HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-03-14#" RESID- ".lTlAL"' APPLICATION/PERI,LIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield' )regon 97477 BuL Lil,ng ul.D1,sLon 7 26-37 53 SPFlINGFTELD p" Date -tL4- GeneraL ELectrical L * &-/-r'"<a-\- - Consimtclion_Lerdet tt ie the respoasibility of tle pet nit hotdet: to see tlnt aLL inspeetiot* ue nade at the prope? tine, that each address is tea.Cab'ie fz,otn tlu street, and that the pet'trLt eatd ie located at the front of the Wope?tA.*euilding Diuision appto"^ed plan shcll remain on the Building Site at aLL times. Mobile Hcnes Bloekin4 and Set-up Plunbing connections -- aate? d aatet Electyical Ccnneetion - Bloekirq, set-up and plutnbing eonnections mtst be apprcted before requesting electrLcal inspectiott Accessor.; Building Pinal - After. pcr:ches, skirting, decks, etc. ate eompleted. Sanitary seaer capped at ProPetfui Lir:e Septic tank pw;;ped and filled urith gz'a;sel Final - hrlten abcue itens are ccmpleted and uhen Cencll tion is eornplete or stt'tic- ture mooed and. prenrises cleaneC up. Job Locaticn: Tc,t Lot #Assessore Map # Svbditsision: Oumer: Ph,one DescrLbe Notk Date of App I,^P-/-U+a-0:ad/ I Additian RemoCel - fll /la-z*- vouu &)oo Page 1 of 2 r afia trenafes are-eacatsated ard. forns ate erected, but pri.or to pourlng ccncreta. UI|]DIRGROUIID PLAMEINC, S9WEP, W,\TER, - T@-iiinchee. UIIDEPFLOAR PLA,ETNG & I4ECHANTCAL : o1 flooz, insulation or decking. P)SI AND BEAM: To be nade pt*iot' to installaticn of floor insulation or decking. ROUCH PLI]I|BIIIG, ELEC?RTCAL & MECH:- ANfCAL: No uoyk is to be cotsered ffi7T-these inspections haoe been nade and approued,. PTPEPLACE: Prion to plaeirq facingnaterials and. before franing inspee- tion. FRALIIIIG: l'tust be requested after apptot;al of rough plwnbing, electri- eal & mechanical. AL! toofing bractrq & ehinrneys, ebc. rrust be cornpleted. llo ucyk is to be eon- . cealed until this inspeetLon has'been made anC apptooed. SI?E fNSPEC?f)N: Io be made aftet, ec;a1r;tC-on, but pr"ior tc set up of UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHAIIICAL: ?o be made before any Gik-li-i6oered. FCOTfNG & E)UNDATfCN: ?o be maCe PLUI4BIIIC FINAL MECHANICAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION/VAPOR BA1]AER ITSIIIILOY DEt.t)Llrr)lt 0R !.i)wi BUTLDiiiGS To be made after aLL insulaticn avvi required oapor botrie?s @e in pl.aee but befcre oty Lath, ggpsum bcatC or tmLL couering is appli.ed, ard. before ang insuLation is conceaLed. DRYWALL fNSPECTIjN: Tc be made dlti?-nTT@uit-t s in place, but prior to anA taping. MAS1NRY: Steel Location, bond dZffilgrouting or oertieals in aecoz,dotee l,lLth U.B.C. Section 241s. WOODSTOI/E: ccmpTetA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACI] APPON:After fonnsue erecteC but prior to pouring cottcy,ete. SIDEWALK & DRr',TWAY: Eor aLL eon- A,etenao@;lffin street right- of-tnA, to be made after aLL eeea- oating conplete & fonn wrk & sub- base matertal in place. IENCE: hlhen conplete -- PvouiCe gates or mooable sections through P,U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the installation of s!:reet trees, conpletion of the required Landscaping, etc., nast be satisfied before the BAILDINC FINAL ean be requested. FINAL BUILDLN?: The Final Building fnspection mtst be requested after the Final Plunbing Electnical, anC MecLnnical fnspections l'taile been nade and approueC.I iA.T,T, I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEII! TO BE IL4DE /,? NO CCST TO CITY of inspec=icn befcre 7:a0 an aq7 job aCiress, type Requests receixed Address: T JOB NO.,/7 soLAR )Ess REe.-r--co C Bedtoons Receipt #: Signed: PLan ErarLnet,Date f HAW CAREFULLY EXAI.IINED t?e eornpleted applieation for pennit, and do herebg eertify that aLL infornation het,eon is true and correct, cnl f furtkez: cettify that any ard. aLL aork performed sVnLL be done in aecot- dance ttth the 1ydinances of the City of SprLngfield, and the Lcas of the State of Aregcn pertaining to the uork described henein, end tlnt N0 OCCU- PANCY ?,vtll be rm.d.e of any structure uithout pernission of the BuiTding Di-uision. I fi*then certifg that only contractors and e:nplcyees uho are in cornpliance ?r1,th ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projeet ,( !1, P. L.House Lot Faces -Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Cotserage # of Stories Total Height lopography LCr rwc _ fntericr _ Cormer _ Panlnrtd.Le CUL-de-sac -- Fees -- ITEM SQ. FTG x Value Building Volue & Permit ?his permLt is granted on the erpress cond.ition that the said consttaetionslnll, i_n all z.espects, conform to the Ondinance adopted 6iy the City ofSprLngfield, incl,uding the Zoning Crdinanee, regulcting thb ccnstrubticn and..use of buildings, urd mag be suspended or reuokeC at c*y time upon oic- La.tion of anA prcuisione of said Ordinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building P*trit Date Paid: Total Charaes NO.FEE t-tlAtitJL Plumbing Perrnit No- person slu_ll eonstyuet, instal!-, alter ot eTnnge anA nel cr eristing qlutnbing ot, dlainage sAstan in uhole or in patt, unless sueh person is- the Legal poseessor of a ualid plunbet's Licensb, eocept that a pbtson nag doplunbing uork to propertA uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the oppli- cant. Fi.ctutes Resid.entia.L (1 bath) Sa,ter Plwnbing Pertr:it State Electricol Permit Wez,e State Lau requires t wt the eleetrical uork be done by an Eleettieal Contyactor, the elec+-z.Lcal portion of this permit shalL not be ualiC untilthe Label \ns been signed by the Electrical Contractor, itn FTT atlA Dau llcodstotse *o Mechonicol Permit Na,t/Eetend. Circuits Seroice State IotaL Erh.anst HooC Vent Eat Pennt t fssuance Meclwnicel Pertntt -. ENCROACUMEN? -- Secarit! Deposit Sto?age Ihintenaree Perwtt Cltrbcut Sideualk Eleettical Label Mobile Horne TOIAL AMOUNT DUE: *#s ao Signed Date hsnace E?U'S /< nn Penee fi^/z