HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1987-09-29(D -- ucl$aa -2-2vFOR OFFICE USE ONLYLane CountY Authoriz onti Application,/ Permit #SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEt^l :Dt"/iiSHIP 17 RANGE 02 SECTION 35 00 2700 TAX LOT Eour oF s'JBDrvrsroN/pARTrrroN ( i f appricabLl EWLK PROF'OSED USE OF PROPERTY fr nesi.dential f ndus tr.r-al Cc,mmercial f euuric 7TD 6 to Thurston Rd.- to address STREET ('1'.:'Y - 7399 Thurston Rd., Springfield SFD PROPERTY SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN OF PROPOSED WORK - BE SPECIFIC DECI.ARED S VALUE = oF BEDROOMS # oF sToRrEs # orr II'IPLOYEES {./A?ER SUPPLY Proposed Exis TELEPHONE NUMBER O;INER I S AND ADDRESS LES siteIS NAME AND OSR B RG TELEPHONE NIJMBER Park Forest Dr., Euqene 97405 PiRr'trr To BE MATLED To (NA}4!lEAND I 2462ZUIDEMA^ Ph TELEPHONE NWBER 686 2330 ?- DATE accorda:rr HAVE EXAMINEDCAREFULLY THE COI'IPLETED l'oRAPPLICATION PBRMIT ,loa.rd ho relr ce t th at afy henfoiTatiol asreon andtrue coEect thatand Ithehavei-nte res tIegalfollowing 1n the ownerproperty of record rrrchas r zedauthori agent.I f:rther ce that and alIrtifyany work shallperfomed doneb€n hi t h.:ofordtr)anceg Lane theand LawsCouty of Statethe ofLo OregontheworkdescribedINhereandNOthatWIoccuPANCYfEnadeofrrctsltrlrew1thethoutmtofss ronpc visionDi rBui Iding fur-rthe that trationcertifyregis th Builderthe Board IN5 forcefull atnd e fe a5ct red oRs 'to .orequiby ifthat the ISbas forexemptnoted exenptihereonandthatadsubcontractorsonlyarewhoINemployeeth70ORScompliance.0 bewilI used Ionthisct READHAVE ANDprojeTHISCHECKEDAPPLICATIONTHOROUGITLY YOUR AUTHORIZATION I{AS BEEN BASED ON TIIE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 9-25-87Date: Installation Record Issued? ! yu" ! N" Date COMT1ENTS: DaLe: u SANITATION : S. I. *B. P. f (lrouft Use Partition # interl(rr rear Parcel #Parcel Size coln\lENTS TIALIEt,l-- cL Installation specifications Ga11on Tank Lineal Feet of Drairrfield Maximun Depth of Trenches I pr,auuruc,zzoNrNG: zone_ Minimurn Setbacks, CL, fro.t , side READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR L ?-)7 /zBY LANE COUNry (oer oRs 4i6 OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT OIVISION, 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 974011 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INE'ORMATION DATE 687-4061, cr4-2s Rt3+ I,OTIPAR(:EI iNCATION ADDRESS I c(,L. rd r. L.T I .l r,',the T a such rre fo: to605 454 division. If the slrall \) SETtsiTCXS AND OTIIER CC:"'DI?I0:lS OF APPRO\/lL I1UST Bg ST!?ICTL)' O!:ER\,'9D. \:IOLATION C-Ar* RLSULT IN REVO- C;lIO:i OF ?liIS li;llltlT, CIT;I1C:i U)lD:R PROVISIoNS o;r Lir\E --D'J::iY'i lNFR.\CTION OFDi:;A:.:CL, nND,/OR OTHER REiIEDIES ALLOWED B\' LAH. wHEN RE-\Dy aarR r:rSptCTIo)1, C.1:L.,87-.10b5. .1 v1:it:!U:.1 oF.:rT L:;isT 2{ lioLRS ADV.I:laE NoTTCE FoR INSPEC- TiaT-TiafaSTS ]l-'51-i:- crvl::- :i:r? ttreloIIowiag ini.rartlon re:dy: ierm.it number, job address, type of rnspeccton, when tt url-I oe ready, 7ou! namc and:hoic runber, and 3nl'sPccial Clrcctions to siLe- BUlLDI}iG DIVlSION: F.EQUIRED ]}iSPECTICNS : Foundalron Inspectton: To be nade after tlenches ale excavated and forms erected and when all --+r nater!ars !o! Ene !ouncat.ion are delivered on Lhe job' l'lhere concrele fron a ceatral nixing plint (comonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. Concrece Slab or Under-aloor InsDecti.on! To be nade after all i.n-sLab or under-floor building "1fi6^mrl-Z5nZufr, pfpltq-EErcssories, ancl other ancillary equipmenc items ale in place but-beiore any concletl is fioured or f].oor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. be nade after the roof, aIl framing, fire blockj-ng, and ireplaces, chinneys, and vents are complete and aI1 rough All wall lnsulation anC vapor barrj-el are in Place. To be made aiter aII lathing and llypsun board, interior any pLasterj.ng 1s appli-ed and beiore gyPsM board joincs and fasLeners are taped and finished. Final Inspection: To be made after the buil"ding is comPlete and before occupancy 2.Mobilehomeminimumfinish.floorelevationShallbecertifiedwhenrequiredbyaflood- shall be insLalled and ready fcr inspec- eilowns and ski!ting shall be installed 2. AppRovAL REQUIRED. :io uork shall be done on any ParL of the buitcing or structure beyond the point indicated in each."."".ri". i".p""tion without fir;t obt:ining the approval of the building offrcial' iu"n ulpro"ur shaLl be given cnLy after an_inspecti.on shall have been mace of each success-ive step in the-ionstruction as indicated by each of the inspecticns requireC' NOTE: A1l building permits require inspections for tne Hork authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BLock I'lall: To be made aftcr reinforcing is in place, but before:ny grout is Pouled'- This f^rp""tfo;'i" iequirect for each bond beam pour. There wj-11 be no apProval until the plunbinq and electrical inspections have been made and approved' B. t\,ood Stove: To be nade after conpLetion of nasonri' (if applicable) an'l 'hen installati'on 1s ffif .ta:=- r"iiatl-atron shall be in accordance siti an approved, nationally recognized testj.nq agency and the manufacturer's installation lnstructions' C. Mobile Hone: An inspection is required after the mobil'e home is connected to an approved .iiilr oi.-*ptic sl,stlm :or se*-bacli requirements, b1ocking, iooting connection, tiedowns, skirting, and pl-mbing connecLions. ]'.FootingsandPielstocomPlywithstatefoundationrequirenentsformobilehomesoras recomended by th-d fi-anufacturer. Framino & Tnsulation Insoections: To EreElnq Erm ,late dad aII PiPes, f eleclrical and plumbrng are approved. Lath and/or Gvusum Board lnspection: iiilexc6rior rs fn place buL bef ore plain management leLler- 3- ilobiIe home tiedowns, when required, and skirting tion within al least 30 days after occupancy' Tr Per enclosure. 5 F: ti-,!-E D.swj.minq PooI: Below grade when sleel is in place ald before concrete is poured uhen pool is rnstalrec. Above grade APPROVED PLANS ]'IUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIYES DURIIf,'G WORKI}JC HOURS' TIIIS PER}IIT IiILL EXPIRE rF woR( DOES NOT BEG;N wiTlirN 130 DAys, oR rF 1,toRK rs suspENDED OR AB.\NDONED FOR I1ORE TIIAN 180 DAYS' SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION ilAY OCCUR IF THIS PER1YIT WAS ISSUED ON TIIE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORTUATlON. ANYoNEPRoCEEDINGPASTTIIEPoIIiToIREQUIREDINSPECTIoNStt,ILLDoSoATTIIEIRowNRISK. SUBSURFACE irND ALT:RIATIVE SEriAGa DISPOSAL SYSTE}IS: 1. Pernits shall be effective for one year from the Cate of issuance' the construction for which a permj't has been issued, the Perni.t holder shall County Departnent' of Planning and Comunity DeveloPment bY submi tting the if ircord form. The Lment shall i nspecl the construction to rules tion doe a if dqtcrmine rs comFly u trsfictory conpletion rr 5 f .rc CgrL coEPlcli qq- - 715 aod this ruIe. conplies wi- wicon and of bRs 4 be ts te. Fa lure Setbacks - subsurfacc 9:a9!s qf:P:gL soPti.c Tank ti lu Drainfield Interjor proPerti' Iines Edte oi road r1qilt-of-waY Rurldinq foundation Hclls, other (aLer sources 'E TO' 10, 50' 10' 10' 100' qZeq Th\.LcrTb\'v R\ ,y (t ju* ,(r-\ +2us:* 2tr K' + ,ff o-\-lPs & $o 6rto ,\ W 1 5 ( I /7-oz^ lrFafrZ sf TL ) 7ao / w*/,/hX{fr%/ 5, V A '--\ ---""-dal2rzSEE NIY Cor N Dovis 0LC No 5O SEE MAP t7o?35tt NlrE. cor D.LC ^io.54 22 ro o o oq o27 l(J J d! =o- MAP 35 2 I t ar 16.rr r :. g- utl cr r At ) !4 ?{S.S.w Cor A, Whrtrol DLC. No,53 IY \ ut SEE T,IAP t702352 3 - JL t7c2353t N.lV. Cot DLC No.54 ) c) (, I r; a-a oa, )r ol9-cg 4 COR SEE MAP t70235t2 !t/16 coR ;..i.. z8 29OO i 3200 c O)N ?7c0 I a o ?60011 AtlLf , Iitie 6 tc escist in csmprry cioes ;:ct gua ib e::-,,;, . l.v.;; ^ - SEE MAP "'+'3603 r.+- tbr. 2tco i I i..' Lt{E. Cor lnt Ell Cor DLC No.54 DLC No 5a: MAP oa 6 4400 II t, WS W CoT D.LC No 5O ! Ll 3 .- lnt EllCor. 0 LC. No.50 o 3600 I I 360t t/4 COR C i SEE t c I t7 02 354 2 a , 3iCX) lrr'o Ioo o oc 2.t o l i,tl : :5 l-At'lE r:iF iii... I i.lllI'iT i{i..l:l SE i'lA . !:'H } l.- 1-.1-!i-ri1l I Lri,..: | !.,.14+ !r.J! :iL..LrL-.1! I If .i,,i t ll..rl !Jf1l!.. i ii I fiiirti 'i,:i?tit "t't-tLJIi jJT'i_ri,i HIi " , $:fifi l:ili;f I H[..$ ,l:riet f i t.illi.i i t.,t.i,.:. I ui;11...1..!t:'! i.i.uFi l'El: I tl: a Jr.t., 4-1t.tt.l!.,.f i,.!r.t ittt'att ! Lr llh.tri [ti...,Jtr ! i !-'f:. 1.J,.'. L li 1..l-i.iJi... 11l I 1,,. ir:r...r 11'.., I .Lr..rli lJl..r.i1.r,1.l.l i ,i.r..Jli iiF' . .,,.r I i:r ii i:i i'i,i ii !..i ir :i: i ;i i.i i.i r ;::'i i:] I{ :i: i::: ;iJ ,S }i l... ii L; ;:: ri i,r i F Fi il i.l f: r1 [] * t: lrit G ] c I E i ! : .c ( : ( .x- r'. 1. r_j J t1 -j.. 1- r I'n i" .1. .,'..r l] !"1 i f'!!:r T' t,l'T'[] . l"i *. t* i1 tt f.i .1. t- ii i.- l l:. k. ! i: i1.f1-l-iC t-..l"l I LI - f1! I ftrr:tll' i ,...". ! r1l'r L..t1 l.r I 1i I ,'aIl I l iLrtJ LtJr 'ti ,... ,.,:-.L.,\ I . t-.Ut"lf'l-.1:: I .i.t.rl1 ilrt I L l-' r_: ti ltr- i.l r 1 , ! {!{1. lu* (L=,,,,ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET Please complete all ltems above dotted line FILLING our * LTNES wlLL GET you INFoRMATIoN oNLy I *DArE ?-r pSr-tZ *PEFSON MANING REOUEST CITY TELEPHONE (B ACTUAL PBOPERTY TELEPHONE L surr (C rZ ztp_o* C ( zrP- *pnopenTy ADDRES OR MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tax maps in the Assessment & Taxation Dept.) WILL07* 3sRange Sectlon ,t o Town shlp Tax Lot Zoned Flood Plain Tax Lot Township Range Section Tax Lot TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY tN SAME OWNERSHIp: ACRES *REQUESTlaescrlue what you wanr rqdo Township Range Section Zoned Zoned Flood Plain Flood Plain k)( Directions to site tn ,.r..rrr.rrrrrrar.ttstaff use onlytttrara.a.r..rrr.tl Com ments: Land Management Division,Public works Depa'tment 125 E. gth Ave., Eugene, oR 97401 phone 6g74061