HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-09-19Rccc Date tll..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICAT.. /PERMIT ZZO North 1t'h Street Springfield' Oregon 97477 Building Di,utsion 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD /L- t q-i ,lob Locattcn: Ia Int llAaseesorc Map I Subdiuision: A)fier: Address: Ci f rac ors Describe h'otk: ValueDate of App a!_ t-t q.q Additian RemoCel rs oar Re General P lurnb IjJ.ec E rica Elec t- r:c 1ilSufv1€L DEI.IOLI?ION OR !.iOWD BU, Sanilary gEsez, capped at propertg Line Septic totk punped and filled ttth gratsel Final - llhen abctte itens ore ecnpleted and uhen danclition ie cornplete op struc-ture noued and. pretrLses cleaneC up. Hcnee Blocking and set-up Plunbing connectione -- Eate! otd, uafer Electtical Ccmnection - Blocking, eet-up and plmbing conneetions rrust be appraied before requesting eleclrical tnepeelior Accessory- Buildirrg pct ehes, skirting, decks, Leted. Ptral - Afteretc. are comp LA the fran he atree reeponaib L tg of1 the ho lder to see tha napeetions a.re nade the pt'ope?each LS .etinetl,dt cddreas reaCabL1-at, and that the cion approxed p card Loeated7.4 at of at prope?tg L tines. the fronLding :;i t the aBu'l-ding DiuiL shr:tetu1.Ln BuonLL L PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTI1N R9QUESTTCALL 726-3769 (recordet) state your Citg d.esignated job rum,ber, job aCitess, type of inspec=i.cnrequested-ffi uhen gou-ill l-'iLL be made the sone dcy" I be ready fot i.nspection,Contractons on A,mers nane cnd pltone nunber. P.equestl receited befcte 7:a0 c:t requests ncde aftet 7:00 an DiLL be nnde the ncrt r,torking day Iour City Desigtu.ted Job Nwnber fs UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & MECHT\IIICAL: To be nade befote anywrk ie cooered. SI?E INSPEC?I)N: To be made after escauation, but pt ion tc set up of forms. To be nade pt iot, to Lation or these haoe been nad.e and approoeC. FIPEPLACE:nat;i;C tton. FTML PLUMBIIIG MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSAI.ATION,/VAPOR BARRTER INSPECTION : ?o be made after aLL insulctLcn a:td required oapor baxriers are in pl,aee but before ang Lath, gApsltln baard or tnLL coueting ts applied, and beforeag inoulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECAI)N: Tc be nade;Fer-fiT@tTie in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel Location, bond beams, grouting or teyticcls i,n accordotce Lrlth U. B. C. Secl:t'.on 2415, ilOODSTOVE:@;m. CURB & APPRCACH AP!?ON: are erecteC but prior After fortnsto pouring concrete. SIDEWALX & DRfVWAY: Fot, aLL con-ctete pauittg uithin atreet right-of-txy, to be nade after aLL eeca- oating canplete & forn tnrk & sub- fuse na.terial in place. IENCE: When eonplete -- prouide gates or nooable sectians through P. A. E. FCOTING & P)UNDATICN: Io be ttadeafter trenches d?e escauaLed and. forns ate erected, but prior topouring ccncrete. l-]. ullxncnoulo pruuaruc, swtn. w.qrm,'J Lirq trenchee. ll uaoenrroon pr,unrnc a uecuANrcAL:t-Jr@o1 floor ineulation or deckt)ng, f-1 posr AND BEAM:i I inetallaticn o No Aftet, installation ts Priot, to plceirg facingand. before frantng inapee- PRA\IING:_ l,lust be nequested aften app-z,oual of rough plwr.bing, electri_cal e nechanical. - lll robfingbtaeing A chinmeya, etc. naet- beeonpleted. llo wonk ie to be con_ -cealed untt,L thia inspeetton hae'been nade and apptoued. ALL proiect conditions, such as bhe i.nstallaticn of street trees, conpletion of Lienequired Landscaping' etc. ' rmtst be satisfied before the auf-LDlu:c FINAL can be requested.. FINAL BUTLDING: ?he Final B_uilding. Inapection muct be neqttested after the Pirnl plunbing E Lec trical, and Meclunical rns pe e tio ns'hao e o n "",_ie' ird- ;pb;; rd. *Ar'L MANItct,ES AND cLEANours MBT RE AccEssrBr,E, AD,tusntEN? To BE rL4nE AT no cos? To crry Page 1 of 2 ?{) l rr l r soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G*JOB NO. !lea AceessP.L toxeth t Lot Sq. Ftg. z cf Lot Caserage # of StorLes Total Height Topography LOT TYPE _ rntericr Corner Panhandle Cltl-de-sac BeCroorns: Lot Faces - CrouZone: -- Fees -- YF?CITEI'I TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 t Date Paid: Receipt il Sigted: Building Vqlue & Permit This permit is gtanted on the etpress condition that the sctid'eonsttuction slnll, in all,espects'-;";;'i;;'to the o*dinance adopted liy the City of \il,t"iftifi, inclluding'tiL'\oi;"g crrlinanc-e, regulat'ing .the c:tlstnt:t^'!^":,^ ina ,ri'n of Luildi.n4s,- and may bi sus!)ended o, rettokeC at cn! tLne upon DLc- Lation of "ny prcuisions of said Ot'dinances' Building Pernit Total Clnrgea State CHARCEN0.FEE Firtures Residential (1 bath) SeuerSani Plumbing Permit No Del.gon shalL consttwct' inst.all.,. altel, ol clange.dny neD.cr esisting 'Ji,.li,ir';i""i'tr"2i;;;;;-'";;;;"- ii'in"i' or in part' -unlesi sueh person is the -Legal possesson of " ,!"-tii" pi"^tif,1Z litn"tZ' etcept that a petson nav do plwnbins dork to p""p"i'ii*"ini;;";'';;;e' l"L"ed ot operated bv the appli'- cant, Plunbing Pentrit State r'1'Et't Nas/Efierd Cit'cuits Set oice Electricol Permit Vhet,eStateLattrequiresthattheelectt'i.caluot'kbedoneby'anEleetrical contractor, the electrlZ"t'lont'io"- of tnts -peJntt stall not be ualiC until "rn'" tZAZf'to" L"u" signed ty the ELecttical contractot" State Total CIIARCENFPNC, ,,5 bhanat HooC Vent Fot tlcodstooe Mechq nicol Permit Mechanice L Petwtt Pemrtt Issucnca Secari Permit Cvtbcat Sidatalk t Mobile Hone uate IuAw\AREFULLyE1A]4INEDthecompleteilappli.cationforpernit,anddo herebu certifa *"{ill" t^iJ" "i;'bn n"n"ii i;-i;" aitd corT ect' anc r fut'thZt' eentify tnat*Zny'i'n- all aork perfo?ned s?nLL be done in acco?- 'dance tith th" o*dii;:;""*it lLi itv .Lr' ipiiitt"ia' atd the Laas of the a state of ,rescn p"r:';;;;;1;s-'to'tie w"rk2"ZL't'iiia t'nnZin' and ttnt N0 ,ccu' PI.NCv vLtL be nade';"';;;;'";;";i\i" "t'tnZ"7' p"it'iit'" b7 tt'" Buitdins N- oision. r further' 7";';'i" i\;t".;;LY- ;"";;;"';;; *'d'n"pl'v"'" uho are in conpli-ance utn onil'oi-"o"ss uiLL be- ueed on thie pt'oiect TotaL ,IOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *3q 3?Signed Date Value tlra;.n (k:rade Cotnot,t AaecssoPu