HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-12-24" RESIr ;NTIAL" APPLICAIION/PERIE? 225 liot,th Sth Street Sor':,trtfi.eLC, 0regon 97477 Bui'-'L I !. it:i t)iti s ion /,Jl-) :.) ! ,b Loc"t,'..rrr/ ,lsaeesorc llap f sc l's z-2 SPFIINGFIETI' € er OL -trdlJiutctar j.mer: / ,tddtess: / :itg: y'<e) Deecrtbe llork sf,a a, Date of ,lpp Licatian T Date ?cs Iat il !,tcivr:ic:L Cons!rugtipn_le@eL .: ia th;: :'L::::')'tt!iib;1ity of .the penrit ttold.*-to see- that aL'!. inapectiona @e rade at the ptoper tine, that s6;4l1 :,l,hsss lg Ttsasai'.2':cn the r::r,.,,i, c,.-: thct the.pdtnr,t-c_atd, ie. lxated at the frcnt of the Wop*tg:...r'i.r:d pl^ot ahczr rettwin on th2 Buildini stt; at aLL' tiinee.- ,.=rix!ll. ,-r.-:.::..'..JJ9L::S!Esr:CALL726'3769,(teco-rder) state Vour city designd_ted. job nw;tfisv, job ai&eaa, tyge''r!estc!: .:::r :'r:' r: ;iott ;siLL be teady for inspcction, Contract"r" ,i asnere ,1cne bra pUi, ,r*b;.' iq"ii", "Z\"iuba'et Di ...' :'.1 ,:r'r:!:t ?equeEta made aft* ?:00 en vill be nad,e the nxt tntkilg'r^!. of l,nspeoltcn bafee 7:00 r, Iottr City Desigr,ated Job lhnbe:r" fo:?s*//5r l l l l !a!i|u,? ?LU: gr|c, ELE*Rtgci:;i:@ uorr,t zs coueted. fotme ?o be npds :t.sncr:;s Are escAsated And fottns at,e er.ected, but prio? b pour-ittrt acncrcta. FTilAL PLU.'.,!3Ii]G fIIIAL iI'CIIA:IICAL FTNAL EL!CTPICAL I N S ULAT I O 11 / V APO P BARRTE R I IISPECIION :Io be nade a;'ter aLL irtsulati,ctt ctd tequ:-red uqon bcrtete oe in pla,ce but before ory Lath, Wpsw, boatd or tnLL coveting is qplied, od beforcay in"oulation ie collcealed. DRWALL INSPEAI)N: ?c be rmdeafter aLL drywll ie in place, but prior to any taptrtg. l,tASONRl: Steel Locatiott, bnd, beanc, grouting or vetti,ccle in accordove Lttth U.B.C. Secttbn 2415. IIOIDSTO'IE: After install.atbt ia@Tr€flrtH,a:r,s' CURB & APPROACIT APfrtt: Aftet f,onraee erecteC but prior to pouring cortctete, DEI.IOLfiIO!] OR Soital aa;et :agrped zt lire Blocking otd Set-np Pltnbittg eonnectlone -- s6&re! od, r,laio:" Septtc totk V,rped @n fizhd vith gttei Pinal - hS,en cbate dtq.* oe ectr.letcd. and. utlen Cenolition ia catplete bt ctttc-ture noued ord. prenriaee cleaeC tq- after uP of F0uitDArrcil :': 1l{j!L__s s W P,_v A r E R, be miee prior to fil-Lirt: :::'clt:he c. I u-at.i., .::'? !,:.' ;":::G d uEclANrcAL:) To b., ,,::r .;ri-i-tiAGfrL-Giifr of floot' itrsui,ct.ton or tiecking, --'1 Dn(T "' ' , :' , ,,.| .,--- ; .:.-,. ... .u i;c nud.e prlot to_) inst.:.. .:: l-cn r_i iloor insula,tiol ot dnc.iitl.t:: - I 491 .: : .' '.:.::.. . -.t,71 :!!!!AL t MEcit: i ;.;j1..:..: .,: -"!,,: LA tO OC COL,ened tltlt i : Ltr,- tif l tcipecliors ha[e been maCi' ::r:i. t:t:i:, tuei..-.,1 I I{:.'.i :-;, i:rtor to plcsiry faeing) nctL:':.:;.j arc beforc franing inapee- tLot:, I FP;:'.',' :: ttuct be requeated aft* ) cpp:'.:;: of rough plwrbing, eletrl_cal I nc:innical. ALL t:oofittg bracitl I chinncys, etc. iugt be comT--,':ad. )|o tprk ia to be con-cecltti ttntil tltic insoectiom ,us'been naic anC approve'd. Eleetrieal Cottcction - Blaaking, act-u? and, plwnbing coflnections nuet b. apprcued before reque e ting el eolrtcal inzpeo--i,o:r AeccaeoFi BuiT.Cing -.r. i,rb,.uJ'...STDS.I,IALK O UFT',EIIAI :For al,L cott- Crete paii.ng uri6i atreit fegtfJof-txy, to be naCe aftet all ezoa- uating canplete & font wk & sub- fuse tmterial in pLa,ce. I ?inal - After etc. oe coarp' pcrchea, eHrtitq., daol<s, leled. l rt : l ?ENCE: Ilhen conplate -- Prvoid,e gates o" noodble aectione tloongh P.A.E. ALLproiecteondi:iona,suchaetluinstaLLationofa'leattleee,erlolationoftitc' required lanCsccping, cte., ,mtst be eatisfied before the BUILDINC FfiAL can bc rcqte*ed. n FINAL B.urLDrtlG:. The Final Build.ing. rnepection ruat be requeoted after the Final Pl;nlriblttg \J Eleetrical, otC itecharical fnspeetiona l:riloo been nade atd'approuaC. Page I of 2'ALL 'lAt!flCLES AND ctgAnotns tus? BE AC,ESSIELE, ANUSoEIE tO BE ttADE tT ilO CiCt tO CE! //{ru tL.2+1 ^*orr"n1 nu^oant 1 ,,oorr" ,o^o Value | .u' Pt'Lot, To be JOB NO.35/ /s g SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ 4? PE Date Patd: Recaipt fi: Sigted: LAC: e: -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permir This-permit-ia g.ta.nteQ ott the etresa eondition tlwt the s,zli ecnstntctioto-mlt' jn-1tl.nda-pe-c.ts, cottforn to the Mina;ee adoptei 6,:.1 the Ci:y ofsp1'ngfiel!, inc-luding th9 bning cyditwtce, negulcL'ing thb cc,tcttttcticnan..uae o_I- building,, otd may be euspended on reuokei it "r,t tine uoon ui,tatLon of oty prcoisione of eaid Otdinoces. * Building PqftLt State fohl Ouryea Pl;abing ?etnit State nao/M,etd cf,reuits Penrit Mechoioal Permtt fotal Ctobeu! ' llobile tane t Plumbing Permit No peneon aluZl conetmet, inetal!, altet on eltange c,!t t.eL\ cr e:;..stingqlyP,fy ot ciz,ainage oy,_t? in ultoie ot in part, ,,tlec's r,:-:)r';,;r:.:cn ia tlcLegaL pos,essor of a ualid glultbetra li,censb, scc?t th2t a::1.:.srn nay doplw$ing oo,k to p.,ope"ty ilrich ie ouned, laZaea o, oprr,rtf,a'r'i1-itu qp?Li_cait. I Electricol Perm i t m:-S^yt-" ? yqrir"." th.t lP eleotrical uork bt ,Lone b:t ar.: iiectricc-ivunLrec=c:, ;!;e eLectr.ica-L poi.tton of zitis permix si-.ai.L n;c 1,. u.:":: u,:f,:.;the l.abel l'aa been signed fu tne gkbtTicat'Conttacto". Mechonicol Permit Ptan Etan[ne f,MTZ- ! EAF CAngFULLy lXAtiI*ED tle cotpleted, application fot. :crmt,;, cnd. d.oPrl?y certifs that aLL inlonalil-iiiriT;" *rn ai "rr"l".i', la rfunther -certify that ony ard;all t,,rk piijon"a shalt be riote i:.r cc?or,-dance'rith the ,rCinencZ.a of itta citv Li'spninsfi"id', ,^{1,,, !,*.-,,: of thas^*,t^n_ ?t.9.?scn p.crtainins to the -i* a"ilnta"ca t,",,L:),''";;- ri;; ,o occ!.;-rr.flLr ULLL D^e nyde of ql- Btr.uotu:,.e vithant permission of the Sttitding Di_vLalon. I fut,then cett-ilg_-th1l-ottly co*rac'tor.s a:-d ezp'Lcyees-,,ko ore i,catpliance uith ORS ?01,'0-SS oill be-uaed on thia projcc't -"vev 4'rr t, Lot Facea - Setbaqks Df House Cd?aoe Access. North Edsf South ICr TWE _ Intetior _ Cone" _ Panhandle _ Atl-de-eac VaLueruntF2Gx Lot Sq. Pti. Z cf Lct Canrage I of Storiee fotul, lei.Sht fopogtsplly Hest I'bin @aae Cawtt Aeceaootu 10?AL VALUE I.5 ei:s. D.c. I?EbI N0.FEE CHAPCE Fi-sttF3,e Reeid,otthl (1 bath) Sozitarl Seuet llcte? :io. Ree. 9o, fta, Setlrtoe ,tut l NC.IlFF CIIARCE htttzce YIU?S Vent ?or lJcodetofie -/s. oo@ Pettrit :.-'1.!COnS ?:,1'2 1?TIL AT,IXITIT DW:' 4 '/- *nf r rrrry'?at a€r. t*inic)iiie Sill@,talk I I (5.C4 a