HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1997-03-07RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections:726.3769 Oflice: 726.3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSEO ASSESSORS MAP: OWNER: AOOR CITY: DESCBIAE WOR CONT r.lAME G EN ERA RINGFI LOT: BLOCK JOB NUMBEB 225 Fifth Streer Sprlngf tetd, Oregon 92477 TAX LOT: SUBDIVISION NEW - BEMODEL -AODITION _- OEMOLISH _-. OTHEFI ADO CONST. CONTRACTOR ,EXPI FIES PHONE -1 'Uo713lPLU M Bl NGI t I STATE: PHON E: ztP EiTUNANIUAL: ELECTRICAL OUAO ABEA: , OF BLDGS: OCCY GROUP: r OF STOBIES: WATER HEATEF: To request an Insp made the sanls Temporary Electric OOL 1772018 - OFFTC 280 N. ADAMS #3 6E3{459 EUGENElffi E USE Rough Electrical - prlor to c ove r. rftffi[SECONDAAY HEAT: the followlng work day. Sted before 7:OO a.m. wilt be E: t:Lel2 5L onsl5 l--T Roush Mochanlcat - prtor to l--1 Ftnat ptumbtng _U cover. L_j ;i;;iJ;n worr( rs , Whe complete. Site lnspcction - To be madcafter excavation, but prior toselting lornts. I--l Understab ptumbing/Etectricat/ - Mechanlcal - prioi to cover. Footlng - Alter trenches are excavaled. l-l tr4asonry - Sreet tocalton, bond - beams, groutino. Foundatlon - After forms areerected but prior to concreteplacemcnt. l-l Underground ptumbing - prior - lo fllllng trench. t] Underlloor PlumblnO/Mochanical - t.flor io tnsuiation or decking. Post and Bsam - prior to f,oorlnsulatlon or deck,ng. Floor lnsulation - prior to deckl nO. Tl Sanitary Sewer - prior lo (iilings trench. I-l Storm Sewor - t)rior to ti[in9u trench. Eloctrical Servlcs - Must beapproved to obtaln petrnanent clectrlcal power. [-l Flreptac€ - prtor to factngs materlats and lramlng lnspi l--l Framtng - prtor to cover. l-l wattrCol[ng tnsutatlon _ prtor to - cover. l--l Drywail - prtor ro taptng. l-l Wood Stovr - A,icr tnsrailailon. fl lnsert - Altor ,treptace approval - and tnstallailon ol unlt. l--l Finat Etcclricat - When ail - electrlcal work ls comOlete, f] Ftnat McchaDicat - When ail - mechanical worl( ls cornplete. Flnal Building - When ailrequlred lnspectlons have beenapproved and building iscompleted. "-.411rAV MOBILE {O <( A{-u\^o ME NS l--l Warer Line - prror ro liilino [--l fence _ when compteted.llrench- - I I l-l Rougtr Plunrbins - prior ro I-_l:;treer Troos _ when ail rcqutred_ cover. U i,u"J"- "ii.p,"n,uo. l-_l Blocting and Set.Up _ When ail - btockln0 ls comptete. Curbcut & A1:proach - Afterforms are erccted but prlor toplacetncnt ol concrctc. Plumbing Connections _ Whenhomc ltas been connected towater and sewer. Sidewalk & Oriveway - Aftercxcavittion ls complctc. lormsand sub.base material ln place. Electrical Connection _ When Pl99kil9, ser.up, and prumbrnslnspections have becn approvedand llte home is connected lothe servlce panel. I--l ftnal - Af ter ail required - tnspectlons are approved andporchcs, sklrting, decks, andvenung have been instaltod. 031 4 Lot faces Lot sq. lt9. Lot coveragc Topography Total helght Lo - lnterlor -- Corner - Panhandle - Cul-de.sac P.L.HSE GAR ACC N S E IS IOPOSE,O WORK iN THE HISEf,fICAL DlSTBlGf, OR ON TI]E HISTORICAL REGISTER? ll yes, this appllcailon must be stgned and approved by the Historiaat Coordlnalor prior to permit issuance. APPFOVED: BUILDING PERMIT VALUE (A) SO. FT. X $/SO. r:T.ITEM Main G arage Carport Tolal Value Building Pcrflrit Fee Slate Surcharge Total Fco BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECKAND BUILDING PERMIT This pcrtr)it is grantcd on thc cxpress condition that the saidconstruction shall, in all respccts, conform to the Ordinanceadopted by the City ol Springlleld, inctuding theOevelopment Codc, regulating the construction and -use ofbuildings, and may be suspended oilevoked at any timeupon violation of a,ly provisions of said ordinances. Reoei pt N umbcr:__.._=___ DatePlans Bcvicwcd By Plan Check Fce Date Paid: Beceived By: SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) Systems Dcvelopmcnt Charge ls due on all undeveloped properties withln the City tirtits which are beino improved. ITEM Flrtures Rcsldentlal Bath(s) Sanitary Sewer Water Storm Sewer Moblle Home PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FI FT FT yb (c) 6B-0_--rztr- tru_ Plumblng Permlt Stato Surcharoe t Total Charge ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Wood Stove/ lnsert/ Flreplace Unil Dryer Vent MECHANICAL PERMIT (o) Fu rn acc Exhaust Hood Vent Fan Mechanical Permit I ssuance Stato Surcharge Total Permlt By slgnature, I state and agree, that I have carcfuily examlnedth€ completed apptication and do hereby certlty that alllnformatlon hcreon ls lrue ancl correct, and I lurlher cerilly that any and all work pertormed shall be done in accordance wlth the Ordinanccs of thc City ol Springf ietd, and the Lawsof lhe Sl.ate of OrcAon perlaintng to tho worl( descilbe,J hereln, and that NO OCCUPANCY wiil be made ot anystructure wlthout peflnission ot the Bulldirrg Sa,ety Oivislon.I further certify lhat only contractors and employees who arc ln cotnpliancc with OBS 701.055 will bo used on thts proiec t. I further agrec to ensuro that all required lnspections arerequested at the propor ilme, that each address ls 16adabie treet, that the pcrmlt card ls located at the lront nd the approved set ol plans will remal from tlte s oI the pro n times durlngon the sl Si g natu Date MISCELLANEOUS PEBMITS Moblle Home State lssuance State Surcharge Sldewalk _ lt Curbcut - tt Oemolition Total Miscellaneous Pennits (E) Slah J harge VALIDATION: AECEIPT NUMBER DATE PAID AMOUNT R TOTAL AMOUNT OUE (excluding electrlcat) (A. B, C, D, and E Comblned)RECEIVEO BY to Tte.qo = f"5J4 TII\,/IE TAN MESSAG- FOR A.IVI DATE N/t tvl OF PHON ABEA CODE N EXTENSION O FAX tr MOBILE AREA CODE TIME TO CALL tvl SIGNE TELEPHONEO PLEASE CALL WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU REIURNED YOUB CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION :Ps FORM SOO2P LITHO IN U.S.A. CAMETO SEEYOU FIUSH