HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-08-04APPLICATION/PERTIIT 225 North ith Street Sprtngfield" Oregon 97477 Building Diuision tl40-6/it,5 "tob Locaticn:ZZ Aesessors Nap # Subdiuision: A,ner:Pe Address: (Oe 2 7 ,,ou.rn ,o," Datc of Applicatian. SPRINGFIEL.D ?elat# I 2142too3@ t/ ftn Dr' uRs Phare: ly'b- 66 26 Spr /D6F/€,LD Oe Add.iticn Deseri.be Hork:R€uouE u?@ uJtpbou), 4ELou\€ FRu)r6dfe*ucz D@A To ub;DauJ spgE, - DO illJoR' sYe,ucruzr+L q+4el6|e - L)A PLOat gtD6 * bo q_@z/*- 4 A)c tqg6 vaue 4 €ooa. RenoCeZ Date CeaeraL PLwrbinc SLeetricaL l.iecizer.ie.zL Consttacticn Lender !.: is lhe tespotzsibility of the De?rnit hol.det' to see that aLf, inspeetions ate nade at the p?o?e? tin., thcrt 2crlft:),Jrsss is vpn;n-^'--:yo\-x!e st?eet, anc tlut the permtt ea*i is Loeated at the frcni of ti'e DtoDertuazuiliir4 il.uiciotz @prou*eci cz'an sicil renain o, ti i";.1ai"i- jii"-'""-i-tt-l;;;'":' ltra^=nr'9r EAD irteb=naJ 'L:1 Jl'iJ;.i,I9II-.W.9!;CALL726-3769(recotder,) stdte your City desigtu.ted. job ru.otber, job ai&ess, t-9=e of insoee=i.cn!2oues;ea and. a::en uou -uiLL be rearig for insocetion, cant?detcrs ci o^me:'s ncne Zni pi"oie nunber.' -p"qr."r, yeleiljei b'e;cre'z:g2 c::LLL oe necie the sane dcy, ?eouesxs ncae cftct, 7:00 G1t vtLL be nnde the ncsx lorkir* cct.. Icut, city Desigr.axed. Job tiunbet, rs: e&S/Z -l s;ti r.'i-.::i: -Jt.. I ezcarlaxt cn, cut - forme. - y!!q.!.qsLAB pLL':.BrirG, lLEcrprc.iL a I r-LvE-1,,1wd-: lO De mAAe DeJOre Anu LlO?K 1,s cODcI,ed.. 1 ro-cy.tnc t rcu;to;rrcn: ?o be npceI aite" x?encnes are eccauate<i and. to be na<ie after prtor to set up of f ii S L' L A.! I O il / Vlt PO R P.4 P P r E R I U S P! CT I C I i : To be nade alxer aLL insulaticn a:d. tequired oapoy berie?s @e in place bat before ory lath, Wpsun bcayC or unLL eoueying is qplied, and before ozy ittsulation is concealed. a pl!!'4LL rilSPlIr1N: Ic be made ait;"-nlT-it@is in plae e, but priot, to cnA taping. MAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or oetticals in accorri.otee Ltith U,B.C. Section tlO)DSfO\lE: Aftet instalLation is ccnpleted. aat,ll TTtntt .-> '.at,=- Sanitaty seuet capoei ct ptopertg Lire Septic totk p;r.cea ard. ,'!Llad tith grc:;et linal - l{het abcte itens are cc:alete,i ard. uhen iertclition is con:>Le:e oo st-r-tute nooeC ane prertses cleanei up.fozmit ote erected., but p io? topourtr.g ccncyet.. PLAMEII]C To 'oe t?enenes. FTilAL PLUI4BIIIC FITIAL I,II'IIAIIICAL FIIIAL ELECARICAL to I u=noFnrtoc.p pru::snc a Ereltafic,at, -) To be narie oricr to insxallation of floor insulation or decking. I p.osr 4t!o atm: To be natie priot, toI Lnstallaxtcn of fLoon insulation or decking. 1 p:Q.t:cJ! _pLU :B r ::c. _ ELEC?!? r CA L S t.tECH - I ArlLAi,: no ,Jo?kz;-;;-;c coL.ez';furtil these inspeetiot:s haue been nade arui apDroted.. I rteepraqti poion to plceir4 faeingI mc.te?ials arul before frorting inspei-tion. ll fnl::fac: Wst be requested aften il) approval of rough plwnbing, electri-cal & neciunical. ALL toofing braei-ng C- chinmcys, ete. rrust beeompLeted. llo uctk is to be eon_. cecled until this inspeett.on las- 'been nad.e anC apptove'd. CURB & APPRCACII APPON: Aftet formsue ereeteC but prior to pour-ing conctete. SIDEWALK & DRI,,Tt'tAy: For aLL con- erete pauing uithin street tight-of-tnA, to be naCe after aLL exea- oating canplete & forn vptk & sub- base rnctertal in place. ?ENCE: hthen conplete -- ProoiCe gates or mooable eeeti.ons thnough P.U.E. l lf l ALL pro,jeet conditions, such as the i.nstallation of st,eet trees, con.oletion of tierequired Lardsccping, ctc., rmlst be satisficd beiore the BUILDIIC FIiAL can be tequested.. PINAL BUILDIN1: The Pinal B_uilding. rnspection zrust be requesteC cftet the Final PlunbingElectrical, od l,leciunical fnspections 'ilplve been nade anti'aoproved.. llcbile licnes Bloeking otd Set-up Pltnbing connections -- ca)e? al. ucaer Eleetrical Ccnnection - Bloekir,z, ae-.-u. and plutnbing connections nast be acptc"*ei beforc requesting eLeclrieal insped=iot Aeeessory- BuilCing Pinal - After pcnekes, skirting, decks,etc. ate eanple'-ed. Pege 1 o! 2 .ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEAI,IOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJAST:!?:II TO 3E llADE I.? I]O .9ST TO CI?Y a 4 tr T tr JOB NO.soLAR ACC SS REQ.-L-CO G* [ot Sq. Ft€. z cf Lct Ccveragc ! of Stories lotal Height !opogrcphy GroJ _ Interior Cormer _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac /Cor-st: \v becrodls: ieat. Ran€c -- Fees -- Lot Faces - Setbacks Df House Caraoe Aecess. I,lo?th East South Hoodstou-e Hest ::t'l Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the erppess eond.ition tlnt the said eonsttwction s_halL, in,a-Zl _respe_c.ts, eonfcrm to the Ordinance edopteC by the City ofSpr.ingfie1.d, ineluding the Zoning Cydinance, negulating th-e ccnstrueticn otd .use of buildings, and may be suspen-ded or r-euokec Lt "-y tine upon vic-latton of any ptcuisions of said Ordinances. TOTAL VALUE I DC-3n^1<- X l'aLuc 2 ae .qa/o.p Euild:r.ng Pezfitt State Surchoae ?otcl Clnnges :esiizntial (i bcth) :cr.itcr-u Seuer Pl,nb::tc Pen:tt State Suteiutae tlt^+.1 fr--n^-- Plan Cheek Date Paid Reeeipt # Signeci: Plumbing Pernrit No person shall consttaet, install, alter or ehange cny neD cr e:istir_g qlwn2irA cr drainage syaten in;,shoie or in part, unlesL such terson is theLegal possessor of a uali<i plumberts Lieens'e, eiceDt tt"a.t a D'e"scn ma! icpLunbing uork to p?oDerty uhich is oumei, Leased ot, operateri. by the "p>it-cant. ;;;r.f jEE I Ci:SECa I J i a:/Eztend. Ciretits 2tlieal Pernit Total Electrico I Perm it i{nere stete Las teouites tizax the eleettical uork be done bu ar lleetyieciconx?aexcr, tite electtieal aortiotz of iizts permit si.,c.Ll nox be t;ali u.x:i-the Label |tas been aignec bit the Eleettical' Contrcciar. -L'j i ft/iechqnic<ll Permit :izast Hood cr.t F@1 codsto;se Penrrlt issuanee Meeianictl Penmt State -- E;]CRCACHI.:'!,IT -. cfao e €"<* I I|AW CAREFULLy IXAULNED tle eom.oleted aoolieation for pernit, cnd dchereby certify that aLL itfo:mati'on heyeon' is true anC ebn eet', 'ani. ffurther eerlif"- that any ard aLL uork penfonned ehal,L be dote ;.n n".on- tiance l,yitlt the Ordinances of the City of Springfietd, and the Lc;s of thcstate of o"egcn pertaininc to the uork cescribcd herein, cnd :igt uc occu- P,r-ilcy uitl bb rm-de of anq st?uetu"e uithout permissiot -oy tn" siitd.Lnc ci-oision. f furthe, eertifi; that only contrac'to"s a;;d enplcyees uho arZ in eonpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projeet s- 4.% tLn ieaaLk 'nae Tatal Cnaracs L bile Hae d .TAL A,'4OU1IT DUE:'/o,z/o Signed Date EnernY Soure"" ?ute 'F-t*tzDfr