HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-10-04- - \[-\nm. 1:uh)'RESIIJENTIAL" APPLTCATION/PERMIT SPFIINGFIEL.D 225 North ith Stz.eet Spr"tngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuiston 7 26- 37 53 Job Loeaticn: Assessore i4q # Subd*sisian C*zer Pkone: / \-\l ) Desq,ibe filork: fisz*LL- cr'ooD gfo,/c /.r't€r<Tu/P"t. ernrn&- t-l :14)x Date of App Licaticn valul ./tr5* AdCitian RenoCel I GeneraL lleetz*ieaL i,leclnn:iecL nattaf -frfnit AD \ tafE^ Soita4 seter cqited ct propetki Litce Septic tank p'"inpeC a,:n iiLLeC uith gz,c:;ei, ?inal - ir|ten cbcue itens are ec:,wleted, a':d. uien Tertclition is complete 'o, s':.r*,,- ture moua-d ad. preriaes eleaneC up, !,!obile i!caes tsLocking otd let-up PlunbinX eontecyians -- aa)e! o,C, uaiar Electrical Ccmzectr)on - Blocking, set:-,.ti anl. olwnbing co'nnections rru.sb be qprct;ei befor e request'Jng electrical inspec; ia:: Acceseorg But)Lding ?irnl - !,ftar pcz,ekes, skirting, deci.-s, etc. @e ecr,gle--ed. ?z:e 1 ot' 2 I^t ia the respottsibi-Lity of tle peodt iu'td.er to see that aLL inspectiona de nade at ihe p?ope! tine, t?at acch cddtess ,Js z,e4iabie iry.-tly stree.t, cnC:ltat the pernit cad. ia Located at the frcttt'of the property.aluibitq V)uicio- ap=rc"-ed plan shc.LZ ymair- on ;la tsuiiding :tte bt aLL' tines.' PR1CEDAPET FA4 IySPEC?lCtt I?AyES?;CALL726-3769(yeeorder) state ,ieu" Ct)ty Cesigt"zted job i,timber, iob aC&ess, type of inspec)icnreQuested aidiien soi-ATTbe realiy for inspection, contpd.ct"n" ,i anters-r,ane "cnn pru7e mtmber. -p."qu""", relei;aZd bL;cre'?:c0 ,=t,ill be ranie the sone dc'g, ?eguests naie aftar ?:00 an ttLL be twCe the nezt.arki{ dag'. ta4ru_b Coaetnteticrt Lendet FTilAi PT,UIEI;IG FI;IAL ;,ISCIIA\IICAL FIIIAL TLEC?PICAL i'-l 3I7l MSF!C:!C:!: To be nade after LJ *cdu;no";A; p?tc" tc set ui of JC?l'tS. ANDE,Q.SLAB ?'L'I,I.SITIC, ZLECiPTfi .1 |,tECH!)IICAL: 7o be natie beiote cnywtk is .:or"teyed. FCO?I\|G 1 FOUIIDA?TC\|: ?o be tm.Ce 4;;- t r enc i;;- dr, ;-rz c co at a d ard. fatns cte erected., but zrio" to pourir,g ccncrete. 1 u:tciacpcu:tc pluut:tc, sz',ttp, it.tlz?..l-i I DRAi)IAGE: ?o be rnae V+or to iil-Lirg :rench.es. V uaoeppaccR ?r,ulBitc I :r.ECgA:trc;L:rtfficf floori,nsui.c.xian or decking. 7 Pcsr $o fil:l: To be naie prlorEo, i ffi'r-Lffioi ;1oor irsul^a.tion cr deekinq. ,I F,O!.IC.! ?iT}EI:IC, II.EC!?ICAL 1 .\!ECl- AtlI:J.L: )lo 'so:k ia =c be ec,^eteri wttrl these :Jnsceetiors )ruo- been nade anl. a??")D'ea. F:?.I?LACZ: ?z-Jor jo ?Lcct.4 jce")ng naterials and. before fraring inepee- tion. lP-a.]tlllG: l,tust be reo.,ested aflet cpprcuaL oJ- rcugh plurbin4, electri- caL I necianieel. AL! rcoi)zt7 brairq I ehirrnegs, etc. :TasE ae eonnleved. :!o .ncp< is to be con- ceoled until this inspec1)cn ha.s been made anC cpproxed. -l al ffi;toocsro,ti:I \l cottpleteci. ?!NCE: Lrhen conpl;xe -- Prooiie gate6 o" zooabLe seetians th.rough D ft, your City Desigra.ted Job Nunbet fs: INSULATIOII /VA-PAP BARRI1R IIISPICTIOII : To be nade after aLZ insulaticn exi required uqor bu--ie?s @e in plaee bzt before ag Lath, Wpsln bcuC or rnLL couering is coplied, od. before oty insuLaticn is concealed. nDV-tAf a -.tQ]tfr-itf . v^ '^^ --;^ after aLL aryuall is in place, but prior to aty Yaping. W.SO!'\P!: Steel location, boni beans, groutil4 or terticcls in accotdorce DLth U.ts.C, Section After installation ie CURB 8 |PPRC],CE .4?2QN: After formsa,;4, e c;;ZZut@ to pcamns co?1e?ete. SIDE'IALK & DRI':TI|A!: Eor aLL can- at e;;VWffiA; street risht- oi-tv.y, to be naCe after all. e*ea- uatdt,g conolete t iom uoz.k & sub- base ndter\al in .tlace, ALL pro;ect cor.ii;ions, such as the "i.nstallation of slreet crees, ec::a|-ezion of ;iE required i.atd.sccoit4, etc., nast be satisJ-t)ed beJ'ore the tsUiLDIUC ?MAL can be tegtested. ?IilAL tsAfLDMC: TV,e Finel Suildiq fnsoecl:ion xust be y,eouested. ciier the linal Plunbing lleccrtcal, otC Mecharictl insoeeticns it4tte been na<ie and eaoroueC- 4ALL,\!Ailt!CL* AND CLEAN)UTS:IUST 2E ACC1SSISL1,.IDiUST:li:tt lO 3E }.:ADE t'.1 :10::57 ?C Cny r a--- 9 JOB NO.e ob soLAR i-jEss REe.- ;nt Sq. Fq i cf lct Ca:ercca_ # of Stori.es lotal latght logogrqtrg Pent|x fssuanez t/-^i^.'^-7 a^H' + -- !;1CP.0ACi:.!a:t? -- Mechqnicol Permit L-CO G+ _ lnter'icr _ Coraet _ Panhc:ruile Cul-ie-sac # PLan f EAW CAREFALLy lxil4fttED titz contpT.eta-d aoplicatior. fot, tetrnii, cna dcherebg eertify that aLL info;naiion heteoi is tz,ue cnC ccrreet-, ctr,C f f"u,ther celtiiA that any arL aLL uork cc-riormed shall be do:.ze in o""cn-dance ttith the ?tdinsnces of ti,te City of Spr)ngfieT_d, and ;he Lcxs of theState of )regcn percainina to the ao"k Cescy.ibed herein, d/.!d tha.t :lO CCCA- PAnc_r rill be nad.e of d,-y st"uctu!2 aithcut permission cf the 3ur,itiino Di-uision. i f,tt'-ther certifi t),-tt o:tly eont?aelor; o.td, etplcgees ul.-o otle ineanpllance a1.th CRS 707.055 aiLL be uaed on this project Crpbctt L /e///R Zace:3eiroons Lot Faces -Zr.artu Sources ieat )r iouse :{:-Yaqe Aeeass 'rldter !!2ate?llo"th itreoLace Sa;tit ,laaastoue llest --=t-l F?C T TaLue Building Volue & Permit This oertrit is gtcnted on ihe ecp"ess condition tlnt the said. constmtction sha:-i-, in t1L rZsoects, conicrn:o ihe jrdtnarce ccioc=ed.:y the C!;7 oi Soro)ngfielC, :-r;elwi")ng lhe Soning Crdincnee, regulatir.g tke ccnst!..tct.:cn arxi use oi bu'-Liirqs, aniC nzy be sueoend.ed or reuckei at cr.y tine upon uic-l.atian oi zny wcuistons of saiC CrCirances. ^at.f ifrf't? ,,,-'7 ):-- .^*'+ Check lotcl Chatges FEZ Plumbing Permif No_ person ehall ccnsi:ract, ins!aL?-, altet' ot cltot4e an7 fl,eu cr esistingplunbittg or drainage sgstqn in ahole az. in paz't, unLess such person is- the Legal possessor of a oalid olwtber's Lieense, escept tltat a Delson na.,1 dopltnbing uork to p"opett! alich is otmed, Leased or ooerated by the appli,- lbtures P,eaid,attial (1 bcth) Sani Se;en Plunh)ng Penit State Swel,arJe Electricol Permit lvthere State Lan nequites tl"at the electrieal uork be dcne by an E|-ectrlcal ContTactor, the electtical portion of this pernit sh,all not be ualil untilthe label lae been signed by the Electz-Jcal Contractor. 1 flan/Ettend, Ciretits Semsice :TT:T JC.^ll \ aaa F.tr.aee 2!U'S *ha/Bt ilooC Vznt lat Tcodstcre I 15 L)O A5 ( /5.U,C Stcrcze ,'4aintzztcr:e Pemtt Siaa':aLk !1TAL A.i,!CUil? JU!:I Loo , llobiie ilane * lctal Acyoes Sec,tr)?a Daccsit