HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1973-05-07Application.isherebymade.by.theunde:":l,,uuProperEyo\^/Tlerforpermission ro connect the r"ir"'i'e'desc-ribli-::?:i::'":: i":iii":::1;:;J'::X": i:lil'"XfilX'" :?'):*t;::"i,:1,'?:.:':1.!l:'i:Gl'.i'?;'1i"^ri7" tso i""t in depth to be served by such city ser^ier^1i1: irr-iiu,tof an ""'""'*"''t against the described proporry. o" .iiii.io,ar $o.o: p"t-'qt'"t" rott 'iii"u"-"hltged for any additional ir"i"r.V beYond the first 150 feet' ?roperry Descriprion: ddresst='=u*?o'='hl''ili";3ii*- g6" aa' 'za', Beginning ., " jo* being North Oo 2Or 1O'r East 103'86 feet an' wesr 20,00 feer frqm rhe t"girrnio! porl! of nrr""ir-no'a, taid ooint of beginning also being south 66---zo, 10,,west ii+.92 reet;;';.;;;-igo-i'rr 20. west 20'00 feetfromthelrtorthwestcornutof-tr'"williamy'l',tittutDonationLaneclaimNo'48' in Township 17 south, Range z w""a of the wir-lamelte neridian, said poinc of begin- ning also being on rhe westerly rrrgir,, of .nusseLi-noaa (66!h S-treet) (county Road No. 432); Ehence along said iiest"rt! i''rgin Souih Oo 2Oi 10" I^Iest 114'38 feet to the Nor.hwesLerly margin of Thurston Ro;d (county *"ra No. 440); thence along said North- wesrerly *"rgir,-ilurfr 580 t7, OO,,-Wu"t 247,7i feet; thence 191vine said Northwesterly margin Norrh o" zo;-iorr Easr z+-z.o'a-i."t; rt,"o""-lrorth 89o 44t 20" East 210'00 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County' Oregon' Sewerhookupcharge:-.....-frontfeetG$4.50perfrontfoot= CITY OI S?RINGI'INLD AP?LICAIION AND AGRNE}GNT I'OR SEWER HOOKUP 37 ,596.30 s quare feet G $0.03 Per sq. ft' =t,t27 .89 TRUNK CITY OF S?RINGF IELD, ORNGON TY OINERS By: Date: srATB Ot'OREGoN ) ) ss Cor;..x1gy of Lane ) ,,4 BE IT Rni'EI,LBEllnD, that on t]nLs / day of A /\/> Y Le 7'1. before rne, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said CountY and StaEe, personally appeared the rvithin named This agreement has been computed as being one-half (4) of the equivalenE cost of an eight (B) inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rate of $4'50 per abutLing front foot and does not include the Lost of a house connection Lo said ciEy sewer' sewer user charges, plurnbing permits or o|her such costs to be assumed by the properEy o\^rner 3'J- / 4 known to me to be Ehe idcntical individual , -t described in and who execut,ed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that /executed the same freely and voluncarily. 7.{s 2 I^IITMSS my hand and seal this day and year lasE above wriEten. f Notary ?ublic (.."f *-- I,Iy onunission Iixpires i7