HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-11-05Reeei #" RESI, ,.lTlAL" " APPLICAIION/PERTIIT 225 North Sth Street Spr"ingfield, 2regon 97477 Bu1, Ld1.ng DLD1,sLon 7 26-37 53 Job Iocaticn: SPHII\IGFTELD- g Aesessors Map # svbdioision: Otmen: Address: ci ?c, Lot # it? t6l 1l t-t Net) Addition TI RenoCel Date of App Lieaticn t1- 5 -16 Date Value Genet aL Plunbing l(tl ELectrLcal llechar:ieaL 't Conatmtction Lender It ia tlu nespone'ibility of tle pemrLt hoTler to see that aLL inspections ee nade at the prope" tine , that s4sl7 :4,bsss is ,eos.i^:,e frat the etreet, and tllat the petttrtt eatd ia Located at the frcnt of the property*BuiUing b)oiciot appto"*ed plan sltall remain on the Building Site at aLL- tines. PR)CSDIJPE FOR INSPEC?I)N R!Q.W9?:CALL726-3769 (tecorder) state your City designated job ntmber,, job aCitess, type of inspee=icn tequested anduhen gouuiLL be ready for inspection, Contyacto?s o? Owters nctne andpiane nunber. P.equests tecei"*edbefcre 7:0C czuill be na.de the sante dcy, requests made afte.t 7:00 an trLLL be made the nert tnrking doy. E{o lqz i] posr nno nu,u: To be nade pr"iot, tot, I installaticn of floon insulation ot' deeking. ROUGH PLABIIIC. ELEC?RTCAL & I,IECH:- ANICAL: Iio uotk is to be coxered dliT-thes" inspecti-ons haue been nad.e and approueC, Prior to plceirg faeing and before froning inspee- SIIE INSPECTI)N: Io be made afte?ucao;rl;;-ilt pt"iot tc se! up of forme. ANDERSLAB PLUI'IBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHA||ICAL: Io be nade before anywtk is eotset'ed. PCOTING & FOUTIDATICN: To be maCe;fiAffines aye escauated and fonns ate erected, but prior to poul.Lr,g ccncyete. UNDERGPOUIID PLUMEING, S9WER, WATER, DRAI!!AIiE: ?o be naie pz"Lor to fil-Tfi-iFinehee. UIIDEP,FLOOR PLALEING & I|EC!]ANICAL : of floor insulction ot, decking. f,fDDDf A 'Dmct;iAT; FTilAL PLUI{BITIG FTNAL I4ECHANICAL FTNAL ELi' AICAL Iout, Cifu Desi,gr,ated Job Ntunber fs: I N suLA? r 0N / vAPaR 84zu!! f !6!E9l L 0 l! To be made after aLL insulaticn and required oapor berie?s @e in plaee but before oty Lath, gApsltn baatC oz, tnLL couering is applied, and before oty ir*ulation is concealed. DRYWALL TNSPEC?TON: ?c be MAde aftet, aLL dtyuall is in place" but prior to ang taping. UAES$!: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in accotdotce uLth U,B.C. Section 24L5. W)oDST7VE: After installation is f")arnpleted. ) CURB & APPRCACH APR)N: After fornsd," .r."ctAWnfiot to poux'ing cortct ete. SfDEWALK & DRT',EVAY: For aLL con- crete pauirry uithin street right- of-ung, to be maCe aften aLL ecca- oating canplete & forn rtot'k & sub- base matertal in place. I I ._lI l _l tion. - fnatt4lc: Ihust be requested after ) "ppr"r"L of rough plwnbing, eiectz,i- e.al & mechanical. ALL roofing' bracittg E chinmeys, ete. rrust be . eornpleted. llo ucrk i.s to be con-. cealed until this inspection las'been nade anC approued. ?ENCE: lthen cornplete -- ProuiCe gates or nooable sections through P.A.E. ALL pz,ojeet eonditions, such as the installation of s+-"eet trees, con.oletion of tie requined Landsccping, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BAILDTNG FfllAL can be requested. FINAL BUfLDIN7: The Pinal Building fnspection naet be requested cftet the Fi,nal Plunbirq Electrical, anC Meelnncical fnspeetions ha'rte been nade and approoeC. Phone:/L/3 E DE],IOLITIOII OR ilOW) BUILDi;:CS _ll l Sanilug seuer eaptped ct p?operLt" Lite Septic tutk p"u:ped and fi.Lled rrith gz,a;sel Final - tt1ten abcoe itens are cctnpleteC and uhen Cencliti-on is cornplete o? stz'til- ture moued and. pz,ertLses cleanei up. Mobile Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up I Pltanbing eonnectio-ns -- aaoe? od. aatet Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-uc and plwnbing connections rn;st be apptc"^eC before requesting eleclrlcal inspecliot Aeeessory BuilCitg pcrches, skirting, decks, Le!ed. frr F l (Final - Aften ete. are eotnp Page 1 of 2*ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUYS MIJST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?IIEII! TO BE I'L4DE /.? I]O C1ST TO EI?Y tw* J \r/( w,#",@ V ,,orrrn ro^" tr tr tr o # 4Z ,ILAR Ar c^s REe.- Grout! 8 *L-CO Bedtoons: Lot Faees -Enerq! Sgtjlrces Titoe Setbacks lleat DT House Ca"aae Aceess.llate? lleate?No?th Eost-Fineplace South WoocbtoDe I of Stories ?otal Eeight Topogrqhy LOT ?WE _ fnteticr _ Corrle? _ Panhand,Le CUL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of Lct Cotserage Wes' -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This perrntt is granted. on the erpress eondition tlnt the said..constntction shaLl| in all z,bspeets, conform'to the 7rdinance adopted 6:y the Ci.tg of Springfield, inelud.ing the Zoning CYdinance, reguLating the ccnstntcticn qtd, use of buildi.ngs, urd mey be suspend.ed or reuokeC at ctry tine upon oic- Tation of my prcuisions of said 1rdinances. Value TO?AL VALUE FEE fJU Y NO S.D.C. L.5 t NEM Main Building Pe"nit Total Clwrges State Eiztutes Resi^d.znti-al (1 bath) SaTlitd?u Sa,reP lletet r<. aa be Electricol Permit Wete State Lan tequiz,es tlat the eleetrical uork be done by an lleetrieal Contraetor, the eleetyLcal portion of this permit shall tot be oali,C until the l,abel lras been eigned by the ELeetrieal Contractor,. FEEtio. (? 5, Nan/Ertend Circtits Semtice State Total NC FEE I Mechqnicol Perrnit bh.anet HooC Hcodstoise Vent Fat Permit fssuotee Meehanicel Petmit -- EIICROACHMENT -- Secarit! Deposit Plwtbing Penrit 'Pcnilt TataL Cuaba* Sideualk ELeetrieaL L Mobile Hone Date Paid Receipt #: Signed Plumbing Permit No person slnll eonsfuwet, install., alter or e?tange anA ned cn existing pltnbing or drainage syst*lt in ulole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnbez,'s License, escept that a pe?son nay do plw,tbing uork to p"ope"tA uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. l'Lan Eoanl-ner r.{ f HAW CAREFULLY EXA].IrNED t?e eornpleted applieation for permit, cmd. do lerebg certify that aLL itifolrnation hez'eon is trae ard. eot'reet, otC f further certify that any ard aLL uoz:k perfor:aed sLnLL be done itt aceot- dance rytth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the LaiB of the State of 1regcn pertaining to the wtk Ceseribed herein, cnd tha*- NO 1CCl- PAIICY tLlL be nade of any strluctu?e uithout permission of the Sui.lding Di.-oision. f fw,ther eettify that otly contlactoys and enplcyees Dho dxe in ca,tpliance uith 1RS 701..055 uiLL be used on this project 29 QS,OO TOTAL A|',!OUN? 1.. -*56,,/D JOB NO. /.q " bo State Surehztae t{ State Surchanqe Total Charaes Stora4e Maintenance \ uate \a \.,-- l5 )lc (ro' I I #M / 4t fr TRS#- 300 SU 7 -16-86 REAR N NEN 688-83 16 LUMB I SDS APPROVAL REQUIRED PTRMI T# t)t\ t T II L L, FRONT CK DI N DAVID BRADLEY NTS SIDE i NTER i ORI I E Main Street to 66th Street - turn left - go to Thurston turn right and to 7080 Thurston Si I OUNOATI Approved L/ Da te /Correcti on +b te /'I n spector PL itlt Approved Date Correcti on Da te NS PE I nspe ctor LAB PL App roved Date INSPE Correcti on Date UNDE ins p ector OTHER INSPECTIONApproved Da te Correcti on Da te Ins ectorp PL PO ECTION App ro ved Date Correct'ion Date Ins pe ctor FRAM I NG I NSP ECT IONApproved Date /Correctj on Da te Inspe ctor E App roved Date Correcti on Date Inspe ctor INSULATION / V R BARRIER INSPE CTI ONCorrection IApp roved Date Date I nspector LATH / GYPSUM I NSPECTI ON Approved Date Correcti on Date Inspector FINAL MEC-NNN]EEI-! /r.J00D sT0vE D Approved Date Correcti on Da te I nspector Aop rove d o,z Da te Correcti on Da te Inspector ffi Approved ,- -D3 BU te PLACEMENT E ate Inspector U/ CTRTIFICA TE OF OCCUP ANCY trApproved Date Insp ITMPORARY CERTIFICAIE OF OCCUPANCY tr t'17 4 -t97 A pproved_Date Ins p. J PERI4I T a