HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-06-01FECEIYI # PERMIT sPRINGFIELD 4,s,nCOi'l8 ffI., .I SPR,I\IGFIELD ,i'l ;::;:,':;: o'i#Ii,, n,, tsuLtdit'4 aittiaio:'t ?26-37 53 fl)r-^fr 400 ,60 # 6,iD Job Location: Subdiu'! sion: ?@ f-at I !-ssesso"8 ltao # Odnet Ph.ote # Addtess Deecri,be l'loz'k ile, AdCition 7lot q07-4 i ,cnttd.cto"8 Ilaie ceneraL glectiaL Coastz'uetioi Lcnd.* Page 1 of 2 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS rt is the responsibility of the permit holder to sae that all iespections arc madE at the ProPer ti$e' that each address is readable f:.crn the "tr"ii, and tha: the p€mit card is located at the front of the ProPerty' . .tll Eanholes and cfeanouts ar. tc be adjusted at no cost to the clty SITE I}ISPECTICN:;iaffi;lEc To be nade afEer prior to set uP of FIREPLACE: Prior to Placing facing !{ooDSToVES: After instatlation . is-G*p-L"?d. '' forrs. ffiand befcre iranring tion. UuDBSLAB PLU!{BING, ELSCTP.IE.{L E HECHANICAL: To be nade before aoy work is covered. W'approval Hust be requested after CI.IRB 6 APPROAC!{ APRON:ffi After foms to pcuringof rough pluabing' cal 6 mechanical. AlI roofing, bracing t ehirneeys, etc. :',tust be cornpleted. No work is to be con- cealed untiL this inspectioa has been made and approved. concrete. FO0TI}[G 6 FOUIJDR.TION: To be nede after trenches are e:lcavated a:rd fonras are erected, but pricr to pou:ring conc.ete. SIDEHALK 6 DRI'/ErIAY: For all con- 6ete_ pffi-EEEE st!'ect right- of-way, ta be nade after all exca- vatLag ccmplete 6 forrn rork t su5- base materi3l in place. UNDERGROUND PLUUBING, SEilgR, !{ATER, DRAIIF.GEI Tc be nade prior to fil- Iing trcnches. t To be rnde after aII iusulation and required vapor barrlers are in plaee but before any or U}IDERFLOOR PLUI,IBING E MECHINICAL:@orfLoor insulaticn on deckiog. ra.I.l coveriag OTHER INSPECTI0I{S: nay be required in accordance with Building CoCe, to be indicated in ;1ans or by no- tice fron BuiJ.ding fnspector. any lnsulation is coneeaJ.ed. POST 6 BEAU:in-ffiiiFon To be nade prior toof flcor i.nsulation DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made ffi.ri all-aryllali-Ls in place,or Cecking.but prior to any taping. ROUqH PLUMBING, ELEC?P.ICAL 6 MECH- A}ICII\L: No rork is to be covered ,,rn hese i.nspections have been made and approved. I{ASONRY: Steel location, bond iffigrouti.ng cr verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 21115. rINAL PLUHBING A11 proj, required eet conditions, such as the instaLlation of street trees, compretion of therandscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUTLDTNG FrNAL can be requested. FINAL ELECTR,IC.{L FIIIAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final pJ.unrbing Electrical, and !,lechanical Inspecti.ons have been made and apprcved. llo occupancy of the premises crn be made until the Final Building Inspection has been MAdC ANd APPTOI'Cd, ANd A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEE}I ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DIVI- SICN AND POSTED ON THE PREMISES. PR0CEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST: CalL 726-3769 (reccrder)state your City designated job number, job adCress' t]?e of inspection requested and when you will be neady for inspec- ticn, Contractors or owners flane and phone nu:nbers. Requests received before 7:OO a.m. will be *ade the sane day, requests made after 7:00 a.will be made the next working K FIXAL MECHAI,IICI.L day YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER IS: /,L ! :!! : :Authoiaed Cit! AgenE 9 ,^oo", lleeizaicaL L-co/: ,'., JOB NLNIEER R.EFliRENCE NITlBER.S OCCL]PANCY EROUP TYPE/ CONSTRI]CTION ZONE BEDROO}1S Eret Sa:,,::eiDiGar.ege tlccess llo?th Edst South t/est Setbacks --- ------ r---- Lot Souate !tg.i cf Lot Coueredi of Stortes Tctal Height !oVogrqzg - 0thet Lot Type _ fnte*ior llnnan te" FEES Sq . Fta. Car.le Sq. Etg. tkee TO?AL CH4RCES *,: ^r-1ya is geanted on _the ezp"ess c.ldi:-:on thatEne sead eolsiruction !u.l!, in ati7"sjiixs, eonforrto the ltiinare e s aliDo.t aj bi ;i.' ;; ri- Z;-- Zpi-:"g 1-:. u,11*y!."5 the, Joning--A*iin*rce, ,e.r-Lat):ri =Ze ecn_s.tntctlon .stzd use of btild,ings, *; .*t bZ s:npz."l.eior retoked q1 q tune tpon i;bziii""-oy: orisions of sdid. c":&inst;es. ?taa'L- ] BUTLDTilG VALLIE,/PERIET PLot Cheek lee # Date Paid PLAMBTNC PffiMTI Sanet No penson slu,Ll conetmrct, instzll, alter cr chotge fg.n* ot ee.t-aeing pltnbing or dc=jzage sys=an iit. ?nncLe o? Ln ?@v, totles_B such persor is :he legclpossesso? of a ualid plwtber,s Licerse, asca.t thata per-son nay ic pl,unbing uork t:o p"c?e":! uz):ch isoorcd, Lease<i ot opo-rated bg the appliait. 5AB?1IAL State Swchatge TOTAL CH.ARGES ELENEICAL PERILI? lletu) tlhere Stale La.r requirea tlat the eiectyicai utotk be done by an Elect*ical C2nt"dcto", thz elect:)cal pot- tion cf thia penrit ahall not be oai,'r.C untii the La- bel lns been signed by the ilectticcl Ccnt!*to?. The EZectt'ical Safetg La't does not !2quare . ?e?sonfp obtdin a Lieewe aB @t elect?isian al/ct elec- trtcal corttractc" a2 make a1 elect"aeal :,ns=:Llaticn on p"o?e"ty uhich is ounad bA hinseZf ot a -anbet of his innedicxe ianrily ahich is not irtenczd j:r sale, Lease cr nent. Cest?ucrion SA8?@AL C!IARCES MECHA$TCAL PfrI4I! Vent Fot Hood SUB?UTAL ElICROACITilENT SeauP,zu EL(m EUCZtfLi e?Date ilainenance I gAW C.1REPULLy EXAMINED the eonpleted application fot penrit' @d. do herebg certifg tlnt aLL information he?eon is true od cortect, old, I fwthet eertify that ory awi aLL wtk penforned shall be Cone tn aecor- danee u?th the Minances of tle city of Springfield, end, the La,ro of the State of 1rcgon perttining tc the utotk deseribed hetein, ald, that ll0 0C- ?WANCY vtLL be rrude of @u! structure titltout permissicn of tlze BuildingDi,sision. I futther certify that onlg cont?actors ord ettployees ulo arein compliance aLth oRs 701.055 ttill be used on lhis ptoiect. nt t? ?ttbeut Sidasalk lLectrLeaL LabeL 4 apprwed plan shall retnein on the A}4OAIIT DUE t*nes. i