HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1992-09-28SPRINGFIELI) suBt)rvtsloNBLOCK: <)(. l-) oJ "al I p'L_ oge3JOB NUMBER LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK:---- rAX Lor: - *OO1l5 -ASSESSORS MAP: LOT: RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726-3769 Of fice: 726-3759 225 Fif th Street Spri ngf ielcl, Oregon 97 47 7 Qlv-tx 1+b'tZ) tl,l l( )Nl: zlPSIAI"L:: , N^,k^d- CR OWNER: --. orY: ----5P- ADDRESS: - -5-] NEW -_ FIEMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISI1 OTI-IER DESCRIBE WORI(: ELECTRICAL: EXPIRES P}-IONEADDRESS rrrJffi- CONTRACTOR'S NAME. MECHANICAL: CONSI. CONTHACIOI] # GENERAL: PLUMBING FLOOD PLAIN: -_ ZONING CODE: --.# OF BDRMS: - -. - SECONDARY HEAI: SOUAI]E FOOIAGE:WATER HEATER: /i OF STORIES:HEAT SOURCt.: QUAD AREA: CONSTR.TYf']E: --. s OF UNITS: - -,- - OFFICE USE _ LAND USE: RANGE: - OCCY GROUP: - -- To request an inspection, you must call 726-376g. This is a 24 hour recording. All inspections requested before /:oo a.m. will be rnade the same working day, inspectlons requested after 7:00 a.m. will be nracle tlrc [r')llowirlg work day' REOUIRED INSPECTIONS l-l Temporary Electric ll Rough Mechanical - Prior to cover.l-l Final Plunrbing - Wtren all plurrrbing work is cotnPlete. Site lnspection - To be made after excavation, but Prior to setting forms. Rough Eleclrical - Prior to t_ _l Final Electrical - Wlren all electrical work is cornPlete.cover. Underslab Plumbing/ Electrical / Mechanical - Prior to cover. Electrical Service - Must bt: approved to obtairr Permanont electrical powcr. Final Mecharrical .- When all mechanical work is comPlete. Fooling - After trenches are excavated.Fireplace - Prior 1o facing rnaterials ancl f ratning lnsP' Final Building - When all required inspections have been approved and building is colnpleted.Masonry - Steel location, bond beams, groutin-q.Framing - Ptior to covcr, Foundation - After forms are erected but Prior to concrete placement. [] otner Wall/Ceilinl; lrrsulation - [)tiot tcr cover. Underground Plumbilrg - Prior to f illing trench.f-l Drywall - Prior to taning MOBTLE HOME INSPECTIONS Underlloor Plumbing/ Mechanical - Prior to insulation or decking.Wood Stove - Af tcr irtstall;tliott Posl and Beam - Prior to floor insulation or decking. t_J Blocking and Set'UP - Wlten all blocking ls cornPlete.lnserl - Af ter {ircplace approval and installation of unit. Ftoor lnsulation - Prior to decki ng.Curbcut & APProach - A{ter forms are erected but Prior to placement of concrete. L]Plumbing Connections - Wlten home has been connected to water and sewer. Sanitary Sewer - Prior to f illing trench.I'-'l Electrical Conneclion - WhenU blocking, set'uP, and Plurnbing inspections have been aPProved and the home is connected to the service panel. Siclewalk & DrivewaY - A{ter excavation is comPlete, {<.rrtns and sub-base material in Placr-'. Water Line - Prior to filling trench. [*-] Fence - Wlren conrPleted Final - After all required inspections are aPProved and porchcs, skirting, clecks, and venting have been installed.Slreel Trees - Wherr all reqtlir'r(l trees are Planted. Rough Plumbing - Prior to cover. Qs r I Storm Sewer - Prior to filling trench. tl E E E tf n E l.ot flir:t::; L()t s(1. ltg. [-ot oovcra!]e Iir pog r:i J>Ity Total height I trt ly|,,r / . lnt{:r r,,l , Corrtrrr . Pattllrttcile C) tr l -<l r:':;:tc flcltrrr;ks CAR l.t ISJ', ,: PROPOSED WORK IN THE IlIS'TOFIICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? =-_,- lf yes, this application must be signed and approved by the Historical Coordinator prior to perlnit issuance. APPROVT-:D: S t: BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is granted on the express condition thilt the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Orrjinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Developrnent Cocle, regulating the conslruction ancJ use of buildings, and may be suspended or revol<ed at any lirne upon viol.rtion of any provisions of said ordinances. DalcPlarns [leviewecl By Plan Check Fee: Date Paid Flccei pt Number: Rccoived Ry: VALUE (A) x $/so. l''T. PERMIT SO. FT. BUILDING ITEM Main Garage Carport Total Value Bullding Permit Fee State Surcharge Total Fee Systems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properties withln the City limits which are being improved. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Residential Bath(s) Sanitary Sewt--r Water Storm Sewer Mobile Home PERMIT FEE NU t'T. FT, (c) PLUMBING ITEM Fixtu res Plumbing Perrrtit state surcharge Total Charge Wood Stove/ lnsert / Fireplace Unit Dryer Vent (D) N0Vent Fan Meclranical Pertnit I SSU anC(j Slate Surcllar0r-. Total Permit l_E-o_o_ laoo_ _?ses"5 MECHANICAL PERM!T Fu rnace Exhaust Hoo(,By signature, I state and agree, that I have caref ully examined the completed application and clo hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I f urther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance wlth the Ordinances of the City of Springf ield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described hcrein, ancl that NO OCCUPANCY will l-:e made of any structure without permission of the Building Safety Division. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this proiect. I f urther agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front Signature Date tr tion. roved set of plarns will renrainpro pe r ly,of tlre on the MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Motrile l-lotrre State lssuance State Surcltarge Sidewalk .. ft Curbcrrt -, ft f)cmolitiorr State., Surclratl;t: Total Miscellaneous Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrit:irl) teS-?S VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBER -DATE PAID b1)b 912\LqL AMOUNT RECEIVED 2q ,s FIECL,IVED BY.-,(A, R, C, D, ;rncl E Cotrtbined)\AE AC(jt:lSE f-T.- OREGO'UOF S'"IIN(;FtELT' 225 FIFTB STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 INSPECTI0N REQUESTT 726-3769 OFPICE: 726-3759 1 LOCATION OF INSTALI^ATION1'1L< V"lu, uee ELBCTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION SCEEDULB BELOV A. Nev Residential-Single or HuIti-FamiIy per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dr.,elling Service or Feeder $ 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 B. Services or Feeders Insta}lation, Alterations or Relocation: D. Branch Circuits New, Alteration or Extension Per Pane} t s 3s.oo W -[he ZQlt 0b t- ,., i' ,- '4 ir.rthorized r7ffrybj'-{if IF1 PTI JOB DES(N,IPTION f,-'tl>i;' t\iJ.tw*t{ Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vlthin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALT.ATION ONIY Electrical Contrac r.or D l]Kt N ?IEIPI(_ Address 34 l40 F) ciry f. Vhe[e-. Phone Sum ) Supervisor License Ndmber eh+S 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps _601 amps to 1000 amps_ Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -0ver 401 to 600 amps _Over 600 amps or 1000 volt $ s0.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 Expiration oate [0 :]-qL Constr Contr. Number q4 Expiration Date fJ-'7b -q' ) Signature of Supervising Electrician Ovners Address c $ 40.00 $ ss.00 $ 80.00 s see rrBrr citv &A.Ld*'Phone One Ci rcui t Each Additional aEove ML,#J'irr;*o*Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit 7 $ 2.00 The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. 0wners Signature: DATE: RECEIPT *: E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Out1ine Lighting- Limi ted Energy/Res Limi ted Energy/Comm SUBTOTAL OP ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL $ 40.00 $ 40.00 s 20.00 s 36.00 5 RECBIVED BY: .L ae\ city Job *u v", ?30'/4-1 -, 1 -;12 4) oT/ 25 AdditbEl lEIorution bY lf yc. who will iautigte E onl oa bccl q DO NOT STITE IN TTIIS SPACE CONTROL ExPNO. NO Districr of lncident ! INCIDENTADDRESS s OCCUPANTIiAME(I.gI. { BUSINESSOWNERNAME Fint. 5 OWNERNAME (IaLFiEL MI) 6 FIRE REPOFTED B1' (ksL Firt Telephone Direa ALARM fl M*iapda"-s"",. El Privae .llam Slstem 8#PERSONNEL RESPONDED 9 TYPEOFSITUATIONFOUNDE/s**r* :.= ;'.- -_ _ I._ '^ -_'-...., S T ATE.-O{''OREC9N FIRE B3 PORT STATE FIRE I\I,TRSEAL Radio Verical 911 (Tie Line) Voie Sigal Mui Alam D No.ch-n "'d E NotClareifiedAbove E oto rl.i"tt E McterStruDevia E NotClasifiedAbove FIRE DEPT ALARM NO, Bclow lwel Not Clasified ;7 a:rl :- -i t'l .it ttEE i> ;7 (n:+! EE Ut> - o ? r E r a F,r a a€ nC = tn z El v"irid. ri- n Bruh.Grus.taue E t*l.R ubirt i0 E otuo w/nlue OF S€lf-Ertin3uished D(TI}IGUiSHMENT fl Male-shnaids 1I FD(EDPROPERTI'USE f] AmruticExt.Svm EfP--*oom h*lml onll 4, to 19 {dt to 29 fet 30 to,!9 fet 50 to 70 fEt 5 to 6 storiE 7 b 12 storieG Hud-laid hore/hydnnl E@dpip€Undeamined E] PortableErtiaguisber E] P--mnnuhwAlrdnnlstandpip€ l5 I 19 I 20" 1 6 Fbme rEl2D3E1D :E?E E EQUIPMENT D.IvOL\IED INIGNMON 13 IGNITION OP Gndebvelm9fet '6 veLUE t.oss OFSTORIES 18 BUII,DING Yan) TYPE E st*ta OFDAMAGECONFINED TO: The objcr. of origin Paa of mo or au of origin Roo of origir Fir-mtcd omp. olorigia Floor of qigia Strucun oforidn Ertended bcvond rtructrre of onsi; 10 m Ovs 70 f€t 13 ro 2{ sto.i6 25 to {9 5O emrie or oore Undctrmined Not Ctrarified Above 3 tp 4 mries He4 Timber Protact. St&l Prctet- Mebry EtL & Wood lnt. UnprctatMmnryEn,& Prctccted Wood Fme Smolre 1E2E3E 4f,]5E6E,E 9E9 No &uge of the t)?e (N/A) o 22 Follm Ilvct[rrioa Reguctcd Pin Servie 2{ Mcober Y- N Dept. Responding ARRIVALTIME t"t 4a TIMEBACX IN SER\'ICE30 ao ALARM T'II\{E t1 3')lqq > YEdR E sun ( uun Tuc Wed Fri Thur El s"r*DAY OF nEEtiMO /^V/ DAY 1-\.r* ISO CLASS3q'tfxZIP CENSUS TRACT t 8Cz 7'{L - t 31/ TELEPHONEDOB loptionc.l) TELEPHONEDOB (optionEl)ADDRESS DOB (optional)TELEPHONEADDRESS Sa-*e- TELEPHONEDOB (optional)ADDRESS E Roiu"a E ci'"o EI x,',c, Mutual ol 4I OTHEB VEHICLES RESPONDED ido Dot ilclude PA's) I OF AERIAL APPARAT!'S RESPONDEDi OF ENGL\IES RESPONDED 2) E RcmovedHazrd E stnaay E sa""g. E not Ctasueo TAKE},i fi hvetigation MOBII,E PROPERT\' (Complee line M)PROPERTI' COMPIJIi (U applieble) SERT^L ' LICEr-SE *MODEL1EAR SERIAL *VOLTAGEMAKE ITEM IIRST IGNITED:flRST IGNTIED WAS MADE OP .00 .00CoDteDts .00 Vehicle ud Contents .00Buildiag.m .00 .00oo.00 .00 .00 50,000-99999 sq ,r 5O0,000 rq ft10,00G19999 sq ft fr RftE o-ggg ft 1000-{999 sq ftBUILDING SIz.F (Gmd Flr Only) I 3 0 6 D tru D DF EguipEEtopcEt d Eguip. sbould have oper.-did not &uip. prwnt frrc te soall to oper. Not classifpd above Undetmined or oot reponed Noeguipootpleat (N/A) SprinLleaContrclledAre: YES D NO E I of Hsdr Opeued trEtr tr D tr tr D tr I ID mD of origiD-oper. 2 NotiDmEoforigiD<pa. 3 ln m of origir -Dot oper-fu te EqEll { Not i! @ of origiD-not oper. fr tm euall 5 Ir mo of origin-nor oper. po*er dimuect 6 Not i! r of origir-not oper. poecr dimn. 7 In mm of origia-not opc!. dad bettrry 8 Notin mm of origir-Dotops. dadbGtttry 9 No d"t dor plwnt D ro Urdtt"*i."d DETECTOR Nubcr otherFire Deh b-)>4 )€tl.- Title A;o,- DstTit,IE { "tr l-u' EQLIPMENT II.JVOLVED I}i IGNTfION (CoEpie LiDe E) /Dt<rn:;aj-- A.r-- e-O TUODEL TfEAR V