HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-05-05..RESIDET, ilAL" C OME IN ATI ON APPLI C AT IO II /PEP,]41? 225 North Sth Street Springfi,elC, 2regon 97477 Bui.Lding Diuision / ao-o / Do SPRINGFIELO U;odslouL /5 A) '/ ?" AO ts,bo mL-L '2-, "rob Loeaticn:I 'U ?aa Lot # L\)& Assessors l,bo # Subdiuision: Asner:Duvrfio 5r,t-"w,--.7FJ".one:kidtess Citu: b-lor-nCttiry &DrA' -Str.'tte- **" ("/? F Deecrtbe 'lork: 5.ttz'Date of Applicatio-n r-l :let Y<l77 a*oant GenetaL PLtnbing l,leehanicel du -bal5,7:L 1 Consttaction Leadet It is lhe resgottsibility of tte permtt holL* '"o see tlut aLL inspections @e nade at lhe ptoper tine' that ecch adltess is vea;^bie fron the street, dnd, thdt the pertnit eod is Lccated ax th9 front of the _propett'1.1zuilditq g"Juiciott qprc"^eti pl-an shcll "erutin on tiv duiHinq Site at aLL times. eEOetgllpE PoR rr,rrlor!,r rrOfES-:, c"Zt H&jiorder) state your City d.esig'nated. job rutr,ber', job aCdress, t'gpe of inspecticn @eoaafori*pectio7l,conttactarsila,lnetsroneatdphoneru,nbe.Peqrcstsrecei"*ed.beJ.cre7:00an ,,vil,L be rcde the eane dq, "equests made aft* ?:00 ott vtLL be tmCe tke nect:atkitg dag. Dzaqqsyot/r Citl Deeigrated ,Iob llunbe.r Is: Sdti!@y aa;er cq;cei =t pop*fii l.ine Septic totk Vaped ci filled r:ith gzaoei linal - ,!,rhen cbcue i'"ans ee ccnpleied ar.d uhen d.qtclition is con>Lete o! st"uc- tute noueC a-i pratrLsea cLeanei up. ttobi Blocking od. Set-'"tp Plunbing aonnacticns -- acrev ad. uaier Electriccl Ccnneetion - Elcekir4' let-uo atd. planbing eonnections nist'ce qprco^ed before requesting el.eetrical'lr.spec;iot Accessory BuilCitzg Final - Aftar Tcrekes, skiz'ting, decks, etc. @e eonglated. F;;e 1 of ! €IlE !'!9Pgq_!_9.!!: ?o be rmd.e afterffifr6; prtcr tc set up of forms. UNDIRSLAB PLUMBING. ILZCTRICAL & tECHt-ilfCAL: To be nade before anY6iGGrered. EC7?!!G 9 FOIJNDATIC\I: lo be naCe @escaoated and farms are erected, but Pria? to pourir,g ccnc"eta. I;]SULAIIC! /VN.POR IAPRIIR IIIS?|C?IOII : fo ci ,mte after aLL instlcticn ad. requi.ned tqot barie?s de in place but befcre ory Lath, Wpsoon baari or tnLL eooering ie cpplied, otd befoz'e ay insulation is concealed. DEi.t1LI?10!t 0F. :tc U\\DIRGP.CU\tD PLUII9 ING? SY,IPR. v.1r-9i' DRAIIIAGE: Io be nai.e Pflor to iLL- @ncies. 1\IDEPXLCAR !1LU:3 I!: G 1 :'t5c!!4il1 C.AL i;Gffi; Dio; to i.nsxallation floor insulction ot decking' of POSI AND BEAM: To be nade Pt'ior to ffiTffiof fLoor insulatior. or DRY'IALL I\ISPEtrI1N: Tc be nade ;fte! ai@is in place, but plisT to any taPirq. W-SO\IRI: Steel Loeation, bond. ffiigrouting ot ,serticals in accordoae aith U.B.C. Section 1a i{OADSTCVE: - ccrr? Lexed, After instdllation is CURS & .IP?P.CAC,1 APP.OI!: AE etn;Afirfior eoncrete.decking. to be ihese tnspections haue beet nade and. agPtoveC. FI-D.EPLA1E: Prior to plccit"4 facLttg ^crffifr attd before fratting inspec' tior.. FPAIII:\G: llus! be tecuected aftet "w6fr1 of rough pltnbing' electt'J- ca'L & neehotical. ALI roci:.rq braciry E chinmegs, etc. n;st be ccm.ole-ted. .-lo.Yn\ is to be ean' eecled ultil this insoeciicz has been nade anC appnoteti. EIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL |,{ECHANICAL ITNAL ELEC?RICAL After fornstn pcurin4 SLDIIALX 8 DRT,EIAI: Far aLL con- -crete pauinA tithin street "'ight-of-tn'g, to be naCe after aLL eeca- tatina cqolete & fotn wrk & eub- inse nctertal in Plaoe. jilCi: irhet caOlete -- ?rotti.C.e @ ot1ooable sectians thratgh P. U. E. ALL proiect eondt2i.ons, suck as the installatton of stteet t?ee-6-,-1ta3.!;;ion-1f -'-:.^^-^,required T.atdsecping, etc., ,rrttst be satisfied beJbre tlc BUILDI::C FljlAL :en 22 r?c1tes'vecr' ?IN3L BAILDIIIC: Th.e Final Building Insoection mtst be requested af)et 2he Fi'ttzl ?!;nb:'ng Electrical, ani lleohcical Inspeetions l14oe been naCe and apptoued' *ALL |.IAIIIICLES AND CLEAilCUTS MUS? BE IICCESSTtsLE, ADJUSTIIEII! ?O 9E I44DE IT NO CC57 TO :I?Y Conx?d.ctots Aditess Lisc.DL^r ^ Dsa,t'--) Taaaaa*'tao ll l l:ll l l I T Jcb lhnrbet':8D0q4 3 Refeneree llunbeYs L-COC # Df Sourees House CceuDanc,Bedtooms: Lot Sq. Ptg, .% oi Lct Couerage. i # of Stor"Les Iotal Eeight Iapogruphy EuiLding Pezmit State Iotal Clnrgea State Iotal Lot Faces - D^^^ Va Building Volue & Permit This permtt is granted on the espress eondi_tion that the said constzntetion slnll', in aLL tbspects' eonform to the Ordinanee adopted by the City of SprirqfieLd, inc|-ud'tng the -Zoning Crdinance, r'egalating the ccnstmtcticn *ra ,'nb of buildirqs, attd may be suspended o, r'euokeC at ary tine upon ttic-'lation of altA prcoisions of said 1r'dinances. Date Paid: Receipt # Siyred: Plumbing Permit No per.son shall eonstruct, instal-!,, alter ot' elnnge dnA nel cr etisting plulnbing or dtainage systan in uhole or in patt, unless such pereon is the Legal pbsseasor of a oalid plunber's License, escept tlnt a -Pe"son naA 42ptintLig aork to prope?t:! uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. sQ. i?c x C@Dort Accessoru ?O?AL VALUE NO.FEE - CIlAP.GE Fi.sttpes Residential (1 bath) Sczitary Seuer 'rlatez, ITEI4 N0.IEE CHARGE Res. Sq. ftq Nau/Ettend, Circ'uits Tarp*ey Serice r!EM itc FEE C:!ARCE Mecho nicol Permit3?UtS Erha,Lst HooC Vent Fot Wcodstotle 06 PermLt fssuance Meehanicel Penntt -- EI|CR2ACH\.IENT -- Secar.L PLaiT Eadnne?uaxe Pcmit f HAVE CAREFULLY EXfi4INED tle eontpleted application for permit, and do herebg certify that all, infornnation heveon is t"ue and ecruect, and f furthet, certify that any ard aLL uotk perforned sltall be done in aeeor- dance vith the 0r,dinmees of the Citg of Spt tngfield, ad tha Lans of the State of }regcn pettaining to the uork Ceseribad herein, cltd tlat NO OCCA- PANCY tiill be nnd.e of any sttuctuta uitlnut permiseion of the Building Di-ui,sion. f further certif.g that onlg contractoz,s otd ettplcyees uho a.re in cotnpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project TctaL * Curbcu'- Sida,:alk ELeetrical l&obile Hcme T)TAL AM0UllT DUE:*/f,0 Date LCr r>fr _ fnte?icr _ Cornex _. Pantnndle Cul-de-sac lla;-n S.D.C. 7.5 r Plunbing Pernit Electricol Permit Ilhere State La requi.res tl"at the electt"Lcal uork be done by an Eleettieal Contraetot, the elicttical porti,on of thb pemrtt elnll rot be oaLiC unti,L the Label las been sigred by the Electrical Contraetor. /s.DO b() / 5 /"()Total Clnroes Stote ..RE5IDENTIAL.. c 0t'48 IN Ay r cN APPLI C Ar I0 N /PEpJ,ril 225 North Sth Street SpringfielC, )regon 9747? Buildtng Diuision aAi --.-/ 40-o / Do SPRINGFIELD 5 Subdiu:.sion: .tob Loeaticn: Tcs Lot # fL Assessora !.lao # A-mer:I i,o uur t'l Address: bCe ,yt-l---7Phone: /s, bo S /5.q) @0 1o,,,<- ,/ 7, 7n<t 5-(a'nC["1n7 +"C' Sto'te- Deacribe 'fork: RanoCeL 5-'82,Date o1'Applicaticn t-l r-l Value 60 General Consttacticn Lendet It is the respottsibilitg of th,e permit ioll.* to see that aLL inspections d?e nade at lhe ptoper line, that eceh addtess is teaiab"e fron the stre'e.D,. and tfrtiirn-p"r."rrit-.rrd is Lceated at.irh3 frcnt of xhe-ptopett'g.izrildirq Nuisiot aotro"^ed pllan shcll remain on the.Bu'llCing Sita at cLL tines- pp,ocmupElon fi€ryqlglj4allljj: callwe;lorder).state your city d,esigna-ted iob runber, job aCdtess, lv?e'-of inspecticn ffin"ay7ori"$i"tnon,iontracta,""tra,n","-tlaneantip1anent;,nbc-r.PequestsreeeixedbeJble7:00cit""tit te rade the ecae dcg, requests'ncde aft* ?:00 cq viLL be naCe ihe nect wrkin? daE, Szaq q zIour City Deeigrated ,lob Nutnbe.t fs: Sozilat1 sa.te:" cq;cei :t p:cpattl iine Septic totk p-"inped a; filled tilh gtoe linal -,!.4ten cbcue itens ee cc,ryLezed c.d uhen )qclition i; corplete o" st uc- ttse notted ari pra;rtses cl-eanei up. tsLocking otd. Szt-:tP Plunbing connect:lcns '- la)e? qd xaier ETeetrical Ccnnection - Blcckit4' aei-uo attd plunbing eonnections n;;st 'ce Qlr.cred befoi e reques t|ng' elee=rtcal .i,r.spec;iott Accessor; Buiiiirq liral - After Tcrekes, skiz'ving, decks, etc. @e conoieted. ?:1e 1 of ! r i.] S U L A! I C II / I/,d.P C R 3 A P R IE F. I }I S? 3 C ! I A il,: loi;-AA after aLL insulaticn ed required oqot betie?s ee in Pkce bui beflcre ary Lath, gYPsun bcuC or taLL couering ie cpplied, old before aty insulation i.s concealed. SeS l:ls?Eqi1fl: lo be nade afterffi;lcn:il; pricr tc se! up of forne. AND,RSLAB PLUMBIilC. ZL1CTRICAL & MECM.|IICAL: Io be nacie befare any ffi{Tiortered. PC?TtltG ! F0UNDA?IC\:I: lo be rmde AFet trencfes ca.e ezcaoated and farns ate erected, but ptiat to pourir,q ccnc"eta. U!:DIRG?CU|D PLUI4ZII|1? svFR, rt.lT-!.|? DRAI\IAGE: To be nole pra-ot' to i:.1- @Tinches. WDEPILCAR PLUIBI|G 4 i'tiClAt\ICAL : To be naae ptiot to LnsxaLLdtLon ol fl,oor insulctian ot deeking. POST AND BEAl,t: To be nade Priot to ffiffof fToot' insulation ot decking. ROLIGH -DLUIIBITG, .Ii!C?R!?A: d !IEC!!- AilICl.L: No ,o"k 1-s ;o oe cotered' ffiTthese inspections haue beet nade ard. aopt'ouei. DRY\LALL IilSPEClf1lt: Tc be na.de GtaZn@TTis in place, but prior to anY taPing. WSOITEI: Steel Location, bonC dffig?outing or oertiecLs in acccrdove 0ith U,B.c. section ,{coDSTO'n: After instalZaticn is rctrpLexeci. CUF.3 & A?PPCACH AP-oioI: Aftet forns a.e erecxAi but pr)or to Pcltring co?1e?ete. SI1?IALX 4 DRT,TIIAI: Fcr aLL eon- cret;ffiAffi sv?eet right- of-rai;, to \e nuie a,'ter aL! erca' uai':.na can?Letb d forn wrk & cub' base nciet'tal in Place. :ZilC!: L4tet eottPLate '- Pt'ouiCe @G or nouable sectians thtotgh P. U, Z. ALL pro;ect condi=ions, sack as the ins!al^?,at:.on of st?eet ??"-1.,-"ryi;;ion-o;'ie;;ai.;e \-anzsccpirg,'utZ., ,r*"t be satislied ber'ore the ilrLDI::3 EIIAL:en:e rec.aeszed' lIIl.4L tsAfLDIitC: The-Final Build.ing I+tsoection nust be tequested af"zr :ie Final ?Ltnct'ng bl.iiir;""i, atti :tecironicil rrrpu""::ons'ltaue been raace attd aoprouei' ( FIP|PLACE: ncterials ?IIIAL PLUYtsIIIG .OI\IAL i|EC|IAIIICAL a?rtA r tf ENDr?rr Prior to plccir4 and before franting nJnspec- ?RA!!II\C: I,tust be tec.uected after dD-p"oucl of rough plu,-bing, electri' ea1 3 neeiunieal.'ALI rocftrq brarLrq E ehinmzys, etc- m:st be ccngleied. llo acrk is to be cot't- cealed until this insoecticn lns been nade atd aporo"-eci. ,ALL |.TAilECLZS AND CLEA;ICU?S IIUS? 3E ,ICC-SSI3LE, .IDJIJSTII,III lO 9E :I4DE ".? NO CCS? ?O :I:Y T tr n tl Etl ,icb llunber:8a0L/4 3 Refererce iiunbers:L-CCC I: Bedrooms::cne Iot Sq, Ftg. i ci Lct Cooerage l# oy stoni"" Total lteight Iopogt<tphy Building Pe?nrtt State ?otal Clnrges LCT TYPE _ fntez,icz, _ Co?ner _. Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac Value .- Fees - Building Volue & Permit This pemr-t is granted on the etpness eondition that the slull-, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted Sptingfield, ineluding the Zoning Cndinance' regalating otd use of buildings, and may be suspended or teookeC at Tati.on of @tA prcuisions of said )rdinances. sail constraction by the city of the ccnsttwcticn otg ti,ne upon * Souv,ees th DT House Lot Faces - SQ, FlC x Coaoe C*poPt Accessot u ?OIAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c Signed: Date Patd #: Plumbing Permit No pereon slall construct, instalT-, alter ot ehotge cnA nan cr eaisting plwbirq or dtainage systan i,n ulale or in patt, unlese aueh petson ie tlle legal posseasor of a oalid plunb*'s License, escept tlnt a pe"aon tnal do plwnbing oork to p"ope?t'! ulrtch is ourned" Leased or operated bg the appli' eant. fLL CEARGE * I?EM Fi-ztt*es ResLdential (1 bath) Seuer Platnbing Penrtt State Electricol Permit llhere State La,t requires tllat the electrical uotk be done by qn Eleefu,ical Contractor,, the electrical portion of this pernit slnll rot be oalid until the Label has been aigned by the Electrical Contractor. *lotal Nas/Ertend. Circuits Sewice iic *5 Mecho nicol Permit Ech.aLst HooC Vcodstote Vent Fot. Perrtrit fssuance Meelanieal Pefiirit .- ETICROACHI.IEN? -- Secaritu Deposit Slq?age l,fuintenanee Permit Curbc,tt Sideualk Electrtcal Iabel Mobile ltcne TOIAL AM)UllI DUE:*/r(,0 f HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIINED the cornpleted appli.eation for pernrtt, and do hereby cet,tify that aLL info:rnation hereon is true and cbz,rect, and I farther certify that any ard all uork perforned slnll be fune it accot- danee uith the 1rdinanees of the City of SprLngfield, and, the laas of the* State of 0regon pertaining to the uork CeserLbed herein, cnd. that N0 )CCU- P/.NCy D|LL be nwCe of any staucture uithout permission of the Bui,Lding N- oision. I funther cet,tif'g that only contractots ad anplcyees uho are in conpliance u"-th CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proieet Plaiz Esam.iner uate Date i.lain Plan Check Fec: i!ET,I F9E C]lARCE lT DC) /'5.no6i fotal Charoes Fenee CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Departnnent of Publi 225 l.lorth 5th Stree , OREGONc trJorkst BUILDING INSPECTION D]VISIOT{ JOB NUMBER: '.^9B ADDRESS, 6t 6 7'fatPf7al f?r-DArE, .f- 6.- trL TO: NOTE -f 1-z-?c U C 4zr,-a //c a ,4 r,z-{ tD a,1^o-, o ,/,+t,/: Qrrs<cz % *2E a drz &,rern 2rl,-z-*? Eo,t fzztono G) 4o, 3 {/zz r y'fuHz Sa<zlrs Z^z Cr*r4@ e& /oZ i) ru- ,(,tu cy' e r-->R,/t"f rUai- /zr-t4 INFOR},IATIO}I: INSPECTION: INSPECTOF.: 726-3753 7 26-37 69 a8 -:,- CALL FOR. REII{SPECTION dlr(t ,c p' 0ur(/) (/, n4 ,te q A/ o. //tr rs r/ta ,J ('?ct413 - /)