROUGH GAS Ap pnov e o Reuanx s PIPING DI SAPPROVED Drr r I us pr croR F I NAL PLUMB I NG APPRoVED M DISAPPROVED RruaRxs Dart/&trrrr*fu FINAL GAS PIPING Ap pRov r o ReMa nx s D Drsappaoveo n Dar e I NSPEcToR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REaov ro lssuE RrMnRrs Nor Reaov ro lssuE DarE I Hspecron D Drsappnovrc D lqgq ueQ* D(- P LL Compl et toP Par N ED SEWAGE OISPOSAL SYSTE}I REC' '(rr rrJrm to signature and submit bo'', L\rPies with appl HPERMIT NO L G-C- No. Living Units Bedrooms Baths Basement LJater Supply L-- Publ ic Other-ListYsNo t c a Ft. from well Steel lns th NAME }.IA IL ING ADDRESS Concrete No Compartments Gal . CaPaci ty e sPosa e Distribution Box:No str t On- eet f rorn t.J lt Fou ne r 9,9Ltl L I Front Side Rear -Ft er ov, tn C IF P Date:t0 -2>'7For Sanitari n Use 0nly: ln accordance with 1973 Oregon Laws Chapt er 835, Section 214 tfris certificate is issued as evidence of satisfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above I ocat i on. Hnpp.oved: System lnstallation conforms to current standards I-1 Disapproved: Does not conform to current standards Remarks: 4 th0 i ameter mens ons: t.,idth / tnb er Dep Ti letd ota Ft rBt. ln ns ructan onsot @fe ^ .s t h \ e \I( REGEIVED Jla) LANE COUNW ENVIRONI/IENTAL ITGMT. v a-I si ture r COUNTYc55-1r STATE OF OREGON DEPARTI.IENT OF ENVIRONHENTAL QUALITY gnature n Owner LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR PERIVIIT NO CONSTRUCTION [ ] I\,IOBILE HOIVIE [ ] PLAN REVIEW [ ] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] CITY ZIP CODENAMEADD R ESS PHONE n Contractor NAIVIE O.S. Reg. + Twp- Range- Section Subd ivision Lot ADD R ESS CITY Code Acreage - ZIP CODE Census Tract PHONE Tax Lot B lock Width DepthAccess to Property (Road Name) Existing Structures on Property: Directions to Property - Address STRUCTUR E (# BEDROOIVIS)SO. FT VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC t ] SEPTICTANK [ ] OTHER [ ] PLUMBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER[]OTHERt] NAIVI E BUILDING PLUIVIB ING 3% SURCHARGE - IVIOB ILE HOIVIE WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW TOTAL WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED I 1 EXISTING t ] PUB LIC CON4IVIUNITY . NAIVIE PRIVATE WELL OTHER .SPECIFY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTBOL SPECIFICATIONS IVIIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY GALS IVIIN DRAINFIELD-LIN. FT MAX. TRENCH DEPT INCHES TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION--=- GROUP FIRE ZONE USE CLASSIF SETBACKS- FT. FROM CTR. OF rAV FRONT SIDE EXT FT. FBOIVI PROP. LINE: SIDE INT. - REAR ZON E AUTHOB IZED SIGNATURES lsl ISSUANCE DATE !.lr BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING _ CANARY BUILDING _ GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IIVIPORTANT Call 687-4065 to schedule all required construclion inspections. Call 687-4061 lo schedule all required septic system inspections. All construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, O.E.O. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. (See Details on Reverse Side) (POST TH!S PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 STAY 1OO' FBOM ALL WELLS SITE INSPECTION Ap pRov r o REuaRx s Dr sappnoveD Date I HspEcton FOUNDATION I NSPECTION Ap pnov t o REt,tlRx s Drre I Nspecron FRAMING INSPECTION Appaoveo /X-1 Dr sappnovEo Reuanx s oort /Z - kf -14 rNSPEcroR LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION AppnovEo Rruanx s *D r sappRoveo 7 I NspecronDrr e ,-t? F I NAL I NSPECT ION AppRovro Reuanx s Dr srppnoveo Dar r Z -?I NspEcton Qr,r{v CERTIFICATT OF OCCUPANCY Reaov ro lssuE REuanx s D Nor Rerov ro lssue D Dore-I HspecroR \ rc7 DrsaepnovEo 77 7