HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1987-09-01. APPLICATION/PERMI? 225 North ith Street Spri,ngfteld, 2regon 97477 Buildirq Nuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIT-NTIAL..SPFINGFIELD Job Location: Aeseesore Map #?a l-ot # o-4-!*."*4c O.mer: Addt ess:Phone ci Descrtbe Work: Frfq-addition RenoCeL /-/ -.fi Value ?Date of ll ot0)IlIl rr^l:1 Date Crytutid Lde"_.+ I-t ia lhe teaponribi-lit_g of tlc penrit ,pda. b eee that all inapecttotts oe nad.e at the p?oper tine, tlat ccch addreee is vsaCahi6fran the atteet, atd tlnt the pqnrtt casl ia lacated at the frcni of the oroo*ht.*zuiHing biuicion approxed plbt slnll remain on the Bunlding site 'at aLL' ttmes.- GenetaL ELeetr'icaL Mecha:ical RAdrl nod le6.-+. -ro PROCYDUPE F)R TNSPEcTIOV AE).WST;CALL 726-3769 (z,ecoydet) state yout City Cesignated job ead.y fot, inspection, conttacto"s oi asrr.r"" nore Lnd plnne :t'iLL be nade the sane dcg, ?eErcsts nade aftet, ?:00 an vtll, be nade the nett rnrking day. you! CitA Desigr.ated Job lhnber fs: nmber" job aCitess, type of inspeeti,cttrutnb*. Pequests receit;ed befxe 7:00 c.:r 87o br{ L cToo TitaDcantn^r, $cao;;l;n,W Io be nade afterprlor tc eet up of TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER I|ISPICTIO\I :DEIlOLrurc!] OR !.:OWi BUILDT;ICSTo be made after aLL insulaticn e.d tequired oqor borie?s @e in place but before ay Lath, Wpsw1 bootC ot, tnLL cooering is applied, otd. befoteay ir*uLa,tion is concealed. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELEE?RTCAL & WCH{\IICAL: 7o be made before any wz,k ie cotleted. P))?LNG 8 F)UNDATfCN: Io be naCe @et t"enc6 are eccaoated. and forns ote erected, but priot toput'ing ccncrete. fi urosn cpo u l D p LUMEJ!!L_EIWE!2_!!!E!,J Lirq trenches.I fotms. UIIDEP,FLOOR PLUI,EING & MECI]ANICAL DRYWALL fNSPECIf)N: Ic be nade;fta:AT@;Afis in place, but prior to any taping. IUSONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting or uerti,ccls in accordorce uith U.B.C, Seetion 2415. I,IOODSTOVE: 6nrpT;m. After installation is CURB & APPR2ACH APPON: After fornsee ereeteC but prLor to pourtng concrete. SfDEWALK & DRIIEWAI: For all con- a,ete paoing uithin street right-of-txy, to be node aftet aLL ecca- oating cattplete & fonr tnrk & sub- base nnterLal in place. Sanitcy sa-ter capped at ptoperfil Line Septic totk Var,ped ard fi,Lled utth gra;sei Final - l{hen abcue itens ate eonpleted and uhen derncllti.on is eottrplete ot, stzae- ture noued otd. y,enrLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set+,tp Plmbing connectione -- aa)e? otd, uatet Electrical Conection - Bloeking, ee-u-up and plunbing eonnections rn;st be apprc-,.ed befot,e requesting eleclrical inspeclion Aceessory BuitCing Pinal - After pcrches, ekirting, decl<,s, etc. ate contple'ued. I lo be na.de prior to installation of floor insuktion or deeking. P)ST AND BEAU: ?o be nade pnior toffif,dffilffof floot, insul)tion or &ckirq, ROUGH PLA,IBII|G. ELECTRICAL E T,TECH- ANICAL: No uork ie to be co,-et'ed .ffilTthos" inspeetions luue beer, tnade and appz,ooed.. EIPEPLACE: Pt"ior to plccirg facLngmcter*Lals ard before fxatring inepec- tion. FRA]IINC: lttust be requested aftet approual of rough plwrbing, electri- a,L E neclnnical. ALt toofirq bracittg & chinmeys, ete. rrust be : antpleted. No uctk ie to be con-. cealed until this inspectLon haa I been rrud.e anC apprcued. ?ENCE: l{hen conplete -- booiCe gatel o? mooable aectione through P.U.E, FTilAL PLUMBING PIilAL AECilANICAL PIIIAL ELECTRICAL fl ALL project conditions, such aa the i.nstallation of atyeet trees, eonpletion of the required LanCsecpirq, etc., naat be satisfied before the BUILDfN? ELNAL can be reqtested. PINAL BUILDIN}: The Pinal Builditq Inspection mtat be requested after the Pittal Plunbing Electrical, o'td. Mechar.ical fnspections llqse been made and approted. I l:l _I *ALL ttAltHcLES AND CLEANOUTS ttusT BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST\\E\\? IO BE LL4DE t? ilo CCST r0 cny Pa-oe7ofzt, svbditision: 7 ,ororn ro^u 3s Lisc.ConXtac'bors Address ffi ,/ {n" d/-o/u T T Z SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co *JOB NO.b Lot Faees - Setbaeks DT House Canaoe Aecess, Not,th Ran Eost South Lot Sq. Ftg. I of Lot Cooerage LCI TWE _ Inter.Lot _ Conter _ Patthandle Cul-de-sac # of Stortes Total Ezight lopogrqhy llest I?ETI X Value I+lain fuace Carpcrt Aeeessoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c PLan CHARCENOFEE Fi.zhtres Resil.ential (1 bath) Sani Seuen CiIARGEFEE Res. Sq. ftq. Neu,/Ertend. Cit cuits Iarocroy Setwice -- ENCROACHMENT -- FCr vitMiL * Mechqnicol Permit llcodstote Yent Fot Ezhatet HooC PTU, Petmit Issuotce Meclnnical Perrrit Sec"u-itlt Daposit Stotage Maintenance Pentrit Cutban! Si^da,talk 5.oo Eleetrical La.bel Bedro*rs: q-/ -K lleat Lace toDe This pennr.t is granted Building Volue & Permit on the express condition tlnt the said eonstruction conform to the Ordirnnce adopted $iy the City of the Zoning Cvdincnce, regulating the ecnstructicn shall, in all Springfield, reBpects incLud.ing otd. use of buildings, otd may be euspend.ed ot reuokeC at cnA time upon oic-'la.tion of anA prcuisions of said Ordinances. Date Paid: Receipt #: Sigted: State Total IotaL i Mobile Hcrne Euildingr Permtt State ?otal Chatges Plunbing Pernrtt Pemlt Plumbing Permit Nq pez,son slw_ll consttuct, instal!, alter or cltmge anA neD cr eristing plwnbing or dtainage systan in uhole or in patt, unless sueh person is- the LegaL possessor of a oalid plwtber,ts License, eceept that a W"son nay doplw,bing aotk to propertg uhich is otned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrico I Perm it Were State La,t requires tlnt the eleetri-cal uotk be done by an EleetticalCont"actar, the elee+-rical portion of this pennit stnll tot be ualil untilthe Label has been signed by the Electri.cal Contracto?. PLan Eo@nLneP f HAW CAREEULLy EXA]4fNED the eornpleted applieation for permit, and dohereby certify that aLL info:,mation hereoi is trae and ebrrect-, anC I furthet, eertify that any ard. aLL uo,k perfor,ned slnll be dote it aecor-dance rtith the ordinances of the City of Spz,ingfieLd, ard, the La;s of the* state of 1regcn pettaining to the wik ces'eribbd hnnZir, cnd tlut No occu- Pr'.Ncy uill be nad.e of ary structuz,e uithout permission of the Bui\ding Di-uision. r fu,ther eertify that only eontraciors and enplcgees uho arZ ineonpliance uith ORS z07.0|s uiLL be used on thie projecl t ,i'i TOTAL A|4)UNT DUE:.5.oo State Sutcl.anae Iotal Chcroes :DJ Fence