HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-09-086D!' - BUtl-on t,,? Lan Ct,-r Y iza,Er.) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY lyy;;i";l%?:F$ Two Copies of Plans Three Copies of Plot Plans Mech/Plumbing Checklist Legal fnterest Document Plan Check Info Sheet rswiisHrP /7 l*'"" 2 3 S'-TBDIVISION/PARTITION ( j-f applicable )/z/3R 4 LorlPARCEL BLOCK,HryH?'-,ryz,b,PROPOSED USE OP PROPERTY KReside-ntiaI |_l commercial T rndustrial l-l p,,,uri. DECI.ARED $ VALUE SUPPLY -l Prooosedffiti"s TELEPHONE NUMBERZg-Vr?Z pextaj-ning to the work described herej-n, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be nade of any s CHECKED THIS APPLICATION NAME (please print :,,ri,t,lm:i;i*"THE ti- on hereon true c orreand ct thatandPERMITdoandhereby thwa deevl once a uthori tlachedaofownercordretconLracagenttythehaveINinteres t thelegaIfollowing p rtyrope theand oLaws the tate ofthwa Oregoncerti-that alland work shal 1rfomed donebe n accordance Cowty:rther any pefy tructure without the pemission of the Building Division. I fur- as required by ORS 701.O55, that if exempt the basis for excmption th oRS 701.055 will be used on this project. I ltAvE READ AllD ontrati rh Buildethe r Board anas ful andforcerthertithatfyregrs ubcontractors md arewho 1ndnotehereonthalandemployeesonly COT1^\1ENTS: BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: a0/ In flood hazard areaaXl No l-l ves, SEE ATTACHED SHEET. P.#7{?-7,J_ Maximum Depth Specifications:of Trenches COM}IENTS: Date: reartf' No{x=; UseGroupA Late LOODPLAIN: -/2-f3 €D' s. r. #Installation Record Issued? [_l r.= E Parcef # interior YOUR AUTHORIZATION COM}IENTS: Partition * C* A<'zParceI Siz"__Z_- Date: Date: Ga110n Tmk Lineal Feet of Drainfield READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY I Pl,arr-t{r}f C,/ZONING: zone I,linimum setbacks, cL, frort PLANS EXA-I4INATION: rype "", =id" TOTAL I,/ALUATION $CONSTRUCTION AUTHOR IZED BY THIS PERMIT ,/a."* c^ E+ -zktf Fixed Fee,/ Unit Cost 7a Floodplain Fee Subsurface Fees auilding Eeeffffise Pr ans Check Fee State Surcharge s $ S c I s S $$?//t'FSrra Surcharge 7 rorAl FEE BUILDING OFF rCrar.ToeSrcuEE (Per 805 )),TE PERMIT APPROVED BY I,ANECOUNTYDEPARTMENTOFPLANNING&COMMUNITYDEVEIOPMENT/L2SF,ASTEIGHTHAVENUE'EUGENE'OREGON974OI SEE REVERSE FOR I.NSPECTION INFORMATION -BE I --Tr-r+-1:7"- -4.w# , SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CATISN oF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOIiED BY LAW WHEN READY FoR rNSpECTroN, CALL 681-4065. A MTNTMUM op AT LEAST 24 HoURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- @EN:--_H;'e_-Ehetol1owinginformationready:permitnumber,jobaddress,tyPeof inspection, when it will be readyr lour name and phone number, and any special directions to site, BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I 2 t Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation are delivered on the job. where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. Concrete SIab or Under-F1oor Inspection: To be made after aII in-sIab or under-floor building sEVIce equipmentl-conEuft, plplng accessories, and other ancillary equipment jtems are in place but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. Framj-ng & Insulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, and bracing are in place and aII pipes, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. A11 waII insul-ation and vapor barrier are in place. Lath and/or Gypsum Board Inspection: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interiorand exterior, is in place but before any plastering is applied and before gypsun board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 4 5. Fina1 fnspection:To be made dfter the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or Structure beyond the pointindicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building oifl-cia1.Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive stepin the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: A11 building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited tb: A. Block Inlall: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. ThisIEE!-ecE16n is required for each bond beai pour. There will be no aplroval untii the plumbingand electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. Wood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation iscomplete. rnstaltation shalI be in accordance witL an appioved, national-Iy recognized testj-ngagency and the manufacturerts installation instructions. C. Mobile Home: sewer or septi skirting, and 1. Footings_and piers to comply with state foundation requirements for mobile homes or as. recommended by the manufacturer. 2- Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certj-fied when required by a flood-. plain management letter. 3. Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shaII be installed and ready for inspec-tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shalt be-installedper enclosure. D. sYrimming-Poo1: P.l?r-grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above gradewhen pool is instafled. APPROVED PI,ANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TTMES DUR]NG WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPTRErF woRK DOES Nor BEGrN wrrHrN 180 DAys, oR rF woRK TS suspENDED oR ABANDoNED FoR MoRE THAN reo-D;ys.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR ]E THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASTS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUSINPORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POfNT OT REOU]RED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THETR OWN RISK. RNATtrVE.SEfJACE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS : - An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approvedc system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns,plumbing connections. SUBSURF'ACE AND; 1. Permits s 2. Upon comp Setbacks - ha 11 be effdctive for one year from the date of,is suance. ' leting the construction for which a pe rmit'has bee n issuetl, the p et'mit holder shalInotify the Lane County Department of planni form. The Department s ng and Community Development by submitting thehaI1 inspect the construction to determine if itinstallation comp lies ilith Ies contained in this d ivision. ]f the construction does comply with such lation of record thel rurules,Cr,e Department shall issue a certificate of satisfac tory completion to the permitl holder.If the con struction does not comply withshal1 require satisfactory c,equirements for satisfactory c, ORS 454 .605 to 454 -'7 45 and thi Subsurface Sewage Disposal such rules, the De partment shall notify the permitholder and ompletion before is suing the certificate. Pailure tomeet the r ompletion within a reasonable time constitutes a vio- Septic Tank 10 t 10 i 5t 50' Drainfield s rule. Interiot property lines Edge of road right-of-wayBuilding foundationWeIls, other water sources c t+-zs 10 r 10r 10 q 100 | d 1'# -ll'Pr-rcANr KHF'HAEr, JAnKLANE couNrY Df;fifioETXTHGIrHE$HIl''r*fir*ilF?Bfln, D8ilEr8fit583 Tt-+ 1703243?00700 SUBDIV LoT BLKNEId BLD6 TYFH USE X TTDRMS O UNITS OO' STORIES ,}8LD6S OOl FHONE ??6 ?8?3OI,JNER NHH ADDRCODE AFFL NO AC ION DES{:RIFTION SQ FT TJNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYSFF :rF BF, BF JF PI.. NO. FIXTURES : 'IECH SUH PCKirF' LC StSSg SUFF. I-.CK .SUH Nil " C0NNI-fi]'tlft*c : HH{]HANICAI,- F'EH STAl'[: SLJftCI{AR6E F'T.AN CT{HCH FEF- Ft] ,sDs sL r-'cK E,ST. COMI3LETION DATE 1 5.00 E:ACt-t - 4y, nTH ISS o TOTAL FElixx 5{ "00?3.rs ;t.04 IATG: AFF !EQU: S AKEN T'Y F;LI{7*.19 RA : a -I t e a a I a lar'e countY HOTID SLlp AI,P1 ICAISN I szs 83 L0CATI0N -*_1_4j-8_ vsr-q D_r.-- _sp_r1qsl1_s1d * _ Jack Kephart NAME- '_L----__- 2742 Harvest Lane ADDRESS , --Fgrlng-f-1c1d, -!rec-en 9J-4L7*- zlP-cOur The above app'lication is be1ng held for the fol'lowing reasons: l) Please refer to the aEtached rhold s]-lpsf dated 4-27-g3 6-07-83 2) Provlde the necessary informatlon and revlsions requested and thefees due, prior to lssuance. 3) If the requlred informatlon and revislons are noE received on or byAugust 9, 1983, the applicatlon for a bullding permit w111 be rurnedover to che Lane county compllance offlcer foi iegal action and possib1e _ removal of any construction alreacly in place ce: property or^rnerr l43B Vera Dr., Springfleld, Oregon 97477 ^,,ttrtfin Roger McGuckln AJAIUSLT. BY 07-26-83 TE -5-l- application will be he'ld until ::::::-r::-E If the information requirehas not been furnished bv tfraT lication will be cancelJed. RETURN THIS SLIP I,,ITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. 687-4061 This above d BUILDING & SANIIATION / PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT125 East 8th Avenue / public Servi.. grirdiis- i- Eugene,0regon 97401 / (5c3)6g7_a051 I 5I lane countyHOLI' StrP fi!t--- , APPI ICATION # LOCAT I ON SorLnpfield "Iack att NAME AODRESS42Lane E The above application is being held for the following reasons: SECON NOTIFICATION Roger McGuckLn 06-07-83 S I GNATURE DATE AVAILABLI BY APPOINTME ONLY (NO WALK-INS)687-406r PHONE HOURS This appf ication will be held unt'il If the information requ"ired above has not been furn'ished by thaTlate your applicat'ion will be cancelled. RETURN TI.{IS SLIP I^lI'iH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATiON. BUILDING & SANITATION / PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT.|25 East Bth Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (5C3)687-4051 -l ( lane courrtyHOTIDSLTP6B.w Alt,l IcATIoN I Art@ t. t- ta('Nronl{)fiVvlawil)*t J\tu_Kwwt . _NAMEZZh-WrruTlAru ... ADDRESS @A*fl+zlrno, The above apprication is being herd for the forlowing reasons: 1) The 13 x 17 foot rglass, structure is defined by the state." " f,Lr unlt type ofstructure that does quallfy as a habitable space even though not lmpactfng theenergy requlremenrs for the ba1an"; ;;-;;; llvlng structurJ.2) The proposed-struct"t" t''"-b:.rr. incorrectly identrri"J-""-J covered patio and rs-r11be consldered as a aaarfion to the r"tr, "ir.rcture. rn "on"Jqr"rr.., the var_uatron ofthe Job wilr be carculatea, rnr-p";i;';;;ii:i.1r, purpo""", at 34r29 per squarefoot resultlng in a valuation of 7578.09. Th" "or."ct permlt fee is as follows:Bulldlng fee: 6g.50Plan Check : 44.53St" Surcharge:. 2,74 fu.Wnr.* TOTAL :175,77 3) 4) s) 39.59_ amount already pald-%:ft-- Balance to fe paid upon issurance A pier and post foundation ls consldered 'non-conventionalr construetlon foran addltion to a residence and requlres an englneered deslgn by an oregonArchitect-or engineer, or, a change of foundafion system that reflects ,con-ventlonal t construction approach for structure support. rf a reglstered professlonal is utllized then it may be to your advantage toinclude 'wlnd braclngtas part of the design by the Lngineer"or architect, sincelt appears that inadequate braeing has been provtded for the addition.Provlde a constructlon detall of the rplexlglass I skylite' at rhe peak of the roof 6) Indlcate what klnd of and the slzes of the kind of connection between the roofrafters and the tles and plates. Si NA T AVAIIABLT BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (NO HALK-IIIS)687-406 r This appl'ication w'ill be held unt'il PHONE HOURS If the information required above has not been furn'ished by that ate your application will be cancelled RETURN THIS SLIP I^lITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. BUILDING & SANITATION / PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East Bth Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, 0regon 97401 / (503)687-'tC6l ( HOLID StIP lane countY APPLTcATToN # 1t 1-m LO(,AT I ()N NAME ADDRESS The above application'is being held for the following reasons: Bullcllng fee: 68.50 ?lan Check : 44.53 St, Surcharge s.77 3) 39.58 amount alreadY oaid-aClF Bllance to be paid upon issurance A pler and post foundatlon l-s consldered 'non-conventlonalt constructlon for an addl-tion to a resldence and requires an englneered deslgn by an Oregon Architect 6r englneer, or. a ehange of foundatlon system that reflects 'con-' ventlonal r eonstructlon approach for strr.rcture support. If a reglstered professional ls utll-lzed then lt may he to your advantage to include 'rind braclngtas part of the design by the engl-ne.er or architect, since lt appeare that lnadequatt braclng has been provided for the addltion' Provlde a constructlon detall of itre 'plexlgiles'sk-vl-lter at the peak of the roof IndJ.cate rvhat ktnd of and the slzes of the k-lnct of connectlon hetween the roof rafters and thed tles and Plates, 4) s) SI AVAI LABL E BY APPOI NTMENT ONLY (no wllr-l NS)687-4061 E H if the'informat'ion required f i cat'ion wi I I be cancel I ed ' E z 2.74 5) 4, Thi s appf icati on w'i I I be hel d unti I ubou. iras not been furnjshed by tha t a your app RETURN TIlIS SLIP l,llITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. BUILDiNG & SANITATION / PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENI 125 East Bth Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-!-C51 \ ') /-.*- ( -qlI4. AF'F'L I ['tNT H EF'HART , ,.,Af,H LAI'iE: I'L{, 1703;143?ofJ?SS SUITDIV CilUi{1'Y NEF'I' r:tDlF: t.t,sE lt $$htt'i,s :3 uh|]:Ts,.,i)cr 1 HUUIa: r{C'II0N fE*tIttIfiTIt]i'J SQ t}ATru fiCIvE:ttL.tt ENV i',16T RE:IE]:F.'T .n,'n'? 4? HAftVHST L.ANE, ,$'f fiR l:f:S ,SFl...DGS :i;::;f:!3 $A'f[: S41?tl3 sF'tt:t. riGF .[ tlL.D , tlREL.uI' $[-K t)${ Fl-tuNH ?4i$ 44:l?NEh' BLDG ]'YF'H NHI'IEIt NHE{:S}E AFF'L NS IIF' trF' EF fiP FF ;ATG : Af:'fl SEQU: g TrlH[:.t'l fJY HI-[.1 r:'rl s$s li I 1 EST . ilT}ilT.LET ]:fiN I}ATE CilS'T n ni|r BF t_c 535{}3 ftADr'L- 'Nfi. F IXTI.IHIIS : i'IECH $UR r'f,K :F, il ilN N H. r-l 1' {J lt,li : i'lL::i:l{Ai! :f f-:4t.. FH H: ;{.TA T[: -SLIR[:HAR{;H: F} 1.,':I H i: I..IH [: K lT H H: F.CK 3. 15-OS F"ACH 4t" i\nl OTH ISS l'01'Al-. l"[::Ex'* Nn. F:'T UN I1' :;l?1 UAL.t.!$i"l'1. UN 't _j t'l I 1,.. l-, .t/ l_l I Li 1 .-'t El rlr t.t ! 1., 1 t. t r., t.l l{A a .1T. !t'1 t.n a ? I I I t lane courty PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOD{ENT A= TIVITY INFORMATI,.-,N SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS l^llLL BE REJECTED! 6l\' - - I c e Zffiffi 4zc* qdt>_ HOUT TEIEPHONE-F- (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxationor from tax statement) !,\*, RI ZOXTNG b ,},,\MTNSHTP RAN-CE SEET]ON ffi ZONING TOilNSE]P MNGE SETTI_OII m mNrfrE- ACRESTOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: o ,rrrrr,-ON (if app'licable)LoT €BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exact'ly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZON LAND USE: NUMBER DATE -l7(n -{ BY: - DATE:- TIME IN: OUT: ffi 2. PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DrFFEnEnr rnO 3 rvrae cl PAFIeEL NIJME EFt ( REQUTREp r NF0RI4ATr0N) llrAru4oe-flwe, vvatfrl a)4rucr€o e NDT -{% ffiI' _.w t/( { ''1t- 16n li: L C h tza"t -1 ., a,i tw,, 4 \,\p (i ,,i ; L, Y x- l -, i l READ THrS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORTZATTOTi rrAS BEflN tsASED ON',IHE pOLLOt{lNG CONDTTTONS: u PI,ANNIN ,"^,,-sQ*f*-&*A{4-LPaYc('I .9rze , r(''t1r A0 'liitrti.jrtil :,, l-i)Jcki:i, ttr,, l.!' ,t -€Q'- Parti tion f c .1,./r{ - :l :l. FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY l.t t'.:' l'! t ilr r I it'&? 1'wo Copies of Plans Three Copies of Plot Plans :4echlPlumbing Checklist Legal fnterest Document Plan Check Info Sheet ;xqi ?'7p I t,t -: tr 1 ,, )'I / l') t:Il i'l-', r1,,.11,n t, IiSl.i O! PIr,')PEITTY F(r.*, ) jr..nl-j.1i [*l lrrdustrial I a ' : ','ir i *x.sed ing l]r,l{Ii E Pqa .Z:TULEPHONE2/- l'ri Li'lPli!,li i' l;'.":4ts I:Rru72/:Za-qz -/2*f : r-i r'l 'ii SiTNITATION ! s. I. it r?.{?_zJ-_f]vu" [ *" ._r r dJ1 Date : Date: B. P ..rir:. M;rximum Depth SI)ecifications c,f Trcnches s{. aJ *d{rd,^,,f-*.J'v"* :.r1:rr. /2 @s->-- A PI,AN3 X,{.it,II}I/{TION: TY;,1' 2 s5 k/-iZ (.tu / 787 CONSTRUCUON AUT}IOTIZED BY THIS tl' "- - ; t''' ' i 'UTAI. VALUATIoN s /d .n6 r Uni L Costeai't pERI,!IT APPROVEID BY 8I)ILDING OF'FICIAL,/DLSICI.iIrL] {p(}r (-rRS 4ri6.805 (l) ) pnr:e I,ANE COT'IITY DEFAJ{.SME}JT Ot,'PLANNING E CO}.1}'1U}IITY OEVELOPM}INT,/ ]25 EAST EII]II'L}I AVENIIE, EUGEN}:, OFIGON 97TIO1 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INTOR}4ATTON ;d,,..,-', ::..1i, __r d.--' fl or' ) LANE COUNTY, OREGON DT"PT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT cclFlFlEcTloN ?-z v" 2, 7- CONSTRUCTLON PERMITS garcEcrroN Drv -/,lt' NclTICE /DATE BLDG. PERMIT .7 .qJOB ADDRESS TO T ? 7 NOTE k.t ,/64 /f.r'. o 2o ? ,/*Zn H- {/0,./". 7 /,/ {/0 4 n /14_ /,L ^/-c.s 73 ,.E-lNSPEcrtoN FlEButFtE., Phone €iB7-4O65 FoFl APPFIoVAL INSPECTOR LANE COUNTY, OREGON ] oKpT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT JOB ADDRESS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS A INSPECTION DIV. CGIFIFIECTICIIV NGITICE DATE TO NOTE c55-73 N FIEOIJIFIEtr!FIE.I BLDG. PERIVIT I * Phone EiElT-4ctEis FclFI ArtPElovAL I NSPECTOR TI LANE COUNTY, OREGON D,:-PT. OF ENVI RON M ENTAL MANAGEIVI ENT CGIFIFIECTICIN NGITIGE JOB ADDRESS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS A INSPECTION DIV. DATE TO NOTE BLDG. PERTVIT Z- c55'73 FIE.INSiPEGTIc,N FIEOU!FIEE, Phone 6E37-4oE,E5 FoFl APFFIoVAL I N SPECTOR I7 'al *t *>,? /43( \ILEA PAtUE L6T- BLoct( z \)ERA aELL< cs 7/ lVr-ct:oc*l-u' V o'Lvr^z # fG<^f 3o dl' e4,.0 TaV *ffirs 'ictu.rual^g 17 t o+ 6st z- ft At*a6<- oZ \i<; tr'/b st-L.,* "# I s l- . f "^*rl oe7 oo N tX lfte*t 16 sc4'6 6s' \ 1tr 5o{ )5(/ U h t, \Jt r,lJ "J jd.on t( q ct tl l*s*'-" 8o ,8 I I