HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-10-04Job Iocaticn: Tc,t lot #LAesessote Map i o Subdiuision: Asnet: Addtess: b\drnf Xrutw Descrtbe htotk: Value NeD L] Date of App Lic'aticn Ailditicn RenoCel ltobile Ilcne s #.. RESIDF*TIAL.. Zzs North sfi, s;tonltPPLrcATlu"r P,Rlrlrr SprLngfteld' Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFTELD / f, Date General Plurnbi l.lechanical I Iectr C <t,'r c-t) Srrpervr's El-ec E r c lil n OR Sanitary aeuer capped at property Lire Septic totk p;.nped ard fi.Lled vtth gra:tel Final - hrhen aborte itens are canpleted and uhen Canolition is eontplete o! struc- ture mooed and, pt,emises eleaneC up. Mobi Hcnes Bloeking otd Sat-up Plmbing connections -- aa)e? otd, uater Slectrical Connection - Blocking, eet-up and plwnbing connections mtst be apprcted befot,e requeeting eleclrtcal inspection Aecessory BuilCing Pinal - Aftet, pcrchee, skitting, decks, etc. ate completed. Pqelof2 TNSULA?I1N /VAP1R BARRTER il\SPFCTT)N : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn and required oapot bawiera ane in place but before any Lath, Wpsun boarC or tnLL couering is applied, and before ay iwul.ation is concealed, DRYUALL INSPECII1N: Tc be nade afteF atT6@T'te in place, but prior to any taping. 44LSP!,8!: Steel Locatton, bond 666ilgrouting or oerticals in accordance uLth U,B.C. Section 241 5. WOODSTOVE: @tnpGm. UIP LAP?nAeil A?.?eN: After fornsate eyect;AEtVFlo" to pouting concrete. SIDWALK & DRIVttlAf : For all con- crete paoing uithin stteet right- of-txA, to be nade aftet, aLL eoca- oating sdnplete & forn uotk & sub- fuse raterial in place. It ia the reeponsibility of tla petrrtt hotder to see that aLL inopections ate nade at the pvope! tine, that eceh addrees is realabie fnan tlu street, anl that the penrtt catd is Located at the front of the p"ope"ty.*guilding Nuic')on appto"-ed plan shcll remain on the Building Site at d.LL tines. PROC1DUPE FQR I:tSPEClIry Rgg\t!-rCalU 726-3769(pecord.ey) state Aou" City Cesignated job nuirber,, job aCdreas, type of inspeeticnresue;AffiTlil-1frffiT'Eineady for inspection, Conttaetors oi a*r"rt-rorneLnd plone nwtbet,,- Requests rcceit;bd befcri 7:00 ants'ill be nade th: sone dag, ?equests made aftet ?:00 on u>iLL be nlade the nert rnrking day. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nutnber fs: SIYE INSPE')?I)N: To be nade aften ercao;;lon.: but prtor tc set up of forna. ANDERSLAB -'LUMBING. ELEC?RICAL & @CX$IIICAL: ?o be nade before any .ffi7i-i6'lered. P0)TINC & i:)UNDATICN: ?o be tmCeAfier tren"T;s at,e *catsated and. forns ote ,:rected, but priot, to poun'tng cc,^:erete. UNDSRGROUI]) PLAMBINC. SEVER, II, ?ER.pt{!U{gE: To be made ptiot, to fil-T@'Tiinc;'.ee, ANDERFL)OR PLUI'IBING & MECIIANfCAL:frEffii@o7 floor insu'Lation or. deeking. POST AND B;:4A: To be nade prior toffiTili,iof ftoor insul)tion ot decking. RqUCH PLWsntG. ELE2?RICAL & MECH: ANfCAL: No uork is to be couereduntil thes,; inspections harte been nade and. a;;prooeC. PIPEPI,ACE: Ptiop to plccirq facingnatetials ,:nd before franrtng inepec-tion. ?ilIAL PLUI43ITIG FII,IAL MECILINICAL FINAL ELEC:RICAL Aftet, instaLlation is W!!9: )tust be requested aften appnoual o.' rough plumbing, electpi-q,L E neclL:nieal. AIL toofing btacing E .,hinmeye, etc. mtet be , eonpleted. lto wrk is to be eon- , cealed unt'.L this inspection lne'been trade ttnC approued, !!!98: h4ten conplete -- PtouiCe gate6 or mooable sections through P. A. E. ALL projeet conditions' such as the instaltation of street trees, conpletion of the tequined Landscaping, etc. , rmtst be satisfied befote the BUILDIIIC EINAL can be tequested. YINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection nalt be tequested after the Ftnal PlunbingElectrical, anC Meclnnical fnspections hque been nade ard'approoed. *ALL ILANIICLES AND CLTANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTltttl? TO BE I'\ADE 1? tt) CCST ?O Cry W tu l tr r T SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-c+ Zone: JOB NO.L-CO Bedroome: Sourees P.L IIouse Lot Faces -Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooetaga # of Stories total Eei,ght Iopography LOT ?YPE _ Intez,iot, Corner Panlnndle Cul-de-sac Building Volue & Permit Ihis pernn,t is gr,anted on the etpress eondition tlut the sa:d constrwction slnll', in atl nLspeeti'- "oi1or*'to the lrdinance adopted 6iy the ci'ty 2f Spi.t"gylnn, inotluding- the 1oning Crdinanc_e, regulating the ccnstnteticn o"a ""oL of Lutld.ings, and. mey be suapen-ded ot reuokeC at ct'r:, time upon oic- lation of any prcoisione of eaid 1rdinances. TOTAL VALUE Y Valuer lu * S.D.C. 1.5 c I?EM nb.in Building Pet'nrLt Total Chargee Stute Date Paid: Reeeipt # Signed: Plumbing Permit l,lo Denaon stnll constraet, inetall, altet ot elange cn7 ned cr eri'sting -i1*rtli or drainage syetan in ulal9 or in patt, unless sucL. person is the 7"jit p"o"t"t"on o7"o oLlid pl*,burts Lic-ens-e, esgept that a -pe"son ^oV 40-ptiit;ig uork to property ihi"h i" or,tned, Leaeed or operatei by the appli- eant. CHARGENOFEEITEM Fistutes Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plwtbing Pernit State Electricol Permit We?e State Lan requi?e8 ttnt the elect?ical uork be done by an Eleetrical Contractor, the el)ctuical portion of thi.s permit shaLl not be ualiC until the Label las been signed by the Elnctt'ical Contractor' Neu/Esterd Cireuits Sensiee State ?otal DVD CIIARCEITSMNC. tWruce ETU'S Esl@tst ilood Vent E@t tlcodstoue * Mechq nicql Permit PermLt Issuatee Meclwnicel Pefiit CHMENT -- Seanrlta Depoeit Storage tuhintenance Pemnit Atbcu* Sida,talk Pence Electrical Ia.bel Mobile Home PLan Exaninet' I I2AW CAREEULLy ExAIqINgD the eompleted application fo-r pemit' and' do i";;L; iiiT-tfa-ln"t att- lnlor,utton hereii ts ttae ard correct, and I i;;\i"", Lertiiy that any ard aLL uo.tk perf-ortred alall be done in accot-'iiil,e-dtn tie" ordinai,ci"-oy ite citg bf springfield, .and th_: Lo';s of the site of ,regon p"ot"iiiio to the w;k CeaZ,ibbd herein' crn tlat N0 ,ccu- pANCy tyitl be rmile .f iii' ttn"LiioZ itt o"t permisaion of th'- Building DL' oision. r fu?ther' .eri,i"ft1 that orfly con-t?actore or'd anplcyecs uh'o are in Lipl;on"n'ultt, cns 7il.b;s utLL be- ueed on thie proiect TOTAL AMOIJN? DIIE: *b3 * Ddte -- Fees -- 'fatal- Chan oes State Sutclla?ae uate