HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-06-27Lo ? .+4 Cowt?rcricr Lentier SPFIINGFIEI.D .. RESIDENTIAL.. z2s itorth ,th streey?PLicAl roV /PERMrr Sgrir4field' 2regon 97477 Buildinq Diuision 7 26-37 53 I) ia lhe reaponcibili:y of tr. pcwrti iold* b see tlu! aL! inopecflorla tne nade at )he proper !Ln., t,t'.at 322fi 'lh3se is rea=hbie J'lat gV at?e-ec, anl:hct tha pett:rit catl ia lacaled at th-e frctt of t\-ptqperty.,zui!Ci:4 V-viciott cppm^ed plin sicll ratnin on the Eu|Lding Site at aLL lunes. ??OCSDttpe ?On ilispiil\tt F.11W|!:CALL726-3769 (yecorCer) state youl. City Ceaigrated job ntm,ber, iob oiitess, llVe-9f ir"spe-clicn @eciyfori*pection,contfactarso,-ras,,ers-n,,,e-adplonenlnber.P.equestsreceiuedbefcrz7:00azzill be rade the so;e &y, requests ntaie aftet ?:00 an viLL be naie the nezt *rkitq dag, lout Citg'Deoigr,ated Job ltunber fc:73t1(n 7t o omt l'- s oA rn + o r l.'- el q ,a -a. a\ Job l,ocztica: (o u '/ 2- -3 I te rat tt 116 OAeseaaore lbg I I 13t E sLtSt bdiu.isicn: ?-zet:F Pl"one:Ad&ess: qci ?.cceict I Date: t,uo6tL FAHILY BEgt DaNc€- Deacribe lrbrk: 6l ,LooValue t-g llqs t-_l ACditicn 5CCanetal x U\ID,PSLA3 ?LU!.BITG, ZL?C??$,\L "i,Ecililieii: ?o be narie be;'ote cny ffiZverei. fr rccrnG -t iolrtDATrc:l: lo be tzce W ffidd€cqtated ard fcrns cte erectei, but prtor tu pou:-Jng ccnc:eta. A u:lDicpctt:tD ?:L,rpr:;G. syt?P. 'J.1T!3, i A I D.".ti.'.xcE.' lo be ns:e pr-ar zo ;iL-Lir4 crer,ches. d uc*s:ooP ?atx.sEtG , :ticxAfic:L:l' - | lo be nd,e =ricr ;o tnstcli-zctoa oi floon ineutizian'or decking. Fl ?CST AilD 3eAi.t: To be rc.ie P-.-or 2o |\l insiaTEjdof iloor insublioti ot &cking. F.)nc:! ?!'rtg!:tc. laEr9lcAt I )!zc1- AiliCAa: ::o tcrk )s =c ae co"*ered.GT;i.esa irsceciiox,s it;ve beer: naie *d. 4grcv'e!. F!?i?LACi:' h)or '.o .cicerr4 fccr|ngnctcrials ard bcfore jrair4 inapec-)ian. A <<<.ft<.?ty<€ FR.n!'!i!lr1: !4tst le rec-aeateC cflen aVgroucl of raigh phnbin4, electd- a,L t necinnicai. ALI noiir.X brccing 5 chltmeye, atc. rrtac bc . cotolc=cd. llo .;ctk ia to be cor - cciled wtil thie insoeciicn i,ae 'been tad.e cnC cpgoved. l-t DRvttALL illSPgCllCll: Tc be raCe lX l;fffi@re in ptace, - buc priot to cny iaping. ttASClti?Y: Steel Location, bond ffijgrorr:ing or ue?ticcls in accorbtce Llith U,ts.c. Sectioa 2415. 'r)t! 0R Soti2arl aaser cqped =t prcgerfi1 Lite Septic totk y,i:aed ad f'JLteC';ith gr*ei Pinal - Ilhea cbcve itens ote catalexei ord uhen .Tertcl')tion is ca:rlete ot a.?t:- ttz e noued o,l. pre;ises cleani u2, Elocking od Sat-:tg ?Lmbin4 connect:.one -- se.l)or od uclet Electrlccl Cotneetion - Blocking' set-!? atd pitnbing cottectione zr;st be a??"ct;cc bcybre requeeting eleelrieal insgcclio;t Accessotg Suili!ry sils i:ts?ar:tv: - ezcalctlcn, au! , forms. ?I|IAL PLU:EI:iA FI;IAL :.II1;IAIICAL lIIIAL ElirsIC;' Io be racie aiter priar to se! up of I:ISULAT ION /VAPO? 3.A.RRI!.? I!ISP9C!fiII : fo 0i ,naae after aLL insulcticn ed, required oqot barie?s @e in Pla,cebtt beiore ory la.th, WPsurn bcatd or r,nLL covering is cpplied, crd, before ory insulatrbn is concealeC. ',l0ODS!0'/e:@a.After ittstcllation ia ln1 cupa & APPRCACII AP.o.oN:ld a'" "**e|@A Afta: fornato pa"o)tq ,fr?1Etete. STDEI,II.LK d DRI,,EUAI: FOI ALL COI- creti pauiry urivhin ltr€et right- cl'-,ay, to be nc,Ce a;'!et aL!. ezca- vatiaa canplete t fon wrk I aub- base rcterial in pbce. -tElJf;E: tthen conplete -- PtoviCe @ or tovable'acctiins through P.U.E. Finzl - Aftcr ete. de car'tc :crches, skinting, dec)-s' ALL project ca.di:ions, sucl cs cle i.nsxallation cJ'otreet =raes, :c-lction c7'lie requined tattscqir4, ctc., iast be satisJ'icC be;'cre tlc SU|LDI:IC FliiAL:cn be tagesteC, 17\ ?lstAL BurtDr:tc: The Fincl Building lna-oection :ntat be ruqucoteC :i:er the iit:rl ?tu:bitq \|/ Eleccnical, qd l,leclurlccl inspecciono }uve becn naCe ard ctorouea, x :4 'ALL I.1AIHCLZS AltD CLEAI\C|JT7:tUS? 9E.lCiESSI3Li' ADJAST:!i:;T !0 3i:.'ir|,'.!:t0::ST i2 CI:v ?:'.:e ! ,' E QJU V ,,orrr" ,o u late ofrppti*r;or@ D--^ I '62 soLAR cEss REQ.-r--co c*JOB N 3t zone: R-L Cceugancy Cr-rpt K-3 1 M-/EeCtoons: *5 !';oe/Cors Lot Fec$ - /Enerau Sourees t!.e Setbacks Df ilouse Carace Accese i{ate" leaie" lloPr.h 2q,?7'-ii";;Tcce O 1<€*17+aELtast<5''Zo&toteSouth3yt /7t I llest t cf Lct Caseragelpfu2 ! of StorJes Z { cor-er --)-*-o-?% bt sq. FQ.?4 Interiot Paniatdle CUL-de-aac lotal leight Togogrylry -- Faea -- Building Volue & Permit This perrnt ia granted ot the erp?es| cond.ition tlat the said-eonatFtcaion iiott', ;n all iesgects,- eoi,\ir.'to the crdinatce adopteC i2iy the CitT '7f Sprir4fie'1.d, ancliiing- the Zonir'.g Crdincnca, regulctir-g th.e ccnstrtet')cn dra "sZ of -buildings,- and nty be- suspet'ieC or teuokeC at cr! tine t.ct: oic- la.tion af my prcuisiona of eaiC C'tiitaees, ?OIAL VALUE F!C ?a AD t 3 I/, (s.D.c. t.5 ;I OD1uiUing Perr*! Total Clangee State Date ?aid: Reccipt l: llo pereon atall cortetract, ina!al!,, altet or clun7e_cny vzt/t-cf e:isting -plrhbina cr drainage syatel in ulole ot in part, unlese euch pc!.ecn ie the iegal pZeeea"or of a uialid ptr-b"r's License, ece?t tlzt a ?c?lo!,@l d:. ptintirg tork to properry uhich ia a.med, Laaaed or opetated by tha q?li- @tt. ?a.@ ;to. / *7 a6 Soti Seoet ,ra Etbf'tres Reard,entia,L (1 bcth) ( Ptabing Pernit €tate aa Plumbing Permit C;ILP,CE:io ees- Sa. fto. /6ZO I ?t*- it.:r,t / Eztetd C irati t s lqctq Seaice ?fioo /,oo &?6 C!IARCEi??v .rn I F?r h*+taae nA'S /%sbblwtat llood ./3.*/7.o'Vent ?ot Zliodstote /troO <<G4rrrr.y(€,. /a 'oo -t 1OL)l t.v /.26 =.% gectritu Decoait Storaqe ila.;ntaGnie Penrtt /?.?a/- zo'Cvrbet) /8.64si,ta,talk / rE / ?enee llectitat tc,bel Itobite llare ?t6.sa 3tg,oo Electricol Permit tlhete stcte Ian tequiree tlut the electrical wtk be ilo,ne by -an ?leettical Conttp.etot, ttu elictncal por|ion of thia perrtit alall rot be oalil untit tlu label ltae been ai4ned bg the Etecttical Conttdctor, Mechonicol Permit Totdl Penrit fsatotq ttcchaniczl Petntt ?atal a a I ltAW CARSFULL| IXAILI;\ED ;9a aqpleted cpplication lor pernit, cnti io i"'iiov ;;rtr7r-;i;-oli.-,:rfo**tibn hereoi- ie tnte at-c, cbrtec!, atl' i f"r:Lb ce*ii.g lhat ang ord oLL xonk Verfonred alall be dote i;t ccccr- 'dance ',ntt, thZ'ardinsrcZs of the ci;y cf bpringfield, atd' lhe Lc:';a oJ' lhc iite o7 Oregcn pertaininq'to the wrk CescribeC herein, cd :itt :io occ'!- UitC,t ,ttt AZ ,6.]e of arry'scntctu,e uithoui permissi-ott oi the Suildixg 94- uision. I furth* ::ertif'g ti':s,t olly .cntra3tcrs ca q"PLcgees xi"o cr2 Ln cxpliattce dith cRS ?ol.bss tiLL be used cn this ptoiect ?OTAL AilOU:E OUC:'/zz?.Sa Da r!.,v $ao ilal oa 5e< *ot+a AAoy< Dzc- ?<rgrV,r'ks I I