HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-01-09Job Locaticn: Tc,s lot llAasessore Map #& Subdirision: 0umer: PhoneAd.dness: City:zip hr,Qor firz.z.a -z- ft==. Describe L'ork: Value/-2*7a t--t Neu Date of Additian RemoCel #..RESIDE -TIAL " APPLTCATT1N/PERMru 225 North |th Street Sprirqfield, )regon 97477 ButLding Diuisio.n 7 26-37 53 SPFINGFIEI.E) A LD-';1 v7 Date: General Plurnbi l.lec a Elrec Erica ll in ec tr cLan OR !4OVED BUILDINCS Soitary eeoet capped at W'oPer4i Line Septic totk putrped atd filled tLth gta;;el Final - I{hen obotte itetns ote eonpleted and uhen donolition is eanplete or struc- tut,e moued ad prenrises cleaneC up. Blocking old, Set-up Pltnbittg connectione -- aane? otd uatet Electri.cal Connection - Blocking, eet-up and plwnbing connectione rrust be apprcued before requeating eleclrical inspection Accessory Buildirrg Pinal - After pcrehee, ekirting, decka, etc. ee cornpleted. DRYWALL INSPECII)N: Tc be nadeaftet'ffidiffita in place, but prior to any taping, IUFOIIRY: Steel Location, bond 6ffiTgroutitq or oerti.cals in accordorce tith U.B.C. Section 2415. I,IOODSTOVE: Aftet inatallntion ie arnpleted. CARB 8 APPRCACH APRON: After fornsd,e eGctAnut p;74 to pouring concrete. SIDWALK & DRfVEVAI: For aLL eon- c"e t enaD@A-hfn s tr e et right- of-tey" to be nade after aLL erca- oating canplete & forn tnrk & sub- base rrutetial in place. grlL INSPECTISN: To be rnde aftete-;ao;tton,Ei prior to set ip of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELE?TRICAL & MCHA\IICAL: To be made before ang uark ie cotered. F))TINC ,g FOUNDATICN: ?o be rmdeAFA'A;;;f;e a"e ercaoated and fotns are erected, but pnior to pouning ccncrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMEING, SE'IER. W,4TER,pRllltlcE: To be made prior to fil- T@-f,ienchee. UNDERFLOOR PLUIiBIT,IG & MECHANICAL : of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BELA: To be nade prtot toTiildtTilf,6Tof floot, insulbtion or decking. ROUGH PLU!,IBING, ELECYRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No aotk is to be couev,eduntil these inspections haoe been made and approoeC. FIPEPLACE: Prioy to plccirq faeingna.terials and before froning inepee- tion. FTUAL PLUMBING PTNAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL It ie the reeponaibility of, tta permit hotlet to see that aLL inapections ate nade at the proPe" tine, that each ailtees ia teaCable fran the atreet, and tltat the permtt aard ie Located at the front of the property.*Euilding Nuicion appro"*ed plan shall remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. PROC9DURE FOR INSPECTI1N R9QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (tecorder) state yout City designated job requested. and ahei glou uiLL be neady for inspection, Cont?acto?s or Anners nctne and. p;lone : -*iLL be made the sante dcg, requests made aftez, 7:00 on uiLL be nade the nett rnrking dag. ntnbet, iob aCl,ress, type of inspecticn rutmbet. Requelts recei."*ed befcre 7:00 an Iour City Deaignated Job Nwnbet fa: TNSALATTON/VAPOR BARRIER ilISPECTION: Io be made after aLL insulaticn ed required uapor botriera @e in pTace but before oty lath, gypsum bootC or tnLL cooering is applied, and befote ory insulation is concealed. t\ FRA\IING: ltuat be nequeoted after apptoual of rough plumbing, electr.i-cal 8 neclnnical. ALL roofing bracitrg & chinmeye, etc. mtet be . cottrpleted. No ttork ie to be con-'cealed until thio inspection lae'been nade anC approted. !ENCE: gatee hlten conplete -- Protside on nottable sectione through ALL pnoj, required P. A,E. ect conditions, such aa the installation of street treea, conpletion of tie Landsccpir"g, atc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. fA FINAL BUTLDINz: The Final Building fnepection mat be requeated after the Final Plwnbitq Y:J ElecLrical, ord Mechanical fnspections llqua been nade and approoed. 'At,L MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MaST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJaSuEM TO BE \L4DE AT N0 C1ST T0 Crrv Page 1 of 2 l T tr T Lot Sq. Ftg. 1 of Lot Cooerage # of Stori,es Total Height Topography LOT ?YPE _ fnterior _ Cormer _ Panhandle - Cvl-de'sac Lot Faces - !!eat L.House th t I?EM FTG Y Va Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the erP?ess eond-ition tlnt the said constraction stwll, in atl ,espeets,-'i"iiZi'rr-lie Ordirance adop-ted biy the Ci-ty of ip"l.ngf;"1,a, inetltding'the \oning Cvdinanc-e' regulating the ccnstmcticn-&a u"uL of 'buildi.ngs,- and nay be- euspended or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of any pt'cuisions of said 0t'dinances' t ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 s I Building Permit PLan Date Paid: State Receipt #: Total Clarges Signed: NO,CHARCE Plumbing Permit No person shall consttact, instal1',- alter or clan4e -anA neu-cr ecisting pl,;Lii oi iooinog" "t;l; in uhoie or in pan't' unless sueh person is the 'tZiir-i"o"il""oi o7'o ;:;;e i*rb"."'i LicensZ, itgept that a pe?san nas do ptiitl.hg uork to pnopL"ty ihion it ooned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Fictutee Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Penrit State Nau/Ertetd Cit'cuits Electricol Permit Vhey,eStateLaur,equit,est|nttheelectlicaluorkbedoneby-anElectt,ical contnactor,, the electyizol'pirtlnn of this -permit shall not be oalic until the Label -lns been signed by the Electtical contracto?' Sezoice Total * ITlM NC F9E CIIARCE Mechq nicql Permit BTU, Eshanet Hood Vent Fan tlcodetooe Permit Isaucnce MecLwnical PerYrit i Pennit Ctpbcut Sida,talk Mobile Honre JOB NO. IotaL soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co c Bedrooms:Cro. rHAWIAREEULLyEXANrNEDttecompletedappltcationforpermit'anddo hereby cet'tify tn"t'""'ti'i"ii'*11-t'b" nercii ia true and eoz'rect' amC r furthev' cetlify tnat-Liy'ain aLL uot'k perfonted alall be done in acco?-,d";;;;;r; tnL', o.ai"rl""n"-f,r lirn iti Lr bprtnsfield, .and. the .Laas of the * State of ot egcn p";:,;;;,i";;g-'to the uo;k CeeLribLd herein, end tlnt N0 ,ccu- pANcy ttttl be nace ;|"'.;;;;', "i;;i7i- ",it\iit pernission of the Buitdins N- uision. I fut'thet' c-ertiiy that,only tontilJtoou and anplcyees uh'o ate in Liitti".Z'r;.tt" oas-iot.'o"ss 'ttt be- used on thia proieet ,I'O'I'AL AI4OI]NT DIJE: *f7T ?0 storhe Md;nten-ance lu'loARo lImcTURAt ttsT collTRfi. Th:r lr m lnrpoctlon ruPol!-gq[ ll)0RESSr &04, ft {1, bSSIREEI (thr Olrgmr) []i0,ld 0rcem lmurdLIhtt or CI m. ttmlfitalallllll r MY ROT TEPTIRSarlrttlll - ?rc-05l9 - ,)l ltalll l,q-' AUttlsqur,qa8 c l:rfi ln rroort or bld;?---tlril[aiif trlri rl nceded to ellnlnrte Sugr Antr' a. I Addrorr b. om (l) Cmtrrctorbb Prrty Stgncd--.--- [.ttl r -.---_-lfi ililmrm:::::-:::*::h Piil flnr mtn mY r!mll?t!, Ilc.llll hmkltn !lvd, Er4nr' 0r. t?l0t I cotdltlorr lot rlnr*tr $bf lorr Sldanlh : f l6ft 3 rck ln arbmr trmohr. nck ln ruhrrr la rgo$. .ccrtt I olmrrncl------ thn l' olmncr)r lht.r t l.! extrr Ilndors i It l?It Arlr I nrcdcd: vc'lues. .,r mcilEll0to afirl. . .FI. f--lftrrT f.tt oi drrldlno lrlnate Carpmt.r lntt tutrtructurc as nilded sto control ory tltl. t nal 'rhmr klt. rr nodcd to Prwmt tlurr pur ln-----rtrl-----coltr not ln- c0n- drmged rtr{r---Jack!---retd tt---------- ventg v.it i-ii-i6ta:-RGEiEEi::::-::----- vmt framr.(io ua raae fron prer;urt trttttd holc rellr (to bc n,rde fron preteurl door. of rubfloor ) ltwr rlvrr pf0ptr coll- flru or fror tr|.t ar.l to rllrlnrtr llubtmrn' tr.mt lubrtructuta trm to rllrlnrr 0rreiood trut arbrtnrotuil .r.l to lllrlnrtr -----.-@-@a@@--,.'- ,t th rbovr cxlst tt por rufemcdrhor L/nrloryt s\#*Y!r.f' .'l'a a, ,, tl ta+, i. r alr lfr..l rlr-f tl tr I l..-+ aa aa aa 2l ,:+ aa t tl'EA a,,' r , aaa p{. aat aal a, IT, 0a ,0 .tn . .-f . aaaro araaa v' a I I rt I i a a a a I t a a t t a a t , ) a a t I I , t a , t a a a a t fa a, aa, lrt .a la lrll a a taoo -J- 'I I aJ ,,. aa! r. I ;l j. .l .a ,r o +i -f o a a a a ,t t a a a a a O a a a a a a a a o a a a a a , a a + a+ o , I t I a a a V e I a a a aa a a a a a a t I 4.0 V t a .a rtt .aa aa, a i r'a a .aa 11, -L.I- aa, af. .aa .aa |.. )4. a. a, oa+. t rt lg aa -{. tt ta t, la ,rt' ' ,t a o a a a a, a a a a a a a a a aara..l. ata.,Oot1 .+ at a a a , a , a a a I a I t a I a a a I a t I a a a , a a a a a ,, a a Pnt'o .la ) a aai .aa .tl ara rla -1., I .aa rl a.i t ) a a a a a I aa aa a a i a a a ,I oa a a ;+A}D E 1(tffi { ool.aal , 0 a a a.oa a.lt .lrl It- .ff0 ) a t .al I,aa. a a -|t a 0I i jJ a J ai .+ o1 a a a a a : a J a a , a ,-1 oOirl t a a a a a a a ,I o 0 o c ) ao a ta a a I a a t a a .) I a a I a a a a a a aaaa ,a aaa. -+ ? aJ a I aa.aaatt2Oa.aat't'!- * L P a) o , . a .a ! t t a. 1 a V j e ftD)lZVerrb n5[-bt\&e tr-lr oncl.{on ncU) I tit I' lr Ottl lt lol-o I I a t , a a a + ,\ Yr a a.a o a a' a a t a a , , ? a a a a a a I I , + a a t a a + aat a aaa+ ,a Iaa o a t a t a , aa aa0 a t t a , f.i a ra a a a ."a .,4 a t a a a a a a I aaa, a a a. aaa 1lar., I aaa ta!aaa aa aalala a a ) a a a a at aaaaa t o..+ I a a , t a oaa ljaa t a a , 0 a at a a a t I I o , : a a ) a a a t , a o ta aa . -f- aa a Ch ratl r ol .t l'l,r n .ift;lrl,rl I a.rl 11, ,. .l ,,a I I , I,, tI t a a ) a a a a a ) a t ,l .ta)araaa. aaaaarrt aaa aoa o ,a a a.a I tr t a a , , t a a a a ala a a a a a t a a I .aaa a a t ar a ) a + ri City of Springfield Development ServicesBuilding Safety Division MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: April 11, L990 Fi 1e Don Moore, City Observations of Construction Representative Structural repair at 4683 Union Terrace 1. Floor joists not secured to sill plate as instructed. Need A35or similar framing anchors to tie joists to mud silI. 2. joist replacement at bathroom provides inadequate support forflooring. Need to jack and support the exist'g 3x and block betweenjoists at bearing Iocation. 3 Two joists at N. foundation waII not adequately supported. 4. Rim joist at NW porch locationcondition, but not replaced with otherfoot section ) . was cut away to eliminate drymaterial to support the floor rot ( one 5. Garage a). existrg postrepairs not secured to supporting appeared adequate (entire lean-tolong time ago. too close to soil. b). other postblocks. c). blocks between raftersstructure appears to have been built a THE ABOVE ITEMS NEED CORRECTION. IF THE ORIGINAL coNTRAcToR DoES THEREPAIR, THE ORIGINAL PERMIT WILL BE REACTIVATED. IF ANOTHER CONTRACTORDOES THE REPAIR WORK, A NEW PERMIT FOR THE WORK MUST BE OBTAINED BY THENEI{ CONTRACTOR. Note ; afu/rot investigated a concern expressed by the seller,s real estate agentregarding replacemant of the lim joist on a portion of the dwelling wiLhplywood material, which was alledgedly backfi.tfeA with soil withoutproper protection. There is evidence that plywood was used on part ofthe east side of the building adjacent to the- service porch, but it isdifficult to determine whether flashing was used betwein the plywood andstucco or whether any portion of the untreated wood is below;r;;;. Tothe best of my recollectionrthere was no repair work exposed on the eastside of the builaing at the time of my initial inspection. r discussedthis with Mr- Lynch, who expressed witfingness to open that portion ofthe repair for inspection. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services 225 North Sth Street Building Division Job No.Date JoBADDREss -1693 /"/.tlzox_ rudr TO /./ 4a+a - l-v, CALL FOR REINSPESTION - INSPESTOR ""CALL FOR: - INS P 72&9769 - | t n ;.zzzv Cz4r. 7r'd-er7v -'--4Civil . Structural-Archilectural o Fire Prolcr lion Crxlc Grnsu ltanl . l'Lrn Clrt<king . Construction I nsprtion IIO. BOX I3() . 474 WILLAN1L I-I I S I REET tucENE, ORECON 97440 . (503) 484-9080 March 29, 1990 Lynn CarEer c/o Tt r. le Guarant ee ActenElon: Doris Gltbert 299 E. l8ch Eugene, OR 97401 RE : 4683 Un i on Te r race Spr:ingf ield, OR - Inspe ct ion of Repairs - W.0.#3890 As you requesEed, otr Marclr 16, l990 I made an inspection of this residence in orderto observe the st.ructural condltions, parEicularly wich regard to t,he recencstrucrural repairs performed by A-l Pesr ConEroL. Durinp1 my inspectlon, I dis-cussed the conditions and ilre repair work that was l.rerformed wlclr the prospectivebuyer, wlro was living in tlre residence aE the time. lle indicat.ed to me the condi-tlons relared t.o tlre repair work and his observations of che performance, conrl i tions' both 1>rior to, rluring and af cer t.he work r^ras done. I recelved a copyof rhe inspeccion report.r tlre proposaI t,o perform the work and other notes from A-l PesL CnnErol and a copy of tlre butlding permiE for che repalr work issued by theCiEy of Springfi eld and the inspectorrs memo regarding the performance oi thereJlair work. Based on rlris lnformaEion and my observation of the condltlons andsLrucLural Portions of che buitding exposed co view cluring this inspecEion, I makethe following report and Iinrl ing,s: /;: i\\ , LP'11 l. Descri tion of Conrl itions: wood ramed res i ence, suppo This ls a singie srory conventional Iighr rted on concrete perlmecer foundation walls and fooE i ngs and incerlor pier foot ings. There is a deEached garage tothe north of the residence and a shed roof sEructure aEE.ached to the 8,arag,e aI tlte norIlr. The resldence appears to be constructed of srandard materla Is and worl<manship prevaLenr in rhe area at the tlme ofconst-ructiont which was 35 - 40 years ago. The resldence and garage havean exterior stucco finish on E,he walls and sloped roof surfaces which areroofed wi rh asprha lt composirlon roof ing. The repai r work performed lnvolved removal of porElons of the exterlorstucco aE Llre base where ic adJoins the concrete foundaElon, the removalof the decayed or rleterioraced rim Joists Iraming below che large livingroom windows, the r:emoval of the decayerl tloor Joists under the bath and uc i Ii ty area and replacement with new Joisrs and supporE.ing beams. Italso invoLved repLacemenE of che 4x4 support posts aE the shed roofstructure at the norch end of the garage. some repalr or replacement ofdecayed wood at the roof eave of the girage and some oEher miscellaneousrepair work, al I as indlcated on tlre A-l pest control report andproposal. At the t ime of my inspectlon, tlre repair work was supposed cohave been saEisIactorily compIeced; however, tlre buyer Lxpressedconsiderable dissaLisfaction with rhe performance of rhe work and-the endresulr, wi Eh regard ro sEructural lnadequacy and the final appearance ofthe repaired areasr particularly lhe exterlor stucco and che interlor -2- aster re[)airs at tlre Iiving room winrlows. There was an expresslon of dissatis[action wi th the I loor joist repai rs and an expression thar the buyer harl observerl []rat additlonal scrucrrrral damage to the butIdlng had been done dur:ing the performance of the repair work. This damage was relared to inter:ior walL and cetllng Iinish cracks, which the buyer stated were not present prior to the performance of che work, unevenness in Ehe floor construction and possibly some damage to the roof framlng. 2, Observation oI Ret>air Work:I observed rhe condi t ions interior, exteriori in tlre underfloor area, on the roof shed rooI struct-rtre at.tached aL che norIh end of the observations resulE in rhe followtng flndings: \ a. aE the bullding surface and Ehe ca rpo r t, . These 'l'lre areas where the exterlor sfucco was removed and neu, sEucco lnstalLed have a very poor appearance and do nor match the orlginal sLucco t inish. It is obvious to me that a professlonat pIasIererdid not perIorm thts scucco replacemenc work. The repalred areas had already been painEed with a color: thar does noE match the or- i ginal pa inr ; however, the stucco surface is very irregular and does noL have an even surface. I doubr Ehat iE was a t.hree coaE PorrLand cement plascer appltcatlon, as required by the oregon staEe Buildtng co<le. 'l'he scucco work can be rejected soLeIy based on Ehe [)oor al)pearance. My opinion is chat i r slror,rId not be accepred. The interi or l)lascer repair below tlre living room windows ls very uneven anrl poor appearance. It rloes noE match che adJacent waLl surfaces, either in t.exture, evenness or paint color. In my oplnioniE was noE performed by a professional plasterer and therefore, should not be accepted. The method of scrucrural repalr below the bath and utill Ey areas involved removaL of port.ions of Elre original 3x floor JoisEs,insIalting new 2x Jolsts lapped onco the origlnal Jotsrs and supporting, the new joists from a new beam supporred by posEs and precast concrere pier bLocks. The beam and joists are supported on various pieces of wood, wedges, blocks and instaLled ln a very i rregular manner. It does not. appear tlrat tlre beams, poscs or Joiscsare secureLy nai Ied into place; thereIore, if there ls any movement or wood sl.rrinkage, they would become loose. This movement would Include tlre deIlecttons or lmpact loads on rhe floor above, whlch are to be expecEed. The Oregon Srare Bul Iding Code ''iequlres srructuraI members to be fastened securely inco position. Portions of the floor consrrucr.ion appear Eo have been replacedalong with tlre Jotsr repIacemenr ar the barh and urillty areai however, other port. Ions Ehat. appear to lrave water damage, were noE replaced. It also appeared that some;rrevlous repairs had beenperformed Pri or to the current. rellairs by A-l pesr control;Eherefore, I couLd noc determine the futl status of Ehe repairs;however, the r:epair Job was not cornpleIe nor properLy done. ApparenrLy, clre maln purpose for the removaI of Ehe exE.erlor stuccoat the base oI rhe wood frame construction was because there was decay or insect. damaged wood at the perimeter rim Joists and theends of the 3x Jolsts resElng onto rhe concrete foundatlon. lt apPears that the repair method lnvoLved che removal of the stucco ar b \ ) ) i i l1 i i i I i I : I I , c. d Er" .\,:^ I f. -3- tlre base to a saw cut trorizonfally aI the toP of the removed locations, removaL of fhe rim Joistr cutting lnto tlre botfom of Che fLoor joisC a noEch to receive a 2x6 treaEed wood silL plate' insEalLation oI a new uncreated 2x or 314" plywood rim Joisc and replacemenr oI rhe stucco waIl finish. Treated 4x4 posts were pla ced unde r each Jo i st from the foo r I ng proJect ion, apparent ly to provlde addirional support for the floor Joists, I am not aware of the extenE of wood decay or insect damage, which was present Prior to the performance of the work or how much was detected 1n the ini Eial inspection by A-1 Pest Control. Based on my observatlon of the 3x joisr enrls where chey extenrl towards the concrete foundatlon wall, it is my beIief thar there was very litt[e decay or damage Eo these Joists. My experlence lnrlicates it is not unusual ro have rnoisture nrigral-ion behlnd a stucco wal[ [inish IhaE causes wacer concentrat ion at the base of the wood consrructlon and decay. It al)l)ears tlrat tlre lx fLoor Jolsts were resring direccly on the cop of the concrete foundatlon and there was no sill plare ln the orlgtnal conscruction. I undersEend t.hat the excent of decay of che Jolstends and Elre rim Joisc could only be determined from the underfloor area, since the srucco flnlsh at the exterior was lntact at the Elme oI tlre inspecrion. SampLes of the st.ucco which were removed were stilL present on rhe Job and 1E appears that the stucco, lncluding rhe paperback wire mesh re-lnforcing was in a good condit.lon prlor to removal. I belleve that, the original floor Joiscs have proper support with clre sllI place and tlre 4x1r posc co the footlng. I question thac rhe mechod of repair was the most suitabl.e._for the actuaI buiLding conditlons. I believe that a suicabIe repalr could have been;rerformed wichouE removal oI the exterior stucco and it appeared t.o me rhac t,here was very litLIe damage co the floor Joisrs, except in che area where the floor Joists needed replacement and that the support of the floor Jolsts could have been accompLishecl wi th the 4x4 treated wood posts supporEing each Joist to the footing projeccion. The rim joisr is not a structural member and since the stucco was lntacc, I doubc that replacement of che rim joisc wouLd have been required in order to maintain rhe buiLding tn a sErucEurally adequate condltlon. It would have been more advisable to treat. the rim Jolst and the Jolst ends bearlng on the concrete Eo inhibit further wood decay or damage even lf periodic treatment had co be performed. Stnce the rlm joist was replaced wit.h an unt.reated wood, there is sclll the possibiIiry rhac moisEure will collect behind Ehe stucco again and decay the new rim joisc. I have had some experience wich encrapped waIer behind stucco at the base of che wood construction, and I believe it wouId have been more advisable Eo have saw cut rhe sEucco ar Ehe level of the top of the concrete foundation and to instaIL a flashing co intercepc water and also acE as a weep screed aE the bot.tom of sEucco. Thts method woutd have involved no removaI of the sEucco excepc at t.he areas below rlre living room wlndows. There is concern by the buyer that the repair work, which lnvolved some lifcing or jacking of the sLrucrure ro EemporariLy support thejoiscs wlri le che rlm Jolst removed and the sill plaEe was belnginsLalled, had caused st.rucEural damage Eo the buiLding. I observed Ehe cracks, parLicularly in rhe haLlway and the rooms to Ehe rear ofthe hallway or opposiEe from the living room. There was concern I I I I ,l -4- The roof eave rellair ac the front of che curaLly adequatei however, 1E was not and ls verY Poor aPPearlng' 4, RecommendaE ion: how Eo correct could make is t perform che wo that maybe Jme clamage to the-rooI was dor due to Ehe Jacking or level ing of tn" lc''i"'u'"' I did observe some unevenness ln rhe r:oofsurfaces,orhumpsaE'ttti'-U""ftside;however'neiE'herthe lnterlor cracl<s or the "*t"'l o' roof condi tion indicates a strucEuraLfailure.IbelieveEhat'clrereisavalleyrafEert'hatis crackecl . I cannot d"'"'*t"e 'tt"ttti' i c was cracked due Eo t'he work' I dtd noC observe a structural-ief lclency t.hat interfered with the performanceoftlrerooflng.lbelievethevalleyraft,ercanbe repaired or ,"-.uipo""a to- Ue "l"q'"t"' The only other deflciency lntherooIconstructionisasagatIheeaveoftheporchanda hump in the .oof -ir,rr.d from wherJ rle eave of the porch proJects' Ibetlevetlrisi.sduetolnadequatestrucLuralsUpporr'.at,checorner of rhe roof proJection over the porch' Ic -appears that' Ehe column support is ,ro'l*4 boards nalled inEo an L shape' IE ls'-obvlous that. tlris support has allowed'orn" t"* or defIecrion ln che roof and rlre su[)l)ort i s not arlequate' itt" 'u1'po" f or this corner should be reptaced wlth a preservatl.ve t'""t"i 4x4 or e three lnch dlemeEer steelst,ructuralcolumn..l.herooIeavecanbeJackedup.lncoamore level posirion and relieve some of rlre sag and hump' I donrE expect it to come back into originaL position; - however, it will be support.erl adequateIy and Prevent Iurther deflection or sag' h ga r a8e done in appears co be struc- a workmanlike manner l The 4x4 posEs supporting the s-hed roof aE the north of rhe garage are not. properLy lnsEalLed' - IE appears Ehey .were cuL Eoo shorE' They are noE prip"'fy actached at if.r" top to the roof constructlon or Ehe bottom to the pler foocings' i do noE belleve the pler foorings are adequate' Ir appearc ih"r ln re-supporcing chls garage roof, chat iE was pivoted abour the supPort ac che wall of the g,araBe and rlrereIore, rhis support or attachment was damaged' I did noc cons icler the new 4x4 pgsts or pie rs as adequate permanenE structuralsupportandlbetievethaEsomere-workorrepairofthe actachmenr ar the garaBe watl routi ue required Eo restore thls shed roof t.o a strucrurally adequate condition' concluslons: My conclusion or opinion of-the completed repalr work 1s thar I believe rlrar rlre bui Ldlng was probabIy in a bet,ter condition prior to the performance of the work than i t is now' I'here may be some structural Ueneil ts rlue to rn"' p"'iorrna-nce of the repair work' bttt' I believe rhat tlre oclrer defeccs, lrarticularly related Eo appearance and posslble re-occurrence of t.he sLrucEurat damage are obJectlonabIe and should nor be accepted. My observation of the condiLions lndlcates that the conc racco r , or workman, p"'fo"ing . tl" work d id not have an understandlng oI rhe conrllt,ions or Ehe reiulcing finished product' There shouLd have been some consideration of alrernace repair mechods relared Eo Ehe acEuaI construcEion detatls of the building' I do not believe that professlonaLqualifier]trarlesmenwereusedintheperformanceofporEions of this work, part'icularIy rhe excerlor and inEerior plaster repalrs. 3 IE is ditficutt for me to make a recommendaElon as to the conrlitions aE this point' The besE recommendatlon I o retain or hlre qualifi;d contractors or trades people to rk. IE 1s posstble to correcE rhe sEructural condlrlons -5- tth regard ro che froor supporL berow the bath and uttri ty, the roofsupporE aE Che shed rooI north of the garage and other accessible workchar is deficienc.'l'lre cosmet.ic reprairs to presenE an acce pt abl eappearance oI the c omp le t ed wo rk wi IL be difflcuLr ro perform.One ofthe problems is r hat Llre plast er surfaces are already palnted andEherefore, bondin g a new surface coat onto the exlsclng surface wiLt bedt fflculr.I'm sure thaE a profes sionaI pIasterlng contractor would havesome ldeas on how to acco nrplish this. IE 1s always difftculr to obtainqualtfied Erades peopIe o r contractors to correct work that has aIr eadybeen performed unsat,is[a cIorilyr mainly because che y don'c know theexEent of defectlve work rer;uired to be corrected and t hat then they haveto assume respons i bi I i ty lor the entire work; howev €rr there are manyqualtfled contractors and Era(lesmen In the Eugene/Sprlngfleld area rhatcould correct the work. I doubr if Ehe contracto r or trades people whoperformed the work have an adequate capablli Ey to recognlze therleficiencles anri to make rhe necessary corrections so thaf the work couldbe completed jn an accepcable manne r . I hope contacc se rvl ce. ,...r"r, truly yours, STRUc I ,o p qor Eo I Emile MorEier, p.E. ECM/ rc you flnd thls reporE adequate for your purposes atme 1f you have further quesEions. Ttrank you ior chfs this t. 1me. please opportunlty to be of €uo