HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1967-06-15CITY OF SPRINGFIELD APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR TRUNK LINE SEWER HOOKUP Application is hereby made by the undersigned property for permission to connect to the following described property to a trunk line selver owned and maintained by the City of Springfield, and I agree to pay such a hookup charge of $3.40 per front foot of the property to be served by such trunk line sewer in lieu fo an assessment against the described property. Property Descr i pt i on:Address: 6500 Thurston Rd. I,/m. and H. l,le lv i n P l att Beginning at a point 40.26 ft. N. from a point which is 1555.61 ft S. and '1039.50 ft. t,J. of the s\^l DLc $92, fron that point going s. 89" 3o' E. 488. 4O ft. N. 58'E. 17.38 ft to the pOB in lot. Then N. 202.83 ft. E. l0O fr S. 140.34 ft. (parallel to road) S. 58' W. 117.92 ft, to the p0B. Amount of front footage: Sewer hookup charge: ($3.40 per front foot) 117.92 Feet $4ot.03 y came before me , a Notary This agreement has been computed as being one-half (*) of the equi-valent cost of an eisht (8) inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rate of $3.40 per abutting front foot and does not include the cost of a houseconnection to said trunk sewer, sewer user chargesr plumbing permits orother such costs to be assumed by the property owner. clTY 0F SPRtNGFtELD, oREG0N PROPERTY OWNERS: By:.{L{ o ln- Dat e q+- *' ^J vJ. t4 r.:. 'lt 0n thir /:Ja c in and for ay of said county and to me personai I he wi thi n i nstr eely and volunt nd and seal thi 19-( 7-, personal Istate, the withiny known to be i den t/ t1 (_. Publ i ?t an vrno execu t ed ecutc(r' the same fr named. WITNESS my ha ,t tical persons decr i bed i n ument, and acknowledged to me that they ex-arily for the uses and purposes therein s day and year Iast above written. My Commission expires: /-\ ;.."-. - --- .- -.' :- . . . I .',/ il - ! l1 i, 3 ilune 19, L967 E. l,lelvLn Platt 6500 Thurton Ro.d .qprlngfield, oregon Detr :.tt. Plrttc Encloted are tuo eoplea of lour nsw lerf,'er @naectlon lgte.EenE dated ilure 15, 1967, ln the emunt of $401.03, a;elgrocd ctty account nurnber S-80. we heve volded the old tgneoent end ered{ted your aecaunt wlth all payrnents ntde on lt, leavlng e balenco of $299.o3. Ttre ragruler pelnnent amount vlll be $42.7Lo plua lnterest, lad you wlll recetve your ttrat bllllng under thla agreanent Ln Decenber. Once egrln I wlah to th.nk you for your coopcrrtlon l,n thts Eatter. Vcry truly liourt, H. L. Teague Fl.nrnce Dlrcctor NLT/cd enelogures (2) ce r Bul.ldlng oeprrtecat C I TY BUI LDI NG Spr I ngfl el d SPRII{GFIELD DEPARTHENT 0regon OF r9rl.g'g Srptrebrr 15, 1965 To the Occupant of: 6500 Thuriton Rord Sprlngfield,0regon GIty 0rdinance No. 1623r Section 3i roQrjlres that 6l I persons meintelning plumbing Lpon property whose heareSt bourrdary I lrre ls wlthirl one hundred and twenty (teot) feet of a public sewer lateral must connectto sald sewer lateral. Yours truly, At the date of thls notice we find that no connectlon for the above address has been made to thenodf ar.."td ser.ler letrr* servlng your area. You are hereby given thirty (30) days from the date of thls noticeto obtain a sewer tap permlt and to connect to the sewer. tn the event that you are not the property owner, please notify thlsoffice, elther by phone or mail, giving us the name and address of thepresent owner. (Phone: 740-lOl4) Furthermore, lf you have secured a seu,er permlt prior to recelpt ofthis notice, please disregard thls order. Dated: Srptcrnbor ll. lt65 Lcr Goldgt mHru,B,(mub Dlrector of Buildlng and Zonlng Act I ng ffiH+ ffiF SEU'ER LI EN AND CONNECTI ON AGREEI'{ENT t$0!I ALL tlEN BY'fHESE PRESENTSI That for and tnconslderatlon of the prorrlslon of a public sewer facility constructed by the Clty of Sprlngfield, a municipal corporation ln Lane Coqlnty, 0regon, for the beneflt of the rea! property hereln descr I bed,we THE L Id Clty a llen upon our; property benefitted and dedcrlbed as follovrs: trglnnlng rt I polnt on thr ar*t llno of thr Drvld ltctlutt Oon.tlon t'rnd Glrlr llo. 7t ii'fm.filp 17 bsgthf Rrngr I tJmt of thr Hlllmrttr t{rrldl1n, ll.rl shrlnr $otlth of thr rcrlhmrt corntr tficrcof , lnd rurnlng thrncr lerth {bn 56t Yrrt 15.t0 chrlnr thancr South 1.0.31 chrlnr to th. e.ntir of lhs county rotd, thmcr rlarg scntcr of r.id aounty rord $outh 8r' ,0r Smt 7.?5 ohrlnt, tl*ncr llorth 58o 00t Crlt 2.0tr chrlnr ti., ttr tru. polnt of b*glrntngr'thon*. tlorth lS0 feot, theacr $outh 58'00t U6t 100 frt, thrner $qrth t56 fct- thoncc llorth 58t 00t Errt 100 frt to thr trur polnt of beglnnlng, rll brlqg tn Sprtngfltld, Lana County, 6rtgon. Amount of llen:340.ffi, Said real prope!.ty descrlbed shall be held as security for the re-payment of the above sum In ten equbl ser:li-annual lnstallments, plus accured lnterest at the rate of €/o frorn the date hereof on the balance of the unpald assessment. The lnitlal pay- rnent cf principal and lnterest wlll be made by the property owner six (0) months from the date of this agreement. It ls fu;-thei. provlded that this llen may be foreclosed as other city-liens ln accordance wlth the provlslons of the Ordinances and Charter of the Clty of Spring- fielci ln the event tirat installment payments Inctudlng interest, are not pald wlthin slx (6)months of thelr due date. This llen has been computed as being one- half (*) of the equivalent cost of an elght (8'lnch lateral sanltary seu,er at the rate of per abuttlhg front foot for 00.0 eet and does not include the cost of se @nnectlon to bald trunlc sewer; sewer user dharges, p I urnb I ng perml ts r) I or othen such costs to be asoumed by the propedty owner. Tlrls lled and agreement to pay the same shall be blnding-upon the underslgned who are the owners of thi real propeity rrereln descrlbed and shall blnd thelr helrs, executors, admlnistrators, assigrrs and successors ln Interest, and until paid, shall be construed to be a covenant running with the land. Dated at Sprlngf leld, Oregon, thi s-day of lg_. $3.40 a hour STATE OF OREGON County of Lane 0n thls -- ) ) ) ltJ 9-, i€r {rhe v personal ly came beforq mer a i ll r / lrI t!'.in narned d ay of i'lqtary Publ lc. ln apd ,,f,or said county stat to me personal lY known to I dent ca persons descr lbed in who execrtt the r.ll th in lnstrument, and acknow ledged to me that they executed the game freely and voluntari ly for the uses and pur poses thereln named. WITNESS my hand and seal thls day. and year last above wrltten. 6C lc 5S on I res