HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1964-01-08cc ! elty thnr" .er Lce & !* - ien Hltt Eulld!.n5 ocpt. Blun fllcr $Llttrc Hmmll, Sfn*nc* Dfr. Janrury S, fgf4 L. t. Stron, $tty ffigf,urar Sqsm ll,*n & eomnrstl.trn rm{siGn[rttb L6$ A' Httt, Jr. SdItfftrm H. tttt t"s th x**rnt sf $561.0& for prs,pcrat lasrrrd *r 67gl Tburrtsa nd., drtrd &0 trb., L?63, Bk mbJret t*rsmnt rlomg ni.th * bllllmg to !8" Bi.ttr drt d lCI fl*ptnuber, Xfffi fa anclsa&d. Iktr r rsttffint md rnfcrGast btffins Hm ts sstr*r c prap*md ranltrqr rtrnr ho+hup hy *ubj;€t proprty ffid trrmr to tk H tr$sht[n* fa lhsrttou Bsrd. Es&sctr, {ue to X*rcr dcwl*p&tt, fir. Nttt ddd cst ure ehtr hookup {Srffsucat *e pfuimlre$, but f*r tt*u, &a*"&dts cof,B$et hlc trmtr u& I f*t*r*l rfirGtr lfurr ln*trlhd bt Hr. Stll Sattry {Beugl*r Bnr+rprlrea} e$Jree** to gh* oitt rtd; Ef tba efSS ProForty. ftm Gtty h*r r*ecmtly *atorad. l,ato .n tgromst rtt& $$ugluEnrrrprtfi*rr Is6* r of SJ"ch t{r. finlty {.r r Ftrtfr*sf &s rllry th*Hltt propcrtf r*d oth*r prssGrt{*; *dJrcmt, ts c{rax}st tE thsr*f*rac* I.rt*ra[ md p*y ts Ssuglr* k*t*rprttrc r *tifix$*trd f*n Sar emuaetl,m thtr*Es. todry, (L-7-*[] I brru ro*rX.vrd tbr$qfh th.fn{ldtt6 D*p*rme, r rsrt*t** rt*t ffiBB frm Soug,Irr S*B*rpri,r*r *l,r*riug Lot* I ffid 4 of th. Itlut ft*t lrr paymrt to Ilougl,*r Sut*rprLrufot hoekrry rhrr$* ho thrir mf,rttmr lrt*rr1. & ths blrl* of Bhs farrga{agr }ss **rr hrr*bf rtltkrt**d 8g {n- fErn ehn rrfcr*r*#* prrtlGt ]8, & tr*. &L.kt thrt tbr rt*J*ct tsr.*mht*ld your btttfug h*r hlra elmrrd by thr msr{gt ef thr rbqffi sptlsr f,ra EsryIr* t*trrprl,ru. L. t. Strm Si,fp Eng{n*rr LIB rbao - Ts; F[ ttlBttff .d 'u $ r*I "r$*{ai*t*ilttrI{!*IlI Scffi! rrr# .dl s$ galtlld * d,!!r gm.trr sncffitrgf_ltrfifu rffi "&r*o.i*rrl ai 8$SJ .?adffiIlqsG Sf -u* efi bratrndrua qdsrfl{ ;rs $aT .5a&ogate} ry$ *o r}*rC ods d ,fin|){rng[ ,oo[dr]r eds ,rfir, ,s.t$ ,or$i S .S{ uo.t$**q eftffii}ut rdt mlrolffi sriodr asls t& ,qjosof, ads Xd &*rr+trp srsid mS SSfXfId r*o1 har.Gtrllqrxat r*ftrne stl the *r,rbJst* ren{"tary ssI&r: llne h*s be*s eecepted by fbo Sngtnrertng $epsrw$t fot h*okup *nd by CouncLl rteolutf.onr Ln aciord*nee-rit*r s*nitary $s?mr asaseffiet Sl wfth tho 0i.ty *nd Ital,ly Bougl*e, Irl{n !{o properuy rhatrl bo lenued a hookup ptrn{. appraval frm Helly SouS[ar, It]s'i sxe&pt lot 7 Su&dlvL*ion *h{.eh ba1onga to tl*lly $ougl**, Ine Suildtng SeP*rtmentr Bng*ne*rfnfi, Btp*rrffinu Seni"Eary ssrfiBr in llalc Blnt botr*ean S6th *trd 67th $treete. Oc&ober dr, 1"S63 t rs$.tbouE rrrL&ten r{thi,n llox t. T. Slaon Gtry &mgI"nrar LTE:boa Building DePartment Engineering Department Sanitary sewer in Ilex Plat beEween 66th and 67t}l. Streets. OF SPRINGFIETD Mryg, Dare October 4 L963 _For inmediat,e actton -.For your informatlon Approval requesEed . _Note and return to me _Please see me _Remarks: CITY To: Ftom: SubJect: The subject sanitary ser{7er line has been accepEed by the Engineering Department for hookup and by Council resolution, in aciordance wiEh sanitary sewer agreeulent llL \^Iith the CiEy and Holly Douglas, Inc. No property shall be issued a hookup Permit wtthouE wriE approval from Holly Douglas, Inc., excePt lot 7-LZ within Ile sluaivision which Lelongs to Horry Dougias, Inc.\' Ta a* I ten x ,11 V.4. t)r.---(rr---,..<-er) L.T. Eison City Engineer LTE:bos 6 o6 € 3 - ? Tla (7 o o Uo a- a o a).)oczt nor) tu (Dr) o_ oC oCz : o o o I I .) I \ a Ilolly Dougli"e Ine orpsrated January 6, L:t64 Engine erlng Dlrp.art anen t0ity of $prlngfield. I)aar Slrs: 'Ihe sewcr a.tsessment, oweri to the 1{olIy J)ou;31as eorporal,ion on rots One anei l'our of tlr-e Fitr plat hrrs b;en pairi in fulr a.s alSreed to in the agreencnt hetween saio corporarion anci. tire Ci.ty of springf lcld, oregon cn rirwer p:roj oet s- t-4, dF,ted october zg-6s, Sine ereIy,%2; ?-rilh [. Ho]ly Pro si dent OrC e4m. /-6-L/ Ii".M(] T0: Bob AUen Date Oct- 30 _1 From; Lem Eison For imureCiate action -ttor your information 4PPtoval requesEed Note and reEurn to me--Tlease see me-Temarks: Subject: Ilex Plat Sewer Agreement Attached hereEo, is a copy of sanitary serrer agreenenE number 1 between City of Springfield and Holly Douglas, Inc. Hookup permits may be issued in accordance with the agreemento tuL. T. Eison