HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1996-07-22sr $ FEES DUE: $ CALI FOB 'NS Fecnorus rsEE BAoK oF FOBM FOR INSTB ucTlovs) 687-4065 'EPT|C Permlts are good tor ,0"f PERMIT #a2/s-7b REAUEST FOR: DATEBY:A B .-'- ' - 0 Rev.6/92 one year. ALL other Perm Its exPire atter 180 daY's unless lnsPectlons are current. I L_ correcttru e I have carelullY ol CondltloncTheOnBasedlsAuthorlzationYourREAD CAREFULL YI oiN j;+Dr::f^A^ _' VIOLATIONS SATEACXS AI.D CTTHBR, CONDITIONS OF APMOVAL Mq T.ry ryqLY OBSBAVED. VIOLATTON CAI{ RBST'LT IN EtsVOCATION OF THtlt PBNMTT,, CITATIoNS UAY BB tssIrED uNDEn ns movrrors op-rnw coulrry.a nmltTroN'dibnreNe eroron our4 RBMBDrB. At owBD Ey LA*,' A MIMMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTTCE MUST BE GIVEN FOR TNSPECTTON REQLESTS Ilave the following information ready when you call 6g74ff6 Permit number - Job dF: - lrre of inspection required' - when it wi, be ready . Your name and plrong number . Any rp""ia air""tions to the site .pows*.'ibs,*E*ur"r,uro. ,r*-ffi*l?.t518^k#BFIIHffi'.#e?iffirrffiH$Hilififl.*rr*oorrsnnaqcrroxs,uey , E}.ITER' I'JPC'N ANY LAND AND MAI(B BXAMINATIONS AND ST'RVBYS AND PT.ACB AND MAINTAIN 'IHB NBCBSSARY MONUMEIYTS AND MARKERS THERBON. FouNDATIoN INsPEcrroN: ro be made after excav"ationsti?Hf':?q::tff:{: anl required rcinforcing steel is in prace.I'INDERGRoI'ND plpnqb INSPECTIoN: To b" -ad!.ft r ar unaere;und piping has u"en instuuJ, prior to any backfill.CoNCRETE SLAB oR UNDER-FLooR INSPECTIoN: To be made it", "u in*lab or under-n*, t rilai'g service equipme,nt conduit, pipingaccessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but ur"r" *v """rte is placed or floor sheathing hstalled, including the subfloor.RoUGH MECHANICAL wspncuou: To be madoaft"t ar au",ing "ia gr" pipingias te"n instuuJ and prior to being covered.RoucH PLUMBING INSPEcfioN' r" i" -"0""t- "u pru*ui,giouffi is in place;prior to being covered.. *#ffifl,""ii*ffi-fi,trH1".T['#:fiilIht*t";;,;f:iliffi##:;liff;';;ipes,chimnevsandven,sarecompre,eINSULATIoN INSPECTIoN: To be made arter at insutati"r ;;rp.r-;;.^ are in place, pno{ to covering. i,ffitfr"ilfr!.:'!il,i?flffi:ffiY}lh6ty#fffi"ffi";ffi;"ffiil.,io,L."*,erior,isinp,acebu,beroreanyADDTTToNAL INSpECTrOniri nrev ne iir-q**rr, such as b,J; ln"iJ..l ti{!ili?.JLhffit,ffi[-TfrT;*'*l*smunl#i"mmspectionisrequiredroreachbondbeampour. rhere FINAL MECHAMC'c'L trtlsPBcrofv: to u"ti"a"i*t p.ior to the ro**; or rorrod"l"d arca being occlrnied an! rror to operating my equipmenrFINAL pl,Ul,mnVC INSPECTION, i" ;;;;*iprioi to ttre buirdd;ilr* or remodeled area being occupied"FINAL BLJILDING IN'PECTT.Nt rt u" -J* tilt finish grsding ani ir" ir,airg, ,*"*" *rriiiered area is completed d ready for occupancy.MoBILEA'IANUFACTURED HoMES: e" infition i, *qoioa-"ru. tt e mouite trom" i, *n r"",.a a ..r rpp,roved sewer or septicsystem, prior to covering sewer or water lines, for setbact,"quirr"""", ";**, tiedowns and plumbing comnections.Footings and piers to comply with state foundation requirements ror mouile homes o, L ,"*rri-urrded by the manufacturer.Minimum finished floor eLvation shall be gig"a-*rr"" *q"r*Jiy Floo-dplain ManagemenrTiedowrs' if required' shall be instaued and readv r"r i""p""iio" *i,iri. go ;d;;;;;;;y. Tiedowns shall be instared per enclosure. APPROVAL REQUIREDNo work shall be done o" 3{ qAoftre building orstruchre beyond the point inJicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining theffiffi,llff3}"1*'fik*fj*rATr?f ilatu" gl'""o''rv "r*, i i*p".tio',rhatl have u""r,rnaa" oreachsuccessive step in the construction rrns PERildrr *,LL ETPIRE " *#:L%H',olHL'J[Y'il*il?I#fTfd iffi{,*##ii"?HTf-Lffi$JlffiMoRE 'HAN ,Eo DAys.susPENsIoN oR REvocATIoN prlv occun r rnrs pnnrwr waTiditio oN THE sAsrs oF D.rtbNrpLETE oR ERRoNEous rMoRMATroN. all alt ANK DRAINNELD 10' l0' 10' will be issued to the certificate of completion record permit SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SETBACKSr-^i - "ririlii properry,r"r tr*?J Edge of road rilht-of_wav ;;,Building founaation -; Wells or other water sources 56,100' of completion and this rule. /7 -{3/"s _ sry'a. ,Ft Ft -I\ C)R ., - f!!L)!ano^/ *d 72tf -qbL6r qda f,l LtNtr UIo:p cbx HausE ,. FpAD arltr ) a L DlSTn-! BVnurV a llOoo tautl CEPT'L rpxtL Dtrer-r- SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLAI.{rb rrEt]- HEALTH 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE,OR 97401 P t permit DATE BY HFCtrr\/Ft^' duL fl 7 tsgs 5hfr .5o trr\ dQE (}F&p-A/ I, :iIO{TIMENTA.L H EAU I rr i i i ,l! ililrI N H,a Nrtr i !p M ily I t i I { D II I , mo-m-\In6a ! 8 I c 3a rxl ! E I 5I of ! amzm 6 T E o 3 clq aI 6l !t jto o, e rot o -.. L\-t- r1 ". i., t U:CY LANE C0UNTY DEF'T ENV l'tGT REIEIF'T f 2?18?6 DATE O?t0lr.r AFFLICANT SOUTHI,IIIRTH, VIREINIA ADDR BO43 THURSTON RD., SPRINGFIELD TL* t ?0?36?000900 sut{DIV LCIT BLK ^. NEI,J BLDG TYPE IJSE R EDRI{S O L'NITS OO1 STCIR]:ES *BLD6S OOI FHOITIE 747 54q|i.. ft{*{t 0l,rNEF: Nr,lE SOUTHLORTH, VIRGINIA ADDR 8043 THURST0N RD., SFRINGFIELD ffi"l'* coDE AppL N0 AfiTItlN DEs[Rn-,TInN sQ FT tJNrr ctlsr vAL..uATrCIN FEE DAY,^q BF BF. EF' trF',, , ,, Slr, j:.' rT. RAIN FTrr L. l'iECH - SUR FCI( WSns SDECI {,r: I x,/FATt-l sP t3r8?6 SDSR FEE ,SUJFI : irT. l,lTFt : ME{:HANlCAL FEE .:;TA1'H: SURfrHAT(GH FLAN CHEI]K T" HE sr/ ?52 ,'. i. IATG: F,LN SEBU: TAKI:N HY HLC "qDs 1 [sT. EL.II F.IJK COI'tFI.ETITIN DATE rss 2 / sI CITR DEF.CISIT *,7 $tA 0^oo Ptl Al5t!lrtl6 TI @ ?+t I t ofi---I Ioa !I Ia 5t r:I I.E roo, I a I o !lI o :D f)m-.2 ma6 ] & !t''-! ( i..._.L - ' IANF: CfiUNTy DHpT ENV r,tGT ftHIEIFT * trl$?6 DAI'E 071'71].. AFTILICANT SOUT'HIdORTH, VIRGINIA ADDR BO43 THIJRSTON RD. , SI]FIINGFIELD, $REGII, Tlj.* 1?0t36I000?00 suBDrv L0T trLK'. NE.I,I BL.DG TYFE U.SE R E{DRMS O UNITS OOl STCIRI.ES *BLDGS OOt F.HONE ?4? 54?Y-. 0HNHft NHE SCIUTHtJCIRTH, VIRGINIA ADDR S043 THURSToN RD., SFRINEFIELD, 0EELilNffi cnnr AF,FI- N0 AcrrrN DnscnlprrnN sG FT uNrr cnsr vALUAlICIN FEE DAffi -. Bl-' BF BF-" BF BF' FT. IJTR: HECHANICAL FEE STATT. S['RCI-IAR6E FLAN CHECK FEE Hffi Pt- HE[}i SUE T.'CK SD-T ffiSnrn ADi't TECH *F I X,/BATH L[ TIl 8?6 FEE FEH FEE FEE FT. RAIN OTR DEPfiSIT *,( FT { 65.00 30. oo 1,4.75 5.00 StlR HLE F.CK CO}.IF'LETISN DATE !t r/ 25X SDSR SDSE f& ^ CATG: F,LN ,fH0t,l: TAKE:N EtY RI-H sDs HST. rss { ITA / sI 224.75 CK U r [?(>ru I LOCATI to(y7 7/cv{t oo HOLID StIP s € 9J.L) -raI-Ss\. Lane CotmtUiltr- -APPLICATION a zzts- 7c 7 2 o/l SZu t{ a"tae7 lru ESS 7{ ZIP CODE The Lane County Building and Sanitation Division cannot proceed with processing your application because: r . pltncomplete application (items deficient). Address and/or directions to application site. Proposed number of bedrooms in dwelling. ft npprorable plot plan (see amaenment). tt i a o c/ut tr Notification of date test holes will be ready. 2. tr Verification ol existing system required (see attachment). 3. tr Two test hotes (2'x4'x5'deep) required for expansion or repair of existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. 4. u)I l,l.)( e-L /ru 1r4-776vt/ -7C L O ()ZU t('aGL,/L €v 5e LC -//nD tra cfe- -'fL,LL( (4/t/ /'fum 7ru-/7 (r (c F c,t I IlnI Etr SIGNATURE DATEatov14r / 7'1t- &'o,to OFFICE HOURS PHONE lf no response has been received in regards to this matter by the application will be denied. /c LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Courthouse-Public Service Bldg. / 125 E.8th Ave. / Eugene, OR 97401 I 697-4o51 u a