HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-10-21" RESIDENTIAL" zz s ltorth rrr rron"APPLrcAT r,N /PERt/Lrr SpnJngfield, 2regon 97477 EUL LC,1.|LC| D1,tLS7,On 7 26-37 53 Date: rd sPFltNGFlEt rr $)- gnefl<rJab Locaticn: Aosescorc :4dp i TcE Iot # jubd,!.lis't cn: );net: .ldd.vess: City: tpoEl-a\3uL Dace of Appli"aticn_ Descrtbe Hotk: It )lq,s OC)Vai,ue .lCd.iticn RetnoCeL General r0!! 0R Sanilar,1 seter capoed:t pz,cperfi1 Lire Septic tank p."aped ad filled t|th gra::ei Final - iken abcte itens ate ecraleted. cnC xhen iqtclition is ecnclete br s:rt:- cute noued, dri =ranr)ses clZaned uc. Blocking od. Set-ug Plumbing connecticns -- saier ad. ualet Electrical Ccmnection - Blccking, set-ut anl. plwnbing eontections n:;st be apprcted. b e J' or e r e qu e s t')ng e ! e c'. z-i c aL ins p e e ! i o;^. Accessa,i Euildiry ?crckes, skitting, decv-s,?intl - .4fter -+- ?eie 1 of 2 9Leetri.ccL Constrtcticn Lervier It ia the responsibility of the perwit ioTl.er to see tha.t aLI- inspectionB qre r,ade at lhe proper tlme, :ihdt aach ai&ess 1" psa;al^l-e jroat tiu st?eet, arl titat the per.'nit catd. ie Located at the fzent of the ptoperty.a?uiHit4 V):ticion tpirw-eci ?1.ctt sit=Zl reaain on i|.e Suiiding itle at aLL- tines. P:?)clDUPl F2R IttSPEtrI)tl RIqLEST.'CALL 726-3769(recoyCer) state you" Citg Cesigt,tted jab ntonber, job aiiress, type of insgec=icn re_quested ari uhen 21ou wtLL ce teaciy for inspeetion, Contractars or A,mets nc-ne ad. ptare nunber,. P.equests yeceited befcre 7:00 a:i'-iLL be nade lhe sane dcg, ?eqTtests maie aftet, ?:00 on viLL be naCe tke nezt *otkini da,g. Yott! Cifu Desigra,ted Job Nwtber Is: - L' ltDrRc?cu:t, ?:1".e r:;S) ti'E:2-,U!!f)J Lir4 crenehes.il Si 9 I:lSPiC?IiN: lo be rmd.e after e.cccttation, but prior tc se!. up of qlpgs-Liz ?iL'iE rtc, zLEC:Prc,l!,, ;.ECi;.|;ii1.: 7o be narie cejote cny PCCT::]G 1 ?AL'\IDATICN: ?o be r,aCe aiter 1rencites are etcanated ard forns ate etectei, but prtar io pout--ng ccncteta. U:|)EP!:CC? ?'!i;:3ilG I !.!iC!!L!ICA! : @oifloor .!,neukxian or Cecking. ?OS? AilD 3EA!l: lo be ncde prior to TffiTTEf,aTof floor irsulaticn or deckiry. FALTC:] ?!n,Bt:lc, laEX?rCAt I )tECt- A.li.i).1: ;;o :ork is =c te cocerei ffiTTtkese irsceeiiars hcue beqn naze crd. qgrc:ted. FfP?PLACZ: hn or *.o pT.acrrq factngmctetiai,s and beiore frttirg inspec- tion. WlilC: ihtst be rearcsted aflerqctou,zl of rcugh plwnbing, eLectr.--cal ! neei^anieai,. AL! roof'J;"q btactng 3 chitneys, ete. rrasc be catpLeted. ilo ,;crk is to be con- - cecled until this insoeciicn has'been node cnC aporo"-eZ. FIiIAL PLU:,IBI:IC 47rt.t f rr?a!A.tfalf : /iaAL JLLU--aJt;u TNSULATION /VAPOR SA.RRITR IIISPICTICII : To be naCe after aLL insulaticn ed required oqor bavie?s de in olace b,ut before oty lath, Wpslot bcatC cr unLL couering is cpplied, a"d beforeag insulation is concealed. DRYilALL L\ISPICAI)\I: Tc be nade -.. tf)er aLL cz'guall is in olaee, but priorto cttg tapin4. \AS0!11?Y: Steel Location, bond 6ffijgl,outing or oerticals in aceordotee Lrith U,ts,C. Section 'riCODS?aVU: After installation is ecroLeted. CUPB & .A.PPPCACH !.P9ON: *e erecxeC but prior Afier lornsto Poil?.:nqcorlcrete. SfDgWtLK & DRf',ElA'l: Foz' aLL ean- c"et; paud:ngTl;E; st?eet mght- of-ucg, tc be naCe ai-tct all ecea- tating canolete ,3 forn ,tork & sub- base naterial in pl.ace. IENC!:Nhetz eonplete -- Prouiie or nouable aections thtough .ALL :!AJHCa|S AilD CLEA\ICUIS :tUS? 3E .|C:1S;I?LJ, .{0"'a'5:t5."'! :0 3: :.!"tE :? :10 ::s: :1 cry Dil' Irrl ALL project ca.ditions, suck as the i.nstallax:,on cf stteet trees' :c-9!etion cf r}le required Landscqir4, etc., mtst be satisi'ieC before the W|LDI:IG FfilAL :an be requested.. ?INAL tsAILDIIIC: The Finel Buildin4 Inspecticn mtst be "equested cfter the lincl Pltmbing Electz.ical, cnC t4echarical inspecttons nate been nade ,td acorouzd. t'fltcl..t\O.- T Lot Sq. Ftg, 7 cf Lct Ccuerage_ ! of Stortes TotaL lleiEht Tcpogrqhg PermLt fssuancz Mecitaniccl Perrtrit SOLAR*CESS REQ.- LCT TY?E _ b.teriot _ Cor*er _ Pa.nitaruile CUL-de-sac L-CO G+ Rece'tpt i: Mechqnicol Permit JOB NO.B?P,\i4 l,cze:Ccstsancu Croua:!1pe/Consx tse<itcons Lat ?eces -lnermt Soulees fre2 Df Caraoe Access 7/at?,? i zat2r Nolrn iireoLaee 'rlooastoxe 'iest -- Fees --M:.t FTG X VaLue Building Vqlue & Permit This pernit is gz,anted on the ezc?ess eond.iiicn tltat the said-ccnsttaccion si.a.!L, in tll resceccs, conlcra:o =he )z.dirzance zCoaiel by the Ci4 ci Springftel'i., :.ncl-uiing :he ioning CrCinct.ce, regulct'i.r'tg the eonstntet')cn anci use of burliiings, and ney be ;usceriei ar reuckei at cr.X t'.ne :t:cn uic- l,attcn af my prczsisions of salC Criitcnces. TAIAL ',/A.LL'E S.D.C. 7.5 c 2uildz-ng Perrit lotal Chataee Plumbing Permit Ilg person slall cqnstz""tct, install, aLter or ehange cnA retn cr e:istit.g plwnbin4 cz, dtainage systez in:,thole or in part, unless sueh pez,scn is the Legal possessot, of a ualtd plwnber's Lteense, Deeept that a pelson nay doplunbing aotk to ptope?t! ahich is otmed., Leased or apereted bg the dppli- lizivtes Res*iential (1 bd.th) Sa,i Seuer Pltonbtng Pen-it aar Electricol Permit l'/he?e State Lan requires tlu.t the eleedcal uork be done by an lleeiz.ical Contractor,, the electrlcal portion of this permit stall not be oali-C. untilthe 7,abel has been signed by the Electrical- Contractor, Nau/Ecterd. Cirqtits Sezvice L Pemit .?!.U .':J C!iARCT :-,rs- a^ >All I a k|@lst Hood, Vent ?ot 'rlcodstole /<@ /o.o? /5,o <' k)tJ bd -- ,:tcRCAC!:.!r:t! -- !ec"u-)q Deccsi! Storaoe llainterance Cttybat t- /tc?a e s SLAA)aLk Mobile l{one IOTAL AIIOUII? DUE:1 bo Plctt izcninez, f EAW CA-REFULLY IXLUfitED lke conaleted np7-isa2;6t. ior petmit, c-ui do hereby certifg tlat aLL itfctnat:ton hetecn ls true a7l. cbryect, ad. i firtker cet,tify that any ad aLL .;ork :eriozned sjall be done in aceor- danee ,,sixh the 1rd.inaz;ees of the City cf Sprtngfield, and. the Lc:;s oi theState of )regon pez'i:ainina to tke aork CescyibcC herein, cnC iltac :iO )CCU- F/.!lc.y DiLL b_e rcde of c:rlv structLtr2 uilhout pernission of the 3uitdtnE Di-uisio,n_. I futthet eerci,,'i ti,.at o:tly ecn;tcciors and e:plcyees ub.o ctZ in ccnpltance uith CRS 701.055 r,till be used. cn thia prcjeet /o ->1 -(> Se.thaei<s ileexriccl Label