HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-04-08@ coNsrRU #?V,?.oru**p COMPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. tr PLANNING ZONING:Zone ltinimum Partition f Parcel #Parcel S SI C L,C L L 1n ior t ar Coments: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY /3 LOT Two Copies of Plans f] rro Copies of Pl-ot Plans IMechanical Checklist IPlu*Ulng Checklist Plan Check Info Sheet tr Applicat Permit f ,ART Z-r-;"ryb / PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ,Kesidentiar I commercial flrndustrial flruuric ; VALUE WATER SUPPLY Proposed s+-ing OF BEDROOMS and thal NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structur. without the permir;sion of the Buj.ldiltg Drvision. I furthor c.-rtify fect as requircd b)'ORS 701.055, that if exc-mpt the basis for exenpti.on is not.rd liance uith oRs /01.055 will be used on this project. I HA\,rE READ AUD CIIECrcD THTS ry-/*a 1US DA LL il.der racto: rs Board is in full forcc and ef who 7-zzzzru) NAME (please print) COMPLETED APPLICATION .:crtifi that atl infornation hereon is truc and correct and I furt irrarecs of Lane County and tbe Laws of Lh,r st,aLe of oreq.)n I)citair)inrl YI TIAVE certi fy l-l o",.e,, fl aonrracLor EQ,u"' hereon, and that only APPLICATION THOROUGHLY PERMI?, and do hc to the work described herej.n, that reqistration with the Bu and all Hork perforred shall be done in ac.ordance with tile fl ff,OOOpf,af n r rn rrood hazard area? fl nuner, ADDRESSTNG' cRrD cooRDrNArE I satirrATrot!: s. r. { D ^" f] v"r, see atrached sheet N E Date: Date: Date: B. P. #rnstatlation Record rssued? [ v"u I u" Maximm Depth of Trenches lnstallation Specifications: Coments: caI lon Tank Lanea-L -F eet of Drainfield Date: (r"*e EXAMINATlON:trr"5A,/Group u"" WD() ST?la tnl S , frO, Coments: Description CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT Fixed Fee,/ Unit Cost Date: Floodplain Fee $ Subsurface Fees $ Building Fee $ Sewer/Storm Drain/Water $ Plumbj-ng Fixtures $ Mechanical $ Plans Check Fee $ State Surcharge $ TOTAL FEE FEES PAID BY: By: Sq. Ft. -2 lF sd4s' 2 TOTAL VALUATION $ Date: PERMIT BY BUILDI oFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (per ORS 456.805 DATE LANE COUNI'Y DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740L C74-L94 SEE REVERSE T tr T v SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATI cITATI0N UNDER PRoVISIoNS 0F LANE CoUNTY'S TNFRACTI0N oRDTNANCE, ANDIOR oTHER REMEDTES ALLoWED By LAI,I. WHEN READY FoR INSPECTIoN CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM 0F AT LEAST 24 HoUR ADVANCE NOTTCE FoR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BEGIVEN. Have the following information ready: Permit number, job address, type of inspection, when it witt Ue ready,your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUTREp il6!EqTroNS r)F0UNDATI0N INSPEQTION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation@ob.Whereconcretefronracentralmiiingptant-(commo,iv_ie.,.aiitiansit;iied;j_istobeused,materials need not be on the Job. 2) C0NCRETE SLAB 0f UNDER-FLO0R INSPECTI0N: To be made after al l ico ci1lary equipment itemsor floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3) FB|MITG & I]'!9ULAII0N INSPECII0NS: To.be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place andall_pipes, fireplaces and chimneys and vents are complete and a'l-I rough electrical and plumbing are-approved. Allwa1l insulatjon and vapor barrier are in place. 4) LATH AND/0R GYPSUM B0ARD INSPECTI0N: To be made afte r alI lathing and gypsum board, intenior an nd or, is in placebut before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and-iasteners are taped a 5) FINAL INSPECTI0N: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in eachsuccessive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given onlyafter an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as inditited by each of ihe inspeitions requi red. N0TE: AlI building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BL0CK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. This inspection'isrequired for.each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical 'inspections have been made and approved. B. l,l00D ST0VE: To be made after comp'letion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is comolete. Instaliation shatl be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency arrd the manu- facturer's insta l lation instructions. C. tl0BILE H0ME: An inspection'is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumb'ing connecti ons. (f) Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer.(2) Mobi'le home minimum finish fioor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management letter.(3) t4obile home t'iedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for lnspection' within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. SWIMMING P00L: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool is instal Ied. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT I.IILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN I.JITHIN ]8O DAYS, OR iF I,/ORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN ]8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT [.IAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYoNE PRoCEEDTNG PAST THE PoINT 0F REQUIRED INSPECTIoNS IdILL D0 S0 AT HIS ot,lN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEI,IAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS n-s'lab or under-floor building service equipment, are in place but before any concrete is'poured d exteri finished Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permit holder shal1 notify the Department by submitting the insPa'llation record fonn. The Departhent shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply vtith .such rules, the Departrnent shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion.to the pernrit holder. If the. construction does not comply yyith su,ch ru1es, the Departrpent shall notify the permit holder and shall require' s.atisfactory.completiofi before issu'ing the cgrtificate. Failure,to meet the requirements for satisfactory comp't:etion witnih a reasonab'le tine c6nsti'tutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. Setbacks - Subsu rface Sewaqe Disposal (r ) (?) From Septi c lanl Drainfield -T6r--Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation l.Jells, other water sources t0' l0' 5' 50' 'I 0, t0' 1 00' lane county I;,tr p .'=fl Environmental Management ACTI"ITY INFORMATION 3HEET 6l!' - COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOI,IPLETE FORIvIS WILL BE RE.]ECTED: o rtlED S TO l/\LARRV pc.-Etl PERSON MAKING REPUEST PROPERTY OWNER t5 >6 TTruD lr'rOU tAI\E :5 lO M,A Ns,FrELr)>r MAILING ADDTESS S tN CITY BUSINESS TELEPHONE NUMBER MAILING ADDR.ESS LEor\/EU I o CITY @ SueorvrsrOtl (if appricabre): STATE ZlP CODE ZIP CODE azl- sgo(, BUSINESS TELEPHONE NUMBER HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER @ rax MAP/PROPERTY DESCRTPTToN NUMBER (from tax maps I*' .rt 'i.rr ', .' ) in Department of Assessment & Taxation or from tax statement) : Tax Lot(s) : By Partitior #_ 7// 7- 6Zd3 HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER Township Range Section f o,rt of TL #- Tax Map & Parcel Number of Adjoining Property in Same Ownership: Torn"hrp R"tS" Se.ti"n NTTax Lot(s): fl no.te ! unk.,own u BLOCK: _ LOT: ;EE I,frc Ht TA d /t)@ nSOUeSt (briefly describe information needed) O ToTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: O pRessNt usE oF PRoPBRTY: @ Nuneun oF srRucruREs oN PRoFFRTY COMPLETE THIS SECTION TOR LAND APPLICATIONS OR USE, PROPOSALS. rd home se as residence SEE *NOTE BELOW. width #of Users @ rrnu orstnict **FOR STAFF USE ONLY** acres NUMBER: DATE: TIME INITIATED: CHECKED BY: ATTACHED EXHIBTTS I erot Plans (2) fl constr. Plans (2) ! site nran Dcopy of Tax Map Eoart..----=--- SCREENING VERIFICATION : By: Date: Time In! Out:- I accept I Reject Routed to,_--- *NOTE: ATTACH A COPY OF iel-l.rep; SHctI EXTSTTNG STFUCTURES AND TA:i LOTS IN YOUR OWNERSHIP. OB- TAIN TAX MAP IN SELF HELP AREA OF A & T. F3F UI €tr Modular home Garage_ Other (specify) @ access ro PRoPERTY:c Road Name Private Road Name Road Easement @ orHsR rn OVER PROPERTY: ,/ @ wnrrR,rtstnrcr:/ @ enu6rnc PERMrrs oN PRoPERTY: (OVER) I @ eRoeenrv ADDRESS: !4obiIe home_ Storage_ Barn RV in \sr,op\- 9/81 REV r THIS SECTION E'OR I,AND IISE OR @ enoroseD usE oF pRopERTy r* ,Har" CONSTRUCTTON APPLI CATIONS **FOR STAFF zoNE/LANp USE: USE ONLY** By: Datr: : @ surr.orNc Rnoudsrs\Contractorts $ Directions to 9i-te: (for mobile home setup also) Time In:-- 3ut:_ ! accept fl neject I elanning Apolication IConstruction permit App. fl tnformation only zoning: Comp. PIan Designation Check the type of permit requested: Dwelling:I uew n Reptacemenr f] Additional; Iaaaitidn Ialteration; ! uodular ll,gme ! UoUit" Home - Model year nnv ' Dstandard Construction; flrran check o!1y n commercial:Use Floor Area nagricultural: Use I By: Date: Time fn:_ Out:_ fl eccept I neiect I Constr. Permit Issue fJ Site Evaluation rssue PERMIT TSSUED (SAME DAY ONLY): Permit # By: Dat.e: Time fn:_ out:_ fl otr'.r",Use Floor Area I ci,".,g. of Use - Hohr? @ uuueen oF BEDRooMs ...NUMBER OF STORIES @ salirratroN R.EeuESrs : f, S:-te evaluation for SDS feasibility I tlew system installation f nepair/replacement ! alteration/re location fluoor to exisring ADDITIONAL INFORI{ATTON : SANITATTON: Lane Countg 17-Jan-1990 I,ARRY POLEN OR OCCUPANT 1536 TINAMOU I,ANE EUGENE, OR 974OL SUBJECT: WOOD BURNING APPLIANCE PERMIT APPLICATION NO. BP 58L-82 Your perrnit application for a wood burning appliance has expired. Each permit issued by the building official, under the provisions of the auildinq Code (Oregon State I'techanical Specialty Code) shatl expi-re by lirnitation and become null and void if the work authorized by such permit is not conmenced within 1-80 days from the date of such permit, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 1-80 days. No permit shall be extended more than once. [Sec. 303 (d) OSMC] Section 3O5(d) OSMC states: trlt shall be the duty of the person doing the work authorized by a permit to notify the building official that such work is ready for inspection.rl In addition, Section 303(c) OSMC, says: 'rThe issuance of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations sha1l not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of other ordinance of the jurisdiction. rl Recently, dr agreement was made between Lane County and the cities of Eugene and Springfield resulting in the creation of an 'UrbanTransition Area, where the respective city codes apply as well as the State of Oregon Building Code. Since the cities and Lane County utilize the same State of Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code, the section references listed above apply in all jurisdictions If your address is within a city Urban Transition Area or within the city limits, you must make application for any anticj-pated permit activity for a wood burning appliance (or other activity) with your city'building department' . Thank you for your cooperation. If you have guestions or feel you need clarification, please feel free to call me at 687-4466- Roger Build McGuckining Official, Lane CountY LAND MANAGEMENT DtV./pUBLtC WORKS DEPT. / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 I (503) 687-4061 I FAX # (503) 6S/-3947 ^,f JqB "LLANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD OI,JNER'S NAME PHONE NUMBER C0NTRA-C-T0I-''S-XA-F1E-__ -- PHONE S t^ ET BACK REQUIR NTEME C1 S SIDE #P L ING FIXTURES L FRONT I NTERI OR REAR Y PERMiT DiRECTI NS TO SI E SITE ADDRESS TI N ftuo tt PERMIT NUMBER OOTING / FOUNDATION INSP ION OR MOBILE HOME SET UP INSPECTION Approved Correcti on Di sapproved Da te I ns pec tor CONCRETE SLAB / UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTIONApproved Correcti on_ Disapproved_Date Insp ec tor UNDER SLAB / PLUMBING GROUNDWORK INSPECTIONApproved Correcti on D'isapproved__Date I nspector ROUGH PLUI'1BING INSPECTION Approved Correc ti o n Di sapproved_Date I ns pec tor FRAMING iNSPECTI ONApproved Correct'ion Disapproved IDa te I nspector NS ULATI 0 NI V R tsARRItR INSPtCT]ONApproved_Correcti on Di sapproved Date I ns pec tor LA TH / GYPSUM tsOARD INSPECI IONApproved Correction Disapproved lDa te Inspector FINAL PLUMBI NG INSPECTIONApproved Correc L,'ion Di sapproved Da te I nspec tor FI NAL TE DISPOSAL SYSTEM IN SPECTIONApproved Correction Disapproved Date Insp ec tor F L NS PECTION BUILDING MOBILE HOME Ap roved Correct on proved Date I ns pec tor I 1 JAU.10 n^, Form C74-197 Date Inspector OCCUPANCYCERTI FI TE OF OCCUPANC TEMPORARY CERTIFIC ATE OFApproved___Correcti on -- Di sapproved l I Lr-,//,1 ,l r-'{ a I7 ,l l/