HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1966-03-18SE}TER LIEN AND CONNECTION AGREEMENT
KNOIJ A.LL l,lEN BYTHESE PRESENTS: That for and lnconslderation of the provlslon
of a public sewer facllity constructed by the Clty of Sprtngfield, a munlcipal
corporation ln Lane Ccunty, Oregon, for the beneflt of the real property herein
descr I beri,T }J LLS and TH
E L TI{Ethe_p1-icimentof,andgranttosaldCltyalienuponour
property benefitted anci descrlbed as follows: 6197 Thurston Road
Beglnnlng at the N.U. Corner of Section 34, TlTSr R2tl, Ilt{; thence
Uest 42.2 feet along the scctlon llne between Sectlons 28 and 33ln the sald Tornshlp and Renge, to the Wcst llne of the John
HcNutt DLC: thcnce South 890.3 fcet, along the gald Ucst llne,to the center of County Road #474; thence S 89-42 E 1904.5 feet,
along the center of the road; thance South 40.0 fGet to ths N.tl.
Corncr of the grantorrs prope;'ty and the true POB of the hereln
descrlbed parcel; thencc 589-42r, parellel to thc rald County
Road 120.0 feet; thence South 100.0 feet; thence N 89-42 U 120.0fe6t; and thence North 100.0 feet to the true P0B, all belng ins, Lco.
SubJect to a 14.0 fcet wlde publlc utility casomsnt adJaccnt to
and for the full length of tho East line ss dcscrlbed hereln.
Amount of I len:408.00
Said real prope!'ty descrlbed shall be held as securlty for the re-payment of
the above sum ln ten equal seml-annual lnstallrnehts, plus accured lnterest at the rate
of €/o from tlre date hereof on the balance of the unpaid assessment. The lnitial pay-
ment of prlncipal and lnterest wlil be macte by the property owner slx (6) months
from the date of this agreement.
It is fur.ther provlded that thls llen may be foreclosed as other city Ilens ln
accordance with the provislons of the 0rdinances and Charter of the Clty of Spl'in9-
field in the event that installment paynrents lncludlng interest, are not pald
wlthin slx (e) months of their date. Thlg llen has been computed as belng one-
half (*) of the equivalent cost an elght (8") lnch lateral sanltary sewer at the
rate of per abuttlng front foot foi eet and does not include the
cost of se connectlon to bald trunk Sewer, sewer user dhargesr Flumblng permlts
or other such costs to be asauilEd by the proPerty owner.
Thls llen ancl agreement to pay the same shall be blnding upon the underslgned who
are the owner6 of thi real property hereln described and shall bind thelr helrs,
executors, admlnistrators, assigns and successors ln lnterest, and until paid, shall
be construed to be a govenant runnlng wlth the land.
Dated at Sprlngfleld, 0regon, thisJltLday of Harch .t 9__65,__.
a hour
County of Lane
0n thl s_-JjlLday of Harch
perSonS cr ed ln ar:d who execllt t
that they executed the same freely and vol
19 66 _,personal ly came before me, a
to nne personal ly known to be ldentlcal
in instrument, and acknowledged to me
ri ly for the uses and purposes thereln
-,llotary Fubl ic in and for sETd ccun* and state, i:he witirin n amed
uri th
tITNESS my hand and seal thls day and year last above wrltten.--)