HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-09-244 Ct ,t 225 North |th StYeet sry"Lngfield' oregon 97477 Buildtng Ditsision / ZO-O t/ DO Job Locaticn: Assessors Map #c Sttbdioision: Otmer: , Addtess:o ci Additian Ta Lot # Iout, Cifu Desigra.ted Job llunber Is: TNSULATTON,/VAPOR BARRTER NISPEC?ION : Io be naCe after aLL insulattcn a,rd required uqor burie?s @e in place but before ory Lath, Wpsuln bcatC or tnLL cotsez.ing is applied, mrd before oty insulation is concealed. DRYI,IALL fNSPECTI)N: ?c be made aftet aLL CeguaLL is tn place, but prior to any taping. \IASONRI: Steel Loeation, bond Tiffijgrouting ot, uerticals in aceord@rce Ltith U,B.C. Section 2415. CURB & APPRCAQH A?PQN: After fornsd6-;;;;i;AEt yG to pounirq conet ete. SIDEIIALK & DRf'lEllAl: Por aLL can-c";te pAfrAtEn st?eet fight- of-teA, to be nade after aLL erca- oating sonplete & forn Ltoyk & sub- base ttaterLal in place. .. RESIDL- ITIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT SPTINGFTELD ) i TI RemoCel Date of App GenetaL Plwttbi,ng ELectx,ieal Constntction Lender Signedru " q-"1s44 It ia the responsibility of tle permtt hoder to aee that aLL inapections oe nade at the prope? tine, that each addrees is z,eadobi-e fran the at?eet, and tlwt the pernrtt eo:i, id Located at the frcnt of tll.e p"ope?ta.*Sui|ding Dioicion appro"*ed pLan shcll remain on tlte Building Site 'at aLL' dnes.' PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTI)N RE?WST.'CALL726-3769(yeeoydet,) state Aou" City desigrnted job nwiibet,, job aCiress, type of inspee=icn requested and uhen gou uiLL be readg for inspection, Contraeto?s o? A,ners nctne and plnne mtnber. Requests receixed befcte 7:00 st'*il'L be made the sone day, "equeets nade after ?:00 on uLLL be nade the neat aorkin4- day.0685 €IlE INSPEC?ION: Io be made after ezcaoatTon;Et pz"tor tc set ip of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRTCAL & MECH!.IIICAL: To be made before any unrk is eooeted. PCOTfN1 & EOUNDATICN: ?o be naCe;fl;;Eenc6; a";-escao ated and forns ate erected, but prior topow,ing ccnerete. a uNoEncnoulo pr.uaetuc, sgwqp, w.qrtn,J Litq trenches. 71 uao*rr,ooR qLULETNG & MECHANT7AL: flwooDs\o,tE: After instal\.ation isI t of )X) @tnPTetud' floon insul,ation or decking. POS? AND BEAM: To be made priot toinsllmffi;;-of floot' insulZtion or decking. ROUCH PLABING. ELECTRICAL & I,{ECH- ANfCAL: No uotk is to be co.^ered w:til these inspeetions lta-oe been nade and approueC. PLPEPLACE: Prtor to plceir4 facinqma-ter.ials and before franing inepeb-tion. FRA.llfNC: thtst be requested after approual of rough plunbing, electni-cal E nechanieal. ALI roofing btactrq & ehinmeue, etc. rruet- be : conpleted. Ito ucrk ie to be eon-. cealed until thi, inspectLon ltae'been mad.e anC approtted. f rranr pLUMBrtc tf nlet MEIHANTIAL I nlnt ELE:TRTIAL I ALL proieet conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street ttees, conoletton of tierequired Lattdsccping, etc.' mtat be satisfied befote the BAILDINC FilIAL ean be reqtested. ?LNAL BAILDINC: The Final Building Inepection mrct be requested after the Final PlunbingElectrical, anC Mectnrical fnspectiona -ltaoe been mad.e atd'approued. Phone: t4echanicaL DEt!)LrrIOll 0R Satitey seuer eapped at propetfii lire Septic tank p'arped r,td. fi,Lled rrith gratsel linal - llhen abcoe it,ens are ccnpleted and uhen d.aclition is cornplete o! stluc-tt*e moued and. y,etrLses cleaneC up. Le Hcnes Bloeking otd. Set-up Plutnbing eonneetione -- aare? od. uatey Electrical Connection - Bloeki,ng, set-up and, pLtnrbing connections m;st be appz,cued before z,equesting elee!rtcal inspeelion Accessory rui.Lding Piral - After pcr.ches, skirting, decks, etc. ue cornpleted. Page 1 of 2 *ALL I4ANECLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASN{ENT ?O BE I,L4DE /.T IIO CCST TO CIIY V"Lr6{Date: PENCE: Ilhen conplete -- tuouiCe gates ot motsable aectione through nP.u.E. I I 6/qq ffiupsTru Vo/- JOB NO Int Sq. Ptg. % cf Lot Caserage # of Stories Total Eei,ght Topogrqhg IotaL soLARAr SS REQ.-0 r--Lo d Bedtoons LO? TWE _ fntericn _ Cormet _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac PLcn a$anLne?Date I HAW CAREEULLY EXAMINED the eompleted applieation for pennit, and do 7,einty cettify that aLL infortnation hereon ie trwe and correct, and' I furtier ceftZiy that any ard aLL uonk perfor:ted shall be done in accor- 'dance vLth thb- OrilinancLs of the City of Springfield, and th_e La';e of the State of 7regon pertaining to the uotk Ceee?ibed herein' end, tllat N0 9CCU- pdiCy ,itt b"e naZe of ang structute urithout permissi_on of the Building N- uision. f futthen "in"tlig tlnt only contractors md .enplcyees dho @e in canpliance'ulth OnS 701..055 ui.LL be ueed on this project o Lot Faeee -Ene?qu Soi*ees Tu"e Setbacks I!eat DT House Caraqe Access Wate! lleatelNorth East Eireplace South Woodstoue West -- Feea -- ITEM sq. FTc x Value Building Volue & Permit This pernnt is granted on the erp?ess eondition tlat the said-eonsttwetion sltaLl, in all respects, eonform to the 1rdinance adopted 6y the City of Spz,ingfield, inc1,uding the Zoning Crd'i.nance, r'egulating the ccnstracticn and. use of buildLngs, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cnA tine upon oic- lation of GnA prcoisions of said 1rdinances. TOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 1,5 c Building Perwi,t State Date Paid Receipt #: ?otal Clnrges Signed ITEM NO FEE CEARCE Plumbing Perrnit No person slwll constvuct, install, aLter ot eltange dnA ned cr existing plmbing or dtainage sAet6'n in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plutnber's License, eseept that a pe?son nay do pltnbing uork to p?opertA uhi.ch is otmed' Leased on operated by the appli.- cant. Pbtures Resil.ential (1 bath) Seuer Plwbing Pernrit Electricql Permit Were State Lan requires that the electrical uork be done by an Electrical Contnaetor, the eleetrLcal portion of this permit slnll not be ualil until the Lobel lws been signed by the Eleetrieal Contl'acto?. Nas/Ectend. Circuits Setwice Stcte lotal CIIARCE;TIM FEE State 0 Mechonicol Permit Esltanet EooC llcodstooe Vent Fot PermLt Issuance Mechanical Permit -- ENCROA Sec,ritu Dzposit Storage lilaintenance Pe"rti.t AEbc'ut Sideualk Electz,ical Label Mobile ltane TOTAL AMOUN? DUE:'/5 Date httmae- 9TlltS )s'a'1/ lento- rzF/)