HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-03-11#" RESlDt. {TIAL"" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North ith Street Springfield" Oregon 97477 Buil&ing Ditsiston 7 26-s7 53 Conetruction Ledet il-Lc/O Sr:groa, q>' oau: 3 -( l-dr?t SPIIINGFIEI.D a,**do ,/- I^t ie the tesponsibi_Lily of tlc penrtt ltol.da to eee tlnt alt inspectiona oe nade at the prope? tine, th,at ecch adlress is reaC.'^iefron tlu etteet, and tlat the penrit eatl, ie located at the froni of the D?oDepat.*Buiuing Nuision apprw^ed plant svnll remain on tvze aululng site'at aLL' ttmes." of inspec:tcn befcr.e 7:00 an STTE TNSPECTION: eccatsation, but forms. ETPIPLACE:,ratAA; Io be nade aftetprtor tc set up of ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELEC?RICAL & WCHA-:\TCAL: ?o be made before ang uork i.e eoueted. EOOTIN1 & F)ANDA?fCN: ?o be rmCe @iEffi;;-ar. e acau ated. and. foms are erected, but prior to pouting ccnerete. UNDERGROUIID PLAMEING, SEWER, W,ATER, DRAilIAGE: To be made pt"ior to fil- @'66nchee. UIIDERELOOR PLUIIBING & MECIIA.NTCAL:Io be nade prior to installation of f,Loot inaulation or decking. P1ST AND BEAI4: ?o be made pr.iot toffifrTffin oy floor insuTa,tion or d.ecking. ROUGH PLU|BII,IG, ELECTRTCAL & MECE- ANICAL: No uoyk is to be cooet,edwttil. these inspections haue besn nnd.e and. approueC. TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER ITISPECTTON: ?o be nade aftet' aLL insulaticn a.-.d required uapoz, beriera @e in pl.ace but before ory Lath, Wpsllrn baotC or tmLL coueying i.s appli.ed, and. before oty irnulation is concealed. DRWALL TNSPECTTON: Tc be nade @e/,';tT@Lfie in place, but prior to ang tapins. MASONRT Steel Location, bond beons, grouting oroerticals in accordatce tlLth U,B.C. Section 2415. After installation ie CURB & APPR1ACH APR)N: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pour'ing concrete. SfDEWALK & DRf',WAY: Fot aLL eon- ;;ete paDfrAm sb?eet right- gf-ucy, to be male after aLL etca- vating conplete & fonn Ltoz,k. & sttb- base natet*ial in pl,ace. ?ENCE: When eonplate -- ProoiCe gates or mooable seetians tlwough P.A.E. --:ALL project conditions, such as tle i.nstallatl,on of street trees, co,:rpletion of tie required T,andscaping, atc., rmtst be satisfied befote the BUILDLNG ELNAL ean be requested. Priot, to plccirq and befote franing facing inepee- tion. FITIAL PLUMBING FINAL AECHANICAL EINAL BAILDnNG: The Final Building Inspection nrust be reqtested after the Firal Plwnbing \J Eleetrical, otd Meclnnical fnspecti,ons hare been nade ard approtted. Job Locaticn:(. Aesessoz.e Map #Iat Lot # subdioision: O,mer: Address:5 -AsjaPhone: ?-3?s;Ci Descrlbe llork: 3 -l l-Yb Ooc. t-l VaLueDate of App Licaticn L Addl:tian Sardtarg seuer eapped et properfii Li-re Septic totk p"t'tped and filled tith gra;sel ?inal - hlten abcoe Ltens ote ccrnpleted and uhen dencll tion is eontplete or. strac- ture moued and. prentses cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Pktnbing connectians -- saDe? ad. uater Electyical Ccmnection - Blocking, eet-up anl plwnbing eonnections m;st be apprctsed before requeeting electrLcal inspection Aecessory tuilding pcrehes, skirting, decks, Leted. Blocking otd Set-up Final - After etc. ate cornp Page 1 of 2 FINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTITEN! TO BE I44DE A? NO CCS? ?O CNY Frytr r dSOLAR CESS REQ.-JOB NO.L-CO Bedtoons: Jleat DT House Lot Faces -Iat Sq. Ftg. I of Lct Ccoerage # of StorLes ?otal Eeight Topogrcphy -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permi,t is granted on the etp?ess eondition tlnt the said-consttaction slnLl', in all r-espects, conform to the crdinance cdopted 6iy the City o.f Spring|ield, incLud'tng the 2onlng Crdinance, r'egzlating the ccnstructicn and use of buildirrys, and nay be suspended or retsokeC at cny tlne upon oic- Lation of anA prcoisions of sai,d Ordinances. Value TOTAL VALUE n-+^ D-;). Signed: rTE14 ttu x o S.D.C. 1.5 x Buildinq Pet'wLt ?otal Clnrgee State Plumbing Permit No person slnll constmtct, install' altet ot clwnge anA ned cr eristing plurnbing or drainage systen in ulale or in part, unless such penson is the iegal pbssessor of a ualid plunber's License, eacept tlnt a pe?son nay 1oplwilti.ng aork to propertA uhieh is olmed, Leased or operated bg the appli.- cant. EEE CEARGENO. Sani Seuet' Firtures Resid.ential (1 bath) Plunbing Perrrit Total Electricol Permit Wete State Lan requiz,es th,at the eleetrical uork be done by cn Eleotz'Lcal Contractot,, the eleett'Lcal portion of th1:s permit sha.Ll not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contracto?. Na,s,/Ectend Circaits Sezoice State ?otal 5,so IS NC FEE ,Mecho nicol Permit tulwlst HooC ilcodstotse Yent Fdz PermLt fssuance Mechanieal Permit -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Seatz,ity Deposit Storage Maintenance PenrLt Cltrbcut - Si.dataLk ?ence Eleetrical Label Mobile llonre ?otaL PLan Eronlne?Date I ILAW CAREFALLY EXAI,IINED the eornpleted appli-cation for permit, cnd. do hereby certifg that aLL ilfonnation hereon is ttue and correct, and I furtket, cettify that any ard aLL uotk perforaed shall be done in aceor- danee rtith the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, ard. the Las of the State of 1regcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, end tlwt N0 )CCU- PANCY uill be nade of ang stTuctu?e uithottt permission of the Suilding DL-oision. f fi*ther eertifr- that only eontTactors and e:nplcyees uho ate in canpliance uith 2RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this ptoject TOTAL AMOUN? DUE: *3o,(&Signed Date LCT ?WE _ fnteriot _ Corner _ Panhand.Le _ CUl-de-sac TTFM Wete.t, State &i,eh,anqe