HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-05-27-7 #Phone .. RESIDENTIAL.. 225 North stt, itonffPLrcAr r"1 /PERI/lrr SprLngfield, Oregon 97477 Bui.Lding Ditsisi.on 7 26-37 53 . Job Loeaticn: Aeaeeeons Map # SPHI,\lGFIET..E'ilr?gt ?aa lpt #tu I o Subdittision: Otmet: Addtess: ci Na,t Additicn Date of GeneraL i qSrgtnctiorr _Leniler__ * Deset4be l,lork: 0,) 1-r Date:VaLue =)UJ e Hcnes t Plunbing eonnections -- aaie? ad, uater Elyty-cql Conneetion - aloetcir), eet_uoi* ^!!*pi"n e onne c tions ;*" i {.' rii " rii aD e i or e reque s ting eL e c trtcal r:""pZL.t ;.Zl- * Accessory- Buildnng :lyl - After,-pcrcke", "U*iirg, a."to,exc. ore conpZeted. Blocking otd. Set_up Page 7 of 2 l PRA|IING: Ltust be tea ffii,f;T\:;itr.xa2!;.3;0- ?fiiy:,1,..,;,;r;z:":r:"";.ry:it;_cealed. until thie ,:*p".Uoi -tii been mol.e anC approoeb ,l}^vl *!E!!!, Ithen eonplete -- tuouiCe fl:"r:;.* motsable sectians tnrijn r>(> r'- \t/^ ) ruae, pLaMBrNc I PrilAL ME1HANT1AL ) rrlat ELEc?RrcAL :l !L-L lnoj-n.," cond,itions, such ast'equired LanCsecpit:g, etc., tmte the instal lation of stteet ttees, eonotbeeatisfiedbefote th,e BUfLDfNC FfNAL can be tequested. a\ FrNAL B.urLDrNc: rhe Final\--l EleetyteaZ, -e Unoto"i.Zi Building fnepection mrnspeciionel*;Z12"ii,lr2"ffiTr;|fr "llt""theFitalpzwnbins .ALL MANHCLES AND CI,EANOWS MAS?BE ACCESSTBLE,ADJASIITENI IO BE M4DE 1I? NO COS| ?O CW I ,l i I i l ( lY ,ouorn ro,n Ir fotms. f,Loor eotlered. ffiwdy";:"r\.owIT", *n enected, but pz,ioz, l{pou?L7tg ecnc?et€. nb"W"ii\LY"but priot to cnA Daplrlg. j ryytt Steel Location, bond,U 21*,, gzouting or uettiZals in tr.r?:*ee ttth u.a.c. seit;.oi- EW After inetallation ie #ffi#ffi',.o{"i,ir!,g-" S!D_-!WALK & DRTWAL: pon aLL eon_ 1I":-"- pyr"q uithin stteet fight_9f-teAt to be nade after aZL "iia- i1!1! ?onqz*Z a foli tntk & sub-oase natertal in pl,ace. Io pt ior tc set up of anu or decking.. of to o? been f.acing T.nePee- yolt? City Deeignated Job ltwnber fs: Scnitanl aaset eapped at ptopetty Lit:e H4!!Lp!1!!: . ?o be naCe priot,Lne^t.aLlaticn of fZoor i;;ili;;;ctecRLng.l l r L-CO G' lleat P. L.Accesa, Lot Sq. Ftg. _ 7 cf Lot Couerage # of Stories Iotal lteLght Ioooatahu LOT ?WE v _ Intertot _ Cormer _ Panhattdle _ Cul-de-sac Bedrootns: Ipt Paces - F?G YITEM TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x Fee Date Paid: Sigred: Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the etp?ess cond-i.tion tlat tle sail''consttaetion shall, in all respects'"';,;i;;7"-lh.e o1dinance adopted biv the citv of Sprinsfield, ine\udtng'tiL'2lil""s ctdinanc-e' resulatins .tnb e171t7:t^:t:.,^-;; ;"'" iiLuildi.rtgs'" ia 'iy be" susPended or revokec at cna t'i'me upon oLc- iti-on of ory prcttlsione of eaid oz'dinances' Building P&tit ?otal Cl'orgea Stdte * CHARGENO Ei,stures Residettia'L (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Permit No-per.son"eLL-,::"^t:Zilili,"l,iJ:r:t":""i:;;Y:";:iffi ;;{"}X'l?"* el*\i'q o" 1r-:i:1s1 l,Lltd rr*nanr'" LtcensLl "13"pt ttat-a Pe".so,n nav do Leaal poseesso? oI a t ptinting uork to o"p'"Xi*"iniT{7"-*"a' tZlsed' ot' opetated bv the dpPli'- eant. * PlumbLng Pefi7ti,t State Na,t/htetd Ci-tcuits Sensiee Where Stnte La't requites tt'at the electri3al uork be ilone by cont"acto?, the electi,-c"i'1z"ti)"- of this -pemnit slnll not ;;" 1;b;1' k;' L ";' ts"nZ- iv the EL e-c tti' c aL c on*dc t o?' State tImrIeProccetIE ELeetricalcfl untiLoaLiCbe NC FEE bltaot EooC Vent Fot Vcodstooe ga -75 , Mechonictll Permit MeclwnicsL Perrd.t PermLt fssuance )(/ JOB NO PerwLt TotaL Cvtbcat Sida;alk Mobtle Hae SULAX AUUbSJ KEV.- PL6n Wte 7-a r HAw ,AREFULL. Exfi,trNED tre eonpleted. application for penrLt, dn' do nii.aycertif y-rn"*ilt"i*7i-,.i,L"1":1'I.;i"*Lif r::frX""";#".'*-.,;* kff ."#:,ffi &2 ""y, lii :;ir"}T i#;xf ^:; ;f #,*, ntr!,:lirffi:,","Jr,tr"rl:k'oT:f W"i:*ii,,S#fi:;'iZii'i"ti"zr*'nt'hat"sDi- oision. r further'7";:;1f!";;1-.-i'La 'ontioitors md ettplcveee uho are tn eatpliaroe ultn oai7ol-"o"ss 'iLL be- used on this proieet TfiTAL MOUNT DUE: *5.* Date